1,028 research outputs found

    Self-consistent models of cuspy triaxial galaxies with dark matter haloes

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    We have constructed realistic, self-consistent models of triaxial elliptical galaxies embedded in triaxial dark matter haloes. We examined three different models for the shape of the dark matter halo: (i) the same axis ratios as the luminous matter (0.7:0.86:1); (ii) a more prolate shape (0.5:0.66:1); (iii) a more oblate shape (0.7:0.93:1). The models were obtained by means of the standard orbital superposition technique introduced by Schwarzschild. Self-consistent solutions were found in each of the three cases. Chaotic orbits were found to be important in all of the models,and their presence was shown to imply a possible slow evolution of the shapes of the haloes. Our results demonstrate for the first time that triaxial dark matter haloes can co-exist with triaxial galaxies.Comment: Latex paper based on the AASTEX format, 20 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables. Paper submitted to Ap

    Quantum dynamics and entanglement of a 1D Fermi gas released from a trap

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    We investigate the entanglement properties of the nonequilibrium dynamics of one-dimensional noninteracting Fermi gases released from a trap. The gas of N particles is initially in the ground state within hard-wall or harmonic traps, then it expands after dropping the trap. We compute the time dependence of the von Neumann and Renyi entanglement entropies and the particle fluctuations of spatial intervals around the original trap, in the limit of a large number N of particles. The results for these observables apply to one-dimensional gases of impenetrable bosons as well. We identify different dynamical regimes at small and large times, depending also on the initial condition, whether it is that of a hard-wall or harmonic trap. In particular, we analytically show that the expansion from hard-wall traps is characterized by the asymptotic small-time behavior S≈(1/3)ln⁥(1/t)S \approx (1/3)\ln(1/t) of the von Neumann entanglement entropy, and the relation S≈π2V/3S\approx \pi^2 V/3 where V is the particle variance, which are analogous to the equilibrium behaviors whose leading logarithms are essentially determined by the corresponding conformal field theory with central charge c=1c=1. The time dependence of the entanglement entropy of extended regions during the expansion from harmonic traps shows the remarkable property that it can be expressed as a global time-dependent rescaling of the space dependence of the initial equilibrium entanglement entropy.Comment: 19 pages, 18 fig

    Are the deficits in navigational abilities present in the Williams syndrome related to deficits in the backward inhibition?

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    Williams syndrome (WS) is associated with a distinct profile of relatively proficient skills within the verbal domain compared to the severe impairment of visuo-spatial processing. Abnormalities in executive functions and deficits in planning ability and spatial working memory have been described. However, to date little is known about the influence of executive function deficits on navigational abilities in WS. This study aimed at analyzing in WS individuals a specific executive function, the backward inhibition (BI) that allows individuals to flexibly adapt to continuously changing environments. A group of WS individuals and a mental age- and gender-matched group of typically developing children were subjected to three task-switching experiments requiring visuospatial or verbal material to be processed. Results showed that WS individuals exhibited clear BI deficits during visuospatial task-switching paradigms and normal BI effect during verbal task-switching paradigm. Overall, the present results suggest that the BI involvement in updating environment representations during navigation may influence WS navigational abilitie

    Second-order and Fluctuation-induced First-order Phase Transitions with Functional Renormalization Group Equations

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    We investigate phase transitions in scalar field theories using the functional renormalization group (RG) equation. We analyze a system with U(2)xU(2) symmetry, in which there is a parameter λ2\lambda_2 that controls the strength of the first-order phase transition driven by fluctuations. In the limit of \lambda_2\to0,theU(2)xU(2)theoryisreducedtoanO(8)scalartheorythatexhibitsasecond−orderphasetransitioninthreedimensions.Wedevelopanewinsightfortheunderstandingofthefluctuation−inducedfirst−orderphasetransitionasasmoothcontinuationfromthestandardRGflowintheO(8)system.InourviewfromtheRGflowdiagramoncouplingparameterspace,theregionthatfavorsthefirst−ordertransitionemergesfromtheunphysicalregiontothephysicaloneasλ2increasesfromzero.WegivethisinterpretationbasedontheTaylorexpansionofthefunctionalRGequationsuptothefourthorderintermsofthefield,whichencompassesthe, the U(2)xU(2) theory is reduced to an O(8) scalar theory that exhibits a second-order phase transition in three dimensions. We develop a new insight for the understanding of the fluctuation-induced first-order phase transition as a smooth continuation from the standard RG flow in the O(8) system. In our view from the RG flow diagram on coupling parameter space, the region that favors the first-order transition emerges from the unphysical region to the physical one as \lambda_2 increases from zero. We give this interpretation based on the Taylor expansion of the functional RG equations up to the fourth order in terms of the field, which encompasses the \epsilon$-expansion results. We compare results from the expansion and from the full numerical calculation and find that the fourth-order expansion is only of qualitative use and that the sixth-order expansion improves the quantitative agreement.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, major revision; discussions on O(N) models reduced, a summary section added after Introduction, references added; to appear in PR

