16 research outputs found

    Complex chemical evaluation of the summer truffle (Tuber aestivum Vittadini) fruit bodies

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    Summer truffle (Tuber aestivum Vittadini) is one of the most important mycorrhizal mushrooms with underground fruit bodies. Formerly the scientific investigations were focused mainly on its specific fragrant constituents. Our work was concentrated on complex chemical characterization including different organic and inorganic components. Summer truffle has middle crude protein, low fat-, and relatively high fiber and chitin contents; its energy level is low. Distribution of protein fractions is characteristic (in % of crude protein):  40.98; 5.91; 3.85; 19.28 and 29.98% for albumins, globulins, prolamins, glutelins and NPN (non protein nitrogen), respectively. We determined soluble oligo- and polysaccharides (9.00 mg/g DM and 49.9 mg/g DM, respectively), as well as the contents of phenoloids and flavonoids (2.8 mg/g DM and 0.093 mg/g DM, respectively). Mineral composition is similar to other mushrooms; four macroelements (K, P, Ca and Mg) give 97.94% of the all mineral content; occurrence of poisonous elements (as As, Cd, V) is not characteristic.       Chemical nature of Tuber aestivum (summer truffle) fruit bodies is very characteristic, regarding not only the occurrence of fragrant components but the classical, “usual” components, too. This rare and highly appreciated hypogaeous mycorrhizal fungus belongs to mushrooms of valuable, specific chemical composition.

    A legismertebb termesztett gombafajok környezetkímélő, korszerű táptalajainak kidolgozása = Preparing up-to-date, environment friendly substrates for the best known cultivated mushroom species

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    A terméshozamok növelése céljából kétféle hőkezeléssel (nedves, száraz) előállított szalma táptalajon dúsítási kísérletet végeztünk négy gombafajjal (Agaricus bisporus, Agaricus bitorquis, Pleurotus ostreatus, Lentinula edodes). A hőkezelt szalmához borsószalmát, szójaszalmát, lucernalisztet, buzakorpát és ProMycelt kevertünk 1, 2 és 3%-ban. A kísérletet petri-csészében laboratóriumban kezdtük. A legjobb eredményt adó dúsítóanyagggal folytattuk tovább 500, 2000, majd 5000 g-ros kiszerelésű zacskóban, két ismétlésben. A vizsgálatok kiterjedtek a táptalaj N-tartalmának a vizsgálatára, az első szedés idejére, a terméshozamra és az éréslefutásra. A nedvesen hőkezelt dúsított táptalajon az első szedés három fajnál (A. bisporus, A. bitorquis, Lentinula edodes) néhány nappal megelőzte a szárazon hőkezelt táptalajról való szedést. A dúsítóanyagok közül a legmagasabb hozamot a nedvesen hőkezelt ProMycel (3%) dúsítóanyaggal kevert táptalajról kaptuk (A. bisporusnál 3400 g, A. bitorquisnál 2300g L. edodesnél 2600 g/10 kg táptalaj). Néhány százalékkal kisebb hozamot értünk el a szárazon hőkezelt táptalajon. A legkevesebb hozamot a kezeletlen tehát a kontroll szalma adta. A terméshozamot kisebb mértékben lehetett növelni lucernaliszttel és búzakorpával is. Az eerdmények azt mutattak, hogy a hőkezelt szalna N-dúsításának nagy jelentősége van a hozamok növelése szempontjából. A vizsgált dúsítóanyagok mindegyike egyedül a Pleurotus ostreatusnál nem okoztak termésnövekedést. | In order to increase yield quantities 4 mushroom species (Agaricus bisporus, Agaricus bitorquis, Pleurotus ostreatus, Lentinula edoes) were tested for reaction to enrichment on heat-treated (dry and wet) straw substrate. Pea straw, alfalfa meal, wheat bran and ProMycel were mixed into the heat-treated straw in proportion of 1, 2, 3 per cent. Trials started in the laboratory in Petri dishes and were continued with agents of the best results in bags of 500, 2000 and 5000 g in 2 replications. Tests included the N-content of the substrate, the time of the first harvest and the ripening period. In 3 species (A. bisporus, A. bitorquis, Lentinula edodes) the first flush on wet heat-treated and enriched substrate was some days earlier than on dry heat-treated substrate. Of the enrichment agents 3% ProMycel produced the highest yield on wet heat-treated substrate (in A. bisporus 3400 g, in A. birorquis 2300 g, in L. edodes 2600 g/10 kg substrate). Some per cent lower yield was harvested on the dry heat-treated substrate. The untreated straw control gave the lowest yield. In smaller extent yield could also be improved with alfalfa meal and wheat bran

