11 research outputs found

    Exploring the Relationship Among Foreign Direct Investment, Technology Transfer and Economic Growth: A Case of the Lower Northern Region in Thailand

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    Purpose: This article aimed to examine factors determining Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) leading to technology transfer on economic growth in Thailand and to study policies related to foreign investment promotion.   Theoretical framework: The target variables were formed to set up a model specification to estimate the relationship between determinants in terms of technology transfer, FDI, and economic growth of Thailand.   Design/Methodology/Approach: The research scope covered and explored the relevant dataset of each expected variable from 1995 – 2021 and some target companies enquired in 2021. The secondary data included FDI at regional level, Gross provincial products (GPP), the number of establishment enterprises in the province and others.   Findings: The major factors determined FDI included the number of labour, the number of establishments, consumer price index, the value of investment and the number of internet users. These determinants  had significant relationship with the GPP. Most entrepreneurs confirmed that technology transfer affected the investment decision.     Research, practical & social implications: The researchers indicated that there was significant relationship among the GPP and other independent variables ;for instance, the number of labour, the number of establishments, the FDI, and the number of internet users. The government plans reflected the investment mechanism and extensively stimulated the region’s development.   Originality/Value: The value of this research confirmed that technology adopted  increased productivity in the production processes. The government created the investment promotion through the infrastructure and facilities which would support the area-based regional development.

    The Relationship Between Resource and Capability Effects on the Exporter's Competitive Advantage: Thai Canned and Processed Seafood Exporters

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    A competitive advantage emerges when change occurs within an organization or industry environment. Generating superior business returns above competitors is the means to achieve such a competitive advantage. This research empirically examined and placed emphasis on the importance of a firm’s resources and the capabilities of the organization in relation to the firm’s competitive advantage. A total of 156 Thai canned and processed seafood exporters were invited to participate in the study. A questionnaire survey was conducted collecting a sample which obtained data from 48 respondents, namely managers or leading team members in canned and seafood exporter companies. Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) was used to test the hypotheses. The overall findings indicated that resource-related variables are the most important explanatory variables regarding the competitive advantage of export companies. However, there are strong interactive effects between the two variable-sets, resources and capability. The results reveal that it is recommended to build resources, in order to be effective in developing superior business returns; this should be followed by developing capabilities

    The Influence of Innovativeness on Revisit Intention: The Mediating Role of Word-of-Mouth in Augmented Reality for Tourism in Thailand

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    Purpose:  This study aims to identify the motivational factors that encourage travelers to adopt augmented reality (AR) applications when exploring tourism destinations and to investigate the mediating effects of personal word-of-mouth (WOM) on the relationships between innovativeness and revisit intention outcomes among travelers.   Theoretical framework:  This study developed a conceptual framework that determines travelers’ inclination to use AR applications at tourism destinations, based on three primary variables: Innovativeness, Word-of-Mouth and Revisit Intention.   Design/methodology/approach:  A sample size of 430 was collected through an online self-administered survey. The proposed model was subjected to analysis using the structural equation modeling to examine the mediator effect of Word-of-Mouth.   Findings:  The results of the study indicate that service innovation and technology innovation have a significant and direct impact on travelers' WOM communication regarding their intention to revisit tourist destinations that offer AR applications. The revisit intention towards AR-based tourism applications is indirectly influenced by service innovation as mediated by WOM.   Research, Practical & Social implications:  This current study enhances comprehension of the determinants that drive tourists to utilize AR applications at tourism destinations by integrating established theoretical frameworks and adapting them to the specific context of tourism.   Originality/value:  As prior studies focused on the post-experience aspects of AR adoption, the motivations of travelers to reconsider their intention to use ART in Thailand remained unclear. Insufficient comprehension of tourists' inclination to revisit and utilize AR in Thailand’s tourism destinations may result in the failure of these destinations to attract new or returning visitors, ultimately leading to a decline in revenue

