11 research outputs found

    Managing Knowledge in the Electric Power Production Sector

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    Knowledge management is a topic of increasing involvements in strategic development of the Electric Power Production Sector in Croatia particularly because of the recent emergence of unification and integration of the European Electric Power market. New ways of thinking about management and organization are a key for Croatian participation in the European Union and in an integrated European Power market. Management of knowledge is the most important point of new sustain development towards the appropriate position of Croatian Electric power production sector in the European integration processes. The awareness of importance of processing and managing knowledge is of vast importance as a focus on an application capacity of information science. It is a means to enable establishing hard connections between business activities and the development of information sciences

    Dynamic Stability Enhancement Through the Application of Stabilizers of Electromechanical Oscillations

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    Power system dynamic stability is one of key issues system engineers face. Oscillations that regularly occur in the system, limit the transmission capability of the network. The need to study the stability of power systems has been increasingly growing along with the development of power systems and their grouping into large interconnections. The focus of this paper is determining the dynamic stability of a synchronous generator, and thus the power system, by applying the general theory of stability of dynamic systems. Furthermore, the procedure for the initial adjustment of the parameters of a conventional (IEEE3 type PSS1A) stabilizer of electromechanical oscillations is briefly described based on the frequency response analysis of a linear generator model also known as the Heffron-Phillips generator model

    Greenhouse gas emissions of the power sector in the Southeastern Europe

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    Globalni napori usmjereni prema smanjenju emisija stakleničkih plinova svake godine jačaju. Shvaćanje da je kvaliteta ljudskog života direktno povezana s utjecajem elektroenergetskog sektora na okoliš u srcu je nove energetske paradigme usmjerene prema dekarbonizaciji energetskih procesa. U tom kontekstu, od izuzetne je važnosti u potpunosti osvijestiti koliku količinu emisija CO2 elektroenergetski sektor ispušta u atmosferu. Istraživanje prikazano u ovom radu analizira izravne emisije proizvodnje električne energije u državama Jugoistočne Europe (JIE). Također, promatra se i utjecaj glavnih faktora koji utječu na emisije CO2, poput: hidroloških uvjeta, promjena u potražnji, volatilnosti cijena goriva i emisijskih jedinica.Global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are growing every year. The understanding that the quality of human life is directly related to the environmental impact of the electricity sector is at the heart of a new energy paradigm oriented towards decarbonizing energy processes. In this context, it is extremely important to be fully aware of how much CO2 emissions are released into the atmosphere by the electricity sector. The research presented in this paper analyses direct emissions from electricity generation in the countries of Southeast Europe (SEE). Also, the impact of the main factors influencing CO2 emissions is observed, such as: hydrological conditions, changes in demand, volatility of fuel prices and emission units

    Aspekti liberalizacije električnih sustava za energiju

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    Električna energija ne može se uskladištiti te naknadno koristiti, već je treba potrošiti gotovo istodobno kada je i proizvedena. Mnoge vlasti i nadležna tijela u svijetu pokušavaju riješiti problem tržišta električne energije na vlastitim saznanjima i mogućnostima. Međutim, većina država teži liberaliziranom tržištu električne energije pa je to danas prevladavajući pristup. Pregledom primjera iz svjetske prakse, u poglavljima koja slijede razrađeni su i predočeni bitni problemi koji se odnose na: • probleme monopola i konkurentnosti, • simulacije scenarija tržišta električne energije, • komparativnu analizu istraživanja tržišta električne energije u nekim europskim zemljama. Autori se nadaju da će sadržaj ovoga udžbenika biti od koristi ne samo studentima Tehničkog fakulteta, već i inženjerima srodnih struka, ali i svima koje zanima predmetno područje

    Status of Croatia’s energy sector framework: Progress, potential, challenges and recommendations

