8 research outputs found


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    Speech and language development is a good indicator of childā€™s cognitive development. The risk factors influencing development and functioning of prematurely born children are multiple. In addition to articulation disorder, there are motoric, conginitive and social aspects of delayed development. Premature babies are born before they physically ready to leave the womb. However, most babies born after about 26 weeks of gestational age have chances for survival, but they are at a greater risk of medical complications, since the earlier children are born, the less developed their organs are. Aim: To demonstrate basic parameters, establish differences, determine characteristics of disorder of sound articulation in fullterm and preterm children. Methodology: Research was conducted at the Clinics of Childā€™s Habilitation and Rehabilitation in Novi Sad. The prospective research study was carried out comprising 61 children with mean age of 4 years. The study inclusion criteria were gestational age and birth weight. Regarding these parameters, the children without major neurlologic or system disabilities were included, and they were Serbian speaking. The sample comprised 31 children with GSā‰„38 weeks and body weight of ā‰„3000 g, while the preterm group comprised 30 children with GSā‰¤32 weeks and body weight of ā‰¤1500 g. Results of the study indicate to a difference between fullterm children and preterm children with regard to articulation disorders, of which the statistically significant was a sound distortion. The overall sample showed that the substitution with distortion was most frequent disorder, while the interdental sigmatism was the most represented one. Conclusion: The obtained results lead to conclusion that preterm children, being a high-risk group, need to be followed up by age two, and provided timely proffesional help at pre-school age, since numerous adverse factors affect their overall development

