16 research outputs found

    Uticaj lokaliteta i sorte na prinos zrna ekološki uzgajane heljde (Fagopyrum esculentum)

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati za prinos zrna sorti heljde gajene na području dva lokaliteta (Pašića Polje i Laholo) u opštini Bijelo Polje, Crna Gora. Istraživanje je izvedeno u mikroogledima, koji su urađeni po slučajnom blok sistemu u četiri ponavljanja tokom 2010. godine. Heljda je gajena po principima ekološke proizvodnje. U ogledu je bilo zastupljeno 11 sorti (Novosadska, Heljda 2, Bamby, Češka, Darja, Prekmurska, Čebelica, Francuska, Heljda1, Spacinska i Godijevo). Kao standardna sorta korišćen je tip Godijevo. Ustanovljene su statistički značajne razlike u prinosu izmedju ispitivanih sorti i lokaliteta. Na lokalitetu „Pašića Polje“ prosječan prinos zrna iznosio je 511,86 kg  ili ha-1 za 54,14 kg manje od standarda-tipa Godijevo. Na ovom oglednom polju najviši prinos ostvarila je sorta Heljda 2  (619,25 kg haֿ¹), sa 53,25 kg više u odnosu na standardnu sortu Godijevo  (566,00 kg ha-1). Najniži prinos  ostvarila je sorta Heljda 1  (308,75 kg ha-1) sa 257,25 kg manje od standardne sorte. Na ovom oglednom polju („Pašića Polje“) ostvareni su znatno niži prinosi zrna u poređenju sa oglednim poljem „Laholo“. Na lokalitetu „Laholo“ prosječan prinos zrna izosio je 784,70 kg ha-1 ili za 134,30 kg manje od standarda-tipa Godijevo. Na ovom oglednom polju najviši prinos ostvarila je sorta Francuska (964,75 kg ha-1) sa 45,75 kg više u odnosu na standardnu sortu Godijevo (919,00 kg ha-1). Najniži prinos  ostvarila je sorta Heljda 1  (455,25 kg ha-1), što je čak za 463,75 kg manje od standardne sorte. Na ovom oglednom polju („Laholo“) ostvareni su znatno veći prinosi u poređenju sa oglednim poljem „Pašića Polje“.  Ustanovljena je značajna razlika u prinosu zrna izmedju ispitivanih lokaliteta. Najveća razlika utvrđena je kod sorti Francuska, Prekmurska i Godijevo, a najmanja kod sorte Heljda 1

    Assessing ecological risks and benefits of genetically modified crops 99

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    Abstract: Genetically modified (GM) crops and biotechnology are providing new opportunities for increasing crop productivity and tackling agriculture problems, such as diseases, pests and weeds, abiotic stress and nutritional limitations of staple food crops. As GM crops are being adopted in various locations with different ecosystems, a scientifically based understanding of the environmental effects of cultivations of GM crops would assist decision makers worldwide in ensuring environmental safety and sustainability. In this paper are discussed some of the most important problems related to the GM crops into the environment such as: plant protection, hybridisation, ecological effects of HRCs, gene flow, biodiversity, stress, ecological risks (ERA), effects on the soil ecosystem etc