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    Following the accession of Croatia in the European Union a number of questions are raised regarding Croatia's legal framework and its ability to cope with the demands that it faces. This paper provides an overview of the current status of the Croatian energy sector framework and discusses the prospects of successful reform in this new Member State. One of the main aims of this paper is to discuss the current progress, potential prospects and challenges for implementing a successful reform model in the newest EU Member State - Croatia. In this context, it is necessary to note the difficulties in analysing electricity reform which derive from the fact that it can take many different forms, that it involves a number of interrelated steps and that it is an ongoing process. With that in mind, the approach to the problem was a thorough literature review of all possible factors influencing the development of the Croatian energy sector and a detailed analysis of all the options and problems the sector faces. The study offers a detail structure of the energy sector discusses its situation, problems and offers insights on possible paths to improvement

    Aspekti liberalizacije električnih sustava za energiju

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    Električna energija ne može se uskladištiti te naknadno koristiti, već je treba potrošiti gotovo istodobno kada je i proizvedena. Mnoge vlasti i nadležna tijela u svijetu pokušavaju riješiti problem tržišta električne energije na vlastitim saznanjima i mogućnostima. Međutim, većina država teži liberaliziranom tržištu električne energije pa je to danas prevladavajući pristup. Pregledom primjera iz svjetske prakse, u poglavljima koja slijede razrađeni su i predočeni bitni problemi koji se odnose na: • probleme monopola i konkurentnosti, • simulacije scenarija tržišta električne energije, • komparativnu analizu istraživanja tržišta električne energije u nekim europskim zemljama. Autori se nadaju da će sadržaj ovoga udžbenika biti od koristi ne samo studentima Tehničkog fakulteta, već i inženjerima srodnih struka, ali i svima koje zanima predmetno područje

    A Comprehensive Review of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Companies in the Power Sector

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    There is an ongoing, revolutionary transformation occurring across the globe. This transformation is altering established processes, disrupting traditional business models and changing how people live their lives. The power sector is no exception and is going through a radical transformation of its own. Renewable energy, distributed energy sources, electric vehicles, advanced metering and communication infrastructure, management algorithms, energy efficiency programs and new digital solutions drive change in the power sector. These changes are fundamentally altering energy supply chains, shifting geopolitical powers and revising energy landscapes. Underlying infrastructural components are expected to generate enormous amounts of data to support these applications. Facilitating a flow of information coming from the system′s components is a prerequisite for applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions in the power sector. New components, data flows and AI techniques will play a key role in demand forecasting, system optimisation, fault detection, predictive maintenance and a whole string of other areas. In this context, digitalisation is becoming one of the most important factors in the power sector′s transformation process. Digital solutions possess significant potential in resolving multiple issues across the power supply chain. Considering the growing importance of AI, this paper explores the current status of the technology’s adoption rate in the power sector. The review is conducted by analysing academic literature but also by analysing several hundred companies around the world that are developing and implementing AI solutions on the grid’s edge

    City-Level Transition to Low-Carbon Economy

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    In recent years climate change has emerged as a global issue directly related to quality of life. In this context, one of the key goals in the next few decades will be to transition the global economy to a sustainable system. The nature of the energy planning process dictates the application of complex models. There is no universal solution to the energy planning problem. Each territory requires a bespoke strategy aimed at utilising its specific potential. The research presented in this paper explores reaching a zero-carbon energy system at the city level. It establishes a step-by-step decarbonisation method and proposes an energy transition index (ETI). The index presented is used to evaluate different renewable energy sources (RES) deployment scenarios in the context of affordability, self-reliance, and sustainability. The main aspects and barriers of deploying sustainable energy solutions are also explored. Some of the key challenges of RES deployment are identified as capital intensity, output variability, and the regulatory framework. The approach applied in the paper focuses on a city-level strategy in line with the goal of satisfying demand through local energy sources. The presented analysis offers two basic conclusions: (1) each territory requires a bespoke strategy that can optimally utilise its energy potential and (2) building a local zero-carbon system can be feasible only by implementing energy storage technologies