372 research outputs found

    Gained in Translation : Building the African Diaspora Through Linguistic Transposition in 20th Century Poetry

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    This paper examines the relationship between language and diaspora by trying to look beyond the question of what befalls native tongues in the countries of arrival. The experience of forced migration undergone by African people brought to the Americas might have dispossessed them from their ancestral tongues, but it did not prevent them from aspiring to use language, be it the language of the former slave owner, to express their identity and shared historical experience. Using the example of American poet Langston Hughes and his Cuban peer Nicolás Guillén, this article will highlight the way poets from the African diaspora have influenced and translated each other as a way of bridging the linguistic and cultural gap brought about by history. The literature of the diaspora might well lie in that very rift, which calls for continued translation and rewriting of each other

    Urban surface uses for climate resilient and sustainable cities: A catalogue of solutions

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    Abstract In the current scenario of massive urbanization and global climate change, the urban surfaces and their characteristics have a key role, as they significantly influence the quality of life in urban areas, as well as their environmental conditions. To shed light on the role of urban surfaces in fostering climate resilient and sustainable cities, this paper proposes a catalogue of solutions for the urban surface use. The catalogue presents the main surface uses suitable for the built environment, and discusses the potential conflicts and synergies among them in the view of a multiple and integrated utilization of urban surfaces. Reviewing studies published in the last 15 years, this study aims to answer three major questions: (i) which solutions do exist, (ii) where can these be applied, and (iii) which benefits do they provide. The discussion demonstrates that the use of urban surfaces might lead the development of multiple opportunities for improving the existing urban environments and supporting not only environmental, but also social and economic resilience. Finally, it emphasizes the need for specific quantitative and qualitative approaches to address the multi-disciplinary challenges posed by the design and implementation of surface uses, and the evaluation of their contribution to site-specific objectives

    Acesso à saúde bucal no estado do Rio Grande do Sul : uma análise a partir do Programa Nacional de Melhoria e da Qualidade da Atenção Básica (PMAQ-AB)

