13 research outputs found

    Sukob oko upravljanja prirodnim vrijednostima u Parku prirode Hutovo blato

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    The paper deals with the problem of natural resource management in Hutovo Blato Nature Park Blato in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The official policy for the protection of Mediterranean wetlands has put to the forefront the problem of exploiting the abundant but limited natural resources such as water, agricultural land, fish stocks and wetland birds. A quarter of a century after the establishment of the Nature Park the problem of nature resource management is more troubled than ever before. This research aims to define the primary stakeholder groups in the area that question and challenge the official policy of nature protection and to analyse their points of view and attitudes. The stakeholder analysis relates to analysis of endangered animal species and vegetation and issues that are results of stakeholdersā€™ activities.U radu se raspravlja o problemu upravljanja prirodnim vrijednostima The paper deals with the problem of natural resource management in Hutovo Blato Nature Park Blato in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The official policy for the protection of Mediterranean wetlands has put to the forefront the problem of exploiting the abundant but limited natural resources such as water, agricultural land, fish stocks and wetland birds. A quarter of a century after the establishment of the Nature Park the problem of nature resource management is more troubled than ever before. This research aims to define the primary stakeholder groups in the area that question and challenge the official policy of nature protection and to analyse their points of view and attitudes. The stakeholder analysis relates to analysis of endangered animal species and vegetation and issues that are results of stakeholdersā€™ activities

    Increased Glomerular Filtration Rate in Early Stage of Balkan Endemic Nephropathy

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    Background: A previous study indicated that Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN) patients in the early stage of the disease had significantly higher creatinine clearance (Ccr) than healthy persons. The aim of the study was to assess whether tubular creatinine secretion affects Ccr in early stages of BEN and to check the applicability of serum creatinine-based glomerular filtration rate (GFR) equations in these patients. Methods: The study involved 21 BEN patients with estimated GFR (eGFR) above 60 mL/min/1.73 m(2), excluding any conditions that could affect GFR or tubular creatinine secretion, and 15 healthy controls. In all participants Ccr with and without cimetidine and iohexol clearance (mGFR) were measured and eGFR calculated using Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) and Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study (MDRD) equations. Glomerular hyperfiltration cutoff (GFR-HF) was calculated. Results: There was no significant difference between the groups in Ccr before and after cimetidine or for eGFR, but mGFR was significantly higher in BEN patients than in controls (122.02 +/- 28.03 mL/min/1.73 m(2) vs. 101.15 +/- 27.32 mL/min/1.73 m(2); p = 0.032). Cimetidine administration reduced Ccr by 10% in both groups. The ratio of Ccr to mGFR was significantly above one in seven BEN patients and five controls and their mGFR values were similar. Seven other patients and eight controls had this ratio equal to one, while values below one were recorded for seven more patients and two controls. mGFR of all these 14 patients was significantly higher than that of healthy controls (129.88 +/- 27.52 mL/min/1.73 m(2) vs. 107.43 +/- 19.51 mL/min/1.73 m(2); p = 0.009). Mean GFR-HF was significantly higher than mGFR in controls, but these two values were similar in BEN patients. eGFR underestimated mGFR in both BEN patients and controls. Conclusion: The ratio of Ccr to mGFR and mGFR to GFR-HF indicated that elevated mGFR in early stages of BEN could be explained by increased glomerular filtration, but tubular creatinine secretion augmented Ccr in a smaller proportion of patients, who did not differ from healthy subjects

    Prvi popis vrsta potporodice Arctiinae (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) za Hrvatsku i nalaz Rhyparioides metelkana (Lederer, 1861), nove vrste za hrvatsku faunu pronađene u dolini Neretve

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    Present paper provides the first checklist of the subfamily Arctiinae with biogeographical features, and distribution area and reviews of certain interesting species of tiger moths found in Croatia. To determine the level of research into the subfamily Arctiinae in Croatia, comparison was made with the well-explored tiger moths fauna of Italy, Slovenia, Austria and Hungary. In addition, during September 1997 in the area of the lower course of the Neretva River five specimens of species Rhyparioides metelkana (Lederer, 1861) were collected for the first time for fauna of Croatia. Another six specimens of this species were collected in the same area in August 2012. This is the southernmost point of its distribution area in Europe, making this record faunistically very interesting. Nearest population of this species is found 400 kilometres north in Hungary.Ovaj rad daje prvi popis vrsta iz potporodice Arctiinae s biogeografskim značajkama i područjem rasprostranjenosti te daje kratak osvrt na neke zanimljive vrste medonjica u Hrvatskoj. Kako bi se odredio stupanj istraženosti potporodice Arctiinae u Hrvatskoj napravljena je usporedba s dobro istraženim faunama medonjica Italije, Slovenije, Austrije i Mađarske. Tijekom rujna 1997. godine na području donjeg toka rijeke Neretve prvi puta je sakupljeno pet primjeraka vrste Rhyparioides metelkana (Lederer, 1861) za faunu Hrvatske. Narednih Å”est primjeraka te vrste sakupljeno je na istom području u kolovozu 2012. godine. To je najjužnija točka rasprostranjenja ove vrste u Europi, Å”to ovaj nalaz čini faunistički jako zanimljivim. Najbliža populacija ove vrste nalazi se 400 kilometara sjeverno u Mađarskoj

