23 research outputs found

    Draft of the establishment of the personal department in the selected IT company

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá analýzou prováděných personálních prací ve zvolené organizaci zabývající se informačními technologiemi. Stávající stav je zhodnocen a jsou navrženy změny, které umožňují provádět řádné provádění personálních prací. Současně je zde uveden postup zavedení personálního oddělení do této organizace a je zde podrobně rozepsáno, jakým způsobem by mělo toto oddělení fungovat.This thesis deal with analysis of doing personnel works in specific organization dealing with information technologies. Actual conditions are evaluated and changes, which allow doing a proper personnel work, are suggested. Concurrently thesis speaks about procedure of implementation of personnel department into this specific organization and it is detailed in what way this department should work

    Metastabilní slitina Ti-15Mo připravená práškovou metalurgií

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    Práce se zabývá charakterizací metastabilní beta slitiny Ti-15Mo připravené kryogenním mletím a následným sintrováním elektrickým proudem. Výchozí prášek byl připraven plynovou atomizací a následně deformován kryogenním mletím (mletý prášek). Výchozí prášek a mletý prášek byly kompaktizovány metodou sintrování elektrickým proudem při teplotách v intervalu 750 řC až 850 řC. Během kryogenního mletí práškové částice výrazně změnily tvar z kulatých na placaté. Velikost částic se nezmenšila, ale částice byly intenzivně plasticky deformovány. Pomocí skenovacího elektronového mikroskopu bylo zjištěno, že všechny připravené vzorky obsahují dvojfázovou alfa + beta mikrostrukturu. Objemový podíl alfa fáze je výrazně větší po sintrování mletého prášku kvůli zvýšené teplotě beta přechodu způsobené kontaminací mletého prášku kyslíkem, ale také kvůli snazší precipitaci fáze alfa díky zjemněné mikrostruktuře. Maximální dosažená mikrotvrdost je asi 350 HV pro oba sintrované prášky. Vysoká mirkotvrdost výchozího prášku může být vysvětlena vznikem omega fáze, zatímco mletý prášek je vytvrzen jemnou mikrostrukturou a malými precipitáty fáze alfa. Kryogenní mletí umožňuje získat materiál s vysokou mikrotvrdostí při nižších teplotách sintrování.This diploma thesis focused on manufacturing and characterization of Ti-15Mo metastable beta-Ti alloy prepared by cryogenic milling and spark plasma sintering. Initial powder was prepared by gas atomization and consequently deformed by cryogenic milling (milled powder). Both initial and milled powders were compacted by spark plasma sintering (SPS) at temperatures from 750 řC to 850 řC. Dependence of microstructure and mechanical properties on the parameters of preparation was studied. During cryo-milling, powder particles significantly changed shape from ball-shaped to disc-shaped. Particles were not refined by milling, but severely plastically deformed. SEM observations showed that all prepared samples contain duplex alpha + beta structure. Volume fraction of alpha phase is significantly higher in the sintered milled powder due to increased beta- transus temperature caused by contamination by oxygen and also due to easier alpha phase precipitation caused by refined microstructure. Maximum microhardness of 350 HV was achieved for both types of sintered powders. High microhardness of sintered initial powder can be attributed to formation of omega phase during cooling, while sintered milled powder is strengthened by refined microstructure and small alpha phase precipitates. Cryogenic milling prior to...Department of Physics of MaterialsKatedra fyziky materiálůFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Fog, Rain and Cloud - collection of knitted garments