    The Mushroom Glucans: Molecules of High Biological and Medicinal Importance

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    Carbohydrates, including polysaccharide macromolecules, are the main constituents of the fungal cell wall. Among these, the homo- or heteropolymeric glucan molecules are decisive, as they not only protect fungal cells but also have broad, positive biological effects on the animal and human bodies. In addition to the beneficial nutritional properties of mushrooms (mineral elements, favorable proteins, low fat and energy content, pleasant aroma, and flavor), they have a high glucan content. Folk medicine (especially in the Far East) used medicinal mushrooms based on previous experience. At the end of the 19th century, but mainly since the middle of the 20th century, progressively more scientific information has been published. Glucans from mushrooms are polysaccharides that contain sugar chains, sometimes of only one kind (glucose), sometimes having several monosaccharide units, and they have two (α and β) anomeric forms (isomers). Their molecular weights range from 104 to 105 Da, and rarely 106 Da. X-ray diffraction studies were the first to determine the triple helix configuration of some glucans. It seems that the existence and integrity of the triple helix structure are criteria for their biological effects. Different glucans can be isolated from different mushroom species, and several glucan fractions can be obtained. The biosynthesis of glucans takes place in the cytoplasm, the processes of initiation and then chain extension take place with the help of the glucan synthase enzyme complex (EC, and the sugar units are provided by sugar donor UDPG molecules. The two methods used today for glucan determination are the enzymatic and Congo red methods. True comparisons can only be made using the same method. Congo red dye reacts with the tertiary triple helix structure, and the resulting glucan content better reflects the biological value of glucan molecules. The biological effect of β-glucan molecules is proportional to the integrity of the tertiary structure. The glucan contents of the stipe exceed the values of the caps. The glucan levels of individual fungal taxa (including varieties) differ quantitatively and qualitatively. This review presents in more detail the glucans of lentinan (from Lentinula edodes), pleuran (from Pleurotus ostreatus), grifolan (from Grifola frondose), schizophyllan (from Schizophyllum commune), and krestin (from Trametes versicolor), along with their main biological effects

    The Norsesquiterpene Glycoside Ptaquiloside as a Poisonous, Carcinogenic Component of Certain Ferns

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    Previous studies related to the ptaquiloside molecule, a carcinogenic secondary metabolite known from the world of ferns, are summarised. Ptaquiloside (PTA) belongs to the group of norsesquiterpenes of the illudane type. The name illudane refers to the fungal taxa from which the first representatives of the molecular group were identified. Ptaquiloside occurs mainly in Pteridium fern species, although it is also known in other fern taxa. The species of the genus Pteridium are common, frequent invasive species on all continents, and PTA is formed in smaller or larger amounts in all organs of the affected species. The effects of PTA and of their derivatives on animals and humans are of great toxicological significance. Its basic chemical property is that the molecule can be transformed. First, with the loss of sugar moiety, ptaquilosine is formed, and then, under certain conditions, a dienone derivative (pteridienone) may arise. The latter can alkylate (through its cyclopropane groups) certain molecules, including DNA, in animal or human organisms. In this case, DNA adducts are formed, which can later have a carcinogenic effect through point mutations. The scope of the PTA is interdisciplinary in nature since, for example, molecules from plant biomass can enter the body of animals or humans in several ways (directly and indirectly). Due to its physico-chemical properties (excellent water solubility), PTA can get from the plant into the soil and then into different water layers. PTA molecules that enter the soil, but mainly water, undergo degradation (hydrolytic) processes, so it is very important to clarify the toxicological conditions of a given ecosystem and to estimate the possible risks caused by PTA. The toxicoses and diseases of the animal world (mainly for ruminant farm animals) caused by PTA are briefly described. The intake of PTA-containing plants as a feed source causes not only various syndromes but can also enter the milk (and meat) of animals. In connection with the toxicological safety of the food chain, it is important to investigate the transport of carcinogenic PTA metabolites between organisms in a reassuring manner and in detail. This is a global, interdisciplinary task. The present review aims to contribute to this

    Mérgező zuzmók, zuzmómérgezések - kalandozások a zuzmók világában : Irodalmi áttekintés

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    A szerző szakirodalmi adatok alapján összefoglalja a zuzmók legfontosabb biológiai tulajdonságait. A gomba- (mikobionta) és a fotoszintetikus zöldalga- v. cianobaktérium-partner (fotobionta) és határozatlan számú felszíni mikroorganizmus mutualisztikus közösségét jelentő zuzmók a szárazföldi növénytársulások 8 százalékán vannak jelen. A zuzmók egyes állatcsoportok számára táplálékok, takarmányforrások (néha szükségtakarmányként) is lehetnek. A zuzmókra a kis fehérje-, zsír-, a változó hamu- és az igen jelentős szénhidráttartalom jellemző (cellulóz, hemicellulóz, lichenin és izolichenin). A hatóanyagaik közül kiemelkedő az uzneasav biológiai hatása, hiszen a nem-kérődzők, ill. az ember esetében májkárosodásokat okoz, a kérődző, nagy növényevőknél (rénszarvas, általában a szarvasfélék) a bendő mikrobiótája az uzneasavat jórészt hatástalanítja

