143 research outputs found

    Use of electrical bioimpedance analysis to evaluate the quality of bovine raw milk

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    The objective of the present study was to use electrical bioimpedance analysis (BIA) as an alternative method of evaluating the quality of bovine raw milk. Fourteen lactating purebred Dutch cows were used. For the analyses of milk quality and electrical bioimpedance, 140 ml milk per mammary quarter and a homogeneous sample of each animal were collected, totalling 70 samples. The criteria used to evaluate milk quality consisted of somatic cell count (CCS), total bacterial count (CBT), fat, protein, lactose, total solids (ST) and non-greasy solids (SNG) as required by IN No 62/2011. A monofrequential 50 kHz and 800 μA alternating current generator was used for electrical BIAs. The temperature of the raw milk was 5 °C for all samples. Primary resistance and reactance readings were obtained. From these values, the values of impedance, conductance and phase angle were obtained. Correlation analyses were performed to determine the variables used by the regression analyses. The regression analysis was performed using raw milk components as dependent variables and BIA measurements as independent variables. Lactose, ST and SNG were the components of milk that correlated best and presented moderate prediction equations in relation to BIA variables. The prediction equations using resistance showed R2 of 0.42 and 0.45 for ST and SNG, respectively. In the prediction equation for ST and SNG, the conductance resulted in R2 of 0.45, and 0.45, respectively. Regarding impedance, the R2 of 0.42 and 0.45 were obtained for the predicted equations ST and SNG, respectively. Thus, it can be concluded that BIA has the potential to estimate the composition and quality of bovine raw milk.Keywords: conductance, impedance, milk compositio

    Recomendações para o cultivo da pimenta longa (Piper hispidinervium C.DC.) no Estado do Pará.

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    bitstream/item/28212/1/CircTec39.pdfDisponível também on-line

    Amostragem e diagnose foliar.

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    Substituição do milho moído pela glicerina como aditivo em silagem de capim elefante

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    Objetivou-se com este estudo testar o aumento linear da inclusão de glicerina bruta (86% de  pureza) em  substituição ao milho moído, como aditivo, na forragem de capim-elefante destinada a ensilagem, avaliando-se a qualidade nutricional do alimento e a viabilidade da ensilagem do material. Foram testados cinco níveis de substituição do milho pela glicerina em taxas que variaram de 3,12 a 12,5% sobre a matéria natural da forragem, além de um tratamento controle (apenas forragem). Realizaram-se análises bromatológicas e de digestibilidade para avaliar o valor nutricional da mistura durante a ensilagem e após o processo fermentativo, na silagem. Para avaliar a qualidade fermentativa foram feitas avaliações de pH, nitrogênio amoniacal, recuperação de matéria seca e densidade. A inclusão do milho moído incrementou (P<0,05) o teor de matéria seca em até 28%, tanto na forragem fresca, bem como na silagem. Tanto a inclusão do milho, bem como a substituição deste pela glicerina resultou (P<0,05) em um incremento médio de 25% e 32 % na digestibilidade in situ e valor energético da silagem, respectivamente quando comparado ao capim puro.  Isto, devido ao decréscimo (P<0,05) dos teores de fibra em detergente neutro e fibra em detergente ácido na silagem. A inclusão de glicerina aumentou (P<0,05) as perdas de proteína bruta durante a fermentação e diminuiu a recuperação da matéria seca. O teor de matéria seca da forragem parece ser fator chave para o sucesso de inclusão da glicerina como aditivo na ensilagem do capim-elefante, no intuito de evitar perdas expressivas de qualidade nutricional durante a fermentação

    Improved Approximation Algorithms for Box Contact Representations ⋆

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    Abstract. We study the following geometric representation problem: Given a graph whose vertices correspond to axis-aligned rectangles with fixed dimensions, arrange the rectangles without overlaps in the plane such that two rectangles touch if the graph contains an edge between them. This problem is called CONTACT REPRESENTATION OF WORD NETWORKS (CROWN) since it formalizes the geometric problem behind drawing word clouds in which semantically related words are close to each other. CROWN is known to be NP-hard, and there are approximation algorithms for certain graph classes for the optimization version, MAX-CROWN, in which realizing each desired adjacency yields a certain profit. We present the first O(1)-approximation algorithm for the general case, when the input is a complete weighted graph, and for the bipartite case. Since the subgraph of realized adjacencies is necessarily planar, we also consider several planar graph classes (namely stars, trees, outerplanar, and planar graphs), improving upon the known results. For some graph classes, we also describe improvements in the unweighted case, where each adjacency yields the same profit. Finally, we show that the problem is APX-hard on bipartite graphs of bounded maximum degree.


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