    Dissipative dynamics at first-order quantum transitions

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    We investigate the effects of dissipation on the quantum dynamics of many-body systems at quantum transitions, especially considering those of the first order. This issue is studied within the paradigmatic one-dimensional quantum Ising model. We analyze the out-of-equilibrium dynamics arising from quenches of the Hamiltonian parameters and dissipative mechanisms modeled by a Lindblad master equation, with either local or global spin operators acting as dissipative operators. Analogously to what happens at continuous quantum transitions, we observe a regime where the system develops a nontrivial dynamic scaling behavior, which is realized when the dissipation parameter u (globally controlling the decay rate of the dissipation within the Lindblad framework) scales as the energy difference Δ of the lowest levels of the Hamiltonian, i.e., u∌Δ. However, unlike continuous quantum transitions where Δ is power-law suppressed, at first-order quantum transitions Δ is exponentially suppressed with increasing the system size (provided the boundary conditions do not favor any particular phase)

    Corrections to scaling in multicomponent polymer solutions

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    We calculate the correction-to-scaling exponent ωT\omega_T that characterizes the approach to the scaling limit in multicomponent polymer solutions. A direct Monte Carlo determination of ωT\omega_T in a system of interacting self-avoiding walks gives ωT=0.415(20)\omega_T = 0.415(20). A field-theory analysis based on five- and six-loop perturbative series leads to ωT=0.41(4)\omega_T = 0.41(4). We also verify the renormalization-group predictions for the scaling behavior close to the ideal-mixing point.Comment: 21 page

    Static and dynamic structure factors in three-dimensional randomly diluted Ising models

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    We consider the three-dimensional randomly diluted Ising model and study the critical behavior of the static and dynamic spin-spin correlation functions (static and dynamic structure factors) at the paramagnetic-ferromagnetic transition in the high-temperature phase. We consider a purely relaxational dynamics without conservation laws, the so-called model A. We present Monte Carlo simulations and perturbative field-theoretical calculations. While the critical behavior of the static structure factor is quite similar to that occurring in pure Ising systems, the dynamic structure factor shows a substantially different critical behavior. In particular, the dynamic correlation function shows a large-time decay rate which is momentum independent. This effect is not related to the presence of the Griffiths tail, which is expected to be irrelevant in the critical limit, but rather to the breaking of translational invariance, which occurs for any sample and which, at the critical point, is not recovered even after the disorder average.Comment: 43 page

    Chiral symmetry restoration, eigenvalue density of Dirac operator and axial U(1) anomaly at finite temperature

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    We reconsider constraints on the eigenvalue density of the Dirac operator in the chiral symmetric phase of 2 flavor QCD at finite temperature. To avoid possible ultra-violet(UV) divergences, we work on a lattice, employing the overlap Dirac operator, which ensures the exact "chiral" symmetry at finite lattice spacings. Studying multi-point correlation functions in various channels and taking their thermodynamical limit (and then taking the chiral limit), we obtain stronger constraints than those found in the previous studies: both the eigenvalue density at the origin and its first and second derivatives vanish in the chiral limit of 2 flavor QCD. In addition we show that the axial U(1) anomaly becomes invisible in susceptibilities of scalar and pseudo scalar mesons, suggesting that the 2nd order chiral phase transition with the O(4) scaling is not realized in 2 flavor QCD. Possible lattice artifacts when non-chiral lattice Dirac operator is employed are briefly discussed.Comment: 39 pages, 1 figure(2 eps files), a version published in PR

    Overcoming inertia : drivers of the outsourcing process

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    Almost all managers have directly or indirectly been involved in the practice of outsourcing in recent years. But as they know, outsourcing is not straightforward. Outsourcing inertia, when companies are slow to adapt to changing circumstances that accommodate higher outsourcing levels, may undermine a firm’s performance. This article investigates the presence of outsourcing inertia and the factors that help managers overcome it. Using statistical evidence, we show that positive performance effects related to outsourcing can accumulate when circumstances change. This is then followed by rapid increases in outsourcing levels (i.e. outsourcing processes). We investigate what gives rise to these outsourcing processes through follow-up interviews with sourcing executives, which suggest five drivers behind outsourcing processes: managerial initiative (using outside experience); hierarchy (foreign headquarters); imitation (of competitors and of similar firms); outsider advice (from external institutions); knowledge sources (using external information). These five drivers all offer scope for managerial action. We tie them to academic literatures and suggest ways of investigating their presence and impact on the outsourcing process. Overall, we conclude that while economizing factors play a key role in explaining how much firms outsource, it is socializing factors that tend to drive outsourcing processes
