746 research outputs found

    О будућности историје музике у професионалном и централнопериферном европском музичком окружењу

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    In considering the chosen topic, I proceed from the complex relationship between music history, music historiography and musicology, focusing on musicology as an interdisciplinary branch of music history. I consider the issue of its future from two viewpoints: 1) from the viewpoint of the future which we can control through professional means, striving for a certain professional vision and the highest professional criteria, and 2) of the future we cannot influence through the profession itself. This aspect of the future is a problem of peripheral musicologies, because these are axiologically dependent on the centre’s relationships towards the Other and scepticism regarding its evaluation.Тема коју сам обрадила у овом раду односи се на два важна, а међусобно неодвојива, чврсто проткана проблема, са којима се нужно суочавамо када поставимо питање о будућности историје музике. Реч је о одређењу према самом појму историје музике, томе шта историја музике за нас заправо значи и, у односу на то, о одређењу према значењу и смислу њене будућности. Стога сам при разматрању одабране теме пошла од комплексног односа између историје музике, историографије музике и музикологије, схватајући термин историја музике у тројаком смислу. Као општи, за све појаве и догађаје из саме музичке прошлости али, једним делом, истовремено и као синоним за историографију музике и музикологију; дакле – у одређеној сагласности са тумачењем Леа Трајтлера – и као знање о тој прошлости. Односно, као термин којим се обухватају дискурси о разним појавама и догађајима из музичке стварности једног геополитичког и културног амбијента, а на темељу научно истраженог, систематизованог и обрађеног чињеничног материјала. То знање о прошлости продукује се разним методама, међу којима је кључна музиколошка. Музикологија је тако овде схваћена као интерпретативноконтекстуална „производња” знања о том знању у оквиру историје музике, а са ослонцем у анализи саме музичке супстанце. Усредсређујући се у овом раду управо на музикологију као интерпретативну, интердисциплинарну грану историје музике, размотрила сам питање њене будућности, с једне стране, с обзиром на трансдисциплинарност као кризну тачку развоја музиколошке интердисциплинарности и, са друге стране, с обзиром на дихотомну природу западноевропског вредносног система, у којем однос између централног и периферног још увек функционише као један од темељних вредносних оријентира. Другим речима, имам у виду будућност коју можемо да контролишемо обликујући је у складу са одређеном професионалном визијом и највишим професионалним стандардима, али и будућност на коју не можемо да утичемо професионалним средствима, у којој чак и ти највиши домети вредносно подлежу односу према другом и скепси при његовом уважавању. Питање шта у таквим околностима српска музикологија (као „осведочени” други!) данас чини и шта би још могла/требало да учини, било је покретачки мотив за настајање овог написа, а покушај одговора на то питање – његов жељени циљ.Часопис је индексиран на http://doiserbia.nb.rs/, http://dais.sanu.ac.rs/handle/123456789/914 и у међународној бази ProQuest. / The journal is indexed in http://doiserbia.nb.rs/, http://dais.sanu.ac.rs/handle/123456789/914 and in the international database ProQuest. Издавање ове публикације подржали су Министарство културе и информисања Републике Србије, Министарство просвете, науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србије и СОКОЈ - Организација музичких аутора Србије / The publication of this volume was supported by the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia and SOKOJ - Serbian Music Authors' Organizatio

    The Relationship Between the Avant-garde as the Mode and Its Reception as the Modality, Exemplified on "Phonation" by Serbian Composer Ana Gnjatović

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    My thesis in this paper is that the mode is always at the same time the modality, even if understood ‘rigidly’, in the sense of a specific way in which we work at something. The mode is the phenomenon brought about by the resignification of a certain modality to a dominant principle. Therefore, the mode represents a modality which has the status of a norm, in its longer or shorter duration.This complex, circular relationship between the mode and the modality seems to be especially thought-provoking in the field of the musical avant-garde. This holds in particular when it is seen from the angle of its rationality, normativity, esotericism, ultimately from its distinctively radical sort of modernist creativity that promotes a poetical and aesthetic link between musical and theoretical invention. Viewed from that aspect, the avant-garde might be roughly qualified as the ‘legislation’, ‘regulation’, ‘operation mode’, and a creative compositional reception of the avant-garde, even if only in individual pieces, as the phenomenon of modality.The described issue is here exemplified on the work Phonation for the voice and electronics (2016), by a distinguished Serbian author of the younger generation, Ana Gnjatović