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    katedra: KDE; přílohy: Vzorky materiálů, vzorky pleteniny; rozsah: 77V tomto projektu je cílem zachytit konkrétní autentickou malbu inspirovanou tématem Mlha, déšť a mraky na velkoplošný vzor pleteniny a realizovat tak pohyb obrazu. Záleží nám na změně, která se děje během cyklu tvorby. Jde o vývoj konečného vzezření a o rozdíl reality, fotografie, inspirované emoční malby, návrhu vzoru a výsledné pleteniny. Dalším aspektem je chování oděvu na těle ženy při chůzi, sezení, různých postojích a při běžných činnostech. Následkem krčení, kroucení a natahování oděvu je domnělý život v obrazech. Nejedná se o věrné kopírování reality, nebo dokonalé převedení malby, ale o zachycení momentu, nálady, barev a subjektivních emocí, které nám dovolují nahlédnout do nitra autorky. Nicméně i tak je výsledek konkrétní a jen málo abstraktní. Sedmidílná kolekce pletených oděvů s žakárovým vzorem, která je tvořena na poloautomatickém plochém pletacím stroji, je střihově naprosto zbavená konvencí v oblékání. Střih je u všech modelů jednotný, minimalistický avšak monumentální. Vzory jsou odvozeny od maleb, které jsou inspirovány přímými fotografickými studiemi.This project aims to capture the concrete painting inspired by Mist, rain and clouds on large-scale pattern and realize the moving picture. We are interested in the change during the cycle of creation. Its about the making of final appearance and the distinction of reality, photography, emotinal painting, design pattern and finaly the resulting knitting. Another aspect is the behavior of fabric on woman?s body while walking, sitting and other common activities. The result of crouching, twisting and stretching the cloth, makes the imaginary life in pictures. Its not about creating exact copy of reality, or perfekt transfer of painting. Its about catching the moment, the mood, colors and emotions which allows us to look into the heart of author. Even though is the result more concrete then abstrakt. Collection of seven knitting dresses with jacquard pattern. It is made on semi-automatic flat knitting machine. Pattern of dresses are without convention in clothing. Pattern is the same on every dress. It is minimal and monumentel. Patterns come from paintings which are inspired by photo's studies

    Fog, Rain and Cloud - collection of knitted garments

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    Sequence of phase transformations in metastable ß Zr–12Nb alloy studied in situ by HEXRD and complementary techniques

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    Phase transformations in a metastable beta Zr–12Nb alloy were investigated by high-energy X-ray diffraction (HEXRD) measured simultaneously with thermal expansion in situ during linear heating from room temperature to 800 °C. Complementary in-situ methods of electrical resistance and differential scanning calorimetry, which were performed using the same heating conditions as in the HEXRD experiment, provided additional information on the transformation sequence occurring in the Zr–12Nb alloy. Two bcc phases with a different lattice parameter, ßZr and ßNb, were observed in the investigated temperature range and identified using the phase diagram of the Zr–Nb system. In the initial solution-treated condition, metastable ßZr phase and athermal ¿ particles are present in the material. At about 300 °C, Nb-rich ßNb phase starts to form in the material and the original ßZr phase gradually disappears. Ex-situ observations of the microstructure using transmission electron microscopy revealed a cuboidal shape of the ¿ particles, which is related to a relatively large misfit between the ¿ and ß phases. At 560 °C, ¿ solvus was observed, identified by an abrupt dissolution of ¿ particles which was followed by growth of the a phase.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Involvement of social partners in policymaking during the COVID-19 outbreak

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    Aquesta publicació s'elabora a partir de les contribucions de cadascú dels membres nacionals que integren la Network of Eufound Correspondent. Pel cas d'Espanya la contribució ha estat realitzada per l'Oscar Molina GodinoSince 2016, Eurofound has closely monitored the involvement of national social partners in policymaking as part of the European Semester cycle. In 2020, the focus was on their involvement during the first months of the COVID-19 outbreak. While the pandemic has presented a huge challenge to social dialogue, the results of the analysis highlight how social dialogue can be an effective tool in shaping policy initiatives and finding solutions to emergency situations affecting businesses, workers, the economy and society. It is clear that the participation of social partners in the design and implementation of national recovery and resilience plans in 2021 will be key in the recovery process and for strengthening social dialogue going forward

