49 research outputs found

    Vechten tegen verleiding

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    Onze omgeving maakt dik. Porties worden groter, eten is overal en beweging wordt ontmoedigd. Emely de Vet, universitair hoofddocent bij Strategische communicatie, zoekt daarom naar strategieën om de lokroep van brownies en zakken chips te weerstaan

    Місто як екзистенційна пастка (на матеріалі сучасної поезії)

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    Осмислюється специфіка екзистенційно зумовленого сприймання урбаністичного простору в творчості сучасних українських поетів. Окреслюється своєрідне осмислення символів дороги, лабіринту, човна, мосту, що є елементами просторової символіки художнього світу. Стверджується, що урбаністичний простір сприймається сучасними митцями як екзистенцій на пастка, духовно мертвий простір “недоіснування”, вихід з якого потребує духовного зусилля. Ключові слова: хронотоп, топос, екзистенційний, ліричний герой, постмодернізм, символ.Осмысливается специфика экзистенциально преопределенного восприятия урбанистического пространства в творчестве современных украинских поэтов. Анализируется своеобразное осмысление символов дороги, лабиринта, лодки, моста, который является элементами пространственной символики художественного мира. Утверждается, что урбанистическое пространство воспринимается современными художниками как экзистенциальная ловушка, духовно мертвое пространство “недосуществования”, выход из которого требует в духовном усилии. Ключевые слова: хронотоп, топос, экзистенциальный, лирический герой, постмодернизм, символ.A specific is comprehended ekzistenciаl the predefined perception of urbanism space in creation of the modern Ukrainian poets. The original comprehension of symbols of road, labyrinth, boat, bridge which is the elements of spatial symbolism of the artistic world is outlined. It becomes firmly established that urbanism space is perceived modern artists as ekzistencial on trap, spiritually dead ground, an exit from which needs spiritual effort. Keywords: khronotop, topos, ekzistencial, lyric hero, postmodernizm, symbol

    Морфологічне дослідження впливу мелатоніну на стан слизової оболонки шлунка щурів в умовах експериментальної гастральної виразки

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    Введение серотонина вызывает в слизистой оболочке желудка животных острые деструктивные изменения преимущественно в виде эрозий и язв различного размера и численности, которые сопровождаются уменьшением содержания нейтральных мукополисахаридов в цитоплазме клеток поверхностно-ямочного эпителия. Введение мелатонина при гастральной язве уменьшает деструктивные изменения в слизистой оболочке желудка и восстанавливает состояние защитного слизистого барьера.Введение серотонина вызывает в слизистой оболочке желудка животных острые деструктивные изменения преимущественно в виде эрозий и язв различного размера и численности, которые сопровождаются уменьшением содержания нейтральных мукополисахаридов в цитоплазме клеток поверхностно-ямочного эпителия. Введение мелатонина при гастральной язве уменьшает деструктивные изменения в слизистой оболочке желудка и восстанавливает состояние защитного слизистого барьера.The introduction of serotonin is in the gastric mucosa of animals’ acute destructive changes mainly in the form of erosions and ulcers of various sizes and numbers, which are accompanied by a decrease in the amount of neutral mucopolysaccharides in the cytoplasm of the cell surface patching of the epithelium. The administration of melatonin in the gastric ulcer reduces the destructive changes in the gastric mucosa and restores the state of the protective mucus barrier

    Comparing stage of change and behavioral intention to understand fruit intake.

