103 research outputs found

    Military metaphor creating the image of migrants in Russian mass media

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    Military metaphor in Mass Media is a strong means of creation of the image of migrants as “foreign enemy”, “occupant-barbarian”. The article analyses military metaphors from different Russian Mass Media, which characterize negatively migration processes and arousing fear of attempt on the land, economical and social life of Russia. Mass Media make the conflict even stronger and fuel hostility between migrants and residents.Милитарная метафора в СМИ служит мощным оружием формирования восприятия образа мигранта как «внешнего врага», «захватчика-варвара». В статье анализируются милитарные метафоры из разных отечественных СМИ, негативно характеризующие миграционные процессы и вызывающие у россиян боязнь покушения со стороны иностранцев на территорию, экономическую и социальную жизнь России. Тем самым СМИ усиливают конфликт и разжигают неприязнь между мигрантами и коренным населением

    Metaphorical representation of migration in replies in free associative experiment

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    The article analyses answers received in the course of associative experiment for the word “migrant” held among students of Ekaterinburg. They make it possible to identify the attitude to migration fixed in the language consciousness of socially active citizens of Russia. It was proved that the Russians are tolerant or indifferent to migrants.В статье анализируются полученные в ходе ассоциативного эксперимента реакции студенческой молодежи Екатеринбурга на слово-стимул «мигрант», позволяющие судить о закрепленном в языковом сознании социально активных россиян восприятии миграции. Демонстрируется, что россияне относятся к мигрантам в основном терпимо/равнодушно


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    Research on hyperhaline lakes began in 1977. Commercial interest to Artemia (at the stage of cysts) as a starting feed for hydrobionts served as the basis for monitoring of hyper haline lakes in the Altai Territory. Kulundinskoe lake is recognized as one of the largest basins in the Kulundinskaya plain of Ob-Irtyshskoye interfluve with population of fairy shrimp Artemia Leach, 1819. Comprehensive hydrobiological surveys in the growing season (April-October) 2018 show the dynamics of phytoplankton, zooplankton and stages of Artemia salina development in Kulundinskoe Lake . The researchers analyzed the impact of temperature regime and water salinity in the vegetation period of 2018 on Artemia salina status and productivity of the basin. Water mineralization varied within 83.4 - 93.0 g/l, which indicates lower salts concentration in the leach compared to the average many-year value which is explained by the change of water regressive stage to transgressive one. Monitoring of hyperhaline basin in the vegetation period of 2018 showed a depressive status of Artemia salina development due to demineralization of the basin. At the beginning of vegetation period, the temperature regime was unfavorable for Artemia salina development in the lake. That resulted in low numbers of copepods. Due to depressive development of Artemia salina in Kulundinskoye Lake in the vegetation period of 2018, the basin is seen to have lost its economic relevance.Исследовательские работы на гипергалинных озерах были начаты с 1977 г. Коммерческий интерес к артемии (на стадии цист) как к стартовому корму для гидробионтов послужил основой к мониторинговым исследованиям гипергалинных озер Алтайского края. Озеро Кулундинское отмечено как один из самых больших водоемов на территории Кулундинской равнины Обь-Иртышского междуречья с популяцией жаброногого рачка Artemia Leach, 1819. В результате комплексных гидробиологических съемок в вегетационный период (апрель – октябрь) 2018 г. представлена динамика показателей численности фитопланктона, зоопланктона и стадий развития рачков артемии в оз. Кулундинское. Проведен анализ влияния температурного режима и солености воды вегетационного периода 2018 г. на состояние рачка артемии и продуктивность водоема. Минерализация воды в описываемый период колебалась в пределах 83,4–93,0 г/л, что указывает на снижение количества солей в рапе по сравнению со среднемноголетним значением, обусловленным сменой регрессивной фазы водности на трансгрессивную. В ходе проведения мониторинговых исследований гипергалинного водоема в вегетационный период 2018 г. выявлено депрессивное состояние развития популяции рачка артемии в связи с опреснением водоема. Температурный режим в начале вегетационного периода текущего года был неблагоприятным для развития артемии в озере, что обусловило низкие численные показатели рачков. Учитывая депрессивное состояние развития популяции артемии в оз. Кулундинское в вегетационном сезоне 2018 г., водоем утратил свое хозяйственное значение

    Peculiarities of SIRT1 expression in peripheral blood monocytes / macrophages of individuaks with different body weight.