    Neobični nalazi morskih organizama u rijeci Neretvi (Hrvatska i Bosna i Hercegovina)

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    This paper presents a review of the unusual occurrences of various marine species found upstream in the Neretva River and its wider delta zone in the last two decades. The occurrences of at least eight different marine species were reported by local fishermen, representing very rare records of these species in the upstream areas of rivers. Although some of these species generally inhabit both saltwater and brackish waters, their occurrences high upstream are probably the consequence of changes in hydrological conditions in Neretva River. Namely, more intense saltwater intrusion into the river observed in the last two decades provides suitable conditions for mass penetration of euryhaline organisms high into the Neretva River. In this biodiversity rich area which hosts a significant number of endemic species, such phenomena can threaten the local freshwater communities.U radu je prikazan pregled neobičnih nalaza morskih vrsta u rijeci Neretvi te Å”irem području njene delte u posljednja dva desetljeća. Pojava najmanje 8 različitih morskih vrsta prijavljena je od strane lokalnih ribara, a radi se o općenito rijetkim nalazima morskih organizama u uzvodnim dijelovima riječnih tokova. Iako neke od vrsta opisanih u radu obitavaju i u slanim i u bočatim vodama, njihova pojava visoko uzvodno vjerojatno je posljedica promjena hidroloÅ”kih uvjeta u rijeci Neretvi. Naime, intenzivniji prodor morske vode u rijeku u posljednja dva desetljeća omogućava masovno prodiranje eurihalnih organizama visoko u rijeku Neretvu. Na ovom području, bogatom bioloÅ”kom raznolikoŔću sa značajnim brojem endemskih vrsta, takve pojave mogu ugroziti zajednice slatkovodnih organizama


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    U radu se prikazuju nalazi europskog soma Silurus glanis u delti rijeke Neretve (sliv Jadranskog mora) u Hrvatskoj. Pojava ove nezavičajne vrste prijavljena je putem druŔtvene mreže, Ŕto je dovelo i do pravovremenog otkrivanja od strane istraživača. Podrijetlo unosa vrste nije poznato, ali najvjerojatnije se radi o namjernom unosu posredstvom čovjeka. U radu se govori o važnosti druŔtvenih mreža kao korisnog alata za pravovremeno otkrivanje nezavičajnih vrsta riba, kao i o važnosti podizanja svijesti o utjecajima bioloŔkih invazija.Records of European catfish Silurus glanis in the Neretva River delta (Adriatic Sea basin) in Croatia are reported. The first occurrence of this non-native species was reported via social network which led to its timely detection by researchers. Origin of introduction is unknown but it is most likely the case of human-mediated introduction. The importance of social networks as a useful tool for the timely detection of non-native fish species, as well as the importance of raising awareness about the impacts of biological invasions, is discussed in this paper

    Osobine faune tulara (Insecta, Trichoptera) četiri jadranska otoka s noticom o DNA barkodiranju

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    To date, 13 species of Trichoptera from 11 genera and 8 families have been reported for the Adriatic islands of Cres, Krk, Pag and Hvar. Relatively recent research has been conducted on the islands of Cres, Krk and Pag, where 329 adults of Trichoptera belonging to 10 species from 8 genera and 6 families were collected. Most dominant was Ecnomus tenellus with 235 specimens collected (islands of Krk and Cres), followed by Leptocerus tineiformis (Krk) with 51 specimens collected. Only one specimen of the each species Stenophylax mitis (Cres) and Mystacides azurea (Krk) was recorded. Most of the species were recorded on the island of Krk (7), and the lowest on the island of Pag (2). Faunistically most interesting was the first finding of species Stenophylax mitis McL. for the fauna of Croatia.Na području jadranskih otoka (Cres, Krk, Pag, Hvar) utvrđeno je do sada 13 vrsta Trichoptera iz 11 rodova i 8 porodica. Novija istraživanja provedena su na otocima Cresu, Krku i Pagu u kojima je prikupljeno 329 adultnih oblika Trichoptera s 10 vrsta iz 8 rodova i 6 porodica. Najdominantnije vrste bile su Ecnomus tenellus s 235 prikupljenih primjeraka (Krk i Cres) i Leptocerus tineiformis (Krk) s 51 prikupljenim primjerkom, a samo s jednim primjerkom zabilježene su vrste Stenophylax mitis (Cres) i Mystacides azurea (Krk). Najveći broj vrsta utvrđen je na otoku Krku (7), a najmanji na otoku Pagu (2). Faunistički najzanimljiviji je nalaz vrste Stenophylax mitis McL. koja je ovim istraživanjima utvrđena po prvi puta u fauni Hrvatske

