61 research outputs found

    patients with hypertensive nephropathy and chronic kidney disease might not benefit from strict blood pressure control

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    Background/Aims: In patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) strict blood pressure (BP) control is reno-protective. However, renal benefits from BP control might depend also on the etiology of CKD. We investigated if maintenance of BP at target is equally effective in subjects with hypertensive nephropathy (HN+) and in those with other nephropathies (HN-). Methods: We evaluated 148 patients with CKD (stages 3-5) in two visits at least 12 months apart. BP was measured both as office BP and 24h ambulatory blood pressure (ABP). Glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was estimated with CKD-EPI formula. The slope of eGFR variation (ΔeGFR) was calculated as: (eGFR1-eGFR0)/months of follow up. Results: Cohort characteristics were: HN-(n=82) and HN+ (n=66), age (71±9 vs 74±9 years; p=0.09); prevalence of diabetes (57 vs 43%; p=0.19); average follow up (19±7 vs 21±9 months; p=0.3). HN- and HN+ did not differ regarding both baseline eGFR (34±18 vs 35±14 ml/min; p=0.97) and ΔeGFR (0.00±0.53 vs -0.06±0.35 ml/min/month, p=0.52). The proportion of patients with BP at target at both visits was similar in HN- and HN+ (office BP: HN- 18% and HN+ 27%; p=0.21; ABP: HN- 42% and HN+ 43; p=0.96). In patients with office BP at target at both visits HN- showed a significant improvement of ΔeGFR respect to HN+ (HN-: 0.240 ± 0.395 and HN+: -0.140±0.313 ml/min/ month; p=0.026). In patients with office BP not at target HN- and HN+ did not show any difference in ΔeGFR (HN- 0.00±0.47; HN+ -0.030±0.420 ml/min/month; p=0.66). ABP was not associated with differences in ΔeGFR either if it was at target (HN- 0.104±0.383 and HN+ 0.00±0.476 ml/min/month; p=0.42) or not (HN- -0.057±0.503 and HN+ -0.092±0.325 ml/ min/month; p=0.87). Conclusion: In patients with CKD and HN+ maintenance of BP targets recommended by current guidelines is less reno-protective than it is in HN-

    Association between the uremic toxins indoxyl-sulfate and p-cresyl-sulfate with sarcopenia and malnutrition in elderly patients with advanced chronic kidney disease

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    Abstract Background in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) indoxyl sulfate (IS) and p-cresyl sulfate (PCs) may induce sarcopenia either directly or via systemic inflammation. We evaluated whether IS and PCs were associated with: sarcopenia, systemic inflammation and nutritional status. Methods: we examined cross sectionally 93 patients with advanced CKD. Sarcopenia was identified according to EWGSOP2 definition. Malnutrition was assessed by Malnutrition Inflammation Score (MIS) and Protein Energy Wasting syndrome (PEW). Inflammatory status was assessed by dosing: CRP, IL6, TNFα, MCP1, IL10, IL17, IL12p70. Results: we did not find any association of sarcopenia with IS and PCs. IS was associated with LogTNFα and LogMCP-1 in the overall cohort (r = 0.30, p = 0.0043; r = 0.22 p = 0.047) and in not sarcopenic patients (r = 0.32, p = 0.0077; r = 0.25, p = 0.041). PCs was associated with LogIL10 and LogIL12p70 in sarcopenic patients (r = 0.58, p = 0.0042; r = 0.52, p = 0.013). IS was higher in patients without PEW (p = 0.029), while PCs was higher in patients with PEW (p = 0.0040). IS and PCs were not different in patients with normal or increased MIS. Conclusions: IS and PCs were not associated with sarcopenia, although they were both associated with some inflammatory pathways. Notably, we found a positive association of PCs with PEW syndrome