    Phonological awareness deficit in children with dyslexia and dysorthography

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    Razvojna disleksija je specifičan deficit čitanja uprkos prosečnoj inteligenciji, Å”kolovanju i obrazovnom okruženju, a u odsustvu senzornih ili psihijatrijskih poremećaja. Disortografija predstavlja otežano učenje pravopisa maternjeg jezika u vreme kada su deca istog uzrasta, sposobnosti i obuke već savladala pravopisna pravila. Deficit fonoloÅ”ke obrade objaÅ”njava disleksiju i disortografiju kao posledicu individualnih smetnji u fonoloÅ”kom procesiranju koja se ispoljava kao slabost u sposobnosti stvaranja veze između fonema i grafema. Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su da se utvrdi nivo razvijenosti fonoloÅ”ke svesnosti kod dece sa disleksijom i disortografijom, zatim u kojoj meri govorno jezički poremećaji utiču na ispoljavanje disleksije i disortografije, kao i da se utvrdi da li postoji razlika u ispoljavanju ovih smetnji u odnosu na pol dece. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 689 dece, od prvog do trećeg razreda osnovne Å”kole čiji je maternji jezik srpski. Deca su podeljena u grupe u odnosu na razred koji pohađaju. Za procenu fonoloÅ”ke svesnosti primenjen je test FONT koji obuhvata osam tipova zadataka:spajanje slogova, slogovna segmentacija, identifikovanje početnog fonema, prepoznavanje rime, fonemska segmentacija, identifikovanje zavrÅ”nog fonema, eliminacija fonema, fonemska supstitucija i spajanje slogova. Brzina, tačnost, fluentnost čitanja i razumevanje sadržaja pročitanog procenjena je testom čitanja The Gray Oral Reading Tests-GORT 5. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja urađena je kros-kulturalna adaptacija testa, prema vodiču za adaptaciju u odnosu na jezičke i kulturalne različitosti. Za procenu razvijenosti govora i poznavanje reči, apstraktne inteligencije, faktora distraktibilnosti i koncentracije, kao i procene vizuomotorne koordinacije, koriŔćeni su subtestovi Revisk-revidirane skale za merenje inteligencije. Skalom za procenu pravopisnog nivoa rukopisa procenjeno je prepoznavanje semantičkih oblika i njihovo koriŔćenje u kontekstu saopÅ”tavanja misaonih sadržaja. Rezultati pokazuju da najveći broj dece, od prvog do trećeg razreda, ima razvijeno čitanje u kategoriji proseka. U drugom i trećem razredu 61 dete (13.7%) ispoljava disleksiju, a 82 (18,4%) dece disortografične smetnje. Deca sa disleksijom i disortografijom čeŔće imaju deficit fonoloÅ”ke svesnosti u odnosu na decu tipičnog razvoja. Deca sa disleksijom i disortografijom ispoljavaju deficit svih elemenata koji čine fonoloÅ”ku svesnost. Elementi fonoloÅ”ke svesnosti kod dece mlađeg Å”kolskog uzrasta čiji je maternji jezik srpski, predstavljaju značajne prediktore za sticanje čitanja i pravopisa. Govorno jezički poremećaji zastupljeni su kod 137 dece (19.9%), od prvog do trećeg razreda. Kod dece sa govorno jezičkim poremećajima se čeŔće ispoljava disleksija i disortografija u odnosu na decu tipičnog razvoja. Najveći broj dece sa disleksijom i disortografijom ima podprosečne rezultate na subtestu Rečnik. Disleksija i disortografija, kao i deficit fonoloÅ”ke svesnosti su čeŔće zastupljeni kod dečaka, ali ta razlika nije značajna. U odnosu na rezultate istraživanja napravljen je Protokol za detekciju, procenu i korekciju disleksije i disortografije.Developmental dyslexia is a specific reading deficit occurring in spite of average intelligence, appropriate schooling and educational environment, in the absence of any sensory or psychiatric disorders. Dysorthography represents a child`s impaired acquisition of the orthography of his/her mother tongue at the age when children of equal abilities and schooling have already mastered orthographic rules. A deficit in phonological awareness explains both dyslexia and dysorthography as a consequence of individual difficulties in phonological processing displayed as impairment in creating associations between phonemes and graphemes. The aims of this research were to establish the level of development of phonological awareness in children with dyslexia and dysorthography, the extent to which speech disorders affect dyslexia and dysorthography, and if there is a difference in their frequency with regard to gender. The study included 689 children, attending 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade of primary school, whose mother tongue was Serbian. Children were divided into groups according to school grade. For the assessment of phonological awareness the FONT test was used which entails eight types of tasks: syllable blending, syllable segmentation, identifying the initial phoneme, recognizing rime, phoneme segmentation, identifying the ending phoneme, phoneme deletion, and phoneme substitution. Reading accuracy, fluency and comprehension were assessed by The Gray Oral Reading Tests ā€“ GORT 5. For the purposes of this study, a cross-cultural adaptation was performed, in accordance with the guidelines provided in the guide for adaptation regarding linguistic and cultural differences. Subtests of the REVISK ā€“ revised scale for the assessment of intelligence were used to assess the developmental level of speech and vocabulary, attention and distractibility, as well as visual-motor coordination. A scale for the assessment of the orthographic level of handwriting was used to recognize semantic forms and their application in the context of conveying thought content. The results show that the majority of children, attending 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade have an average reading ability. 61 children (13.7%) attending 2nd and 3rd grade have dyslexia, while 82 (18.4%) have difficulties with the orthography. These children more often have a phonological awareness deficit compared to typically developing children. Children with dyslexia and dysorthography display a deficit in all the elements of phonological awareness. The elements of phonological awareness have proven to be significant predictors of mastering reading and writing in children attending lower grades of primary school, whose mother tongue is Serbian. Speaking disorders were found to be present in 137 (19.9%) children attending 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade. These children more often have dyslexia and dysorthography compared to typically developing children. The majority of children with dyslexia and dysorthography have below average results on the Vocabulary subtest. Dyslexia and dysorthography, as well as the phonological awareness deficit are more present in boys but the gender difference is not significant. In accordance with our results, a protocol was developed to detect, assess and correct dyslexia and dysorthography

