155 research outputs found


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    Background: In a view of sex work being a sexual behavioural activity, the main objective of our research was to explore the sexuality of sex workers in Serbia regarding to intensity of their sexual arousability. Subjects and methods: The research was conducted on 30 sex workers and 30 controls of randomly selected social and demographic characteristics, without any signs of psychiatric morbidity. For the evaluation of the intensity of sexual arousability, SAI (Sexual Arousability Index) questionnaire was used. Results: The analysis of the main total scores of the SAI for the sex workers and control participants showed no statistically significant difference in the overall intensity of arousability (p>0.05). However, item by item analysis of the questionnaire showed qualitative difference in sexuality between sex workers and controls, related to certain aspects of sexuality. Conclusions: These findings allow the space for further research in the way of identifying origins of qualitative issues in the sexual profile of sex workers, in correlation to women who are not sex workers, i.e. whether they had been result of potential biological, specific psychodynamic factors, or have been formed as a result of the direct influence of the sex work

    The Lateral Habenula Circuitry: Reward Processing and Cognitive Control

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    There has been a growing interest in understanding the role of the lateral habenula (LHb) in reward processing, affect regulation, and goal-directed behaviors. The LHb gets major inputs from the habenula-projecting globus pallidus and the mPFC, sending its efferents to the dopaminergic VTA and SNc, serotonergic dorsal raphe nuclei, and the GABAergic rostromedial tegmental nucleus. Recent studies have made advances in our understanding of the LHb circuit organization, yet the precise mechanisms of its involvement in complex behaviors are largely unknown. To begin to address this unresolved question, we present here emerging cross-species perspectives with a goal to provide a more refined understanding of the role of the LHb circuits in reward and cognition. We begin by highlighting recent findings from rodent experiments using optogenetics, electrophysiology, molecular, pharmacology, and tracing techniques that reveal diverse neural phenotypes in the LHb circuits that may underlie previously undescribed behavioral functions. We then discuss results from electrophysiological studies in macaques that suggest that the LHb cooperates with the anterior cingulate cortex to monitor action outcomes and signal behavioral adjustment. Finally, we provide an integrated summary of cross-species findings and discuss how further research on the connectivity, neural signaling, and physiology of the LHb circuits can deepen our understanding of the role of the LHb in normal and maladaptive behaviors associated with mental illnesses and drug abuse

    Apigenin-7-O-glucoside versus apigenin

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    Bioactive potential of apigenin derivative apigenin-7-O-glucoside related to its antifungal activity on Candida spp. and cytotoxic effect on colon cancer cells was studied and compared with bioactive potential of apigenin. Antifungal activity was tested on 14 different isolates of Candida spp. using membrane permeability assay, measuring inhibition of reactive oxidative species and inhibition of CYP51 C. albicans enzyme. Cytotoxic potential of apigenin-7-O-glucoside was tested on colon cancer HCT116 cells by measuring cell viability, apoptosis rate and apoptosis- and colon cancer-related gene expression. Obtained results indicated considerable antifungal activity of apigenin-7-O-glucoside towards all Candida isolates. Breakdown of C. albicans plasma membrane was achieved upon treatment with apigenin-7-O-glucoside for shorter period of time then with apigenin. Reduction of intra- and extracellular reactive oxidative species was achieved with minimum inhibitory concentrations of both compounds, suggesting that reactive oxidative species inhibition could be a mechanism of antifungal action. None of the compounds exhibited binding affinity to C. albicans CYP51 protein. Besides, apigenin-7-O-glucoside was more effective compared to apigenin in reduction of cell’s viability and induction of cell death of HCT116 cells. Treatment with both compounds resulted in chromatin condensation, apoptotic bodies formation and apoptotic genes expression in HCT116 cells, but the apigenin-7-O-glucoside required a lower concentration to achieve the same effect. Compounds apigenin-7-O-glucoside and apigenin displayed prominent antifungal potential and cytotoxic effect on HCT116 cells. However, our results showed that apigenin-7-O-glucoside has more potent activity compared to apigenin in all assays that we used

    Oncogenic activity of SOX1 in glioblastoma

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    Glioblastoma remains the most common and deadliest type of brain tumor and contains a population of self-renewing, highly tumorigenic glioma stem cells (GSCs), which contributes to tumor initiation and treatment resistance. Developmental programs participating in tissue development and homeostasis re-emerge in GSCs, supporting the development and progression of glioblastoma. SOX1 plays an important role in neural development and neural progenitor pool maintenance. Its impact on glioblastoma remains largely unknown. In this study, we have found that high levels of SOX1 observed in a subset of patients correlate with lower overall survival. At the cellular level, SOX1 expression is elevated in patient-derived GSCs and it is also higher in oncosphere culture compared to differentiation conditions in conventional glioblastoma cell lines. Moreover, genetic inhibition of SOX1 in patient-derived GSCs and conventional cell lines decreases self-renewal and proliferative capacity in vitro and tumor initiation and growth in vivo. Contrarily, SOX1 over-expression moderately promotes self-renewal and proliferation in GSCs. These functions seem to be independent of its activity as Wnt/beta-catenin signaling regulator. In summary, these results identify a functional role for SOX1 in regulating glioma cell heterogeneity and plasticity, and suggest SOX1 as a potential target in the GSC population in glioblastoma

