1,741 research outputs found

    Scalable emulation of dynamic multi-hop topologies

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    Determining the fraction of reddened quasars in COSMOS with multiple selection techniques from X-ray to radio wavelengths

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    The sub-population of quasars reddened by intrinsic or intervening clouds of dust are known to be underrepresented in optical quasar surveys. By defining a complete parent sample of the brightest and spatially unresolved quasars in the COSMOS field, we quantify to which extent this sub-population is fundamental to our understanding of the true population of quasars. By using the available multiwavelength data of various surveys in the COSMOS field, we built a parent sample of 33 quasars brighter than J=20J=20 mag, identified by reliable X-ray to radio wavelength selection techniques. Spectroscopic follow-up with the NOT/ALFOSC was carried out for four candidate quasars that had not been targeted previously to obtain a 100\% redshift completeness of the sample. The population of high AVA_V quasars (HAQs), a specific sub-population of quasars selected from optical/near-infrared photometry, is found to contribute 21%−5+921\%^{+9}_{-5} of the parent sample. The full population of bright spatially unresolved quasars represented by our parent sample consists of 39%−8+939\%^{+9}_{-8} reddened quasars defined by having AV>0.1A_V>0.1, and 21%−5+921\%^{+9}_{-5} of the sample having E(B−V)>0.1E(B-V)>0.1 assuming the extinction curve of the Small Magellanic Cloud. We show that the HAQ selection works well for selecting reddened quasars, but some are missed because their optical spectra are too blue to pass the g−rg-r color cut in the HAQ selection. This is either due to a low degree of dust reddening or anomalous spectra. We find that the fraction of quasars with contributing light from the host galaxy is most dominant at z≲1z \lesssim 1. At higher redshifts the population of spatially unresolved quasars selected by our parent sample is found to be representative of the full population at J<20J<20 mag. This work quantifies the bias against reddened quasars in studies that are based solely on optical surveys.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&A. The ArXiv abstract has been shortened for it to be printabl

    Observational Constraints on the Dependence of Radio-Quiet Quasar X-ray Emission on Black Hole Mass and Accretion Rate

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    In this work we use a sample of 318 radio-quiet quasars (RQQ) to investigate the dependence of the ratio of optical/UV flux to X-ray flux, alpha_ox, and the X-ray photon index, Gamma_X, on black hole mass, UV luminosity relative to Eddington, and X-ray luminosity relative to Eddington. Our sample is drawn from the SDSS, with X-ray data from ROSAT and Chandra, and optical data mostly from the SDSS; 153 of these sources have estimates of Gamma_X from Chandra. We estimate M_BH using standard estimates derived from the Hbeta, Mg II, and C IV broad emission lines. Our sample spans a broad range in black hole mass (10^6 < M_BH / M_Sun < 10^10) and redshift (z < 4.8). We find that alpha_ox increases with increasing M_BH and L_UV / L_Edd, and decreases with increasing L_X / L_Edd. In addition, we confirm the correlation seen in previous studies between Gamma_X and M_BH and both L_UV / L_Edd and L_X / L_Edd; however, we also find evidence that the dependence of Gamma_X of these quantities is not monotonic, changing sign at M_BH ~ 3 x 10^8 M_Sun. We argue that the alpha_ox correlations imply that the fraction of bolometric luminosity emitted by the accretion disk, as compared to the corona, increases with increasing accretion rate relative to Eddington. In addition, we argue that the Gamma_X trends are caused by a dependence of X-ray spectral index on accretion rate. We discuss our results within the context of accretion models with comptonizing corona, and discuss the implications of the alpha_ox correlations for quasar feedback. To date, this is the largest study of the dependence of RQQ X-ray parameters on black hole mass and related quantities, and the first to attempt to correct for the large statistical uncertainty in the broad line mass estimates.Comment: Accepted by ApJ, 23 pages, 15 figures, emulateapj styl

    Touch me not

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    Central Poststroke Pain syndrome (CPSP) can occur due to disruption of the somatosensory pathways of the brain at any level such as the thalamus, medulla, or cerebral cortex. It is characterized by sensory abnormalities and hyperesthesia in the part of the body correlating to the central lesion. The treatment of this pain syndrome is often difficult, and it does not usually respond to traditional analgesics. The first line of treatment is drugs aimed at lowering neuronal hyperexcitability, for example, amitriptyline or lamotrigine, with gabapentin considered a second line

