43 research outputs found

    Analysis and Prediction of Vibrations of Ball Bearings Contaminated By Open Pit Coal Mine Debris Particles

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    Analysis of the relevant literature has shown that only few researches are dealing with the bearings dynamic behaviour in real environmental conditions where high concentration of solid contaminant particles is evident. There is still no established mathematical correlation between bearings vibration characteristics, working time and concentration level of contaminant particles in their grease. Solving this problem was the main goal of research described in this paper. First step was thorough analysis of the chemical composition and structure of contamination particles directly causing the sample bearings failure on open pit coal mines. After that, specific experimental methodology was developed and implemented. Finally, by processing of the experimental results, new mathematical correlation between listed bearings characteristics was determined

    Hypercalcemic type of small cell carcinoma of the ovary

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    © 2015, Institut za Vojnomedicinske Naucne Informacije/Documentaciju. All rights reserved. Introduction. Extrapulmonary small cell carcinoma is a rare, prognostically bad tumor category. Primary, it can be localized in every organ, even in the ovary, where, due to its clinical specifici-ties, it represents a challenge in diagnosis, as well as in therapy. Small cell ovarian carcinoma (SCOC) is biologically very aggres-sive malignant tumor of unknown histogenesis. We presented a rare case of SCOC with hypercalcemia of aggressive course and fatal outcome in a postmenopausal woman at International Fed-eration of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) Ia stage. Case re-port. A 60-year-old woman, Caucasian, came to the doctor be-cause of discomfort in the lower abdomen and pain of greater in-tensity in last few days. Ultrasound examination and CT scan of the abdomen confirmed the presence of large adnexal masses of cystic-solid appearance with the largest diameter of 13 cm, regu-lar structure of the other gynecological organs, without verifying the existence of metastatic deposits. All the results of laboratory analysis gave normal values, except for calcium, which was ele-vated. Explorative laparotomy with complete hysterectomy, bi-lateral salpingo-oophorectomy, dissection of lymph nodes and omentectomy were conducted. Based on pathohistological analy-sis of the operative material, SCOC at FIGO Ia stage was diag-nosed. No complications were observed in a postsurgery period and after 10 days the patient was discharged in a good condition and with normal calcemia. The treatment was continued with concurrent radiotherapy and chemotherapy. However, in spite of overall treatment, the disease progressed, and the patient died of disseminated metastatic disease, 26 months after the diagnosis. Conclusion. Small cell carcinoma localized in the ovary is gener-ally a tumor category with bad prognosis depending on the stage of the disease

    Chloroplast pigments in post-fire-grown cryptophytes on Vidlič Mountain (Southeastern Serbia)

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    In this study the content of chloroplast pigments (chlorophyll a, b, a+b, and carotenoids) in the leaves of Geranium macrorrhizum L., Doronicum columnae Ten., Aegopodium podagraria L. and Tussilago farfara L. from a beech forest that had undergone fire on Vidlič Mountain was determined. The same species of plants from a place that had not been exposed to fire were taken as controls. Chloroplast pigments were determined from acetone extracts of these plants spectrophotometrically. In the first year after the fire the content of chlorophyll a, b and a+b in Geranium macrorrhizum L. and Doronicum columnae Ten. was greater than in the plants not exposed to fire. The results were the opposite for Aegopodium podagraria L. and Tussilago farfara L. These differences can be attributed to the different physiology of the plants and consequently their different adaptation patterns. The carotenoid content was higher in the plant species at the fire site than in the area not exposed to fire


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    Background: The theoretical concept of existential/life positions describes person’s basic beliefs about oneself and others. Most of authors on TA postulated that every person has one of four possible basic life positions: I’m OK, you’re OK; I’m not OK, you’re OK; I’m OK, you’re not OK and I’m not OK, you’re not OK. The aim of this study was the authentication of Existential positions as theoretical concepts in Transaction Analysis, and it’s potential to discriminate clinical from non-clinical examinees, and paranoid from depressive examinees within the clinical population. Subjects and methods: The research conducted was co-relational. The sample belongs to the convenience sample type, and comprised 200 examinees, 100 from the non-clinical and 100 from the clinical population of adults. Results: The results of the research confirm a statistically significant difference between the non-clinical and clinical part of the sample in the examined theoretical concept. The “I am not OK” existential position is more expressed in the clinical part of the sample. The differences between the examinees with depressive and paranoid disorders indicate that the examinees with the depressive disorder are more likely to express the “I am not OK, you are OK” and “I am not OK, you are not OK” Existential position. Conclusion: In general, we can infer that the assumptions which the research was aimed at testing received partial validation. Examinees from the clinical part of the sample have a statistically significantly higher score at the position “I am not OK”. Examinees with depressive characteristics have a more pronounced “I am not OK, you are not OK” position