    Validation of a rapid, non-radioactive method to quantify internalisation of G-protein coupled receptors

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    Agonist exposure can cause internalisation of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), which may be a part of desensitisation but also of cellular signaling. Previous methods to study internalisation have been tedious or only poorly quantitative. Therefore, we have developed and validated a quantitative method using a sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) receptor as a model. Because of a lack of suitable binding studies, it has been difficult to study S1P receptor internalisation. Using a N-terminal HisG-tag, S1P1 receptors on the cell membrane can be visualised via immunocytochemistry with a specific anti-HisG antibody. S1P-induced internalisation was concentration dependent and was quantified using a microplate reader, detecting either absorbance, a fluorescent or luminescent signal, depending on the antibodies used. Among those, the fluorescence detection method was the most convenient to use. The relative ease of this method makes it suitable to measure a large number of data points, e.g. to compare the potency and efficacy of receptor ligands

    CART Peptide Is a Potential Endogenous Antioxidant and Preferentially Localized in Mitochondria

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    The multifunctional neuropeptide Cocaine and Amphetamine Regulated Transcript (CART) is secreted from hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal gland and pancreas. It also can be found in circulatory system. This feature suggests a general role for CART in different cells. In the present study, we demonstrate that CART protects mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), cellular proteins and lipids against the oxidative action of hydrogen peroxide, a widely used oxidant. Using cis-parinaric acid as a sensitive reporting probe for peroxidation in membranes, and a lipid-soluble azo initiator of peroxyl radicals, 2,2β€²-Azobis(2,4-dimethylvaleronitrile) we found that CART is an antioxidant. Furthermore, we found that CART localized to mitochondria in cultured cells and mouse brain neuronal cells. More importantly, pretreatment with CART by systemic injection protects against a mouse oxidative stress model, which mimics the main features of Parkinson's disease. Given the unique molecular structure and biological features of CART, we conclude that CART is an antioxidant peptide (or antioxidant hormone). We further propose that it may have strong therapeutic properties for human diseases in which oxidative stress is strongly involved such as Parkinson's disease

    Inhibitory Role of Inducible cAMP Early Repressor (ICER) in Methamphetamine-Induced Locomotor Sensitization

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    BACKGROUND: The inducible cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) early repressor (ICER) is highly expressed in the central nervous system and functions as a repressor of cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) transcription. The present study sought to clarify the role of ICER in the effects of methamphetamine (METH). METHODS AND FINDINGS: We tested METH-induced locomotor sensitization in wildtype mice, ICER knockout mice, and ICER I-overexpressing mice. Both ICER wildtype mice and knockout mice displayed increased locomotor activity after continuous injections of METH. However, ICER knockout mice displayed a tendency toward higher locomotor activity compared with wildtype mice, although no significant difference was observed between the two genotypes. Moreover, compared with wildtype mice, ICER I-overexpressing mice displayed a significant decrease in METH-induced locomotor sensitization. Furthermore, Western blot analysis and quantitative real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction demonstrated that ICER overexpression abolished the METH-induced increase in CREB expression and repressed cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) and prodynorphin (Pdyn) expression in mice. The decreased CART and Pdyn mRNA expression levels in vivo may underlie the inhibitory role of ICER in METH-induced locomotor sensitization. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that ICER plays an inhibitory role in METH-induced locomotor sensitization

    Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modeling of the D2 and 5-HT2A Receptor Occupancy of Risperidone and Paliperidone in Rats

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    A pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) model was developed to describe the time course of brain concentration and dopamine D-2 and serotonin 5-HT2A receptor occupancy (RO) of the atypical antipsychotic drugs risperidone and paliperidone in rats. A population approach was utilized to describe the PK-PD of risperidone and paliperidone using plasma and brain concentrations and D-2 and 5-HT2A RO data. A previously published physiology- and mechanism-based (PBPKPD) model describing brain concentrations and D-2 receptor binding in the striatum was expanded to include metabolite kinetics, active efflux from brain, and binding to 5-HT2A receptors in the frontal cortex. A two-compartment model best fit to the plasma PK profile of risperidone and paliperidone. The expanded PBPKPD model described brain concentrations and D-2 and 5-HT2A RO well. Inclusion of binding to 5-HT2A receptors was necessary to describe observed brain-to-plasma ratios accurately. Simulations showed that receptor affinity strongly influences brain-to-plasma ratio pattern. Binding to both D-2 and 5-HT2A receptors influences brain distribution of risperidone and paliperidone. This may stem from their high affinity for D-2 and 5-HT2A receptors. Receptor affinities and brain-to-plasma ratios may need to be considered before choosing the best PK-PD model for centrally active drugs
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