139 research outputs found

    Implications for the United States drawn from European Union Experiences with Antimicrobial Use, Policy, and Resistance

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    Spurred on by heavy antimicrobial use in healthcare systems worldwide, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a preeminent global health crisis. Antimicrobials are also economically important as antimicrobial growth-promotants (AGPs) for food animals. Due to connections between antimicrobial use in food animals and increased AMR arising in zoonotic pathogens, many governments worldwide have enacted or proposed legislation intended to curb veterinary antimicrobial use. Starting in 2012, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) began to release a set of industry guidances that proposed a phase-out of medically important antimicrobials as AGPs in food animals. Effective January 1st, 2017, these new regulations have left many questions as to their economic and logistical impacts on the food animal industry, as well as their effects on food animal and human health. The European Union and its member states have had similar regulations for several decades now, with the constituent nations of Sweden and Denmark being particularly strong examples. These nations and their data-collection infrastructures offer a wealth of information as to the possible economic and health effects of AGP restrictions in the United States. We reviewed this information to propose possible implications of the recent AGP regulations in the United States


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    Interpretation efforts are commonly used in park and protected area management to communicate information about a place to visitors, and in some cases, are also intended to persuade visitors to engage in stewardship behaviors. The National Park Service (NPS) Junior Rangers (JR) programs are intended to develop a sense of stewardship within participating children; however, few studies have explored the effectiveness of these programs. In addition, despite considerable research investigating interpretation and its influence, further exploration of the factors that influence stewardship behaviors in participants of interpretation are needed. The purpose of this Dissertation research was to: 1) develop scales to measure national park stewardship behaviors and elaboration in children, 2) examine the relationship between elaboration and the performance of national park stewardship behaviors, and 3) explore the influence of interpretation on youth participants\u27 (ages 8-13) national park stewardship behaviors and behavioral intentions through an evaluation of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM) JR program. A communication theory known as the elaboration likelihood model provided the theoretical foundation for surveys developed for this research. Survey data were collected during the summer of 2009 from two independent samples of GRSM visitors: 1) children who had not yet participated in the JR program; and 2) children who had completed the program and been sworn in as Junior Rangers. Results suggest that interpretation programs, such as the GRSM JR program, have the potential to influence youth participants (ages 8-13) to engage in stewardship behaviors on-site, and to inspire intentions to participate in stewardship behaviors at home and in their communities. This Dissertation makes a contribution to the field with the development of two new scales for measuring the outcomes of interpretation on youth participants: 1) the stewardship elaboration scale, which includes sub-scales to measure program participants\u27 interest and cognitive engagement in national park stewardship issues, and 2) the national park stewardship behavior scale, comprised of sub-scales measuring in-park, home, and community behaviors. Finally it was found that individuals\u27 enhanced awareness, interest, and cognitive engagement, combined to represent elaboration, predicted 88% of the behavioral intentions and behaviors associated with national park stewardship

    Anticipations envers les études collégiales

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    Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 23 avril 2009).Bibliogr

    Facteurs individuels et sociaux de l'adaptation réussie à la transition secondaire - collégial

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    "La présente recherche a été subventionnée par le ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport dans le cadre du Programme d'aide à la recherche sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage (PAREA)."Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 5 nov. 2007)Également disponible en format papierBibliogr.: p. 98-10

    Personal goal setting as a mediator of the relationship between mindfulness and wellbeing

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    Although the evidence suggesting a positive relationship between mindfulness and wellbeing is rapidly accumulating, the mechanisms by which this relationship operates remain unclear. This study explored the relationship between mindfulness, wellbeing and a self-regulatory process, namely personal goal setting. It was hypothesized that people reporting higher levels of mindfulness would strive for goals having a greater degree of autonomy, which would in turn have a beneficial impact on their wellbeing. University students (n = 114) completed questionnaires aimed at assessing their level of mindfulness and wellbeing. They were asked to identify five personal goals they were currently pursuing and indicate the reasons (extrinsic, introjected, identified or intrinsic) they were pursuing these goals. A bootstrapping analysis supports the mediating hypothesis and suggests that students who reported being more attentive and aware tended to be engaged in personal endeavours that were more autonomously motivated, which in turn appeared to foster their wellbeing

