152 research outputs found

    Aristotle's Moral Absolutes: A Preliminary Look

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    In the Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle introduces his Doctrine of the Mean, where he argues that virtue is the mean between two extremes, the mean between excess and deficiency. However, Aristotle mentions actions whose wrongness does not seem to be explained in terms of excess and deficiency; rather, it seems that these actions are always wrong, regardless of whether they are excessive, deficient, or neither. Among such actions Aristotle mentions moicheia, androphonia, and klopê (usually translated "adultery," "theft," and "murder"). Thus, with such actions the main questions become, first, what, according to Aristotle, explains the wrongness of these actions, and second, what makes it the case that they are always wrong. With these questions in mind, I will take moicheia as a test case to come up with an account that can answer these questions. In order to build this account, I make use of an objection leveled by Rosalind Hursthouse against the Doctrine of the Mean and of Howard Curzer's response to this objection. Though I claim Curzer's account fails, I make use of Curzer's work in another context in order to respond to Hursthouse's objection. Ultimately, I will claim that the wrongness of actions like moicheia can be satisfactorily explained as failures of the virtue of justice in which the agent goes beyond what properly belongs to her, beyond her proper share. However, in order for this account to succeed, I must get clearer about what resources Aristotle might have to specify what properly belongs to an agent, or what makes for one's "proper share." This can be done by looking deeper at Aristotle's theory of justice. Making use of the work of Richard Kraut, I claim that the concept of proper share involves Aristotle's ideas of nomoi (laws), and the common good. Ultimately though, what will allow us to make sense of prohibitions against acts like moicheia being absolute will be Aristotle's claim that certain laws are based on phusis ("nature"). In the last analysis, it is Aristotle's concept of phusis as it relates to human beings that will be central to his account of absolute moral prohibitions

    Método Pólya en la resolución de "problemas de regularidad, equivalencia y cambio” en estudiantes de primaria, IE 163, UGEL 05 – 2019.

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar la influencia del método Pólya en la resolución de problemas de regularidad equivalencia y cambio en estudiantes de quinto grado de primaria, IE 163, UGEL 05 – 2019. La investigación fue de diseño cuasi experimental con una muestra de dos grupos, uno de control con 34 estudiantes y el otro grupo experimental de 34 estudiantes, muestra elegida por conveniencia a quienes se aplicó un pre test y posteriormente mediante un programa se desarrolló el método Pólya para observar el efecto en la resolución de problemas de regularidad equivalencia y cambio. Finalmente, se aplicó el post test en ambos grupos. Según los resultados obtenidos en la investigación se concluyó que la aplicación del método Pólya influye significativamente en la resolución de problemas de regularidad equivalencia y cambio, conforme la aplicación del Test U de Mann-Whitney con un p valor de 0,000<0,05. En tal sentido, se recomienda su aplicación en toda la institución educativa y en otras, en vista que en el grupo experimental se evidenció diferencias entre los resultados obtenidos con el grupo control después de aplicar la prueba de pre-pos test

    Bases del comportamiento delictivo en internos de un establecimiento penitenciario de Lima Metropolitana – 2022

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    En estos tiempos modernos, se ha acrecentado la delincuencia, resultando actualmente una de las mayores preocupaciones en distintos países, afectando el normal desarrollo económico y social de sus habitantes. El objetivo general de la presente investigación fue el analizar las bases del comportamiento delictivo para establecer Políticas Públicas adecuadas con resultados. Se empleó la siguiente metodología: El tipo de investigación es básica, de diseño fenomenológico y hermenéutico. La técnica empleada fue la entrevista y el instrumento empleado fue la entrevista semiestructurada, los participantes fueron cuatro internos de un establecimiento penitenciario de Lima Metropolitana. La conclusión principal fue que el comportamiento delictivo tiene bases biológicas y socioculturales, por lo que su abordaje debe ser multifactorial, enfatizando en la personalidad como un constructo donde confluyen las condiciones materiales de vida, la jerarquía de valores aprendida socialmente, los modelos de conducta que las familias proyectan sobre sus miembros, el acceso a la educación humanista y científica, la asistencia del Estado para afrontar problemas sociales crónicos, entre otros. Mientras que la única respuesta posible a la delincuencia solo tenga una orientación punitiva por parte del Estado y la sociedad, los resultados posiblemente seguirán siendo insatisfactorios

