3 research outputs found

    Detection of multi-muonic events in underground laboratory and energy dependant solar modulation of muonic component of the cosmic rays flux.

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    Веза између космичких зрака и активности Сунца је истраживана коришћењем различитих техника које укључују и детекторске системе које се налазе на површини Земље, попут неутронских монитора и мионских детектора. Употребом ових детектора регистроване су промене флукса космичког зрачења услед периодичне и апериодичне активности Сунца. Ова активност се преноси кроз хелиосферу и утиче на космичке зраке које долазе изван нашег система. Овај утицај (соларна модулација) је све мањи са порастом енергије честица од којих се космичко зрачење састоји. Тиме се, посматрајући флукс космичког зрачења, може установити активност наше звезде која утиче на нашу планету и цивилизацију. Поред тога, познајући промене флукса изазване соларном модулацијом, могуће је и посматрати промене и самог флукса примарног космичког зрачења који нам говори о галактичком окружењу у коме се Сунчев систем налази...The relation between solar activity and cosmic-rays has been studied with various techniques including detectors at the surface of the Earth such as neutron monitors and muon detectors. Variation of flux observed with these particle detectors can be periodic and aperiodic due to Solar and heliospheric activity. The influence of the Sun on cosmic-rays (solar modulation) is smaller with higher energy of the primary particles of the cosmic-rays. Thus, by monitoring cosmic rays flux, it is posible to asset the acitivity of our star which influense Earth enviroment and our civilisation. Also, it it possible to monitor chenge of cosmic-rays’ flux coused by something other then solar activity which gives us information of our galactic environement..


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    In orthopaedic surgery it is very important to use proper fixation techniques in the treatment of various medical conditions, i.e. bone fractures or other traumas. If an internal fixation method, such as plating, is required, it is possible to use Dynamic Compression Plates (DCP) or Locking Compression Plates (LCP) and their variants. For DCP implants it is important to match the patient's bone shape with the most possible accuracy, so that the most frequent implant bending is applied in the surgery. For LCP implants it is not so important to match the patient’s bone shape, but additional locking screw holes are required. To improve the geometrical accuracy and anatomical correctness of the shape of DCP and to improve the LCP geometric definition, new geometrical modelling methods for the Mitkovic type internal fixator for Lateral Tibia Plateau are developed and presented in this research. The presented results are quite promising; it can be concluded that these methods can be applied to the creation of geometrical models of internal fixator customized for the given patient or optimized for a group of patients with required geometrical accuracy and morphological correctness

    Multiyear indoor radon variability in a family house - a case study in serbia

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    The indoor radon behavior has complex dynamics due to the influence of the large number of different parameters: the state of indoor atmosphere (temperature, pressure, and relative humidity), aerosol concentration, the exchange rate between indoor and outdoor air, construction materials, and living habits. As a result, indoor radon concentration shows variation, with the usual periodicity of one day and one year. It is well-known that seasonal variation of the radon concentration exists. It is particularly interesting to investigate indoor radon variation at the same measuring location and time period, each year, due to estimation of individual annual dose from radon exposure. The long-term indoor radon measurements, in a typical family house in Serbia, were performed. Measurements were taken during 2014, 2015, and 2016, in February and July, each year. The following measuring techniques were used: active and charcoal canisters methods. Analysis of the obtained results, using multivariate analysis methods, is presented. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. 171002: Nuclear Methods Investigations of Rare Processes and Cosmic Rays and Grant no. 43002: Biosensing Technologies and Global System for Continuous Research and Integrated Management