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    The aim of this study was determination of protein content and amino acid composition in seeds of bread wheat, with particular focus of evaluation essential amino acids (EAAs). For analysis used flour samples of grained seed of 10 wheat variety, which selected in different breeding center (in Novi Sad and Kragujevac, Serbia). Kjeldahl method was used for determination of nitrogen (N) contents which value multiplied with coefficient 5.7 for computing protein content (protein contents = 5.7 x % N contents). Amino acids analyses of wheat samples were performed by ion exchange chromatography, followed by the ninhydrin colour reaction and photometric detection at 570 nm and 440 nm (for proline). The results showed that the mean protein content for wheat varied from the lowest value 10.24% in Ljubičevka to the highest 14.21% in Fortuna variety. The mean contents (g 100 g-l protein) of nonessential amino acids (NEAAs) were aspartic acid 5.42%, serine 4.23%, glutamic acid 18.51%, proline 12.18%, glycine 4.17%, alanine 3.64%, tyrosine 2.52%, arginine 5.02%, while mean contents of essential amino acids (EAAs) were threonine 2.86%, valine 4.52%, methionine 1.28%, isoleucine 3.87%, leucine 5.87%, phenylalanine 4.62%, histidine 2.46%, lysine 2.91%. The wheat variety contained relatively high concentration of the most deficient EAAs. The variety Ljubičevka contained relatively high concentration of the most deficient EAAs (threonine, valine, leucine, lysine,). The highest value (29.31 g 100 g-l protein) of total essential amino acids (TEAA), 59.79 g 100 g-l protein of total nonessential amino acids (TNEAA) as well as the highest value (90.35 g 100 g-l protein) of total amino acids (TAA). Obtained results provide variability of wheat variety on the base of amino acid contents and indicate reliable variety for selecting desirable parents in breeding program for improving nutrient quality © 2023, Genetika.All Rights Reserved

    Multivariate analysis of morphological traits and the most important productive traits of wheat in extreme wet conditions

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    In these studies, 14 winter wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp vulgare L.) genotypes were analyzed in three localities across the Republic of Serbia. Some morphological and the most important productive traits were analysed in order to determine the relationship between grain yield and these traits in the year with extreme wet conditions during period of intensive wheat development (April-June period). According to our results, period of stem extension, heading and grain filling characterized by lower air temperatures and extremely high rainfall at all three localities, had detrimental effects on the grain filling process. The genotypes KG-191/5-13 and KG-1/6 achieved above average values of the most desirable traits in all three localities, and can be singled out as desirable parents in breeding programs to create new and improved varieties of wheat. Based on the principal component analysis and cluster analysis, two groups of similar genotypes were distinguished. The highest degree of positive correlation was found between diameter of the first internode and diameter of top internode; number of spikelets per spike and number of fertile spikelets per spike; grain mass/spike and grain mass/plant; plant height and length of the top internode

    Effect of Dilute Alkaline Steeping on Mold Contamination, Toxicity, and Quality Parameters of Buckwheat Malt

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    Steeping in dilute sodium hydroxide (NaOH) was investigated with the primary aim of reducing molds and preventing toxicity of buckwheat malt. Samples of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) obtained from Montenegrin farmers in the mountain area of northern Montenegro were steeped in 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3% NaOH. The effects of these solutions on mold contamination, ochratoxin A (OTA), out-of-steep moisture content (SMC), rootlet length, total nitrogen, total soluble nitrogen (TSN), free amino nitrogen (FAN), diastatic power (DP), and color of buckwheat malt were evaluated. Steeping in 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3% NaOH reduced the levels of molds from 105 to 103 CFU/g and steeping in 0.2% NaOH destroyed some of the mold genera. Steeping in 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3% NaOH reduced the level of OTA, especially in 0.2% NaOH, where the level of OTA after the malting process was below food safety regulations (5 μg/kg), and in 0.3% NaOH, where the level was below the limit of detection (0.1 μg/kg). Steeping in 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3% NaOH significantly (P < 0.05) increased levels of SMC, TSN, FAN, DP, wort color, and pH. However, it significantly reduced (P < 0.05) the level of extract and length of rootlets. The level of OTA contamination in stored buckwheat malt, which contained Penicillium genera, significantly increased (P < 0.05) over a period of 60 and 90 days. Steeping in 0.2% NaOH is proposed as a method for the reduction of mold and OTA contamination during buckwheat malting as well as prevention from further OTA production during storage

    Assessing ecological risks and benefits of genetically modified crops

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    Genetically modified (GM) crops and biotechnology are providing new opportunities for increasing crop productivity and tackling agriculture problems, such as diseases, pests and weeds, abiotic stress and nutritional limitations of staple food crops. As GM crops are being adopted in various locations with different ecosystems, a scientifically based understanding of the environmental effects of cultivations of GM crops would assist decision makers worldwide in ensuring environmental safety and sustainability. In this paper are discussed some of the most important problems related to the GM crops into the environment such as: plant protection, hybridisation, ecological effects of HRCs, gene flow, biodiversity, stress, ecological risks (ERA), effects on the soil ecosystem etc