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    Introdução: O princípio direcionador da Atenção Primária em Saúde (APS) é o acesso universal e contínuo a serviços de saúde, sendo a porta de entrada preferencial para rede de atenção. O objetivo dessa dissertação foi avaliar o acesso em saúde bucal, promovido pelas ESB participantes da avaliação externa do Programa Nacional de Melhoria do Acesso e Qualidade da Atenção Básica (PMAQ-AB), participantes do 2º ciclo no Rio Grande do Sul (RS), a partir de duas dimensões do acesso ao cuidado em saúde bucal: O Acolhimento e a Gestão do Processo de Trabalho, como também, a Coordenação do Cuidado na Rede de Atenção à Saúde. Metodologia: Trata-se de pesquisa descritiva e analítica, com os dados secundários do 2º ciclo PMAQ-AB, pertencentes a 652 Equipes de Saúde Bucal (ESB) do RS. O acesso em saúde bucal foi avaliado a partir de 33 questões selecionadas no instrumento da avaliação externa PMAQ-AB, distribuídos em 2 dimensões, sendo: “Acolhimento e Gestão do processo de trabalho”, composto por 16 questões e “Coordenação do Cuidado na Rede de Atenção à saúde”, composto por 17 questões. Utilizou-se os tercil de distribuição da amostra em escores, sendo o tercil inferior para a categoria “baixa” (1), o tercil “médio” (2) e tercil superior “alto” (3) e selecionado 6 fatores condicionantes para o acesso: estrato municipal, Centro de Especialidade Odontológico (CEO), Proporção ESB por ESF, Taxa de cobertura Saúde Bucal, Macrorregião de Saúde e Taxa de Urbanização. testes Qui-quadrado de Pearson (χ2) ou Exato de Fisher para as variáveis categóricas. Coeficiente de correlação de Pearson ou Spearman para verificar o grau de correlação entre para variáveis contínuas com distribuição normal ou assimétricas, respectivamente. Para avaliar as diferenças entre dois ou mais grupos entre variáveis contínuas foram utilizados o Teste t-Student e ANOVA. As variáveis preditoras para as dimensões de acesso e coordenação do cuidado foram avaliadas utilizando análise multivariada, através do modelo de regressão multinomial. Resultados: A barreira de acesso da continuidade do cuidado foi correlacionada, na análise bivariada, ao grau de urbanização e fatores sociais, econômicos e geográficos dos municípios. As ESB localizadas em municípios com melhores condições socioeconômicas apresentaram maiores chances de ter o dispositivo da atenção secundária em seus territórios e garantir a continuidade do cuidado na rede de atenção. Conclusão: o acesso em saúde bucal na dimensão “acolhimento e gestão do processo de trabalho” e “coordenação do cuidado na rede de atenção em saúde” associado aos fatores predisponentes: macrorregião de saúde, estrato municipal, indicador de cobertura de saúde bucal para o ano de 2013, proporção ESB para ESF, taxa de urbanização, cobertura dos CEOs foi possível inferir que os fatores con520dicionantes foram mais significativos para a dimensão coordenação do cuidado na RAs. Sendo os municípios em melhor estrato, com referência para atenção secundária, com melhor taxa de urbanização e localizados em região metropolitana apresentaram melhores chances para a garantia na continuidade do cuidado. Assim, expressando uma inequidade no acesso entre os municípios do RS.Introduction: The guiding principle on Primary health care (PHC) is the universal and continuous facilities to the health care services, acting like the preferencial acess to the attention network. The goal of this study was to evaluate the acess on healt oral care, promoted by ESB participants of the external evaluation of the National Program for Improving Primary care Acess and Quality Attention (PMAQ-AB), participants of the 2nd cycle on Rio Grande do Sul (RS), based on two dimensions: the Reception and Management of Working Process, and the Coordination of Health Care on the Health Attention Network. Methodology: this work was conducted on both descriptive and analytical research, based on the secondary data of the 2nd PMAQ-AB cycle, belonging to 652 Oral Health Teams (ESB) from Rio Grande do Sul state (BR). The acess to oral health care was evaluated based on 33 selected questions on the external evaluation of PMAQ-AB instrument, distributed on two dimensions: “Reception and Management of Working Process”, composed by 16 questions; and “Coordination of Health Care on the Health Attention Network”, composed by 17 questions. The tercile of the sample distribution was used in scores, with the lower tercile categorized as “low” (1), the “intermediate” tercile (2) and the upper tercile, as “high” (3). Six conditionant factors was selected to evaluate health acess: municipal strata, Dentistry Specialty Center (CEO), the proportion of ESB to ESF, Oral Health Coverage Rate, Health Macroregion and Urbanization Rate. The bivariate analysis was conducted via Qui-quadrado de Pearson (χ2) or Exato de Fisher tests, to the categoric variants. The Coeficiente de correlação de Pearson or Spearman was used to verify the degree of correlation between the continuous variants with normal or assimetric distributions, respectively. To evaluate the diferences between two or more groups between continuous variants, the t-Student e ANOVA tests ware utilyzed. The predictable variants to the coordination and acess dimensions of health care was evaluated by multivariate analysis, using multinomial regression models. Results: The barrier on continuity care acess was correlated, in bivariate analysis, with the degree of urbanization and social, economic and geocgraphic conditions of the municipalities. The ESB located in cities with both higher social and economic facilities, presented bigger chances of having the secondary attention dispositives in their territory, as well as ensure the continuity of health care in the attention network. Concluding remarks: By analyzing the acess to the oral health care on the dimension “Reception and Management of Working Process” and “Coordination of Health Care on the Health Attention Network” are associated with the predisposing factors: health macroregion, municipal strata, oral health coverage index (2013 year), ESB to ESF proportion, urbanization rate and CEOs coverage, was possible to infere that the conditionant factors was most significative to the coordination dimension of RAs care. Using the better strata municipalities, regarding secondary attention with higher urbanization rates and those located in metropolitan regions, presented better chances to ensure the continuty of health care, expressing, thus, the inequidity on health acess between RS minicipalities

    Dilip Parameshwar Gaonkar (dir.), Alternative Modernities

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    D’abord publié en tant que numéro de la revue Public Culture cofondée par Aijun Appadurai, Alternative Modernities rassemble des études d’une grande diversité disciplinaire, sous la direction de Dilip Parameshwar Gaonkar. C’est ce dernier qui, dans un article ayant presque valeur de manifeste, tente de faire exister ces textes ensemble autour d’un projet commun, celui d’illustrer l’existence de « modernités alternatives ». S’opposant à une vision monolithique de la modernité, ce concept vise ..