    Augmented Reality Technology Adoption in Tourism Using Structural Equation Model

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    Purpose:  Less attention has been given to the barriers that prevent consumers from using augmented reality in tourism (ART). Therefore, this research objective to propose a model that examines a study adopting innovativeness (i.e., service innovation and technology innovation) to use ART as the mediating role of attitude and word of mouth (WOM) in Thailand’s tourism industry.   Theoretical framework:  To identify individual characteristics that influence the use of augmented reality in tourism (ART), despite the technology's growing popularity in the country. We propose a conceptual model derived from studies on innovativeness, attitude, WOM and intention to use (ART).   Design/Methodology/Approach: A total of 551 responses were considered for research analyses. Both confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses (CFA and EFA) were employed during the preliminary stages of the development of the measurement model. The significant impact that innovativeness has on ART in Thailand was subsequently identified through the use of the structural equation modeling (SEM).   Findings: The findings of this study provide the tourism sector with recommendations for developing facilities that allow tourists to utilize ART. This study also lays the groundwork for future research, as the use of augmented reality (AR) has become an increasingly valuable tool for travelers.  Furthermore, ART developers can use the outcomes of this research to design and implement this service effectively and promote user adoption.    Research, practical & social implications: This study has outlined the primary indicators that encourage travelers to utilize AR-based applications. Travelers engage in a more dynamic and enhanced tourism activities if ART is utilized in a way that enhances their enjoyment of the city and stimulates their desire to explore new places. This study demonstrated that utilitarian motivation has the greatest effect on travelers’ attitudes toward AR applications.   Originality/Value:  To create a digital tourism experience in Thailand. This relatively new technology is a unique application that goes beyond the use of mobile devices to access relevant ART applications. It also has the potential to function as an AI tour guide that helps consumers save money without sacrificing the quality of their travel experience.

    Knowledge Management at Higher Educational Institutes in Bangladesh: The case study of self-assessed processes of two educational Institutions

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    Knowledge Management of higher education is correlated to self-assessment process .This can act as a well-thought-out groundwork for effective decisions and work plan relating to quality assurance at Bangladesh. The research was created on secondary sources and presents qualitative research. Department of Accounting and Information System of Jagannath University (JU), Bangladesh and Department of Pharmacy, Dhaka International University (DIU). In command of progress and ensure excellence in Advancement of Educational Institutions are obligatory to be more receptive to the global varying requirements of both types of internal and external stakeholders as observed by the authors. University Grants Commission (UGC), Bangladesh should come forward with ranking system of journal rankings   to improve quality of research as observed by the authors. Employability skill among the students with originality and inventive nature is being required. For selecting teachers, in the circular of public universities they should refrain from advertising that private university passed students cannot apply as suggested by the authors. Authors’   recommended that  the country need to shape own branding through formulating National educational qualification framework from preprimary to Tertiary level of education with an appropriate connection and evaluation     not following mainly Malaysia but also developed nations need to be prepared

    The survey of lean implementation maturity level of hospitals in Thailand : does the hospital type matter?

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to survey the lean implementation maturity level of the hospitals in Thailand and explore the differences across hospital types on lean implementation maturity level. Method: The survey questionnaire was developed from existing literature based on lean practices, lean performances and lean organizational culture, validated by three experts. Data were collected from staff with an experience in hospital lean quality improvement from 160 hospitals in Thailand. Descriptive statistics and T-tests were used to analyze the differences across hospital types on lean implementation maturity level. Results: Most hospitals in Thailand implemented lean at a medium maturity level (33.75%). The regional, non-Health Ministry and private hospitals had higher levels of lean implementation maturity than the general and community hospitals. The regional hospitals had the highest mean scores in all domains but significantly differed in the total mean score and lean activity domain compared with the community hospitals. Conclusion: The regional hospitals, tertiary care units with more speciality, resources and capacity, implemented lean at a higher maturity than other hospital types. Significantly the difference to community hospitals with limited resources, staff and capacity. Further study on the difference across hospital size and hospital capacity on lean implementation should be investigated

    A study on material requirement project implementation in Thai automotive organizations

