31 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of small systems by nanocalorimetry: from physical to biological nano-objects

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    Membrane based nanocalorimeters have been developed for ac calorimetry experiments. It has allowed highly sensitive measurements of heat capacity from solid state physics to complex systems like polymers and proteins. In this article we review what has been developed in ac calorimetry toward the measurement of very small systems. Firstly, at low temperature ac calorimetry using silicon membrane permits the measurement of superconducting sample having geometry down to the nanometer scale. New phase transitions have been found in these nanosystems illustrated by heat capacity jumps versus the applied magnetic field. Secondly, a sensor based on ultra-thin polymer membrane will be presented. It has been devoted to thermal measurements of nanomagnetic systems at intermediate temperature (20K to 300K). Thirdly, three specific polyimide membrane based sensors have been designed for room temperature measurements. One is devoted to phase transitions detection in polymer, the second one to protein folding/unfolding studies and the third one will be used for the study of heat release in living cells. The possibility of measuring systems out of equilibrium will be emphasized

    Intermediate filaments control collective migration by restricting traction forces and sustaining cell-cell contacts

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    Mesenchymal cell migration relies on the coordinated regulation of the actin and microtubule networks that participate in polarized cell protrusion, adhesion, and contraction. During collective migration, most of the traction forces are generated by the acto-myosin network linked to focal adhesions at the front of leader cells, which transmit these pulling forces to the followers. Here, using an in vitro wound healing assay to induce polarization and collective directed migration of primary astrocytes, we show that the intermediate filament (IF) network composed of vimentin, glial fibrillary acidic protein, and nestin contributes to directed collective movement by controlling the distribution of forces in the migrating cell monolayer. Together with the cytoskeletal linker plectin, these IFs control the organization and dynamics of the acto-myosin network, promoting the actin-driven treadmilling of adherens junctions, thereby facilitating the polarization of leader cells. Independently of their effect on adherens junctions, IFs influence the dynamics and localization of focal adhesions and limit their mechanical coupling to the acto-myosin network. We thus conclude that IFs promote collective directed migration in astrocytes by restricting the generation of traction forces to the front of leader cells, preventing aberrant tractions in the followers, and by contributing to the maintenance of lateral cell-cell interactions

    Adhérence de cellules uniques sur supports micro-structurés

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    The cell adhesion is a critical process involved in many fundamental biological phenomena as dierentiation, tissue repair or cell development. This thesis focuses on a study combining experiments and modelization of single cells spreading on micro-fabricated substrates. Experimental results show that the geometrical constraint imposed by the adhesiveness contrast limits the adhesion. Beyond this limitation, a reproducible organization of the actin cytoskeleton of cells spreading on micro-structured materials suggests that simple physical laws govern the process. We have developed a classication method of basic geometrical shapes observed experimentally to obtain robust statistics. Based on the Cellular Potts model, we reproduced experimental results. This energetical model shows that the basic shapes are metastable states used by cells during spreading. The model parameters are linked to relevant biological parameters. We present results that connect the curvature of interfaces to biological parameters. We show that the experimental measurement of this curvature represents the competition between the contractility of stress bers and the elasticity of the actin gel. A correspondence between the physical properties in the model and the biochemical processes that regulate and organize the cellular adhesion is possible.L'adhérence cellulaire est un processus vital impliqué dans de nombreux phénomènes biologiques fondamentaux comme la diérenciation, la réparation tissulaire ou encore le développement cellulaire. Cette thèse porte sur une étude alliant expériences et modélisation de cellules uniques en adhérence sur des supports micro-structurés Les résultats montrent que la contrainte géomé- trique imposée par les supports à contraste adhésif limite l'adhérence. Au-delà de cette limitation, une organisation reproductible du cytosquelette d'actine est observée cela suggère l'existence de lois physiques simples régissant ce processus. Nous avons développé une méthode de classication des formes géométriques élémentaires observées expérimentalement nous permettant d'obtenir des statistiques robustes. En nous basant sur le modèle de Potts Cellulaire, nous avons pu reproduire les résultats expérimentaux. Ce modèle énergétique démontre que les formes élémentaires sont des états métastables utilisés par les cellules au cours de l'adhérence. Les paramètres du modèle sont reliés aux paramètres biologiques pertinents. Nous présentons des résultats qui relient la courbure des interfaces aux paramètres biologiques. Nous montrons que la mesure expérimentale de cette courbure est une représentation de la compétition entre la contractilité des bres de stress et l'élasticité du gel d'actine. Une correspondance entre les propriétés physiques issues du modèle et les processus biochimiques régulant et organisant l'adhérence cellulaire est ainsi possible

