40 research outputs found

    L'idioma modern a la reforma

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    Els consells escolars de centre. (Breu apuntament i algunes reflexions)

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    Williams, Florence (2017). The nature fix: Why nature makes us happier, healthier, and more creative. Nova York: W. W. Norton Company

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    Obra ressenyada: Florence WILLIAMS, The nature fix: Why nature makes us happier, healthier, and more creative. Nova York: W. W. Norton Company, 2017

    La dimensió espacial de la mobilitat quotidiana

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    Guillem Vich ha analitzat en la seva tesi doctoral els factors explicatius del comportament espacial (a diferents escales) de les persones que viuen en un context metropolità, en el cas de la Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona. Es planteja doncs si, a part de l'expansió de les àrees metropolitanes i el conseqüent augment de distàncies a recórrer, altres factors com les característiques de l'entorn construït, els processos cognitius i les característiques individuals de les persones també influeixen en la utilització de l'espai.Guillem Vich ha analizado en su tesis doctoral los factores explicativos del comportamiento espacial (a diferentes escalas) de las personas que viven en un contexto metropolitano, en el caso de la Región Metropolitana de Barcelona. Se plantea si, aparte de la expansión de las áreas metropolitanas y el consecuente aumento de distancias a recorrer, otros factores como las características del entorno construido, los procesos cognitivos y las características individuales de las personas también influyen en la utilización del espacio

    Green streetscape and walking : exploring active mobility patterns in dense and compact cities

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552document de l'ICTA Al postprint no apareix informació de subvenció, però a la versió publicada diu això: This research was carried out within the framework of the research project: "Movilidad cotidiana activa y saludable en entornos urbanos de proximidad. Enfoques multimetodologicos: tracking living labs, encuestas de movilidad y estudios cualitativos" funded by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Subdirección General de Proyectos de Investigación (Ref: CSO2016-74904-R). No sé si ho he codificat bé... gra'cies!Being physically active in natural environments has been linked with multiple mental and physical health benefits. However, not all urban contexts can provide their residents the same access to green areas for walking and sport activities. Mediterranean cities provide open spaces for physical activity that differ from those of Northern European cities. This study explores both conventional spaces in the form of public parks and urban green spaces, i.e. beaches, tree-lined streets, boulevards and public squares, in relation to the daily walking levels of residents in a Mediterranean city, such as Barcelona by presenting findings based on examining and assessing spatio-temporal exposure levels measured with the help of smartphones and publicly available GIS layers. To achieve this, both exposure and daily walking time were measured from GIS and GPS-based smartphone tracking data for 127 adult individuals from Barcelona, Spain. Based on these measurements, it was determined that the presence of large-scale open spaces for physical activity, such as beaches or large parks in the participants' daily walking routes, proved to have the highest association with daily walking time. Also, underexplored forms of nature, such as street trees were also positively correlated with individual walking levels. Additionally, small-scale public spaces, such as public squares and boulevards, indicated a considerably negative association with walking time. The findings from this study confirm existing evidence on the health benefits of urban greenness and broaden the analytical focus on the role and impact of green space provision on physical health. Altogether, street trees and the presence of both blue and traditional green spaces proved to be significant factors of increased walking levels

    La Formació Professional a Mallorca

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    Physical activity benefits of attending a senior center depend largely on age and gender: a study using GPS and accelerometry data

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    Background Senior centers offer important opportunities for physical activity and social interaction. Seniors who visit a senior center regularly can gain physical activity from transportation and from specific activities offered within the senior center. However, there is very little knowledge regarding the specific physical activity gains obtained from regular visits to senior centers, and no effort has been made to use device-based measures of physical activity to test the potential physical activity benefits of attending a senior center. Methods To fill this gap, the present study examined the physical activity patterns of 227 seniors living in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area in Spain. Using GPS and Accelerometer 7-day tracking data, and GIS measures we assessed the light physical activity and moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity (MVPA) benefits of attending the senior center on a weekly and daily basis. Results Seniors who attended a senior center at least once a week did not accumulate significantly more daily physical activity (211.6 min; 95% CI 196.6; 226.6) than seniors without any visit 215.9 min; 95% CI 202.7; 229). However, on a day-to-day basis, it was found that visiting a senior center had positive effects in physical activity and was associated with less sedentary time among younger participants in general (− 18.2 daily min 95% CI − 33.2;-3.3 p = 0.016) and among older female participants in particular (− 19.7 daily min 95% CI -21.06;-18.5 p = 0.011). Conclusions The benefits of attending senior centers in terms of physical activity should not be viewed as universal, but rather as contingent to the demographics of the user, and the type of activity that the visit is replacing