263 research outputs found

    The woman after the border: three stories and one goal

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    El proyecto radiofónico ‘La Mujer Tras La Frontera: Tres Historias y Una Meta’ narra en tres capítulos la historia de tres mujeres que representan la vida de miles de migrantes llegadas a España desde la década de los noventa hasta la actualidad. Ellas (Teresa, Omayma y Natalia) ponen voz a las mujeres que ya no tienen, a las que no llegaron. También a la injusticia social, al racismo, al machismo que campó a sus anchas por la España de comienzos de este siglo. Hablan de sus múltiples problemas. Pero sobre todo de la importancia del deporte en sus vidas. Exactamente del baloncesto, fútbol y balonmano. Son tres historias deportivas de racismos y machismos. De personas a personas.The radio project 'The Woman behind the Border: Three Stories and One Goal' tells in three chapters the story of three women who represent the lives of thousands of migrants who have arrived in Spain since the nineties to the present. They (Teresa, Omayma and Natalia) give voice to the women they no longer have, to whom not arrived. Also to the social injustice, to racism, to the discrimination against women that dominated at ease for the Spain of the 2000. They speak of much, and well. But above all they explain the importance of sport in their lives. Concretely of basketball, football and handball. Here there are three sports stories of racism and discrimination against woman, from people to people

    Endoscopic diverticulectomy with platelet-rich plasma of intraluminal duodenal diverticulum

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    Background: Procedure-related bleeding remains a common complication after endoscopic diverticulectomy of intraluminal duodenal diverticulum (IDD). The optimal endoscopic approach to IDD has not been established. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has proven biological properties to reduce risk of bleeding. Materials and Methods: The authors describe a novel technique in which endoscopic diverticulectomy was performed with prior submucosal injection of PRP (IRB approval PT-16-002). Case Report: A 62-year-old woman with a large IDD like a “windsock” underwent endoscopic diverticulectomy with PRP obtained from a sample of patient’s blood. IDD was resected with EMR technique using a standard polypectomy snare. No immediate or delayed bleeding was noted. Follow-up endoscopy 3 months later revealed complete mucosal healing and open communication to the distal duodenum. Conclusion: Endoscopic diverticulectomy with PRP is an option in patients with IDDMedicin

    Radar cross section of stacked circular microstrip patches on anisotropic and chiral substrates

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    Galerkin's method in the Hankel transform domain (HTD) is applied to the determination of the radar cross section (RCS) of stacked circular microstrip patches fabricated on a two-layered substrate which may be made of a uniaxial anisotropic dielectric, a magnetized ferrite or a chiral material. Concerning the case of stacked patches printed on magnetized ferrites, the results show that substantial RCS reduction can be achieved inside the tunable frequency band where magnetostatic mode propagation is allowed. It is also shown that both the frequency and the level of the RCS peaks obtained for circular patches fabricated on anisotropic dielectrics or chiral materials may be substantially different from those obtained when substrate anisotropy or substrate chirality are ignored.Centro de Investigación Científicas y Tecnológicas TIC98-063

    El empadronamiento de extranjeros irregulares en España. ¿Problema o solución?

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    Es de vital importancia tener una regulación acorde a la actualidad, ya que, tal y como conocemos hoy en día el fenómeno migratorio en muchos casos está desbordando las previsiones de países enteros por la entrada masiva y sin control de personas extranjeras, que no pertenecen a los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea y tampoco al espacio Schengen. Cuando un inmigrante decide residir en nuestro país, cobra especial relevancia la figura del empadronamiento, objeto de estudio de este trabajo fin de grado, debido a las consecuencias negativas o positivas que le puede generar

    Evaluation of the radar cross section of circular microstrip patches on anisotropic and chiral substrates

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    Galerkin's method in the Hankel transform domain (HTD) is applied to the determination of the radar cross section (RCS) of a circular microstrip patch printed on a substrate which may be an uniaxial anisotropic dielectric, a magnetized ferrite, or a chiral material. The results obtained for circular patches on magnetized ferrites show that the RCS of these patches can be substantially reduced in a tunable frequency band when a bias magnetic field is applied. It is also shown that the results obtained for the RCS of circular patches printed on chiral materials can be substantially different from those obtained when substrate chirality is ignored

    Determination of the radar cross section of stacked circular microstrip patches

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    Galerkin's method in the Hankel transform domain (HTD) was used to determine the radar cross section (RCS) of stacked circular microstrip patches. Numerical results show that the RCS values of a pair of stacked circular patches may be very different from those obtained for one patch in the absence of the other patch

    Elementos de historia universal

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    El rey cabalga : leyenda en cinco romances

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    Obra dedicada al ilustre señor Marqués de Cáceres.Copia digital. España : Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 202