394 research outputs found

    Grains charges in interstellar clouds

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    The charge of cosmic grains could play an important role in many astrophysical phenomena. It probably has an influence on the coagulation of grains and more generally on grain-grain collisions, and on interaction between charged particles and grains which could lead to the formation of large grains or large molecules. The electrostatic charge of grains depends mainly on the nature of constitutive material of the grain and on the physical properties of its environment: it results from a delicate balance between the plasma particle collection and the photoelectron emission, both of them depending on each other. The charge of the grain is obtained in two steps: (1) using the numerical model the characteristics of the environment of the grain are computed; (2) the charge of a grain which is embedded in this environment is determined. The profile of the equilibrium charge of some typical grains through different types of interstellar clouds is obtained as a function of the depth of the cloud. It is shown that the grain charge can reach high values not only in hot diffuse clouds, but also in clouds with higher densities. The results are very sensitive to the mean UV interstellar radiation field. Three parameters appear to be essential but with different levels of sensitivity of the charge: the gas density, the temperature, and the total thickness of the cloud

    Self-gravitating clouds of generalized Chaplygin and modified anti-Chaplygin Gases

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    The Chaplygin gas has been proposed as a possible dark energy, dark matter candidate. As a working fluid in a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe, it exhibits early behavior reminiscent of dark matter, but at later times is more akin to a cosmological constant. In any such universe, however, one can expect local perturbations to form. Here we obtain the general equations for a self-gravitating relativistic Chaplygin gas. We solve these equations and obtain the mass-radius relationship for such structures, showing that only in the phantom regime is the mass-radius relationship large enough to be a serious candidate for highly compact massive objects at the galaxy core. In addition, we study the cosmology of a modified anti-Chaplygin gas. A self-gravitating cloud of this matter is an exact solution to Einstein's equations.Comment: 16 page

    CH 3 GHz Observations of Molecular Clouds Along the Galactic Plane

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    Spectra in the CH 2Π1/2^2\Pi_{1/2}, J=1/2, F=1-1 transition at 3335 MHz were obtained in three 5-point crosses centered on the Galactic plane at =\ell = 50\arcdeg, 100\arcdeg, and 110\arcdeg. The lines of sight traverse both Giant Molecular Clouds (GMCs) and local, smaller entities. This transition is a good tracer of low-density molecular gas and the line profiles are very similar to CO(1-0) data at nearly the same resolution. In addition, the CH 3335 MHz line can be used to calibrate the CO-H2_2 conversion factor (XCO_{\rm CO}) in low-density molecular gas. Although this technique underestimates XCO_{\rm CO} in GMCs, our results are within a factor of two of XCO_{\rm CO} values calibrated for GMCs by other techniques. The similarity of CH and CO line profiles, and that of XCO_{\rm CO} values derived from CH and more traditional techniques, implies that most of the molecular gas along the observed lines of sight is at relatively low densities (nn \le 103^3 cm3^{-3}).Comment: 26 pages, 12 figures, submitted to the AJ, revised after referee repor

    Potential Variations in the Interstellar N I Abundance

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    We present Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) and Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph observations of the weak interstellar N I doublet at 1160 Angstroms toward 17 high-density sight lines [N(Htot)>=10^21 cm^-2]. When combined with published data, our results reveal variations in the fractional N I abundance showing a systematic deficiency at large N(Htot). At the FUSE resolution (~20 km s^-1), the effects of unresolved saturation cannot be conclusively ruled out, although O I at 1356 Angstroms shows little evidence of saturation. We investigated the possibility that the N I variability is due to the formation of N_2 in our mostly dense regions. The 0-0 band of the c'_4 ^1Sigma^+_u - X ^1Sigma^+_g transition of N_2 at 958 Angstroms should be easily detected in our FUSE data; for 10 of the denser sight lines, N_2 is not observed at a sensitivity level of a few times 10^14 cm^-2. The observed N I variations are suggestive of an incomplete understanding of nitrogen chemistry. Based on observations made with the NASA-CNES-CSA Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer, which is operated for NASA by the Johns Hopkins University under NASA contract NAS 5-32985, and the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, obtained from the Multimission Archive at the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under the NASA contract NAS 5-26555.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    CH 3 GHz Observations of the Galactic Center

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    A 3 ×\times 3 map of the Galactic Center was made at 9\arcmin resolution and 10\arcmin spacing in the CH 2Π1/2^2\Pi_{1/2}, J=1/2, F=1-1 transition at 3335 MHz. The CH emission shows a velocity extent that is nearly that of the CO(1-0) line, but the CH line profiles differ markedly from the CO. The 3335 MHz CH transition primarily traces low-density molecular gas and our observations indicate that the mass of this component within \sim 30 pc of the Galactic Center is \sim 9 ×\times 106^6 M_\odot. The CO-H2_2 conversion factor obtained for the low-density gas in the mapped region is greater than that thought to apply to the dense molecular gas at the Galactic Center. In addition to tracing the low-density molecular gas at the Galactic Center, the CH spectra show evidence of emission from molecular clouds along the line of sight both in the foreground and background. The scale height of these clouds ranges from 27 - 109 pc, consistent with previous work based on observations of molecular clouds in the inner Galaxy.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figure