    Prvi popis vrsta potporodice Arctiinae (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) za Hrvatsku i nalaz Rhyparioides metelkana (Lederer, 1861), nove vrste za hrvatsku faunu pronađene u dolini Neretve

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    Present paper provides the first checklist of the subfamily Arctiinae with biogeographical features, and distribution area and reviews of certain interesting species of tiger moths found in Croatia. To determine the level of research into the subfamily Arctiinae in Croatia, comparison was made with the well-explored tiger moths fauna of Italy, Slovenia, Austria and Hungary. In addition, during September 1997 in the area of the lower course of the Neretva River five specimens of species Rhyparioides metelkana (Lederer, 1861) were collected for the first time for fauna of Croatia. Another six specimens of this species were collected in the same area in August 2012. This is the southernmost point of its distribution area in Europe, making this record faunistically very interesting. Nearest population of this species is found 400 kilometres north in Hungary.Ovaj rad daje prvi popis vrsta iz potporodice Arctiinae s biogeografskim značajkama i područjem rasprostranjenosti te daje kratak osvrt na neke zanimljive vrste medonjica u Hrvatskoj. Kako bi se odredio stupanj istraženosti potporodice Arctiinae u Hrvatskoj napravljena je usporedba s dobro istraženim faunama medonjica Italije, Slovenije, Austrije i Mađarske. Tijekom rujna 1997. godine na području donjeg toka rijeke Neretve prvi puta je sakupljeno pet primjeraka vrste Rhyparioides metelkana (Lederer, 1861) za faunu Hrvatske. Narednih Å”est primjeraka te vrste sakupljeno je na istom području u kolovozu 2012. godine. To je najjužnija točka rasprostranjenja ove vrste u Europi, Å”to ovaj nalaz čini faunistički jako zanimljivim. Najbliža populacija ove vrste nalazi se 400 kilometara sjeverno u Mađarskoj

    Izvori: DNA barkodiranje tulara (Insecta, Trichoptera) u Hrvatskoj s napomenama o taksonomiji i konzervacijskoj biologiji

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    The paper provides the results of DNA barcoding based on the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 mitochondrial gene (mtCOI) of 110 Trichoptera specimens collected in 36 springs in the PannonianPeripannonian, central mountainous and Mediterranean part of Croatia. We barcoded 70 species from 32 genera and 15 families. The data obtained show interesting faunistic and taxonomic results, for, for example, the species Rhyacophila cabrankensis, R. balcanica, Crunoecia kempnyi, Allogmaus auricollis and emphasize the need for further faunistic research into springs, in their role as habitats with a specific and very interesting fauna. The mtCOI DNA barcoding should be included in such research, because it would enable better presentation of the results, especially regarding biodiversity, taxonomy, phylogeny and conservation biology, not just as a segment of a local but also of a global process of understanding biodiversity in a different way. The results of this study show a global need for the protection of springs, because they are specific not only as habitats, but also as localities with an interesting fauna and often endemic species of very limited distribution (for example Rhyacophila cabrankensis).U radu se prikazuju rezultati DNA barkodiranja temeljenog na mitohondrijskom genu za podjedinicu 1 citokrom c oksidaze (mtCOI), za 110 primjeraka Trichoptera prikupljenih u 36 izvora u panonsko-peripanonskom, srediÅ”nje-planinskom i mediteranskom području Hrvatske. DNA barkodirano je 70 vrsta iz 32 roda i 15 porodica. U studiji se ukazuje na neke zanimljive faunističke i taksonomske rezultate, npr. za vrste Rhyacophila cabrankensis, R. balcanica, Crunoecia kempnyi, Allogmaus auricollis te potrebu daljnjih faunističkih istraživanja izvora kao staniÅ”ta sa specifičnom i vrlo zanimljivom faunom. U ta istraživanja zbog kvalitetnije prezentacije rezultata, posebno u područjima bioraznolikosti, taksonomiji, filogeniji i konzervacijskoj biologiji, potrebno je uključiti i metodu DNA barkodiranja mtCOI, kao segment ne samo lokalnog, nego i globalnog procesa u spoznavanju bioraznolikosti na jedan drugačiji način. Navedeni rezultati ovog rada ukazuju na globalnu potrebu veće zaÅ”tite izvora jer su specifični ne samo kao staniÅ”ta, nego vrlo često i kao područja nalaza endemskih vrsta s vrlo malim područjem rasprostranjenja (npr. Rhyacophila cabrankensis)