    A hygiene report regarding slaughter process of pig and cattle carcasses for 2017 in Serbia

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    For the successful validation and verification of the HACCP system, a food business operator is obliged, among other duties, to have continuous microbiological data of carcasses which are followed by a certain dynamic that the subject himself prescribed. To obtain these data, it is necessary to perform systematic monitoring of indicator microorganisms. The most important meat hygiene indicators are Total Viable Counts (TVC) and Enterobacteriaceae (EC). TVC are defined as indicators of overall slaughter hygiene (equipment, environment, tools, workers), while EC are indicators of faecal contamination on carcasses. The aim of this study was to determine the microbial contamination of cattle and pig carcasses, level of hygiene of the slaughter process as well as whether variations hygiene levels were related to seasonality in Serbia during 2017. The year was divided into four quarters of three months each, while the microbiological results were classified into three levels of hygiene status (unsatisfactory, satisfactory or acceptable). The highest percentage of the results surveyed during the entire study was at a satisfactory hygiene level. Furthermore, we found there were differences in results between the quarters, which could be associated with seasonality. The best microbiological results, and so the best hygiene of carcasses, was recorded in the period April, May, June, while the worst microbiological results were observed in the period of July, August and September

    Integrationsarbete i skolan, En fältstudie i hur pedagoger arbetar med att främja integration och kulturell mångfald i skolan.

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    Sammanfattning: Syfte och frågeställningar Vårt syfte med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka på vilket sätt de av oss utvalda skolorna arbetar aktivt med integrationen/segregationen. Därmed har vi undersökt om skolorna tillgodoser det som står i styrdokumenten när det gäller integrations/segregationsfrågor. Detta gör vi med följande frågeställningar: - Hur gör pedagoger för att främja den kulturella mångfalden i den av oss utvalda homogena skola, där majoriteten av eleverna är av svensk etnisk bakgrund? - Hur gör pedagoger för att främja integration in i det svenska samhället i den av oss utvalda mångkulturella skola, där majoriteten av eleverna är av annan etnisk bakgrund än svensk? - Finns det någon skillnad och likhet i pedagogens bemötande av eleverna, i den av oss valda homogena skolan där majoriteten av eleverna är av svensk etnisk bakgrund och den av oss valda mångkulturella skola, där majoriteten av eleverna är av annan etnisk bakgrund än svensk? Vilka är i så fall likheterna och skillnaderna? Material Vi har utgått från rapporter, artiklar och böcker som behandlat integration/segregation och begreppet invandrare. Vi har även utgått från styrdokument såsom, Lpo94, barnkonventionen och skollagen. Metod Vi har använt oss av intervjumetoden, där vi har genomfört en respondent undersökning av totalt fyra pedagoger på de av oss valda skolorna. Vi har även valt att undersöka skolornas likabehandlingsplaner. Resultat och didaktiska konsekvenser Pedagogerna på den mångkulturella skolan utgår bland annat från ”svenskhet som norm” som en obestridlig referensram i undervisningen. Pedagogerna har som utgångspunkt att eleverna skall klara sig i det svenska samhället. I den homogena skolan behöver pedagogerna inte fokusera på att integrera in eleverna i det svenska samhället, det tas för givet att de redan är det. Vi har undersökt hur likabehandlingsplanerna på de båda skolorna följs

    Local deformation fields and marginal integrity of sculptable bulk-fill, low-shrinkage and conventional composites