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    We explored if the pre-action Transtheoretical stages of change are indeed discrete stages for fruit intakes. In a longitudinal design, a cohort of 735 adults completed electronic questionnaires assessing fruit intake, stages of change and intention to increase fruit intake at baseline and 35 and 67 days follow-up. A dichotomization of a continuous intention measure ('pseudostages') was compared with precontemplation and contemplation stages. The results showed (i) that pseudostages and stages of change were strongly associated; (ii) that for most respondents, stability and transitions in stages of change resembled transitions in pseudostage, while test-retest reliabilities for both measures were similar and (iii) that pseudostages and the continuous intention measure were stronger predictors of fruit intake than stage of change. We conclude that pre-action stages of change for fruit are not different from a mere categorization of a continuous intention measure

    Behavioural strategies to control the amount of food selected and consumed

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    Several factors within the food environment may stimulate overconsumption. The present study aimed to (1) identify behavioural strategies to cope with this environment to control the amount of food consumed, (2) examine the feasibility and usefulness of the strategies, and (3) evaluate the association between the strategies and body mass index (BMI). After the literature was screened for evidence of factors that contribute to the consumption of large amounts of food, 32 behavioural strategies were identified to overcome these influences (study 1). Subjectively reported feasibility and usefulness of the 32 behavioural strategies in weight management were explored using a pretest post-test study (study 2: n = 52). Additionally, two cross-sectional questionnaire studies (study 3a: n = 120 and study 3b: n = 278) were conducted to evaluate the association between the 32 behavioural strategies and BMI. The strategies were subjectively reported as feasible and useful in weight management. Frequent use of strategies discriminated non-overweight from overweight individuals, but did not discriminate overweight from obese individuals. In conclusion, the findings provided preliminary evidence for the acceptability and validity of the strategies. The effectiveness of the strategies for controlling the amount consumed should be further investigated, especially in overweight and obese participants

    Chickpeas, crickets and chlorella: our future proteins

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    Global transitions to a more biobased economy are underway. As part of these transitions, WUR calls for a shared strategy on production and consumption of protein. By 2050, humans will consume more animal protein than ever, driven by an increasing population and improved standards of living. This consumption level will deplete our natural resources. Hence, a transition towards eating protein from more diverse, resource-efficient sources is needed. We envision a future in which protein production will be part of a sustainable, affordable, trustworthy and high-quality food system. Purposeful combinations of plants, animals, and microorganisms will be tailored to local conditions. To achieve this even in areas of scarce resources, breakthrough innovation, societal shifts and supportive regulatory changes are required. An integrated European platform supporting changes from farm to table will ensure that EU member states continue to lead the ongoing protein transition

    Вплив стану імуносупресії на реакцію відторгнення шкірного трансплантата у щурів

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    Background: Food portion sizes influence energy intake. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to determine effectiveness of the “PortionControl@HOME” intervention on body mass index and portion control behavior. Methods: A randomized controlled trial among 278 overweight and obese participants was conducted. PortionControl@HOME aimed to increase: portion size awareness, portion control behavior, portion control cooking skills, and to create a home environment favoring portion control. Results: Intention-to-treat multi-level regression analysis indicated statistically significant effects of the intervention on portion control behavior at 3, 6, and 12 months follow-up. The effect on body mass index was significant only at 3 months follow-up and when outliers (n = 3) were excluded (B = −0.45; 95 %CI = −0.88 to −0.04). The intervention effect on body mass index was mediated by portion control behavior. Conclusions: The intervention improves portion control behavior, which in turn influence body mass index. Once the intervention ceased, sustained effects on body mass index were no longer evident. (Current-Controlled-Trials ISRCTN12363482)

    Simple nudges that are not so easy

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    In this paper, we critically review three assumptions that govern the debate on the legitimacy of nudging interventions as a policy instrument: (1) nudges may violate autonomous decision-making; (2) nudges lend themselves to easy implementation in public policy; and (3) nudges are a simple and effective mean for steering individual choice in the right direction. Our analysis reveals that none of these assumptions are supported by recent studies entailing unique insights into nudging from three disciplinary outlooks: ethics, public administration and psychology. We find that nudges are less of a threat to autonomous choice than critics sometimes claim, making them ethically more legitimate than often assumed. Nonetheless, because their effectiveness is critically dependent on boundary conditions, their implementation is far from easy. The findings of this analysis thus suggest new opportunities for identifying when and for whom nudge interventions are preferable to more conventional public policy arrangements