    The Realm and Frontiers of Mycosis Fungoides

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    Objectives Chronic renal failure (CRF) is associated with altered systemic arterial tone and hypertension. Myogenic constriction and endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF)-dependent relaxation represent major vasoregulatory mechanisms in small systemic arteries. Elevated myogenic response and impaired EDHF might participate in the development of essential hypertension; however, their role in CRF-related hypertension is unknown. We investigated whether myogenic response and EDHF are altered in subtotally nephrectornized (sNX) rats and whether these changes are modifiable by chronic treatment with angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor. Methods In a pressure arteriograph, myogenic constriction and EDHF-mediated relaxation were evaluated in small mesenteric arteries isolated from male Wistar rats 15 weeks after either sham operation (n = 7) (SHAM), sNX (n = 12) or sNX followed by 9 weeks of treatment with lisinopril (sNX + LIS, 2.5 mg/kg, n = 13). Results Surprisingly, myogenic response was reduced in hypertensive CRF rats (maximal myogenic tone: 37 +/- 2 and 18 +/- 4%, P <0.01; peak myogenic index: -0.80 +/- 0.08 and -0.40 +/- 0.12%/mmHg, P <0.05 in SHAM and sNX respectively). At the same time EDHF-mediated relaxation was also impaired (maximal response: 92 +/- 2 and 77 +/- 5%, P <0.01; pD(2): 6.5 +/- 0.1 and 5.9 +/- 0.1, P <0.05). Both myogenic response and EDHF were inversely related to the severity of renal failure and restored by treatment with lisinopril to levels found in SHAM animals. Conclusion Major constrictive (myogenic) and dilatory (EDHF) mechanisms of small systemic arteries are impaired in hypertensive CRF rats. These alterations do not seem to participate in the development of hypertension, being rather directly related to the severity of renal impairment. Both systemic vascular changes might be restored by renoprotective treatment with ACE inhibitor

    Spontaneous low-protein intake in older CKD patients: one diet may not fit all

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    BackgroundProtein restriction has been extended to stage 3 chronic kidney disease (CKD) regardless of age in the latest K-DOQI guidelines for the dietary management of patients with CKD. However, in elderly CKD patients there is a tendency to a spontaneous reduction in protein and energy intake that may impair the overall nutritional status. The aim of our study is to assess whether there are differences in malnutrition, exercise capacity and inflammatory status in elderly CKD patients with spontaneously low protein intake (sLPI) compared with patients with normal protein intake (NPI).MethodsWe performed a cross-sectional analysis of 123 incident patients. Malnutrition was assessed using Malnutrition Inflammation Score (MIS) and serum markers; As for physical performance, we used Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) and handgrip strength.ResultsWe found that in older patients with advanced CKD, as many as 68% had low spontaneous protein intake, and they were more malnourished evaluated with MIS (25% vs. 10%, p = 0.033), protein-energy wasting (PEW) (43% vs. 14%, p = 0.002) and nPCR (0.63[0.51–0.69] vs. 0.95[0.87–1.1], p &lt; 0.0001). They also had worse body composition, in terms of lower mid-arm muscular circumference (MAMC), fat tissue index (FTI) and higher overhydration (OH). sLPI patients also had higher levels of IL6 (4.6[2.9–8.9] vs. 2.8[0.8–5.1], p = 0.002). Moreover, sLPI patients were frailer (33% vs. 24%, p = 0.037) and had poorer physical performance especially when assessed with (SPPB) (7[5–9] vs. 9[7–10], p = 0.004) and gait test time (6.08 + 2 vs. 7.22 + 2.7, p = 0.04). sLPI was associated with lower physical performance [SPPB OR, 0.79 (0.46–0.97), p = 0.046] and malnutrition [MIS 1.6 (1.05–3.5), p = 0.041] independently from patients’ age and eGFR.ConclusionWe found that in older patients with advanced CKD, up to 68% had low spontaneous protein intake and were frailer, more malnourished and with lower physical performance. These findings emphasize the importance of assessing patients’ needs, and personalized approaches with individual risk–benefit assessments should be sought. To achieve the best possible outcomes, targeted interventions should use all available tools

    Bayesian denoising algorithm dealing with colored, non-stationary noise in continuous glucose monitoring timeseries