    Phonological awareness deficit in children with dyslexia and dysorthography

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    Razvojna disleksija je specifičan deficit čitanja uprkos prosečnoj inteligenciji, Å”kolovanju i obrazovnom okruženju, a u odsustvu senzornih ili psihijatrijskih poremećaja. Disortografija predstavlja otežano učenje pravopisa maternjeg jezika u vreme kada su deca istog uzrasta, sposobnosti i obuke već savladala pravopisna pravila. Deficit fonoloÅ”ke obrade objaÅ”njava disleksiju i disortografiju kao posledicu individualnih smetnji u fonoloÅ”kom procesiranju koja se ispoljava kao slabost u sposobnosti stvaranja veze između fonema i grafema. Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su da se utvrdi nivo razvijenosti fonoloÅ”ke svesnosti kod dece sa disleksijom i disortografijom, zatim u kojoj meri govorno jezički poremećaji utiču na ispoljavanje disleksije i disortografije, kao i da se utvrdi da li postoji razlika u ispoljavanju ovih smetnji u odnosu na pol dece. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 689 dece, od prvog do trećeg razreda osnovne Å”kole čiji je maternji jezik srpski. Deca su podeljena u grupe u odnosu na razred koji pohađaju. Za procenu fonoloÅ”ke svesnosti primenjen je test FONT koji obuhvata osam tipova zadataka:spajanje slogova, slogovna segmentacija, identifikovanje početnog fonema, prepoznavanje rime, fonemska segmentacija, identifikovanje zavrÅ”nog fonema, eliminacija fonema, fonemska supstitucija i spajanje slogova. Brzina, tačnost, fluentnost čitanja i razumevanje sadržaja pročitanog procenjena je testom čitanja The Gray Oral Reading Tests-GORT 5. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja urađena je kros-kulturalna adaptacija testa, prema vodiču za adaptaciju u odnosu na jezičke i kulturalne različitosti. Za procenu razvijenosti govora i poznavanje reči, apstraktne inteligencije, faktora distraktibilnosti i koncentracije, kao i procene vizuomotorne koordinacije, koriŔćeni su subtestovi Revisk-revidirane skale za merenje inteligencije. Skalom za procenu pravopisnog nivoa rukopisa procenjeno je prepoznavanje semantičkih oblika i njihovo koriŔćenje u kontekstu saopÅ”tavanja misaonih sadržaja. Rezultati pokazuju da najveći broj dece, od prvog do trećeg razreda, ima razvijeno čitanje u kategoriji proseka. U drugom i trećem razredu 61 dete (13.7%) ispoljava disleksiju, a 82 (18,4%) dece disortografične smetnje. Deca sa disleksijom i disortografijom čeŔće imaju deficit fonoloÅ”ke svesnosti u odnosu na decu tipičnog razvoja. Deca sa disleksijom i disortografijom ispoljavaju deficit svih elemenata koji čine fonoloÅ”ku svesnost. Elementi fonoloÅ”ke svesnosti kod dece mlađeg Å”kolskog uzrasta čiji je maternji jezik srpski, predstavljaju značajne prediktore za sticanje čitanja i pravopisa. Govorno jezički poremećaji zastupljeni su kod 137 dece (19.9%), od prvog do trećeg razreda. Kod dece sa govorno jezičkim poremećajima se čeŔće ispoljava disleksija i disortografija u odnosu na decu tipičnog razvoja. Najveći broj dece sa disleksijom i disortografijom ima podprosečne rezultate na subtestu Rečnik. Disleksija i disortografija, kao i deficit fonoloÅ”ke svesnosti su čeŔće zastupljeni kod dečaka, ali ta razlika nije značajna. U odnosu na rezultate istraživanja napravljen je Protokol za detekciju, procenu i korekciju disleksije i disortografije.Developmental dyslexia is a specific reading deficit occurring in spite of average intelligence, appropriate schooling and educational environment, in the absence of any sensory or psychiatric disorders. Dysorthography represents a child`s impaired acquisition of the orthography of his/her mother tongue at the age when children of equal abilities and schooling have already mastered orthographic rules. A deficit in phonological awareness explains both dyslexia and dysorthography as a consequence of individual difficulties in phonological processing displayed as impairment in creating associations between phonemes and graphemes. The aims of this research were to establish the level of development of phonological awareness in children with dyslexia and dysorthography, the extent to which speech disorders affect dyslexia and dysorthography, and if there is a difference in their frequency with regard to gender. The study included 689 children, attending 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade of primary school, whose mother tongue was Serbian. Children were divided into groups according to school grade. For the assessment of phonological awareness the FONT test was used which entails eight types of tasks: syllable blending, syllable segmentation, identifying the initial phoneme, recognizing rime, phoneme segmentation, identifying the ending phoneme, phoneme deletion, and phoneme substitution. Reading accuracy, fluency and comprehension were assessed by The Gray Oral Reading Tests ā€“ GORT 5. For the purposes of this study, a cross-cultural adaptation was performed, in accordance with the guidelines provided in the guide for adaptation regarding linguistic and cultural differences. Subtests of the REVISK ā€“ revised scale for the assessment of intelligence were used to assess the developmental level of speech and vocabulary, attention and distractibility, as well as visual-motor coordination. A scale for the assessment of the orthographic level of handwriting was used to recognize semantic forms and their application in the context of conveying thought content. The results show that the majority of children, attending 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade have an average reading ability. 61 children (13.7%) attending 2nd and 3rd grade have dyslexia, while 82 (18.4%) have difficulties with the orthography. These children more often have a phonological awareness deficit compared to typically developing children. Children with dyslexia and dysorthography display a deficit in all the elements of phonological awareness. The elements of phonological awareness have proven to be significant predictors of mastering reading and writing in children attending lower grades of primary school, whose mother tongue is Serbian. Speaking disorders were found to be present in 137 (19.9%) children attending 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade. These children more often have dyslexia and dysorthography compared to typically developing children. The majority of children with dyslexia and dysorthography have below average results on the Vocabulary subtest. Dyslexia and dysorthography, as well as the phonological awareness deficit are more present in boys but the gender difference is not significant. In accordance with our results, a protocol was developed to detect, assess and correct dyslexia and dysorthography