    Relation entre la conception de l’intelligence et les buts d’apprentissage

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    L’étude examine les possibilités prédictives du modèle de Dweck au sujet de relations entre la conception de l’intelligence et le type de buts d’apprentissage. La mesure traditionnelle de la conception de l’intelligence s’appuie sur des items qui renvoient à la conception statique, par opposition à une conception dynamique. Toutefois, le caractère mutuellement exclusif des deux conceptions reste à démontrer. Un questionnaire a été administré à 487 étudiants universitaires. Les résultats montrent que les deux conceptions de l’intelligence sont négativement reliées, mais que cette relation est modérée. En outre, ils ne fournissent qu’un appui partiel aux relations postulées par le modèle de Dweck. La discussion propose des explications portant sur la coexistence de ces deux types de conception de l’intelligence.The study examines the predictive possibilities of the model of Dweck regarding the relationships between the conception of intelligence and the type of learning goals. The traditional measurement of the concept of intelligence rests on items which return to a static conception, in opposition to a dynamic conception. However, the mutually exclusive character of those two conceptions remains to be shown. A survey was made with 487 university students. The results show that the two conceptions of intelligence are negatively connected, but that this relationship is moderate. Moreover, they provide only a partial support to the relationships postulated by the model of Dweck. The discussion suggests some explanations concerning the coexistence of these two types of conceptions of intelligence.El estudio considera las posibilidades predictivas del modelo de Dweck respecto a relaciones entre la concepción de la inteligencia y el tipo de metas de aprendizaje. La medida tradicional de la concepción de la inteligencia se fundamenta en elementos que remiten a la concepción estática, en contraste con una concepción dinámica. Sin embargo, el carácter mutuamente exclusivo de las dos concepciones queda por demostrar. Un cuestionario ha sido aplicado a 487 estudiantes universitarios. Los resultados demuestran que las dos concepciones de la inteligencia están relacionadas de forma negativa, pero que esta relación es moderada. Además, no proporcionan más que una ayuda parcial a las relaciones postuladas en el modelo de Dweck. La discusión sugiera explicaciones acerca de la coexistencia de estos dos tipos de concepción de la inteligencia.Die Studie untersucht die vorausgesagten Möglichkeiten des Modells von Dweck bezüglich der Beziehungen zwischen der Intelligenzkonzeption und der Art von den Lehrzielen. Die traditionelle Maßnahme der Intelligenzkonzeption stützt sich auf Items. Diese verweisen auf die statische Konzeption im Gegensatz zu einer dynamischen Konzeption. Allerdings bleibt der exklusiv wechselseitige Charakter der zwei Konzeptionen zu beweisen. Ein Fragebogen wurde an 487 Hochschulstudenten gestellt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die zwei Intelligenzkonzeptionen zwar negativ zueinander in Beziehung setzen, aber dass dieses Verhältnis gemäßigt ist. Sie liefern außerdem nur eine partielle Unterstützung der durch das Modell von Dweck postulierten Beziehungen. Die Diskussion schlägt Erklärungen bezüglich der Koexistenz dieser zwei Arten der Intelligenzkonzeption vor

    Le design comme levier d’optimisation de l’économie circulaire : le cas des PME œuvrant en agriculture urbaine

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    Le développement d’une vision globale de l’ensemble des sphères de l’économie circulaire, de l’entrepreneuriat et du design nécessite une approche dynamique et complexe. En effet, au croisement de ces trois sphères se trouve une opportunité de comprendre l’opérationnalisation d’une économie en boucle fermée au sein des entreprises d’aujourd’hui. Ces dernières sont des acteurs indispensables à la transition vers ce nouveau modèle économique. Dans l’optique d’améliorer la mise en œuvre de l’économie circulaire (ÉC), la réflexion porte principalement sur les enjeux liés à l’opérationnalisation d’une telle approche au sein des PME du Québec. Le souhait est de documenter le cheminement de ces dernières conscientisées aux enjeux du développement durable, particulièrement œuvrant en agriculture urbaine ; un domaine qui est en pleine transformation. La question à laquelle cette recherche se propose de répondre est la suivante : quels sont les freins et les leviers reliés à l’opérationnaliser l’économie circulaire chez les PME? Avec les problématiques planétaires grandissantes dues à la surproduction/surconsommation comme prémisse, cette recherche s’appuie sur la théorie des sciences environnementales (Fondation Ellen MacArthur, l’institut EDDEC) et entrepreneuriales (Harvard Business Review) pour construire son cadre. L’objectif principal étant de comprendre le fonctionnement de l’intégration de l’ÉC en entreprise, l’approche méthodologique choisie pour cette recherche est d’ordre phénoménologique. Elle vise principalement à observer, par l’entremise d’entretiens semi-dirigés, le parcours de quatre différentes entreprises conscientisées. L’approche de design stratégique (Madge, Plouffe et De Coninck) permettra de clore ce projet de recherche avec une proposition de pistes de solutions en opérationnalisation.The development of a global vision for the circular economy, entrepreneurship and design spheres of activity involves a dynamic and complex approach. At the intersection of these three spheres lies an opportunity for understanding the operationalization of a closed-circuit economy within today’s enterprises. The latter are essential players in the transition towards this new economic model. In order to improve the implementation of circular economy (CE), the main focus is on issues related to its operationalization. The goal is to document the path taken by Quebec small and medium enterprises cognizant towards sustainable development issues, particularly working in urban agriculture, a field currently in full transformation. The question that this research proposes to answer is the following: what are the brakes and levers related to the operationalization of the circular economy among SMEs? With the growth of planetary issues due to overproduction / overconsumption as a premise, this research is building its framework on environmental sciences (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, EDDEC Institute) and entrepreneurial (Harvard Business Review) theories. With the main objective being to shed light on levers and weaknesses related to the operationalization of a CE within SMEs, the methodological approach chosen for this research is phenomenological. It aims primarily at observing, through semi-structured interviews, the journey of four different companies who are already cognizant towards sustainable development issues. The strategic design approach (Madge, Plouffe and De Coninck) will allow to conclude this research project with a proposition for solution paths in operationalization

    Unit organization of two topics in business law: agency and insurance.

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    Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston Universit

    Facteurs associés à la détresse psychologique des étudiants: mieux comprendre pour mieux intervenir

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    PAREA n°PA-2016-006La présente recherche a été subventionnée par le ministère de l'Éducation et de l'Enseignement supérieur dans le cadre du Programme d'aide à la recherche sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage (PAREA).Comprend des références bibliographiques
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