    Radio Recombination Lines in Galactic HII Regions

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    We report radio recombination line (RRL) and continuum observations of a sample of 106 Galactic HII regions made with the NRAO 140 Foot radio telescope in Green Bank, WV. We believe this to be the most sensitive RRL survey ever made for a sample this large. Most of our source integration times range between 6 and 90 hours which yield typical r.m.s. noise levels of 1.0--3.5 milliKelvins. Our data result from two different experiments performed, calibrated, and analyzed in similar ways. A CII survey was made at 3.5 cm wavelength to obtain accurate measurements of carbon radio recombination lines. When combined with atomic (CI) and molecular (CO) data, these measurements will constrain the composition, structure, kinematics, and physical properties of the photodissociation regions that lie on the edges of HII regions. A second survey was made at 3.5 cm wavelength to determine the abundance of 3He in the interstellar medium of the Milky Way. Together with measurements of the 3He+ hyperfine line we get high precision RRL parameters for H, 4He, and C. Here we discuss significant improvements in these data, with both longer integrations and newly observed sources.Comment: LaTeX, 50 pages with 11 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    Multi--Pressure Polytropes as Models for the Structure and Stability of Molecular Clouds. I. Theory

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    Molecular clouds are supported by thermal pressure, magnetic pressure, and turbulent pressure. Each of these can be modeled with a polytropic equation of state, so that overall the total pressure is the sum of the individual components. We model the turbulent pressure as being due to a superposition of Alfven waves. The theory of polytropes is generalized to allow for the flow of entropy in response to a perturbation, as expected for the entropy associated with wave pressure. The equation of state of molecular clouds is "soft", so that the properties of the clouds are generally governed by the conditions at the surface. In general, the polytropes are not isentropic, and this permits large density and pressure drops to occur between the center and the edge of the polytropes, as is observed.Comment: Submitted to ApJ with 10 figure

    CN and HCN in Dense Interstellar Clouds

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    We present a theoretical investigation of CN and HCN molecule formation in dense interstellar clouds. We study the gas-phase CN and HCN production efficiencies from the outer photon-dominated regions (PDRs) into the opaque cosmic-ray dominated cores. We calculate the equilibrium densities of CN and HCN, and of the associated species C+, C, and CO, as functions of the far-ultraviolet (FUV) optical depth. We consider isothermal gas at 50 K, with hydrogen particle densities from 10^2 to 10^6 cm^-3. We study clouds that are exposed to FUV fields with intensities 20 to 2*10^5 times the mean interstellar FUV intensity. We assume cosmic-ray H2 ionization rates ranging from 5*10^-17 s^-1, to an enhanced value of 5*10^-16 s^-1. We also examine the sensitivity of the density profiles to the gas-phase sulfur abundance.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 33 pages, 8 figure

    Magneto-Acoustic Waves of Small Amplitude in Optically Thin Quasi-Isentropic Plasmas

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    The evolution of quasi-isentropic magnetohydrodynamic waves of small but finite amplitude in an optically thin plasma is analyzed. The plasma is assumed to be initially homogeneous, in thermal equilibrium and with a straight and homogeneous magnetic field frozen in. Depending on the particular form of the heating/cooling function, the plasma may act as a dissipative or active medium for magnetoacoustic waves, while Alfven waves are not directly affected. An evolutionary equation for fast and slow magnetoacoustic waves in the single wave limit, has been derived and solved, allowing us to analyse the wave modification by competition of weakly nonlinear and quasi-isentropic effects. It was shown that the sign of the quasi-isentropic term determines the scenario of the evolution, either dissipative or active. In the dissipative case, when the plasma is first order isentropically stable the magnetoacoustic waves are damped and the time for shock wave formation is delayed. However, in the active case when the plasma is isentropically overstable, the wave amplitude grows, the strength of the shock increases and the breaking time decreases. The magnitude of the above effects depends upon the angle between the wave vector and the magnetic field. For hot (T > 10^4 K) atomic plasmas with solar abundances either in the interstellar medium or in the solar atmosphere, as well as for the cold (T < 10^3 K) ISM molecular gas, the range of temperature where the plasma is isentropically unstable and the corresponding time and length-scale for wave breaking have been found.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures. To appear in ApJ January 200

    GYES, a multifibre spectrograph for the CFHT

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    We have chosen the name of GYES, one of the mythological giants with one hundred arms, offspring of Gaia and Uranus, for our instrument study of a multifibre spectrograph for the prime focus of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. Such an instrument could provide an excellent ground-based complement for the Gaia mission and a northern complement to the HERMES project on the AAT. The CFHT is well known for providing a stable prime focus environment, with a large field of view, which has hosted several imaging instruments, but has never hosted a multifibre spectrograph. Building upon the experience gained at GEPI with FLAMES-Giraffe and X-Shooter, we are investigating the feasibility of a high multiplex spectrograph (about 500 fibres) over a field of view 1 degree in diameter. We are investigating an instrument with resolution in the range 15000 to 30000, which should provide accurate chemical abundances for stars down to 16th magnitude and radial velocities, accurate to 1 km/s for fainter stars. The study is led by GEPI-Observatoire de Paris with a contribution from Oxford for the study of the positioner. The financing for the study comes from INSU CSAA and Observatoire de Paris. The conceptual study will be delivered to CFHT for review by October 1st 2010.Comment: Contributed talk at the Gaia ELSA conference 2010, S\`evres 7-11 June 2010, to be published on the EAS Series, Editors: C. Turon, F. Arenou & F. Meynadie