    Variability of gluten proteins in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    Gluten proteins are formed from proteins of flour, gliadin and glutenins which in contact with water, begin to interact through the formation of chemical bonds. The aim of this study is identification of encoding genes polymorphisms of gliadin and glutenins in 10 bread wheat genotypes. For analysis used 30 seeds of 10 wheat genotypes for extraction of gliadins by 70% ethanole, and glutenins by 10% β-mercaptoethanol.The gliadins were separated by acid page electrophoresis (pH=3.1) on 8.33% polyacrylamide gel, while glutenins were separated by SDS-PAGE (pH-8.6) on 11.8% gel. Electrophoregrams were used for determining Gli-1 and Gli-2 alleles. The three alleles (a, b, m) at the Gli-A1, four alleles (b, g, l, k) at the Gli- B1, five alleles (a, b, f, g, k) at the Gli-D1, five alleles (b, e, f, g, k) at the Gli-A2, four alleles (b, h, j, p) at the Gli-B2 and three alleles (a, b, r) at the Gli-D2 locus were identified. For high molecular weight glutenin subunists (HMWGS) the three alleles (a, b, c) at the Glu-A1, three alleles (b, c, d) at the Glu-B1 and two alleles (a, d) at the Glu-D1 were identified. Gluten proteins varied according to composition alleles encoding gliadin and glutenins in analyzed wheat genotypes what related with established polymorphisms of each gliadin and glutenin loci

    Variability of gluten proteins in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    Gluten proteins are formed from proteins of flour, gliadin and glutenins which in contact with water, begin to interact through the formation of chemical bonds. The aim of this study is identification of encoding genes polymorphisms of gliadin and glutenins in 10 bread wheat genotypes. For analysis used 30 seeds of 10 wheat genotypes for extraction of gliadins by 70% ethanole, and glutenins by 10% β-mercaptoethanol.The gliadins were separated by acid page electrophoresis (pH=3.1) on 8.33% polyacrylamide gel, while glutenins were separated by SDS-PAGE (pH-8.6) on 11.8% gel. Electrophoregrams were used for determining Gli-1 and Gli-2 alleles. The three alleles (a, b, m) at the Gli-A1, four alleles (b, g, l, k) at the Gli- B1, five alleles (a, b, f, g, k) at the Gli-D1, five alleles (b, e, f, g, k) at the Gli-A2, four alleles (b, h, j, p) at the Gli-B2 and three alleles (a, b, r) at the Gli-D2 locus were identified. For high molecular weight glutenin subunists (HMWGS) the three alleles (a, b, c) at the Glu-A1, three alleles (b, c, d) at the Glu-B1 and two alleles (a, d) at the Glu-D1 were identified. Gluten proteins varied according to composition alleles encoding gliadin and glutenins in analyzed wheat genotypes what related with established polymorphisms of each gliadin and glutenin loci

