345 research outputs found

    Offshore hydrogen production from floating offshore wind - a study of UNITECH Zefyros.

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    The aim of this thesis is to review design considerations and study the effect of a variable power supply of offshore hydrogen production by an electrolyser inside the turbine tower of a floating offshore wind turbine. To achieve this, UNITECH Zefyros, previously known as Hywind Demo, the world’s first floating offshore wind turbine, has been studied for the possibility of hydrogen production. Historical 2020 wind and power data collected by Zefyros are used for calculations in the thesis. The thesis is divided into two cases, shown below. • Case 1 An in-turbine electrolyser to show the feasibility of hydrogen production at UNITECH Zefyros. • Case 2 A large-scale hydrogen production system to study the effect of an intermittent power supply from wind power on an electrolyser. The chosen electrolyser must comply with the space constraints in the turbine tower, resulting in a low-rated electrolyser, less than 1 % of the turbine’s rated power. Hence, the electrolyser will operate at its rated load if the turbine generates power and cannot be used to study how variable power influences the electrolyser. A second hydrogen production system is thus proposed, where the constraints regarding space inside the turbine tower are not considered. This facilitates for an electrolyser that can use all available energy from Zefyros for hydrogen production, making the load profile dynamic. For case 1, an in-turbine hydrogen production system is proposed, where the components are reviewed for compatibility in an offshore environment. Safety considerations introduced by in-turbine hydrogen production are identified. Zefyros’ responses to 1- and 10-year seas are estimated to identify what displacement and accelerations an in-turbine electrolyser would experience. The annual hydrogen yield in 2020 from the in-turbine electrolyser is estimated. For case 2, a model is developed in which the electrolyser’s energy efficiency is estimated through the cell voltage. The energy efficiencies throughout 2020 and the annual hydrogen yield are estimated to show the effect a variable power source has on an electrolyser.Masteroppgåve i havteknologiHTEK399MAMN-HTEK5MAMN-HTE

    Konkurranseklausular - Rettstilstanden for arbeidstakar som òg er aksjonær i bedrifta.

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    Master i rettsvitenskapJUS399MAJU

    Et helhetlig tilbud for psykisk helsevern

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    Voksne menneskers perspektiv på langvarig sosial distansering i en pandemi.

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    Bakgrunn: Det har når pågått en verdensomfattende pandemi i over et år. Første registrerte tilfelle i Norge var 26. februar 2020, og etter den tid har Norge gått gjennom flere stadier av restriksjoner for befolkningen for å begrense smittetrykket og beskytte innbyggerne i Norge. Dette er første gang i nyere tid hvor det har vært behov for slike tiltak og restriksjoner på grunn av en smittsom sykdom. Det å ha mer kunnskap om hvordan denne form for tiltak og isolering oppleves av befolkningen, vil gjøre oss bedre forberedt for eventuelle senere pandemier. Hensikt: Hensikten er å belyse voksne menneskers perspektiv på en langvarig sosial distansering i en pandemi. Metode: I denne rapporten, presenteres en integrativ litteraturstudie for å besvare spørsmål om sosial distansering. Fire artikler er blitt valgt ut, analysert og sammenstilt. Annen litteratur er tatt inn for å beskrive teori rundt temaet. Resultat: Mennesker har forskjellige opplevelser på sosial distansering. Noen opplever det som negativ, andre som positivt. Felles så har de en del bekymringer når det kommer til familie og økonomi. Per nå så er det relativt lite forskning på dette temaet. Anvendelse: Det er viktig for sykepleiere å vite hvordan den sosiale distanseringen påvirker befolkningen over tid slik at de er rustet for å takle lignende situasjoner i fremtiden

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    Living With Ovarian Cancer: Transitions Lost in Translation

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    Background: Living with ovarian cancer involves uncertainty, fear of recurrence, and premature death while preparing for a life after treatment. The women depend on health care professionals while moving from being healthy to experiencing ovarian cancer. Objective: To explore experiences of women living with ovarian cancer and their interactions with health care professionals. Methods: Five focus group interviews were conducted with the same 4 women, between 2018 and 2020. The interviews were analyzed using systematic text condensation. Results: Living with ovarian cancer involved a set of transitions from health to illness and disease. These transitions were difficult for the women to articulate to health care professionals, friends and family, and to themselves. All participants expressed the experiencing of existential and emotional chaos and paradoxes. As their illness developed, it impacted their ability to articulate changes to their body and sense of self and to their own identity negatively. Consequently, the women felt that their ability to communicate their needs to others, including to health care professionals, deteriorated as the disease progressed. Conclusions: Women living with ovarian cancer experience transitions lost in translation within themselves and in communication with persons in their personal, familial, and medical realms. Implications for Practice: A better understanding of their existential suffering and how it is easily lost in translation may refine care and support for these women throughout their illness and disease trajectory.publishedVersio

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