    Adhérence de cellules uniques sur supports micro-structurés

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    L'adhérence cellulaire est un processus vital impliqué dans de nombreux phénomènes biologiques fondamentaux comme la diérenciation, la réparation tissulaire ou encore le développement cellulaire. Cette thèse porte sur une étude alliant expériences et modélisation de cellules uniques en adhérence sur des supports micro-structurés Les résultats montrent que la contrainte géomé- trique imposée par les supports à contraste adhésif limite l'adhérence. Au-delà de cette limitation, une organisation reproductible du cytosquelette d'actine est observée cela suggère l'existence de lois physiques simples régissant ce processus. Nous avons développé une méthode de classication des formes géométriques élémentaires observées expérimentalement nous permettant d'obtenir des statistiques robustes. En nous basant sur le modèle de Potts Cellulaire, nous avons pu reproduire les résultats expérimentaux. Ce modèle énergétique démontre que les formes élémentaires sont des états métastables utilisés par les cellules au cours de l'adhérence. Les paramètres du modèle sont reliés aux paramètres biologiques pertinents. Nous présentons des résultats qui relient la courbure des interfaces aux paramètres biologiques. Nous montrons que la mesure expérimentale de cette courbure est une représentation de la compétition entre la contractilité des bres de stress et l'élasticité du gel d'actine. Une correspondance entre les propriétés physiques issues du modèle et les processus biochimiques régulant et organisant l'adhérence cellulaire est ainsi possible.The cell adhesion is a critical process involved in many fundamental biological phenomena as dierentiation, tissue repair or cell development. This thesis focuses on a study combining experiments and modelization of single cells spreading on micro-fabricated substrates. Experimental results show that the geometrical constraint imposed by the adhesiveness contrast limits the adhesion. Beyond this limitation, a reproducible organization of the actin cytoskeleton of cells spreading on micro-structured materials suggests that simple physical laws govern the process. We have developed a classication method of basic geometrical shapes observed experimentally to obtain robust statistics. Based on the Cellular Potts model, we reproduced experimental results. This energetical model shows that the basic shapes are metastable states used by cells during spreading. The model parameters are linked to relevant biological parameters. We present results that connect the curvature of interfaces to biological parameters. We show that the experimental measurement of this curvature represents the competition between the contractility of stress bers and the elasticity of the actin gel. A correspondence between the physical properties in the model and the biochemical processes that regulate and organize the cellular adhesion is possible.GRENOBLE1-BU Sciences (384212103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Dynamic of Stress Fibers in the Lamella of Spreading Fibroblasts

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    Manufacturing a bone marrow-on-a-chip using maskless photolithography

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    International audienceThe bone marrow (BM) is a complex microenvironment in which hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) interact with multiple cell types that regulate their quiescence, growth, and differentiation. These cells constitute local niches where HSPCs are confined and subjected to specific set of physical and biochemical cues. Endothelial cells forming the walls of blood capillaries have been shown to establish a vascular niche, whereas osteoblasts lying along the bone matrix organize the endosteal niche with distinct and specific impact on HSPC fate. The observation of the interaction of HSPCs with niche cells, and the investigation of its impact on HSPCs behavior in vivo is hindered by the opacity of the bone matrix. Therefore, various experimental strategies have been devised to reconstitute in vitro the interaction of HSPCs with distinct sets of BM-derived cells. In this chapter, we present a method to manufacture a pseudo BM-on-a-chip with separated compartments mimicking the vascular and the endosteal niches. Such a configuration with connected but distant compartments allowed the investigation of the specific contribution of each niche to the regulation of HSPC behavior. We describe the microfabrication of the chip with a maskless photolithography method that allows the iterative improvement of the geometric design of the chip in order to optimize the adaptation of the multicellular architecture to the specific aim of the study. We also describe the loading and culture of the various cell types in each compartment