    [OII] Emission, Eigenvector 1 and Orientation in Radio-quiet Quasars

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    We present supportive evidence that the Boroson and Green eigenvector 1 is not driven by source orientation. Until recently it was generally accepted that eigenvector 1 does not depend on orientation as it strongly correlates with [OIII]5007 emission, thought to be an isotropic property. However, recent studies of radio-loud AGN have questioned the isotropy of [OIII] emission and concluded that [OII]3727 emission is isotropic. In this paper we investigate the relation between eigenvector 1 and [OII] emission in radio-quiet BQS (Bright Quasar Survey) quasars, and readdress the issue of orientation as the driver of eigenvector 1. We find significant correlations between eigenvector 1 and orientation independent [OII] emission, which implies that orientation does not drive eigenvector 1. The luminosities and equivalent widths of [OIII] and [OII] correlate with one another, and the range in luminosities and equivalent widths is similar. This suggests that the radio-quiet BQS quasars are largely free of orientation dependent dust effects and ionization dependent effects in the narrow-line region. We also conclude that neither the [OIII] emission nor the [OII]/[OIII] ratio are dependent on orientation in our radio-quiet BQS quasar sample, contrary to recent results found for radio-loud quasars.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Dust-free quasars in the early Universe

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    The most distant quasars known, at redshifts z=6, generally have properties indistinguishable from those of lower-redshift quasars in the rest-frame ultraviolet/optical and X-ray bands. This puzzling result suggests that these distant quasars are evolved objects even though the Universe was only seven per cent of its current age at these redshifts. Recently one z=6 quasar was shown not to have any detectable emission from hot dust, but it was unclear whether that indicated different hot-dust properties at high redshift or if it is simply an outlier. Here we report the discovery of a second quasar without hot-dust emission in a sample of 21 z=6 quasars. Such apparently hot-dust-free quasars have no counterparts at low redshift. Moreover, we demonstrate that the hot-dust abundance in the 21 quasars builds up in tandem with the growth of the central black hole, whereas at low redshift it is almost independent of the black hole mass. Thus z=6 quasars are indeed at an early evolutionary stage, with rapid mass accretion and dust formation. The two hot-dust-free quasars are likely to be first-generation quasars born in dust-free environments and are too young to have formed a detectable amount of hot dust around them.Comment: To be published in Nature on the 18 March 2010

    Polarization of AGN in UV Spectral Range

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    We present the review of some new problems in cosmology and physics of stars in connection with future launching of WSO. We discuss three problems. UV observations of distant z > 6 quasars allow to obtain information on the soft < 1 KeV X-ray radiation of the accretion disk around a supermassive black hole because of its cosmological redshift. Really the region of X-ray radiation is insufficiently investigated because of high galactic absorption. In a result one will get important information on the reionization zone of the Universe. Astronomers from ESO revealed the effect of alignment of electric vectors of polarized QSOs. One of the probable mechanism of such alignment is the conversion of QSO radiation into low mass pseudoscalar particles (axions) in the extragalactic magnetic field. These boson like particles have been predicted by new SUSY particle physics theory. Since the probability of such conversion is increasing namely in UV spectral range one can expect the strong correlation between UV spectral energy distribution of QSO radiation and polarimetric data in the optical range. In the stellar physics one of the interesting problems is the origin of the X-ray sources with super Eddington luminosities. The results of UV observations of these X-ray sources will allow to find the origin of these sources as accreting intermediate mass black holes.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    VLT identification of the optical afterglow of the gamma-ray burst GRB 000131 at z=4.50

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    We report the discovery of the gamma-ray burst GRB 000131 and its optical afterglow. The optical identification was made with the VLT 84 hours after the burst following a BATSE detection and an Inter Planetary Network localization. GRB 000131 was a bright, long-duration GRB, with an apparent precursor signal 62 s prior to trigger. The afterglow was detected in ESO VLT, NTT, and DK1.54m follow-up observations. Broad-band and spectroscopic observations of the spectral energy distribution reveals a sharp break at optical wavelengths which is interpreted as a Ly-alpha absorption edge at 6700 A. This places GRB 000131 at a redshift of 4.500 +/- 0.015. The inferred isotropic energy release in gamma rays alone was approximately 10^54 erg (depending on the assumed cosmology). The rapid power-law decay of the afterglow (index alpha=2.25, similar to bursts with a prior break in the lightcurve), however, indicates collimated outflow, which relaxes the energy requirements by a factor of < 200. The afterglow of GRB 000131 is the first to be identified with an 8-m class telescope.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted to A&A Letter
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