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    Objective. To compare strain and displacement of sculptable bulk-fill, low-shrinkage and conventional composites as well as dye penetration along the dentin-restoration interface. Methods. Modified Class II cavities (N= 5/group) were filled with sculptable bulk-fill (Filtek Bulk Fill Posterior, 3M ESPE; Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill, Ivoclar Vivadent; fiber-reinforced EverX Posterior, GC; giomer Beautifil Bulk, Schofu), low-shrinkage (Kalore, GC), nanohybrid (Tetric EvoCeram, Ivoclar Vivadent) or microhybrid (Filtek Z250, 3M ESPE) composites. Strain and displacement were determined using the 3D digital image correlation method based on two cameras with 1 mu m displacement sensitivity and 1600 x 1200 pixel resolution (Aramis, GOM). Microleakage along dentin axial and gingival cavity walls was measured under a stereomicroscope using a different set of teeth (N = 8/group). Data were analyzed using analyses of variance with Tukeys post-test, Pearson correlation and paired t-test (alpha = 0.05). Results. Strain of TEC Bulk, Filtek Bulk, Beautifil Bulk and Kalore was in the range of 1-1.5%. EverX and control composites showed 1.5-2% strain. Axial displacements were between 5 mu m and 30 mu m The least strain was identified at 2 mm below the occlusal surface in 4-mm but not in 2-mm layered composites. Greater microleakage occurred along the gingival than axial wall (p LT 0.05). No correlation was found between strain/displacements and microleakage axially (r(2) = 0.082, p = 0.821; r(2) =-0.2, p = 0.605, respectively) or gingivally (r(2) =-0.126, p = 0.729, r(2) =-0.278, p = 0.469, respectively). Significance. Strain i.e. volumetric shrinkage of sculptable bulk-fill and low-shrinkage composites was comparable to control composites but strain distribution across restoration depth differed. Marginal integrity was more compromised along the gingival than axial dentin wall. (C) 2016 The Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Local deformation fields and marginal integrity of sculptable bulk-fill, low-shrinkage and conventional composites

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    Objective. To compare strain and displacement of sculptable bulk-fill, low-shrinkage and conventional composites as well as dye penetration along the dentin-restoration interface. Methods. Modified Class II cavities (N= 5/group) were filled with sculptable bulk-fill (Filtek Bulk Fill Posterior, 3M ESPE; Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill, Ivoclar Vivadent; fiber-reinforced EverX Posterior, GC; giomer Beautifil Bulk, Schofu), low-shrinkage (Kalore, GC), nanohybrid (Tetric EvoCeram, Ivoclar Vivadent) or microhybrid (Filtek Z250, 3M ESPE) composites. Strain and displacement were determined using the 3D digital image correlation method based on two cameras with 1 mu m displacement sensitivity and 1600 x 1200 pixel resolution (Aramis, GOM). Microleakage along dentin axial and gingival cavity walls was measured under a stereomicroscope using a different set of teeth (N = 8/group). Data were analyzed using analyses of variance with Tukeys post-test, Pearson correlation and paired t-test (alpha = 0.05). Results. Strain of TEC Bulk, Filtek Bulk, Beautifil Bulk and Kalore was in the range of 1-1.5%. EverX and control composites showed 1.5-2% strain. Axial displacements were between 5 mu m and 30 mu m The least strain was identified at 2 mm below the occlusal surface in 4-mm but not in 2-mm layered composites. Greater microleakage occurred along the gingival than axial wall (p LT 0.05). No correlation was found between strain/displacements and microleakage axially (r(2) = 0.082, p = 0.821; r(2) =-0.2, p = 0.605, respectively) or gingivally (r(2) =-0.126, p = 0.729, r(2) =-0.278, p = 0.469, respectively). Significance. Strain i.e. volumetric shrinkage of sculptable bulk-fill and low-shrinkage composites was comparable to control composites but strain distribution across restoration depth differed. Marginal integrity was more compromised along the gingival than axial dentin wall. (C) 2016 The Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Spatial and temporal variability of stable isotopes and biological parameters for the Danube River in Serbia

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    This paper presents the results of hydrological, physicochemical, biological, and isotopic investigations of the Danube River along the stretch through Serbian territory conducted during four campaigns in September and November 2007, September 2008 and April 2009. The stable isotope values exhibited significant changes both in the Danube (-10.7 to -9.5% for delta(18)O and -73.7 to -67.1% for delta(2)H) and in its tributaries (-9.1 to -8.5% for delta(18)O and -69.4 to -59.4% for delta(2)H) depending on the time of survey, which could be partly attributed to the influences of seasonal effects. Results emphasise the dominant role of tributaries inflows from aquifers along the Danube. The very narrow range of delta(13)C(POC) (from -28.9 to -27.4%) was associated with relatively high C/N ratios (C/N GT 9), and together with delta(15)N(TPN) values, the date suggested that, in early spring, a major fraction of particulate organic matter was derived from allochthonous matter. An orthogonal varimax rotation of the principal components analysis identified four latent factors (mineral related, biological, hardness, and soil inlets) which are responsible for the data structure covering 79% of the observed variations among the variables studied. A reliable grouping of samples with respect to the season was found