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    ln response to ever-increasing regional and global competition, automotive manufacturing companies in Thailand are looking to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their operations through the adoption of sophisticated manufacturing planning and control systems in general, and Material Requirements Planning (MRP) systems in particular. Despite its growing popularity, an in-depth review of the academic literature has revealed no systematic studies of how, and how successfully, Thai automotive manufacturers have managed to implement MRP in practice. Indeed, there appears to be general dearth of studies of this kind, at least as far as newly-industrialising countries are concerned. This study begins this paper by presenting a brief literature review on MRP implementation, first in advanced industrial economies and then – as far as the evidence allows – in newly-industrialising countries. The major part of the paper concerns our empirical investigation of the way in which MRP systems are being implemented in Thai automotive manufacturing companies. The investigation is based on a major questionnaire survey of about 120 companies, of which about 67 companies are currently using some kind of MRP system. In addition to more general questions on the nature of the companies concerned and the production processes used, the survey posed specific questions on the (actual or expected) costs and benefits to be obtained from MRP, as well as the implementation process used. The findings from the survey suggest that MRP implementation in Thai automotive companies is relatively similar to implementation in manufacturing companies in the newly industrialised countries; however, there are some dissimilarities to MRP implementation in Western countries

    Data-Driven Insights in Higher Education: Exploring the Synergy of Big Data Analytics and Mobile Applications

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    This study explores the potential for transformation that may be achieved via the use of big data analytics and mobile apps in the context of higher education, specifically emphasizing the role of data-driven decision-making. Within the contemporary educational landscape, characterized by the increasing impact of digital technology and mobile devices, institutions of higher education are actively investigating innovative strategies. That enhances effectiveness, customizes learning experiences to suit individual students, and develops overall student accomplishments. The main objective of this research is to examine the effects of incorporating big data analytics and mobile applications into the decision-making capacities of higher education establishments. The PRISMA Statement was used to guide the selection and exclusion of records using the RStudio Biblioshiny approach for data analysis. A comprehensive review of the existing scholarly works, identification of groupings, and study of citation trends within the field. The results and findings illustrate the inherent importance of “big data,” “cloud computing,” “mobile computing,” and “higher education” in the field of research, underscoring their crucial role in data-driven decision-making. Furthermore, the study underscores the significant impact of contemporary technology on administrative processes, personalized learning, and scholastic attainment. This research provides a great addition to the academic field by presenting insightful findings on the substantial influence of big data analytics and mobile applications on the evolution of higher education. This study emphasizes the need to adopt data-driven insights to successfully navigate the ever-changing landscape of higher education


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    Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a significant role in the nation’s economic development process. SMEs provide job opportunities, create wealth, promote modernization and contribute to technological changes. The Asia-Pacific Region is foreseen to be the next economic boom. A comparison of SMEs in Bangladesh, Thailand and the Philippines on their SMEs Landscape, Banking sector, Non-Banking sector and Capital Markets would give a picture of which strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats these countries face. The time period of the study is from August 2016 to January 2017. Based on the secondary sources of data, the research was conducted to examine real scenarios. The study aimed at getting information whether each country would have any benchmark to attain the best practices. The study found that SMEs credit and repayment schemes in these countries need to be gradually improved. Through proper utilization of SMEs, these countries can alleviate poverty and attain economic progress. Unfortunately, the informal sector of these countries is playing a large role. It should be transformed to formal sector by financial inclusion. This can be achieved by setting up SMEs in the formal sector .The creation of employment along with poverty reduction in the formal sector will enhance economic growth as well as fulfill the basic needs and create empowerment of people. Community banking is suggested to be introduced for accumulating micro-savings and allocating, distributing setting up SMEs in the formal sector through micro investment under the umbrella of community banking. Further, under the regional cooperation flagship of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) Bangladesh and Thailand may work in collaborative manner in the SMEs sector. The Philippines may join the regional body of BIMSTEC and collaborate with SMEs at the regional level. This may lead to achieve some goals of sustainable development goals (SDGs). SMEs can work more rigorously for lower income group people to improve their living standard. The further research on these three countries can consider primary sources of data to find out the way to implement community bank for transforming micro savings to micro investment for removing income inequality, disparity and attaining social justice