    Phonological awareness deficit in children with dyslexia and dysorthography

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    Razvojna disleksija je specifičan deficit čitanja uprkos prosečnoj inteligenciji, Å”kolovanju i obrazovnom okruženju, a u odsustvu senzornih ili psihijatrijskih poremećaja. Disortografija predstavlja otežano učenje pravopisa maternjeg jezika u vreme kada su deca istog uzrasta, sposobnosti i obuke već savladala pravopisna pravila. Deficit fonoloÅ”ke obrade objaÅ”njava disleksiju i disortografiju kao posledicu individualnih smetnji u fonoloÅ”kom procesiranju koja se ispoljava kao slabost u sposobnosti stvaranja veze između fonema i grafema. Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su da se utvrdi nivo razvijenosti fonoloÅ”ke svesnosti kod dece sa disleksijom i disortografijom, zatim u kojoj meri govorno jezički poremećaji utiču na ispoljavanje disleksije i disortografije, kao i da se utvrdi da li postoji razlika u ispoljavanju ovih smetnji u odnosu na pol dece. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 689 dece, od prvog do trećeg razreda osnovne Å”kole čiji je maternji jezik srpski. Deca su podeljena u grupe u odnosu na razred koji pohađaju. Za procenu fonoloÅ”ke svesnosti primenjen je test FONT koji obuhvata osam tipova zadataka:spajanje slogova, slogovna segmentacija, identifikovanje početnog fonema, prepoznavanje rime, fonemska segmentacija, identifikovanje zavrÅ”nog fonema, eliminacija fonema, fonemska supstitucija i spajanje slogova. Brzina, tačnost, fluentnost čitanja i razumevanje sadržaja pročitanog procenjena je testom čitanja The Gray Oral Reading Tests-GORT 5. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja urađena je kros-kulturalna adaptacija testa, prema vodiču za adaptaciju u odnosu na jezičke i kulturalne različitosti. Za procenu razvijenosti govora i poznavanje reči, apstraktne inteligencije, faktora distraktibilnosti i koncentracije, kao i procene vizuomotorne koordinacije, koriŔćeni su subtestovi Revisk-revidirane skale za merenje inteligencije. Skalom za procenu pravopisnog nivoa rukopisa procenjeno je prepoznavanje semantičkih oblika i njihovo koriŔćenje u kontekstu saopÅ”tavanja misaonih sadržaja. Rezultati pokazuju da najveći broj dece, od prvog do trećeg razreda, ima razvijeno čitanje u kategoriji proseka. U drugom i trećem razredu 61 dete (13.7%) ispoljava disleksiju, a 82 (18,4%) dece disortografične smetnje. Deca sa disleksijom i disortografijom čeŔće imaju deficit fonoloÅ”ke svesnosti u odnosu na decu tipičnog razvoja. Deca sa disleksijom i disortografijom ispoljavaju deficit svih elemenata koji čine fonoloÅ”ku svesnost. Elementi fonoloÅ”ke svesnosti kod dece mlađeg Å”kolskog uzrasta čiji je maternji jezik srpski, predstavljaju značajne prediktore za sticanje čitanja i pravopisa. Govorno jezički poremećaji zastupljeni su kod 137 dece (19.9%), od prvog do trećeg razreda. Kod dece sa govorno jezičkim poremećajima se čeŔće ispoljava disleksija i disortografija u odnosu na decu tipičnog razvoja. Najveći broj dece sa disleksijom i disortografijom ima podprosečne rezultate na subtestu Rečnik. Disleksija i disortografija, kao i deficit fonoloÅ”ke svesnosti su čeŔće zastupljeni kod dečaka, ali ta razlika nije značajna. U odnosu na rezultate istraživanja napravljen je Protokol za detekciju, procenu i korekciju disleksije i disortografije.Developmental dyslexia is a specific reading deficit occurring in spite of average intelligence, appropriate schooling and educational environment, in the absence of any sensory or psychiatric disorders. Dysorthography represents a child`s