    Estudo das espécies fúngicas causadoras de micoses superficiais em pacientes com hanseníase em um ambulatório de referência de Porto Alegre

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    Introdução: A hanseníase é uma doença infecciosa crônica causada pelo bacilo Mycobacterium leprae, caracterizada por lesões na pele e nervos periféricos. O tratamento é realizado com esquema de poliquimioterapia, incluindo rifampicina, clofazimina e dapsona. Corticosteroides também são utilizados para tratar a neuropatia e as reações hansênicas. O uso de antibióticos e corticosteroides, em combinação com a presença de lesões na pele, predispõem os pacientes com hanseníase a diversas infecções oportunistas, como as micoses superficiais. Essas micoses têm prevalência estimada em 20 a 25% da população mundial e os tipos mais comuns são onicomicose e tinea pedis. O tratamento é realizado com antifúngicos tópicos e/ou sistêmicos; no entanto, pode ser ineficiente devido ao crescente problema de resistência antifúngica, entre outros fatores. Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência das espécies fúngicas causadoras de onicomicose e tinea pedis em pacientes com hanseníase e avaliar sua suscetibilidade antifúngica in vitro. Métodos: Estudo transversal que incluiu 95 pacientes com hanseníase e 91 pacientes sem hanseníase (grupo controle), com lesões características de onicomicose e tinea pedis. Raspados de pele e cortes das unhas foram analisados através de exame micológico direto e cultura. Se o paciente apresentava mais de um local de lesão, cada amostra foi coletada e analisada separadamente. Os materiais foram cultivados em ágar Sabouraud dextrose e os isolados fúngicos foram identificados através do sequenciamento da região ITS (internal transcribed spacer) do rDNA. Os testes de suscetibilidade antifúngica in vitro foram realizados com os protocolos do Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). As comparações das proporções foram feitas com o teste qui-quadrado no software SPSS v.22 (IBM Corporation, Chicago, IL, USA). Resultados: Ocorreu crescimento fúngico em 48 amostras de 40 pacientes com hanseníase e em 46 amostras de 43 pacientes do grupo controle. A maior parte das amostras foi de casos de onicomicose, no entanto, pacientes com hanseníase apresentaram mais casos de tinea pedis (p<0.05). Destes pacientes, 27 (67,5%) apresentavam forma clínica virchowiana e 20 (50%) possuíam algum tipo de reação hansênica no momento da coleta. Em ambos os grupos, o principal fungo identificado foi Trichophyton interdigitale, não sendo encontradas variações na distribuição dos agentes etiológicos. A suscetibilidade antifúngica não apresentou grandes variações. Porém, para os isolados de T. interdigitale e o antifúngico itraconazol, as concentrações inibitórias mínimas (CIM) para os pacientes com hanseníase foram maiores que para o grupo controle (p<0.05). Conclusão: Este foi o primeiro estudo a analisar prospectivamente casos de onicomicose e tinea pedis na hanseníase. Esses pacientes são muito suscetíveis a micoses superficiais, o que foi comprovado pelos resultados deste estudo, nos quais 26,3% dos pacientes com hanseníase apresentavam ao menos um tipo de lesão. Apesar de não terem sido encontradas diferenças marcantes na suscetibilidade antifúngica, a efetividade reduzida in vitro do itraconazol merece destaque. Estudos posteriores, com um maior número de pacientes, além de correlações entre a suscetibilidade antifúngica in vitro e as respostas in vivo dos tratamentos, são necessários para determinar a significância clínica destes achados iniciais.Background: Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium leprae, characterized by lesions in the skin and peripheral nerves. Treatment is performed with a multidrug regimen, including rifampicin, clofazimine and dapsone. Corticosteroids are also used to treat leprosy neuropathy and reactions. The use of antibiotics and corticosteroids, in combination with the presence of skin lesions, predispose leprosy patients to various opportunistic infections, such as superficial mycoses. These mycoses have an estimated prevalence of 20 to 25% of the world population and the most common types are onychomycosis and tinea pedis. Treatment is performed with topical and/or systemic antifungal agents; however, it may be ineffective due to the growing problem of antifungal resistance, among other factors. Objective: To determine the prevalence of fungal species causing onychomycosis and tinea pedis in leprosy patients and to assess their antifungal susceptibility in vitro. Methods: Cross-sectional study including 95 leprosy patients and 91 non-leprosy patients (control group) with characteristic lesions of onychomycosis and tinea pedis. Skin scrapes and nail clippings were analyzed by direct mycological examination and culture. If the patient had more than one lesion site, each sample was collected and analyzed separately. The materials were cultivated in Sabouraud dextrose agar, and the fungal isolates were identified by sequencing the ITS (internal transcribed spacer) region of rDNA. In vitro antifungal susceptibility testing was performed using the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) protocols. Comparisons of proportions were made using the chi-square test using SPSS v.22 software (IBM Corporation, Chicago, IL, USA). Results: Fungal growth occurred in 48 samples from 40 leprosy patients and in 46 samples from 43 control patients. Most samples were from cases of onychomycosis; however, leprosy patients had more cases of tinea pedis (p<0.05). Of these patients, 27 (67.5%) presented the lepromatous clinical form, and 20 (50%) had some type of leprosy reaction at the time of collection. In both groups, the main fungus identified was Trichophyton interdigitale, without variations in the distribution of etiological agents. Antifungal susceptibility did not vary greatly. However, for the isolates of T. interdigitale and the antifungal itraconazole, the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) for leprosy patients were higher than for the control group (p<0.05). Conclusion: This was the first study to prospectively analyze cases of onychomycosis and tinea pedis in leprosy. These patients are very susceptible to superficial mycoses, which was confirmed by the results of this study, in which 26.3% of leprosy patients had at least one type of lesion. Although no marked differences were found in antifungal susceptibility, the reduced in vitro effectiveness of itraconazole is noteworthy. Further studies, with a larger number of patients, in addition to correlations between in vitro antifungal susceptibility and in vivo responses to treatments, are needed to determine the clinical significance of these initial findings

