11 research outputs found

    Analysis of terrestrial laser scanning technology for structural

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    Monitoring displacements and deformations of anthropogenic spatial structures and objects represents\ud one of the most intricate areas in geodetic surveying. Besides the measurement technologies\ud that have been traditionally used for such tasks, terrestrial laser scanning represents another possibility\ud employing the surface-wise deformation inspection of the objects’ surfaces. The main aim of\ud the thesis is to try to provide answers whether terrestrial laser scanning can be used for monitoring\ud displacements and deformations in a long-term perspective and how this could be achieved for any\ud arbitrary surface. Furthermore, the hypothesis will be challenged with the statement that the deformation\ud inspection can be performed in the millimeter domain with this remote sensing measurement\ud technology. In order to solve the problem of a stable reference system and to assure the high quality\ud of possible position changes of point clouds, scanning is integrated with two complementary\ud surveying techniques, i.e., high quality static GNSS positioning and precise classical terrestrial surveying.\ud The methodology of such high precision monitoring approach is proposed in the thesis and\ud was tested in two case study outdoor experiments. Besides these two outdoor experiments, also indoor\ud tests were designed to evaluate the quality of the surveying equipment (laser scanning targets)\ud as well as the response of the scanner to the surface material

    Prediction of the peak shear strength of the rock joints with artificial neural networks

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    With the development of computer technology, artificial neural networks are becoming increasingly useful in the field of engineering geology and geotechnics. With artificial neural networks, the geomechanical properties of rocks or their behaviour could be predicted under different stress conditions. Slope failures or underground excavations in rocks mostly occurred through joints, which are essential for the stability of geotechnical structures. This is why the peak shear strength of a rock joint is the most important parameter for a rock mass stability. Testing of the shear characteristics of joints is often time consuming and suitable specimens for testing are difficult to obtain during the research phase. The roughness of the joint surface, tensile strength and vertical load have a great influence on the peak shear strength of the rock joint. In the presented paper, the surface roughness of joints was measured with a photogrammetric scanner, and the peak shear strength was determined by the Robertson direct shear test. Based on six input characteristics of the rock joints, the artificial neural network, using a backpropagation learning algorithm, successfully learned to predict the peak shear strength of the rock joint. The trained artificial neural network predicted the peak shear strength for similar lithological and geological conditions with average estimation error of 6 %. The results of the calculation with artificial neural networks were compared with the Grasselli experimental model, which showed a higher error in comparison with the artificial neural network model

    Use of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Technology for Long Term High Precision Deformation Monitoring

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    The paper presents a new methodology for high precision monitoring of deformations with a long term perspective using terrestrial laser scanning technology. In order to solve the problem of a stable reference system and to assure the high quality of possible position changes of point clouds, scanning is integrated with two complementary surveying techniques, i.e., high quality static GNSS positioning and precise tacheometry. The case study object where the proposed methodology was tested is a high pressure underground pipeline situated in an area which is geologically unstable

    Analysis of terrestrial laser scanning technology for structural deformation monitoring

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    Spremljanje premikov in deformacij antropogenih prostorskih struktur in objektov predstavlja eno izmed najbolj zahtevnih področij v geodeziji. Poleg merskih tehnologij, ki se tradicionalno uporabljajo za izvedbo takšnih nalog, predstavlja terestrično lasersko skeniranje dodatno možnost ploskovnega načina analiziranja objektnih površin. Glavni cilj doktorske naloge je v zagotovitvi odgovorov o možnostih uporabe terestričnega laserskega skeniranja za dolgoročno spremljanje premikov in deformacij ter o načinu izvedbe takšne oblike spremljave na poljubnih objektih. Poleg tega bo v okviru naloge ovrednotena hipoteza, da lahko s pomočjo te tehnologije daljinskega zaznavanja k analizi deformacij pristopimo v območju milimetrov. Za rešitev problema stabilnega referenčnega sistema, ki pogojuje visoko kakovostno analiziranje morebitnih sprememb položajev oblakov točk, je skeniranje treba povezati z ostalimi geodetskimi tehnikami, tj. zelo natančno statično izmero GNSS in precizno klasično terestrično izmero. Naloga predlaga metodologijo takšnega zelo natančnega načina spremljanja, ki je bila preizkušena v okviru dveh testov v naravi. Poleg teh dveh testov so bili za potrebe naloge zasnovani tudi testi za preverjanje kakovosti uporabljene merske opreme (tarč laserskega skeniranja) in odzivnosti skenerja na lastnosti površinskega materiala..Monitoring displacements and deformations of anthropogenic spatial structures and objects represents one of the most intricate areas in geodetic surveying. Besides the measurement technologies that have been traditionally used for such tasks, terrestrial laser scanning represents another possibility employing the surface-wise deformation inspection of the objects’ surfaces. The main aim of the thesis is to try to provide answers whether terrestrial laser scanning can be used for monitoring displacements and deformations in a long-term perspective and how this could be achieved for any arbitrary surface. Furthermore, the hypothesis will be challenged with the statement that the deformation inspection can be performed in the millimeter domain with this remote sensing measurement technology. In order to solve the problem of a stable reference system and to assure the high quality of possible position changes of point clouds, scanning is integrated with two complementary surveying techniques, i.e., high quality static GNSS positioning and precise classical terrestrial surveying. The methodology of such high precision monitoring approach is proposed in the thesis and was tested in two case study outdoor experiments. Besides these two outdoor experiments, also indoor tests were designed to evaluate the quality of the surveying equipment (laser scanning targets) as well as the response of the scanner to the surface material