    How Community Colleges in Texas Prioritize Resources for Latino Men

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    This study explored how administrators at community colleges conceptualized change related to resource allocation and managing competing priorities to support targeted programming for Latino men. The study included the perspectives of 39 administrators from seven community colleges across Texas using concepts associated with institutional change to ground our analysis. Findings revealed that state and national initiatives, particularly those concerned with enhancing success for students of color, influenced how community college administrators approached change on their campuses. In addition, community college institutional mission, leadership, and a desire for data-informed resource management influenced the approach to resource allocation for Latino men

    Prevalence and molecular typing of rotavirus in children with acute diarrhoea in Northeastern Colombia

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    After the introduction of the rotavirus vaccine, the number of rotavirus-associated deaths and the predicted annual rotavirus detection rate had slightly declined worldwide. Taking in account that in Colombia, Rotarix vaccine was introduced in 2009, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the presence of rotavirus A in children under five years who were treated for acute diarrhoea in Bucaramanga, Colombia and, moreover, to determine the genotypes of rotavirus present in those children. We performed an analytical cross-sectional study of rotavirus A in faecal samples from children up to five years of age. Stool samples were screened for rotavirus A using a lateral-flow immunochromatographic assay and confirmed using a VP6 sandwich ELISA. Genotyping of rotavirus A-positive samples was performed by PCR and sequencing of VP7 and VP4 genes. The overall prevalence of rotavirus was 30.53% (95% confidence interval [CI] 21.2 - 39.7). Most of the children with rotavirus (86.2%) had received two doses of the rotavirus vaccine. G3 strains accounted for the vast majority of cases (82.8%), followed by G12 strains (13.8%) and G3/G9 coinfections (3.4%). Among the P genotypes, P[8] was the most prevalent (69%), followed by P[9] (31%). The most common G[P] genotype combination was G3P[8], followed by G3P[9]. The main finding in this study was that rotavirus, in a Colombian region, is still an important pathogen in children under five years old, previously vaccinated. The results showed that different factors, such as kindergarten attendance, could explain the epidemiology and transmission of rotavirus in Bucaramanga

    Latino Men and their Fathers: Exploring How Community Cultural Wealth Influences their Community College Success

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    Academic scholarship has demonstrated the importance of father engagement in fostering early educational success of their children, but little exploration in this area has focused on the role that fathers play in the college success of their Latino male sons. The purpose of this qualitative study was to understand the role of fathers in the educational success of Latino men attending community colleges. Using community cultural wealth as a lens for this study, the experiences of 130 Latino men at community colleges in Texas were highlighted. Results demonstrated how fathers provided support, consejos (advice), and encouragement to their sons. Nonetheless, fathers also expected their sons to work and contribute to the family finances. These complications influenced the way in which Latino men viewed the college-going process and interacted with their fathers

    Mujeres Supporting: How Female Family Members Influence the Educational Success of Latino Males in Postsecondary Education

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    The purpose of this multi-institutional qualitative study was to understand the educational pathways of Latino males by underscoring the unique role female family members play in their academic pursuits—through the voice of these young men. Findings demonstrate female family members were identified as being primary supporters of their educational pursuits, and actively leveraged different sources of cultural capital to help Latino males enroll and persist through postsecondary education. This study reinforces extant literature on the importance of family in the educational pathways of Latina/o students. Furthermore, it makes a unique contribution by highlighting the important role female family members hold in the Latino family as educational advocate

    Nutrition, Health, and Wellness at La Escuelita: A Community-Driven Effort Toward Food and Environmental Justice

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    This article introduces La Escuelita, an after-school health literacy program for youth and families that currently meets in a community center one mile from a port of entry into El Paso, Texas. Through weekly activities that include mediums like art, community-based mapping, and collaborative cooking, participants at La Escuelita interrogate notions of health, wellness, and nutrition and engage in discussions about food and environmental justice. Through their discussion of this community-based project, the authors argue that food and environmental justice efforts should center community- knowledge, asset-based frameworks, and reciprocal learning

    Modeling of GRBAS perceptual evaluation using spectral features obtained from an auditory-based filterbank.

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    Perceptual voice evaluation according to the GRBAS scale is modelled using a linear combination of acoustic parameters calculated after a filter-bank analysis of the recorded voice signals. Modelling results indicate that for breathiness and asthenia more than 55% of the variance of perceptual rates can be explained by such a model, with only 4 latent variables. Moreover, the greatest part of the explained variance can be attributed to only one or two latent variables similarly weighted by all 5 listeners involved in the experiment. Correlation factors between actual rates and model predictions around 0.6 are obtained