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    Introduction: The retrospective analysis of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) timeseries can be hampered by colored and non-stationary measurement noise. Here, we introduce a Bayesian denoising (BD) algorithm to address both autocorrelation of measurement noise and temporal variability of its variance.Methods: BD utilizes adaptive, a-priori models of signal and noise, whose unknown variances are derived on partially-overlapped CGM windows, via smoothing approach based on linear mean square estimation. The CGM signal and noise variability profiles are then reconstructed using a kernel smoother. BD is first assessed on two simulated datasets, DS1 and DS2. On DS1, the effectiveness of accounting for colored noise is evaluated by comparison against a literature algorithm; on DS2, the effectiveness of accounting for the noise variance temporal variability is evaluated by comparison against a Butterworth filter. BD is then evaluated on 15 CGM timeseries measured by the Dexcom G6 (DR).Results: On DS1, BD allows reducing the root-mean-square-error (RMSE) from 8.10 [6.79–9.24] mg/dL to 6.28 [5.47–7.27] mg/dL (median [IQR]); on DS2, RMSE decreases from 6.85 [5.50–8.72] mg/dL to 5.35 [4.48–6.49] mg/dL. On DR, BD performs a reasonable tracking of noise variance variability and a satisfactory denoising.Discussion: The new algorithm effectively addresses the nature of CGM measurement error, outperforming existing denoising algorithms

    [Treatment of hyperuricemia in CKD] - Trattamento dell\u2019iperuricemia nel paziente nefropatico \ue8 giunto il momento di agire?

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    Numerous epidemiological studies conducted in the general population indicate that hyperuricemia is associated with an increased risk of developing renal failure. Moreover, among those subjects who are already suffering from chronic kidney disease (CKD), hyperuricemia is associated with a more rapid progression of disease besides with an increased risk of mortality and cardiovascular events. However, to date, the causal role of hyperuricaemia in determining the onset and progression of cardiovascular and renal damage is not yet fully established. Therefore the indications for pharmacological treatment of hyperuricemia (and particulary of asymptomatic hyperuricemia) in patients with CKD are still assigned to the personal orientation of the physician. In order to produce an evidence-based clinical appraisal on this topic, we performed a comparative analysis that included all the prospective studies that have evaluated the impact of treatment with xanthine oxidase inhibithors (XOI) with respect to the onset and progression of CKD. Moreover, since in the past the treatment with XOI was associated with a high risk of toxicity in patients with impaired renal function, we analyzed the toxicity of these drugs for various degrees of renal function impairment summarizing indications, contraindications and recommended doses in patients affected by CKD. In the end, as conclusion of our analysis, we propose an algorithm aimed at guiding the clinical decisions about the treatment of hyperuricemia in patients with CKD

    Forecasting of Glucose Levels and Hypoglycemic Events: Head-to-Head Comparison of Linear and Nonlinear Data-Driven Algorithms Based on Continuous Glucose Monitoring Data Only

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    In type 1 diabetes management, the availability of algorithms capable of accurately forecasting future blood glucose (BG) concentrations and hypoglycemic episodes could enable proactive therapeutic actions, e.g., the consumption of carbohydrates to mitigate, or even avoid, an impending critical event. The only input of this kind of algorithm is often continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) sensor data, because other signals (such as injected insulin, ingested carbs, and physical activity) are frequently unavailable. Several predictive algorithms fed by CGM data only have been proposed in the literature, but they were assessed using datasets originated by different experimental protocols, making a comparison of their relative merits difficult. The aim of the present work was to perform a head-to-head comparison of thirty different linear and nonlinear predictive algorithms using the same dataset, given by 124 CGM traces collected over 10 days with the newest Dexcom G6 sensor available on the market and considering a 30-min prediction horizon. We considered the state-of-the art methods, investigating, in particular, linear black-box methods (autoregressive; autoregressive moving-average; and autoregressive integrated moving-average, ARIMA) and nonlinear machine-learning methods (support vector regression, SVR; regression random forest; feed-forward neural network, fNN; and long short-term memory neural network). For each method, the prediction accuracy and hypoglycemia detection capabilities were assessed using either population or individualized model parameters. As far as prediction accuracy is concerned, the results show that the best linear algorithm (individualized ARIMA) provides accuracy comparable to that of the best nonlinear algorithm (individualized fNN), with root mean square errors of 22.15 and 21.52 mg/dL, respectively. As far as hypoglycemia detection is concerned, the best linear algorithm (individualized ARIMA) provided precision = 64%, recall = 82%, and one false alarm/day, comparable to the best nonlinear technique (population SVR): precision = 63%, recall = 69%, and 0.5 false alarms/day. In general, the head-to-head comparison of the thirty algorithms fed by CGM data only made using a wide dataset shows that individualized linear models are more effective than population ones, while no significant advantages seem to emerge when employing nonlinear methodologies
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