    Botanical examinations of veterinary background at the Department of Botany of University of Veterinary Medicine between 1954 and 2009: a retrospective summary

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    SUMMARY Since the development of our botanical department (1954), hundreds of botanical analyses have been carried out on various feed samples (hay, silage, haylage, duck-bill and so-called “compact feeds”) and plant composition from autopsy (rumen, stomach, intestinal contents). Based on the remaining documents (which are obviously incomplete) the author summarized the botanical data, the characteristics and consequences of the compositions, as these data could help the veterinarians’ work. In the composition of the hay samples, were often found quality-reducing factors such as a very high proportion of sour-grasses (plant species from families Juncaceae, Cyperaceae, Sparganiaceae and Typhaceae) or too many worthless species of grasses (cockspur, foxtail, Bermuda grass etc.), partial or complete lack of fabaceous plants, or fungal infections. The main lesson of the silage, haylage samples is that the exact implementation of the production method is decisive, and the principle is true today, that good feed can be produced from plant material of good botanical composition. The author introduced the “compact” forages of the 1950s and 1960s. The high proportion of by-products of milling industry (rather waste) also meant many species of toxic weeds, i.e. they were unsuitable for regular feeding at the same time, causing many problems for consumers. In many cases, the botanical composition of animal samples provided important confirmation of the animal health problems that were then assumed. At other times, the sample did not contain any worrying plant constituent, so the examination had to go in a different direction. The above-mentioned lessons are still valid today, indicating that the plant parts (accumulated) in the animal’s body are causally related or may have emerging problems

    A biological hazard of our age: Bracken fern [ Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn] — A Review

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    Bracken fern ( Pteridium aquilinum ) is the fifth most distributed common weed species of the world. Its ecological distribution is very wide, and the plant can grow and spread successfully on many types of soil. The cover of P. aquilinum is — in some cases — remarkable (e.g. in the United Kingdom). Bracken fern contains different poisonous agents: some cyanogen glycosides, factors (agents) of antithiamine character (thermolabile thiaminase and thermostable other compounds) and factors of carcinogenic activity (first of all ptaquiloside). This paper summarises and reviews different toxicological problems and poisonings caused by bracken fern in ruminants (cattle, sheep) and in non-ruminant animals (horses, pigs, rats, mice, etc.). The carcinogenic properties of the norsesquiterpene-type ptaquiloside make bracken fern a potent, living hazard. Recent investigations have shown that ptaquiloside pollution of different soil layers is a distinct possibility. Ptaquiloside may leach from the soil into the drinking water base. This ecotoxicological aspect seems to be the most hazardous phenomenon in relation to P. aquilinum and ptaquiloside. The carcinogenic effect of ptaquiloside is based on its hydrolysis, which leads to the formation of a dienon intermediate. It can produce DNA adducts, which are responsible for inducing carcinoma

    Simple detection of some plant metabolites of veterinary importance by test examinations

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    SUMMARY The plant phytochemicals (mainly the secondary metabolites) can cause different types of toxicosis in our livestock and companion animals. In such cases (or in case of a suspicion) the chemical composition is very important. The rapid, simple demonstration (or exclusion) of a group of bioactive molecules can basically help the veterinarian’s work. The present publication would like to give a methodical guide for the veterinarians. Our publication summarises shortly the affected active compounds and gives methodical descriptions, documented with photos. The list of required chemicals and laboratory instruments is very simple; the number of specific reagents is low. Our work is based on the simple production of a plant extract (1 g plant/20 ml extractant) and demonstrates the following metabolites: cyanogenic glycosides, coumarins, tannins, cardiac glycosides, saponins, alkaloids and the nitrate ion. The HCN was liberated with H2SO4 from plants in a closed tube and a reddish colour was formed on a filter paper strip. Coumarins produce a yellow colour under strongly alkaline conditions; the tannins can react with FeCl3 molecules forming a bluish-blackish precipitation. Demonstration of cardiac glycosides is possible by Keller-Kiliani test, whereas a brown-brownish ring is formed at the interface of acetic acid-FeCl3 and of H2SO4. A stable foam layer, produced by shaking, can indicate the saponins. For the detection of alkaloids different reactions were used (including the orange-yellow precipitation by Dragendorff reagent, the bluish-purple colour by PDAB reagent and the brownish ring at the interface by Keller reaction). Nitrate ions can produce a yellow colour with diphenylamine on filtrate paper, induced by UV radiation. The methods were tested by samples of some frequent plant species, containing the affected metabolites. The presented methodical list can be developed according to possibilities and requirements of colleagues. We hope that the present publication can be useful for the veterinarians