    Regulating minimum wages and other forms of pay for the self-employed

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    Aquesta publicació s'elabora a partir de les contribucions de cadascú dels membres nacionals que integren la Network of Eurofound Correspondents. Pel cas d'Espanya la contribució ha estat realitzada per l' Oscar Molina (veure annex 2 Network of Eurofound Correspondents)This report is carried out in the context of the three-year pilot project (2021-2023), 'Role of the minimum wage in establishing the Universal Labour Guarantee', mandated to Eurofound by the European Commission. Its focus is module 3 of the project, investigating minimum wages and other forms of pay for the self-employed. Out of concern for the challenging conditions faced by certain groups of self-employed workers, some Member States have established or are in discussions about proposing some statutory forms of minimum pay for selected categories of the self-employed. The main objective of the report is to understand how minimum wages, wage rates, tariffs, fees and other forms of pay could be fixed for specific jobs or professions in sectors having a high level of 'vulnerable' workers, as well as 'concealed' self-employed. While the majority of Member States allow trade union representation, the right to collective bargaining for the self-employed is much more limited. Only a small number of Member States provide examples of collectively agreed minimum wages or other forms of pay for the self-employed

    Working time in 2019-2020

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    Aquesta publicació s'elabora a partir de les contribucions de cadascú dels membres nacionals que integren la Network of Eufound Correspondent. Pel cas d'Espanya la contribució ha estat realitzada per l'Alejandro GodinoThe most relevant changes in working time regulation in Europe in 2019 and 2020 addressed challenges arising as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Most focused on short-time working schemes, on approaches to teleworking for those able to work from home and on regulations to ensure the safe provision of essential services. In 2020, the average collectively agreed working week in the EU stood at 37.8 hours. Across the sectors analysed in the report, the collectively agreed normal working week was shortest in public administration (38 hours) and longest in transport (39.2 hours). Paid annual leave entitlement (taking into account those set through collective bargaining) stood at an average of 24.5 days across the EU. Key topics for discussion in all Member States during the COVID-19 pandemic included dealing with the impact of changes in working hours on different groups of workers and the role of working time in supporting economic recovery and job creation

    Imptortant Chambre Copositions in the Violine literature of the 2nd hlaf of the 20th century

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    The conception of my disertation thesis is foccused on The important chambre compositions of the violin literature of the 2nd half of the 20th century. The conseption of my thesis is intendet on seven chapters. The first is about the developement of the violin sonata and its modification in the climatics works of present. The next two chapters deal with two solo violin pieces by L. Berio and P. Boulez, focussed on the intepret´s view. The second thematic unit is about new recourses in the instrumental combination of violin and piano, in which I foccused on the important chambre music works by A. Schnittke, G. Crumb and I. Xenakis. The third thematic sphere is about chambre compositions of the nontraditional instrumental conflation. After this chapter I speak about the most interesting composition of the nontradtional conflation, which is G. Kurtág´s Kafka Fragmente op. 24 for soprano and violin. The last chapter represents concrete using of the new technical possibilities of the string instruments. The two main works are composed by H. Lachenmann and T. Murail

    Metastable alloy Ti-15Mo prepared by powder metallurgy

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    This diploma thesis focused on manufacturing and characterization of Ti-15Mo metastable beta-Ti alloy prepared by cryogenic milling and spark plasma sintering. Initial powder was prepared by gas atomization and consequently deformed by cryogenic milling (milled powder). Both initial and milled powders were compacted by spark plasma sintering (SPS) at temperatures from 750 řC to 850 řC. Dependence of microstructure and mechanical properties on the parameters of preparation was studied. During cryo-milling, powder particles significantly changed shape from ball-shaped to disc-shaped. Particles were not refined by milling, but severely plastically deformed. SEM observations showed that all prepared samples contain duplex alpha + beta structure. Volume fraction of alpha phase is significantly higher in the sintered milled powder due to increased beta- transus temperature caused by contamination by oxygen and also due to easier alpha phase precipitation caused by refined microstructure. Maximum microhardness of 350 HV was achieved for both types of sintered powders. High microhardness of sintered initial powder can be attributed to formation of omega phase during cooling, while sintered milled powder is strengthened by refined microstructure and small alpha phase precipitates. Cryogenic milling prior to..