20 research outputs found

    In Vitro Antimicrobial Activity Of Calcium Hydroxide Pastes And Their Vehicles Against Selected Microorganisms.

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    The aim of this study was to investigate in vitro the antimicrobial activity of calcium hydroxide in combination with several vehicles against some microorganisms commonly isolated from root canals. Antimicrobial activity was determined by the agar diffusion method. Stainless-steel cylinders were placed on each inoculated agar medium. The test medicaments and their controls were placed inside the cylinders. The zones of growth inhibition were measured and recorded after incubation for each plate and the results were analyzed statistically (ANOVA). The in vitro antimicrobial effects of the medications were ranked from strongest to weakest as follows: Ca(OH)2 + CMCP + glycerine, Ca(OH)2 + CMCP, Ca(OH)2 + glycerine, Ca(OH)2 + anesthetic, Ca(OH)2 + saline, Ca(OH)2 + H2O, Ca(OH)2 + polyethyleneglycol. The pastes with oily vehicles showed significantly larger mean zones of inhibition compared to those with aqueous or viscous vehicles. It was concluded that diffusion and antimicrobial activity of calcium hydroxide were affected by the type of vehicle used.13315516

    Descentralização e saúde no Brasil: algumas reflexões preliminares

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    O presente artigo trata de aspectos relacionados ao processo de descentralização da saúde como vem sendo implementado no Brasil. Inicialmente busca relacionar alguns tópicos considerados pelo autor como preliminares para balizar a discussão acerca do caso brasileiro na descentralização da saúde. Num segundo momento procedeu-se a uma rápida recuperação da trajetória da descentralização da saúde no Brasil, abarcando desde os seus primórdios no início da década de 70 até sua plena operacionalização com a Norma Operacional Básica 01 editada em 1993. A esta breve recomposição da descentralização na saúde incorpora-se uma discussão crítica sobre os aspectos mais relevantes desta trajetória. Por fim o artigo aponta alguns constrangimentos presentes na descentralização da saúde como vem sendo implementada no Brasil.<br>The present article deals with issues related to the process of the on going implementation of health decentralisation in Brazil. Firstly it lists some topics seen as preliminary by the author for the establishment of grounds for the discussion of that process. Next it briefly outlines the trajectory of health decentralisation in Brazil from its origin in the early 70s until its full implementation with the 1993 Norma Operacional Básica 01. This outline is followed by a critical discussion on the outstanding points of the trajectory. The article finally points a few constraints present in the health decentralisation taking place in Brazil

    Dynamics of humoral immune response in pregnant mares and foals vaccinated with Theileria equi recombinant EMA-2

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    ABSTRACT: Theileria equi is an infectious hemoprotozoan agent of equine piroplasmosis, a disease that has severe economic and sanitary impact internationally. In addition to its common clinical features, piroplasmosis can cause gestational losses and neonatal damage, which makes neonates susceptible to this disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the dynamics of humoral immune response to recombinant EMA-2 of T. equi in pregnant mares and foals, as well as the transfer of vaccine antibodies through the colostrum ingested by sucking foals. For vaccine production, the EMA-2 expression gene was cloned and expressed in the yeast species, Pichia pastoris. Thirty-six horses were used, of which 18 were pregnant mares and 18 were foals. The mares were divided into control and vaccinated groups, and the vaccinated group received three doses of rEMA-2 every 21 days starting at 300 days of gestation. Foals from vaccinated and control groups were evaluated until the sixth month of life. The production of antibodies by foals on the rEMA-2 vaccination schedule was also evaluated from the second month of life. Foals in the vaccinated group had received three doses of the vaccine every 21 days. The method used to evaluate serum and colostrum samples was indirect ELISA, and plates were sensitized with the rEMA-2 protein. At the end of the vaccination schedule, vaccinated mares showed a 2.3-fold increase in antibody levels when compared to baseline values. The colostrum of vaccinated mares presented antibody levels of 1.0432±0.33. Foals delivered by vaccinated mares presented levels of antibodies greater than those of foals delivered by control mares after their first time sucking (at about twelve hours after birth). Foals vaccinated in the second month of life showed an 8.3-fold increase in antibody levels when compared to baseline values. The vaccination schedule with rEMA-2 was able to stimulate humoral immunity in pregnant mares. Vaccine immunoglobins were concentrated in the colostrum of vaccinated mares and foals delivered by these mares showed an increase in serum levels of vaccine antibodies after the first-time sucking

    Human resources in artificial insemination of beef cattle: profile of managers and inseminators Recursos humanos na inseminação artificial em bovinos de corte: perfil dos administradores e inseminadores

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    The objective of the present study was to outline the profile of managers and inseminators involved in beef cattle artificial insemination programs to characterize the management processes involved in this activity. Additionally, by interviewing managers and inseminators, it was searched to detect particularities concerned to personal life and work that can be used to evaluate the quality of life of inseminators on farms. The open questions were analyzed by frequency of answer, after being grouped by similarity. Accordingly to the results, managers associate the concept of human resource management to work supervision, mainly, prioritizing technical factors such as professional experience and indexes in the selection processes, although problems in interpersonal relationships have been shown as the main reason for dismissal. In general, education level of the inseminators is not good because most of these workers studied only to the first series of primary school. Inseminators prefer conventional artificial insemination although they recognize that fixed-time artificial insemination can make animal handling on the farm easier. The performance of these workers seems to be determined more by interpersonal relationships than by the salaries.<br>Objetivou-se delinear o perfil de administradores e inseminadores envolvidos em programas de inseminação artificial em bovinos de corte no intuito de caracterizar os processos gerenciais envolvidos nesta atividade. Adicionalmente, por meio de entrevistas com administradores e inseminadores, buscou-se detectar fatores ligados à vida pessoal e ao trabalho que possam ser utilizados como medida da qualidade de vida dos inseminadores nas propriedades rurais. As questões abertas foram analisadas por frequência de respostas, depois de agrupadas por similaridade. De acordo com os resultados, os administradores associam o conceito de gestão de recursos humanos principalmente à supervisão do trabalho priorizando fatores técnicos como experiência profissional e índices nos processos de seleção, embora apontem os problemas de relacionamento interpessoal como principal motivo de demissão. Em geral, a escolaridade dos inseminadores é precária, pois a maioria desses trabalhadores possui apenas as séries iniciais do ensino fundamental. Os inseminadores preferem a inseminação convencional, embora reconheçam que a inseminação em tempo fixo facilita o manejo na fazenda. O desempenho destes profissionais parece ser determinado muito mais pelo relacionamento interpessoal que pelo salário