    « The wood of your wails »

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    Le thème des supports matériels du poème peut offrir une nouvelle porte d’entrée dans l’œuvre poétique de Kamau Brathwaite, où un réseau d’images entêtant s’organise autour du bois. Par sa récurrence depuis les poèmes des années 1960 jusqu’à ceux des années 2000, et par les lieux stratégiques que le poète a choisis pour le développer, ce réseau d’images constitue un élément structurant, pour ne pas dire existentiel, de la poésie brathwaitienne. Le bois est au cœur de l’imaginaire à travers lequel le poète théorise sa propre production, en particulier du point de vue de l’architecture de l’œuvre, conçue comme organique, et du point de vue de la matérialité du texte, qui aspire à inscrire en elle le geste du poète-artisan. Mais si le papier de la page contient la mémoire du bois, cette mémoire demeure suspendue entre une puissance quasi magique et une fragilité constitutive qui inscrit en elle l’imminence de sa disparition.The theme of the material supports of the poem may offer a new gateway into Kamau Brathwaite’s poetic work, where a pervasive network of images revolves around wood. By its recurrence from the poems of the 1960s to those of the 2000s, and by the strategic places that the poet chose to develop it, this network of images constitutes a structuring, if not existential element of brathwaitian poetry. Wood is at the heart of the imagination through which Brathwaite theorizes his own production, in particular from the point of view of the architecture of his body of work, conceived as organic, and from the point of view of the materiality of the text, which aspires to inscribe in it the very gesture of the poet-as-craftsman. But if the paper of the page contains the memory of wood, this memory is stuck between an almost magical power and a constitutive fragility which inscribes in it the imminence of its disappearance

    The n-word : Les usages du mot “nigger” dans la littérature africaine américaine

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    La littérature africaine américaine moderne, née au début du vingtième siècle sous le double patronage de W.E.B. Du Bois et de jeunes auteurs plus provocateurs comme Zora Neale Hurston ou Langston Hughes, est inextricablement liée au développement du politiquement correct aux Etats- Unis. L’usage que ces écrivains ont fait du mot “nigger”, insulte suprême que les Noirs se sont appropriée pour en faire un symbole de leur identité, en est la preuve. Si l’on observe l’histoire littéraire du vingtième siècle, il apparaît que ce terme cristallise les évolutions de l’idée et de la pratique de la littérature noire, mais aussi la manière dont chaque écrivain s’est inventé une manière propre de s’accommoder des héritages de l’Histoire, à travers des poétiques qui jouent avec le politiquement correct, le transgressent ou le détournent.Modern African American literature, birthed in the early twentieth century by W.E.B. Du Bois and other, more provocative authors such as Zora Neale Hurston or Langston Hughes, is intertwined with the development of political correctness in the United States. The way these writers use the word “nigger”, the most offensive among racial slurs, that African Americans have turned into a symbol of their identity, is a good illustration of that idea. The literary history of the twentieth century shows us that this word embodies the evolutions of the concept and the practice of black literature, as well as the way each writer invented his or her own way to deal with the legacies of History, crafting aesthetics which play with political correctness, violate it, or give it a new twist

    Aterianus‑Owanga Alice, 2017, « Le rap, ça vient d’ici ! » Musiques, pouvoir et identités dans le Gabon contemporain, Paris, Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, Collection Le (bien) commun, 336 p.

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    Alice Aterianus‑Owanga n’aurait pas pu trouver de meilleur titre pour présenter au public cette version remaniée de sa thèse, initialement intitulée « Pratiques musicales, pouvoir et catégories identitaires : Anthropologie du rap gaboma ». La formule « Le rap, ça vient d’ici ! », qu’elle renvoie à une chanson du rappeur Ba’Ponga, résume à merveille les enjeux intellectuels de ce travail exigeant et engageant sur le rap gabonais : comment des formes culturelles venues d’ailleurs et véhiculées ..
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