118 research outputs found

    Top-side ionosphere response to extreme solar events

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    International audienceStrong X-flares and solar energetic particle (SEP) fluxes are considered as sources of topside ionospheric disturbances observed by the ROCSAT-1/IPEI instrument during the Bastille Day event on 14 July 2000 and the Halloween event on 28 October?4 November 2003. It was found that within a prestorm period in the dayside ionosphere at altitudes of ~600 km the ion density increased up to ~80% in response to flare-associated enhancements of the solar X-ray emission. Ionospheric response to the SEP events was revealed both at sunlit and nightside hemispheres, where the ion density increased up to ~40% and 100%, respectively. We did not find any prominent response of the ion temperature to the X-ray and SEP enhancements. The largest X-ray and SEP impacts were found for the X17 solar flare on 28 October 2003, which was characterized by the most intense fluxes of solar EUV (Tsurutani et al., 2005) and relativistic solar particles (Veselovsky et al., 2004). Solar events on 14 July 2000 and 29 October 2003 demonstrate weaker impacts with respect to their X-ray and SEP intensities. The weakest ionospheric response is observed for the limb X28 solar flare on 4 November 2003. The topside ionosphere response to the extreme solar events is interpreted in terms of the short-duration impact of the solar electromagnetic radiation and the long-lasting impact of the SEP

    Hysteresis of the Contact Angle of a Meniscus Inside a Capillary with Smooth, Homogeneous Solid Walls

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    This paper was accepted for publication in the journal Langmuir: the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids and the definitive published version is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.langmuir.6b00721.A theory of contact angle hysteresis of a meniscus inside thin capillaries with smooth, homogeneous solid walls is developed in terms of surface forces (disjoining/ conjoining pressure isotherm) using a quasi-equilibrium approach. The disjoining /conjoining pressure isotherm includes electrostatic, intermolecular, and structural components. The values of the static receding θr, advancing θa , and equilibrium θe contact angles in thin capillaries were calculated on the basis of the shape of the disjoining/conjoining pressure isotherm. It was shown that both advancing and receding contact angles depend on the capillary radius. The suggested mechanism of the contact angle hysteresis has a direct experimental confirmation: the process of receding is accompanied by the formation of thick β-films on the capillary walls. The effect of the transition from partial to complete wetting in thin capillaries is predicted and analyzed. This effect takes place in very thin capillaries, when the receding contact angle decreases to zero


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    In article the perspective of a sustainable development of the industrial enterprises is investigated, the factors infl uencing stability of development of the enterprises are analyzed, defi nition of different types of economic stability in the period of economic instability is given, internal and external factors of stability of the enterprises are allocated, is underlined that economic stability, first of all, is distinguished from the major factors infl uencing stability of development of the industrial enterprises. At the same time, authors consider factors of the available instability and their infl uence on rates of development of the industrial enterprises. Change of the current situation requires weakening of a number of the factors resulting in economic instability.Purposes. The purpose of article is the analysis of factors of the industrial enterprises infl uencing a sustainable development in the conditions of economic instability and development of the off ers providing on their sustainable development. Article tasks: to investigate and allocate factors, in the conditions of the worsening economic situation which are expedient for considering at a solution of the problem of a sustainable development of the industrial enterprises.Methodology. When carrying out the real research materials of the state statistics were the main sources of basic data. Comparative methods of the analysis are the basis for methodical development.Results. The concept is given and types of economic stability of the industrial enterprises are given. Infl uence of internal and external factors of the enterprises infl uencing stability is shown. Infl uence of an economic situation on a role of these factors is allocated. For achievement of a sustainable development of the industrial enterprises it is off ered to realize measures for weakening of the factors resulting in economic instability.Conclusions / importance. In the conditions of new economic realities it is necessary to place emphasis on formation of economic policy of the state, directed on weakening of rate fl uctuation of national currency, stabilization of a bank rate of crediting, to reduction of prices of industrial and consumer goods, formation of the conditions promoting activization of business activity.В статье исследуется проблематика устойчивого развития промышленных предприятий, анализируются факторы, влияющие на устойчивость развития предприятий, дается определение различных видов экономической устойчивости в период экономической нестабильности, выделяются внутренние и внешние факторы устойчивости предприятий, Подчеркнуто, что среди важнейших факторов, влияющих на устойчивость развития промышленных предприятий, в первую очередь, выделяется экономическая стабильность. Одновременно, авторы рассматривают факторы имеющейся нестабильности и их влияние на темпы развития промышленных предприятий. Для изменения текущего положения необходимо ослабление ряда факторов приводящих к экономической нестабильности. Целью статьи является анализ факторов влияющих на устойчивое развитие промышленных предприятий в условиях экономической нестабильности и выработка предложений, обеспечивающих по их устойчивому развитию.Задачи статьи: исследовать и выделить факторы, в условиях ухудшающейся экономической ситуации, которые целесообразно учитывать при решении проблемы устойчивого развития промышленных предприятий. Методология: При проведении настоящего исследования основными источниками исходных данных послужили материалы государственной статистики. В основу методических разработок положены сравнительные методы анализа.Результаты: Дано понятие и приведены виды экономической устойчивости промышленных предприятий. Показано влияние внутренних и внешних факторов влияющих на устойчивость предприятий. Выделено влияние экономической ситуации на роль этих факторов. Для достижения устойчивого развития промышленных предприятий предложено реализовать меры по ослаблению факторов приводящих к экономической нестабильности.Выводы: В условиях новых экономических реалий необходимо сделать акцент на формирование экономической политики государства, направленную на ослабление колебания курса национальной валюты, стабилизацию банковской ставки кредитования, снижению цен на промышленные и потребительские товары, формирование условий способствующих активизации предпринимательской деятельности