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    NAD+ -dependent deacetylase sirtuin-1 (SIRT1) regulates the activity of transcription factors, which are known as key contributors to inflammatory processes, and in particular, to low-grade chronic inflammation in the development of obesity. SIRT1 promotes the action of epigenetic mechanisms by deacetylation of histones and transcription factors. SIRT1 affects the formation of the polarization profile of macrophages by pro- and anti-inflammatory phenotype indirectly through the main transcription factors STAT1 and STAT6 of the signaling cascade. But the peculiarities of the regulation of macrophage polarization with the SIRT1 participation in the development of obesity are still remaining unclear. NAD+-залежна деацетилаза сиртуїн-1 (SIRT1) регулює активність факторів транскрипції, які є ключовими учасниками запальних процесів, зокрема, низькоінтенсивного хронічного запалення за розвитку ожиріння. Реалізація епігенетичних механізмів за допомогою SIRT1 відбувається шляхом деацетилювання гістонів та факторів транскрипції. SIRT1 впливає на формування поляризаційного профілю макрофагів за про-та протизапальним фенотипом опосередковано основними транскрипційними факторами сигнального каскаду STAT1 і STAT6. Однак особливості питання регуляції поляризації макрофагів за участю SIRT1 у розвитку ожиріння залишаються не визначеними. Мета нашого дослідження – визначити рівень експресії NAD+-залежної деацетилази SIRT1 в моноцитах/макрофагах осіб із підвищеною масою тіла та ожирінням І ступеня. У дослідженні взяли участь 30 осіб віком від 18 до 25 років. За індексом маси тіла (ІМТ) учасники були розділені на групи: контрольну з ІМТ 18,50–24,99 кг/м2, з підвищеною масою тіла з ІМТ 25,00–29,99 кг/м2 та з ожирінням I ступеня з ІМТ 30,00–34,99 кг/м2. Мононуклеари периферичної крові виділяли на градієнті густини фікол-верографін. Для індукції поляризації за фенотипом М1 моноцити стимулювали ліпополісахаридом Е. coli (LPS) та γ-інтерфероном (γІFN), за фенотипом М2 – інтерлейкіном 4 (IL-4). Як контроль використовували нестимульовані клітини. Експресію гена sirt1 визначали методом полімеразної ланцюгової реакції в режимі реального часу через 3 та 7 днів інкубації. Результати оброблені статистично. Результати свідчать, що з підвищенням маси тіла досліджуваних осіб рівень експресії гена sirt1 зростає. Достовірно вищий рівень експресії sirt1 визначений у макрофагах осіб з ожирінням порівняно з особами з підвищеною масою тіла. У осіб із підвищеною массою експресія sirt1 була достовірно вищою, ніж у осіб з нормальною масою тіла. Найбільші значення експресії sirt1 визначені в осіб з ожирінням І ступеня у клітинах, стимульованих IL-4. Приріст рівня експресії визначений у динаміці інкубації клітин, що підтверджується формуванням позитивних високої та середньої сили зв’язків рівня експресії за інкубації 3 і 7 діб. Зроблено висновок, що достовірно вищий рівень експресії гена sirt1 у нестимульованих клітинах, за умов стимуляції та її приріст за термін інкубації свідчить про можливе прекондиціювання моноцитів периферичної крові, яке забезпечує протидію формуванню прозапального фенотипу до рекрутування моноцитів у жирову тканину

    Pedagogical dialogue: cognitive strategies of philological education in Russia and abroad

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    The article presents an overview of an International scientific and pedagogical forum "The Image of Russia in global educational space: language, history, culture", which was held on May 23-26 2019 at Ural State Pedagogical University (Russia, Yekaterinburg) and Jilin University of international studies (China, Changchun).В статье представлен обзор Международного научно-педагогического форума "Образ России в глобальном образовательном пространстве: язык, история, культура", который был проведен с 23 по 26 мая 2019 года в Уральском государственном педагогическом университете (Россия, Екатеринбург) и Цзилиньском университете международных исследований (Китай, Чанчунь)

    Arrangement of Reading Classes for Foreign Students under Distance Learning Conditions

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    The article describes the process of arrangement of Reading classes in the context of distance teaching of Russian as a foreign language. The authors operate on their own experience of remote educational technology(RET) application at Jilin University of international studies (Changchun, China), which can be helpful to tutors organizing the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language (RFL) remotely. The authors'task wasnot to conduct a pedagogical experiment to prove the effectiveness of RET usage, since the authors adhere to the position of R. Clarke that the effectiveness of training does not increase with the use of information technologies.Статья посвящена описанию процесса организации изучения предмета "Чтение" в условиях дистанционного обучения русскому языку как иностранному

    Creating a genetic database аs a strategic challenge of modern medical researches

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    Research Institute for Genetics and Immunological Grounds of Pathology and Pharmacogenetics among the first institutions in Ukraine had created a genetic database growing for the last few years. The creation of this database is necessary to monitor such common pathological conditions as metabolic syndrome, diabetes, arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, allergic inflammation, urogenital infections, pathologies of immune and endocrine systems, and connective tissue. Creation of genetic monitoring system and identifying genetic markers of susceptibility to infectious agents and propensity to noninfectious origin diseases development will allow monitoring the level of morbidity in Ukraine by predicting the risk of developing certain pathological conditions, the nature and progression rate of pathological process, the formation of risk groups of possible morbidity since the childhood, and using effective prevention technologies. Development of targeted programs for early diagnosis and treatment taking into account a genetic predisposition will reduce the direct economic costs of medication, duration of outpatient and inpatient treatment by pharmacogenetic selection of main groups of drugs, decrease the incidence of complications and mortality level and will promote the introduction of individual strategies of preventive measures and improving health