    Automatic relative orientation procedure

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    Diplomsko delo obravnava avtomatizacijo celotnega postopka relativne orientacije stereopara. V ta namen je bil v okviru praktičnega dela naloge v razvojnem okolju Visual C++ 6.0 izdelan testni program za avtomatizacijo tega fotogrametričnega procesa. Opisana so teoretična izhodišča, ki nudijo oporo pri razumevanju delovanja programa: relativna orientacija, digitalna obdelava slik za pridobitev vhodnih podatkov in robustna ocena pogreškov, ki je nujna, če hočemo nadzor nad pogreški relativne orientacije avtomatizirati in hkrati zmanjšati njihov vpliv na iskane orientacijske parametre. Predstavljene so tudi faze nastajanja testnega programa in shematični opisi njegovega delovanja. Poseben poudarek je bil posvečen različnim metodam zajema homolognih točk, ki so bile najprej določene ročno, nato polavtomatsko in nazadnje še povsem avtomatsko. Na ta način smo lahko ugotavljali prednosti in slabosti avtomatiziranega pristopa. Relativno orientacijo smo izvedli na različnih stereoparih, tako za aero- kot tudi za bližnjeslikovne posnetke.The present work describes an automatic approach to relative orientation procedure performed on an individual stereopair. For this purpose a test program has been built using Visual C++ 6.0 to enable this photogrammetric process to be fully automatic. The backgrounds are presented to describe the working of the program: relative orientation, image processing for determination of input data and robust estimation techniques, which are necessary for automatic control over the blunders, found in the relative orientation procedure and for minimizing their effect on orientation parameters. The work also describes the steps of building the test program and schematic diagrams of its functionality. A special emphasis is placed on different methods for determining conjugate points. Initially the points were identified and measured manually furthermore a semi-automatic approach was implemented and finally a fully automatic one. Determining the conjugate points according to these steps it was possible to compare the results and to point out the advantages and disadvantages of the automatic relative orientation. The program was tested on aerial and close range images

    Complete Automation of the relative Orientation of a Stereopair : Avtomatizacija celotnega postopka relativne orientacije stereopara

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    In the paper the results of the research on the complete automation of the relative orientation of a stereo pair is presented. The theoretical background needed for understanding this topic is described and the results of testing the algorithms with real data are presented. In general, the relative orientation procedure consists of three phases: input data acquisition, computation ofrelative orientation parameters and estimation of observation errors. In the process of the complete relative orientation automation, the key step is the automation of homologous points acquisition in the stereo area. In the tests presented, the homologous points were acquired with different methods: manually, semiautomatically and fully automatically. The results ofthe computed relative orientation parameters have been compared. It has been concluded that the automation of the relative orientation procedure is successful and reliable if the control of the observation errors estimation is built into the procedure, and,especially, we get the results faster than with the manual or semi-automated method