    Веза између протеина глутена и волумена хлеба

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    The storage proteins influence technological quality value of grain wheat, dough quality traits, and loaf quality. The aim of this study is to estimate variability in the dry gluten content, loaf volume, and their relationships with encoding alleles of gliadin and glutenins. Wheat genotypes grown in two vegetation seasons (2015/16 and 2016/17) were studied. The technological quality traits analyzed in this study varied in wheat genotypes within and between vegetation seasons. In both vegetation seasons the highest dry gluten content was established in G-3621-1 (30.23% and 31.15%) and the highest value of loaf volume in G-3621-1 (530 ml and 540 ml). In both vegetation seasons the least dry gluten content was found in G-3606-6 (25.42% and 25.98%) and the least loaf volume in G-3606-6 (380 ml and 390 ml). The composition of gliadin and glutenin alleles in the wheat genotypes analyzed was different. The genotypes carrying Gli-B1b, Gli-D1b, Gli-D2b, and Glu-A1b, Glu-B1c, Glu-D1d had the highest gluten content, while the genotype that carried Gli-B1l and Glu-A1b, Glu-B1c, Glu-D1d had high bread volume. The results have shown relationships between gliadin and glutenin alleles and quality traits of grain, flour, and bread.Резервни протеини ендосперма семена утичу на вредност особина технолошког квалитета семена пшенице, особине квалитета теста и квалитет хлеба. Циљ овог рада је био оцена варијабилности садржаја сувог глутена и запремине хлеба, као и њихове повезаности са кодирајућим алелима глијадина и глутенина. У изучавања је укључено 10 генетички дивергентних генотипова пшенице (G-3626-1, G-3618-2, G-3606-4, G3636-3, G-3627-1, G-3621-1, G-3606-5, G -3607-5, G-3606-6, G-3632-2). Код ових генотипова је анализиран, садржај сувог глутена и запремине хлеба у две вегетационе сезоне (2015/16 и 2016/17). У истраживањима је установљено варирање вредности особина технолошког квалитета код анализираних генотипова пшенице у обе вегетационе сезоне, као и варирање вредности особина између вегетационих сезона код истог генотипа. У обе вегетационе сезоне утврђен је највећи садржај сувог глутена код генотипа G-3621-1 (30,23% и 31,15%) и највећа вредност запремине векне код генотипа G-3621-1 (530 ml и 540 ml). У обе вегетације је најмањи садржај сувог глутена био код генотипа G-3606-6 (25,42% и 25,98%), а најмањa запремина векне у G-3606-6 (380 ml и 390 ml). Састав алела глијадина и глутенина код анализираних генотипова пшенице је био различит. Генотипови код којих су били идентификовани алели: GliB1b, Gli-D1b, Gli-D2b i Glu-A1b, Glu-B1c, Glu-D1d су имали највећи садржај глутена, а генотипови који је носиоци алела Gli -B1l и Glu-A1b, Glu-B1c, Glu-D1d су имали веће вредности запремине хлеба. Добијени резултати су показали да постоји повезаност између алела глијадина и глутенина са испољавањем вредности особина квалитета семена, брашна и хлеба

    Variability of wheat technological quality propreties and their relationships with gliadin and glutenin alleles

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    The storage proteins influence technological quality value of grain wheat, dough quality traits and loaf quality. The aim of this study estimation of variability grain protein content, sedimentation volume, dry gluten content, loaf volume and their relationships with encoding allele of gliadin and glutenins. For investigation used wheat genotypes grown in two vegetation season (2015/16 and 2016/17). The analysed technological quality traits varied in wheat genotypes within and between vegetation season. In both vegetation season were established the highest grain protein content in G-3627-1 (14.40% and 14.60%), the highest protein sedimentation volume in G-3606-5 (46.0 ml and 52.0 ml), the highest dry gluten content in G-3621-1 (30.23% and 31.15%) and the highest value of loaf volume in the G-3621-1 (530 ml and 540 ml). In both vegetation were found the least protein sedimantation volume in genotypes G-3636-3 (34.0 ml snd 36. ml), the least grain protein content in G-3606-4 (13.10% and 13.00%), the least dry gluten content was in G-3606-6 (25.42% and 25.98%) and the least loaf volume in G-3606-6 (380 ml and 390 ml). The composition of gliadin and glutenin alleles at the analyzed wheat geneotypes was different. In analysed wheat genotypes at six Gli- loci were identified 24 alleles and at three Glu-1 loci eight alleles. Genotypes carrying Gli-B1b, Gli-D1b, Gli-D2b and Glu-A1b, Glu-B1c, Glu-D1d had the highest sedimentation volume, genotype that carried Gli-B1l and Glu-A1b, Glu-B1c, Glu-D1d had high volume of bread. The results showed relationships of gliadin and glutenin alleles with analysed grain, flour and bread traits quality