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    We present the first results of fission-track dating of apatite monofractions from two rock samples taken from the Southern carbonatite massif of the world’s largest alkaline ultrabasic Guli pluton (~250 Ma), located within the Maymecha-Kotuy region of the Siberain Traps. Based on the apatite fission-track data and computer modeling, we propose two alternative model of the Guli pluton's tectonothermal history. The models suggest (1) rapid post-magmatic cooling of the studied rocks in hypabyssal conditions at depth about 1.5 km, or (2) their burial under a 2-3 km thick volcano-sedimentary cover and reheating above 110°C, followed by uplift and exhumation ca. 218 Ma.Мы представляем первые результаты трекового датирования монофракций апатита из двух проб пород Южного карбонатитового массива крупнейшего в мире щелочно-ультраосновного Гулинского плутона, расположенного в пределах Маймеча-Котуйского района Сибирской трапповой провинции, возраст которого оценивается около 250 млн лет. На основе трекового датирования апатита, литературных данных, а также результатов компьютерного моделирования предложены две альтернативные модели тепловой истории Гулинского плутона, предполагающие (1) быстрое постмагматическое остывание пород современного эрозионного среза массива в гипабиссальных условиях на глубинах не более 1.5 км, (2) тектоническое опускание и захоронение под осадочно-вулканогенным чехлом мощностью 2–3 км, следствием чего стал вторичный (?) прогрев плутона до температур выше 110 °С, с последующим выведением в приповерхностные условия и общим остыванием верхней коры около 218 млн лет назад

    Hysteresis of Contact Angle of Sessile Droplets on Smooth Homogeneous Solid Substrates via Disjoining/Conjoining Pressure

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Langmuir copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.langmuir.5b01075A theory of contact angle hysteresis of liquid droplets on smooth, homogeneous solid substrates is developed in terms of the shape of the disjoining/conjoining pressure isotherm and quasi-equilibrium phenomena. It is shown that all contact angles, θ, in the range θr < θ < θa, which are different from the unique equilibrium contact angle θ ≠ θe, correspond to the state of slow “microscopic” advancing or receding motion of the liquid if θe < θ < θa or θr < θ < θe, respectively. This “microscopic” motion almost abruptly becomes fast “macroscopic” advancing or receding motion after the contact angle reaches the critical values θa or θr, correspondingly. The values of the static receding, θr, and static advancing, θa, contact angles in cylindrical capillaries were calculated earlier, based on the shape of disjoining/conjoining pressure isotherm. It is shown now that (i) both advancing and receding contact angles of a droplet on a on smooth, homogeneous solid substrate can be calculated based on shape of disjoining/conjoining pressure isotherm, and (ii) both advancing and receding contact angles depend on the drop volume and are not unique characteristics of the liquid–solid system. The latter is different from advancing/receding contact angles in thin capillaries. It is shown also that the receding contact angle is much closer to the equilibrium contact angle than the advancing contact angle. The latter conclusion is unexpected and is in a contradiction with the commonly accepted view that the advancing contact angle can be taken as the first approximation for the equilibrium contact angle. The dependency of hysteresis contact angles on the drop volume has a direct experimental confirmation

    Роль возбудителей оппортунистических инфекций как этиологических агентов внутриутробных инфекций

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    The study showed a high prevalence of markers of herpesvirus infections among mothers — from 71% to 98% of HSV, EBV and CMV infections and from 29% to 58% of HHV-6 infection. HSV remains the most common etiological agent of intrauterine infections among herpesviruses — markers of active infection caused by this virus were found in 28.3% samples. The difficulty of determining the source of infection in the absence of data in the early stages of pregnancy is presented on 4 out of 10 cases of active HHV-6 infection. Markers of active pneumocystic infection were detected only in mothers: in the group with children under the age of 21 days — in 21—27% of cases, with children aged 22 to 28 days — in 15—21%. In addition to non-specific multiple organ failure during intrauterine infections (26.3%), only one organ system was observed: hypoxic-hemorrhagic lesions of the central nervous system were diagnosed more often — 17%, as well as meningitis/encephalitis, or hepatitis, or pneumonia, or disorders of hematopoiesis, or rash. In 17.5% of children from the comparison group, i.e. without any clinical manifestations of intrauterine infections, markers of active herpes virus infections were detected.В исследовании показана высокая выявляемость маркеров герпесвирусных (ГВ) инфекций среди матерей — от 71% до 98% ВПГ, ВЭБ и ЦМВ и от 29% до 58% ВГЧ-6. Наиболее частым этиологическим агентом внутриутробных инфекций среди ГВ остается ВПГ — маркеры активной инфекции, вызванной этим вирусом, были обнаружены у 28,3%. При установлении источника инфекции, на примере 4 из 10 случаев активной инфекции ВГЧ-6, представлена трудность его определения при отсутствии данных в ранние сроки беременности. Маркеры активной пневмоцистной инфекции выявляли только у матерей: в группе с детьми в возрасте до 21 дня включительно — в 21—27% случаев, с детьми в возрасте от 22 до 28 дней — в 15—21%. Помимо неспецифической полиорганной недостаточности при ВУИ (26,3%) наблюдались и поражения только одной системы органов: чаще диагностировали гипоксически-геморрагические поражения центральной нервной системы — 17%, а также или менингит и/или энцефалит, или гепатит, или пневмонию, или нарушения гемопоэза, или сыпь. У 17,5% детей из группы сравнения, т.е. без каких-либо клинических проявлений внутриутробных инфекций, были обнаружены маркеры активных герпесвирусных инфекций