    Digital Twins and Road Construction Using Secondary Raw Materials

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    Secondary raw materials (SRMs) tend to be a valuable replacement for finite virgin materials especially since construction works (i.e., building and civil engineering work such as road construction) require vast quantities of raw materials. Using SRM originating from recycling a broad range of inorganic waste materials (e.g., mining waste, different industrial wastes, construction, and demolition waste) has been recognized as a promising, generally more cost-efficient, and environmentally friendly alternative to the exploitation of natural resources. Despite the benefits of using SRM, several challenges need to be addressed before using SRM even more. One of them is the long-term durability and little-known response of construction works built using such alternative materials. In this paper, we present the activities to establish a fully functioning digital twin (DT) of a road constructed using SRM. The first part of the paper is devoted to the theoretical justification of efforts and ways of establishing the monitoring systems, followed by a DT case study where an integrated data environment synthesizing a Building Information Model and monitored data is presented. Although the paper builds upon a small scale, the case study is methodologically designed to allow parallels to be drawn with much larger construction projects

    Current Practice, Future need and Gap Analysis : Deliverable D1.1

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    This report is INFRACOMS first deliverable D1.1. It addresses the “Understanding of information needs and gaps” component of the project. The aim has been to identify the current priorities and future needs of NRAs for the management of carriageway and bridge assets, specifically in terms of their approach to data collection and monitoring. The approach has been to establish existing knowledge via a review of previous projects, current best practices and standards in data collection and inspection, and a review of current business processes, NRA strategies around data collection and digitalisation etc. The report identifies a set of key imperatives for carriageway and bridge assets covering Availability, Reliability, Environment, Economy and Safety. Each of these is supported by the collection of key condition data, which is used to report technical parameters and performance indicators that can be combined to assess the ability of the asset to meet its key imperatives. A wide range of technologies are identified, which are currently applied to collect the data that supports this assessment. The consultation shows that there are also gaps between the desired and the current capability for the assessment of these assets. These include gaps in the data, challenges in the ability to collect the data, gaps in the application of the data that is already collected etc. A review of emerging technologies shows that there are tools and technologies that could help to fill these gaps. These could overcome the limitations of current technologies, better integrate new data sources, provide greater flexibility in using current and new data, and provide better analysis. They include remote sensing, Internet of Things (IoT), crowdsourcing, and advanced data processing/visualisation

    Report on state-of-the-art data assessment and visualisation methods : Deliverable D3.1

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    Effective analysis and visualisation of data is critical for the efficient application of the data provided by carriageway and bridge condition monitoring technologies. It supports better decisions in relation to asset reliability, availability, safety, economy and environment. This report discusses the link between the data provided by monitoring technologies on the properties of assets and how the collected data can be analysed and visualised to provide value in decision support. The next step in the report is to use this understanding to develop an appraisal system which could enable technologies in the INFRACOMS technology database to be appraised (scored) in relation to their abilities for data analysis, visualisation, integration and use in decision support. The presented system is referred to as the D3.1 scoring system. It consists of four components covering data visualisation, data analysis, integration within current data architectures and potential for practical decision-making. The present D3.1 report primarily examines the components pertaining to data visualisation and data analysis, while the exploration of the other two components, data architecture and decision support, will be carried out in the D3.2 report. It is proposed that the D3.1 scoring system could be used to appraise the capability of monitoring technologies to support asset management decisions, and would become an integral component of the INFRACOMS Appraisal Toolkit. It will also be used to further filter the current INFRACOMS Technology Database 2.0 technologies as part of the Appraisal Toolkit as INFRACOMS completes the development of the toolkit/database within WP2

    Appraisal methodology : Deliverable D2.1

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    This report represents INFRACOMS deliverable D2.1 Appraisal Methodology. It builds upon the deliverables of INFRACOMS Work Package 1 which identified the information needs, gaps and priorities of NRAs in terms of their approach to data collection and monitoring, and a list of current and emerging measurement technologies. This report includes a review of several commonly-used appraisal methodologies that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness, suitability and potential impact of new technologies for an organisation. These methodologies include Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs), Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA), Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA), Risk Assessment, and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA). Elements of these commonly used methodologies are included in the INFRACOMS Appraisal Methodology. The report also includes key highlights from a workshop with NRAs conducted in January 2023 which also fed into the design of the appraisal methodology. The INFRACOMS Appraisal Methodology described here is designed around the technology use case, that is, a particular application of a technology by a NRA. It incorporates three core processes for Pre-Evaluation, Evaluation and Case Studies of technology use cases. It also includes processes for NRAs to define their strategic and technical priorities so that the appraisal process can be tailored to addressing their individual requirements, as identified from Work Package 1