    The determinants of corruption at the individual level: evidence from Bosnia-Herzegovina

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    This article uses data from the National Survey of Citizens’ Perceptions in Bosnia-Herzegovina to investigate the determinants of offering a bribe in the form of money, gifts or services to medical personnel, professors, judicial personnel, police officers and public servants. We presented evidence about the spread of corruption in these five sectors of the economy in Bosnia- Herzegovina, and analysed the effects of determinants at the individual level on the likelihood of engaging in bribery. Our results confirmed that specific personal characteristics predicted corrupt behaviour, but results varied across sectors. Logistic regression was used to generate models from which predictions could be made about the likelihood of an individual engaging in corrupt behaviour. Our research shows that corruption is a widespread phenomenon in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and more educated people, people living in urban areas, and individuals with higher incomes are more likely to engage in bribery in several sectors. Measures and policies aimed at reducing corrupt behaviour should be designed in a way that considers the specific characteristics of these individuals

    Patterns of Interrelationships between Inflation, R&D, Innovation, and Economic Growth: Evidence from Central and Eastern European Countries

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    The primary objective of the article is to examine the nexus between inflation, R&D, patents, and economic growth within a group of Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs). The examination is conducted in two parts. First, the impact of total R&D expenditures on economic growth is observed, as well as the influence of growth on private and public R&D investments. Second, the conversion from private and public R&D investment to innovation, measured by the number of patents, is observed. Throughout the analysis, economic growth and inflation are representative of macroeconomic stability. The outcomes of the panel auto-regressive distributed lag estimation indicate that total R&D expenditures are essential and positively significant for economic growth in the observed countries. The results also show that output growth has a remarkably positive impact on generating private R&D expenditures. Such an influence is also found, but at a weaker level, in the case of public R&D expenditures. In this part of the analysis, inflation has demonstrated a harmful influence on R&D expenditures. The results of the second part indicate that public and private R&D expenditures, at a significant level, generate innovation activities, while the impact of inflation has proven to be unimportant

    Introduction and Dedication

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    Introductory text about the first volume of Series Musicologica Balcanica and Dedication to Katy Romano

    Technical efficiency analysis of oil companies in the Republic of Serbia

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    The subject of this paper is the assessment of the efficiency of oil companies operating in the Republic of Serbia. This paper presents the possibilities of applying non-parametric methods in researching the efficiency of oil companies in the Serbian market. In addition to the standard variables for measuring technical efficiency, the market share should be taken into account, because the oil market is an example of an imperfect competition market. By applying the quantitative-analytical method (Data Envelopment Analysis), obtained results show the development of the efficiency of oil companies in the relevant market, and indicate that the efficiency of oil companies improved during the analysed period. However, the results also indicate that there is still a problem of misallocation of resources. The reasons for this outcome are interesting and debatable for this industrial area

    The effect of education-job mismatch on net income: evidence from a developing country

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    This paper explores the impact of education-job mismatch on the net income of workers in the context of Bosnia-Herzegovina. We used an OLS linear regression method on data from the Measure BiH Youth Survey. A log-transformation of the dependent variable created the left-side semilog functional form, which is typically used in models of the earnings of individuals. Our findings strongly support the statement that education-job mismatch has a significant effect on net income. Workers can expect net income differences between 13% and 15% if their level of education does not match that required for their job. However, our results show that the impact of education-job mismatch depends on the level of schooling and age of respondents. Results regarding education- job mismatch vary across studies, but our study is the first to examine the effect of education-job mismatch on net income in the context of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Second, the effect of education- job mismatch might depend on the choice of estimation method for incidences of overeducation and undereducation. Third, we emphasise the importance of understanding interactions, and fourth, we introduce new variables to understand how they influence earnings. These include religiousness, and the importance of belonging to a family, or a particular city

    Introductory Note

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    The SMB 1.2. issue contains the second part of papers read at the Cyprus Conference of the IMS-RASMB in 2017

    FTIR study of biological hydroxyapatite

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    In this study Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was used to resolve setting of carbonate ions in biological hydroxyapatite (BHAp). Even though preliminary XRPD results indicate that BHAp is B-type carbonated hydroxyapatite, the detailed FTIR spectroscopy analysis show that carbonate ions substitute both phosphate and hydroxyl ions in the crystal structure of BHAp, representing a mixed AB-type.Poster: [https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_dais_244