    Bactics optimization of the diabetes mellitus of the second type combined with obesity considering genetic, gender, age and hormonal and metabolic disorders

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    Today, diseases such as diabetes and obesity pandemic took nature spread, affecting any - that sections of the population regardless of age, sex, social status, race and ethnicity. If in 2010 the number of cases in the world amounted to 285 mln., In 2014 recorded 387 million people. Every twelfth inhabitant of the planet has diabetes, in 46.3% of cases of diabetes it is not diagnosed, i.e. 1 of 2 people did not know about the disease. About half of the people who died of diabetes in 2013 were younger than 60 years. Despite numerous diabetic activity of associations, medical research programs implemented to eliminate diabetes, according to experts of the International Diabetes Association (IDF) in 2013, the world struggle with diabetes was considered lost. The study examined obesity and type 2 diabetes as a single pathological process, which helped to improve treatment in patients considering genetic, gender, age and hormonal and metabolic disorders. Today adipose tissue is positioned as endocrine organ, since in addition to the secretion of free fatty acids (FFA), it produces proteins with multiple autocrine, paracrine and endocrine functions, designated as adipokines/ adipocytokines. The substance has such biological effects as absorption and regulation of energy expenditure, regulation of glucose metabolism and lipid and anti-inflammatory properties. To study the relationship of these processes and determine genetic specificity in patients with type 2 diabetes on a background of obesity studied gene polymorphism (GPX1)

    Analysis of involvement of nanoparticles fullerene C60 in regulation innate and adaptive immune reactions

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    Background: Nanoparticles fullerene C60 (FC60) have offered new hope for detection, prevention, and treatment in modern medicine due to their key properties, small size, enhanced permeability, surface modification and retention effects. However, the effects of nanoparticle properties on the immune system are still being explored. The main purpose of this investigation was to assess the influence of FCl on functional activity of the phagocytic cells in vitro, production of hemagglutinins, hemolysins and level activity of complement during the primary immune response in vivo. Materials and methods: Peripheral blood (PB) from 10 healthy donors was obtained. FC60 was added at 0,01 and 0,1 pM/1 to PB and incubated for 10 min at 37°C. Level of phagocytosis, Nitroblue Tetrazolium (NBT)-test, level of myeloperoxidase activity, zimozan-induced chemiluminescence was assayed. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were incubated with PE-conjugated mAb to CD54 and analyzed by flow cytometry. Balb/c mice were immunized by 2% suspensions of ram red blood cells for induction of the primary immune response. Mice were treated i.p. with 50 ng of FC6I| during 1, 3 and 6 days after induction of the primary immune response. Titre of hemagglutinins was determined by reaction of hemagglutination, litre of hemolysins - by reaction of immune lysis, activity of complement - by immune hemolysis. Results: The results demonstrated that FC60 did not affect the phagocytic activity of neutrophils at any doses. FC significantly decreased level of myeloperoxiase activity in neutrophils in doses 0,01 and 0,1 pM/1. FCf significantly increased the indices of the NBT-test in neutrophils in dose 0,01 pM/1. Addition of FC6 to peripheral blood suppressed zimozan-induced chemiluminescence in doses 0,01 and 0,1 pM/1. Moreover, FCf strongly reduced level of expression CD54 on lymphocytes and monocytes in doses 0,01 and 0,1 pM/1, but did not effect on neutrophils. The study revealed that FC( induced the production of hemagglutinins and hemolysins, especially in initial and maximum phase of the generation antibodies during induction of the primary immune response. Additionally, FC60 induced the complement system activation and enlarged its activity after induction of the primary immune response. Conclusion: The studies showed that FCtn can influence on immune reactions via different mechanisms. FC6|| negatively alter phagocytic activity of immune cells in vitro, but it positively influence on production of hemagglutinins and hemolysins, level activity of complement during the primary immune response in Balb/c mice in vivo. Thus, FC60 provides a potential perspective medical application because it can display immunomodulatory properties which are directed on the innate (phagocytosis and complement system) and adaptive mechanisms (production antibodies) of immune system

    Inhibition of markers of the immune inflammation in bronchial asthma influenced by fullerene c60 nanopmaterials

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    Bronchial asthma (BA) is a chronic disease associated with local tissue inflammation anc! remodeling of the airway . Inflammation is a complex immune response which involves immune cells as regulators and effectors of the immune function and, therefore, may play critical role in pathophysiological processes. Recent studies have suggested the possible effect of dysfunction immune cells and/or their products on inflammation process in BA. Fullerene C60 is the most promising nanomaterial inmodern medicine due its key properties, small size, enhanced permeability, surface modification and retention effect . Fullerene C60 and some of its derivatives as potent antioxidants are capable of effective ROS inactivation and lack of immunogenicity However, little is known about the effect of fullerene C60 on immune mechanisms in the pathogenesis of BA. Therefore, further studies of fullerene C60will be required for the development of specialized target treatment strategy in BA. The purpose of our work was to determine the effect of fullerene C60 on markers of immune inflammation in experimental model of BA