impaired acquisition of the orthography of his/her mother tongue at the age when children of equal abilities and schooling have already mastered orthographic rules. A deficit in phonological awareness explains both dyslexia and dysorthography as a consequence of individual difficulties in phonological processing displayed as impairment in creating associations between phonemes and graphemes. The aims of this research were to establish the level of development of phonological awareness in children with dyslexia and dysorthography, the extent to which speech disorders affect dyslexia and dysorthography, and if there is a difference in their frequency with regard to gender. The study included 689 children, attending 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade of primary school, whose mother tongue was Serbian. Children were divided into groups according to school grade. For the assessment of phonological awareness the FONT test was used which entails eight types of tasks: syllable blending, syllable segmentation, identifying the initial phoneme, recognizing rime, phoneme segmentation, identifying the ending phoneme, phoneme deletion, and phoneme substitution. Reading accuracy, fluency and comprehension were assessed by The Gray Oral Reading Tests ā€“ GORT 5. For the purposes of this study, a cross-cultural adaptation was performed, in accordance with the guidelines provided in the guide for adaptation regarding linguistic and cultural differences. Subtests of the REVISK ā€“ revised scale for the assessment of intelligence were used to assess the developmental level of speech and vocabulary, attention and distractibility, as well as visual-motor coordination. A scale for the assessment of the orthographic level of handwriting was used to recognize semantic forms and their application in the context of conveying thought content. The results show that the majority of children, attending 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade have an average reading ability. 61 children (13.7%) attending 2nd and 3rd grade have dyslexia, while 82 (18.4%) have difficulties with the orthography. These children more often have a phonological awareness deficit compared to typically developing children. Children with dyslexia and dysorthography display a deficit in all the elements of phonological awareness. The elements of phonological awareness have proven to be significant predictors of mastering reading and writing in children attending lower grades of primary school, whose mother tongue is Serbian. Speaking disorders were found to be present in 137 (19.9%) children attending 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade. These children more often have dyslexia and dysorthography compared to typically developing children. The majority of children with dyslexia and dysorthography have below average results on the Vocabulary subtest. Dyslexia and dysorthography, as well as the phonological awareness deficit are more present in boys but the gender difference is not significant. In accordance with our results, a protocol was developed to detect, assess and correct dyslexia and dysorthography

    Predictors of Communication Abilities of Children at Early Preschool Age

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    This study aimed to investigate the predictors of preschool childrenā€™s communication skills. The sample consisted of 84 children aged eighteen months to four years. Half of the sample consisted of children who were included in an institution for preschool education, while the other 50% of the children from the sample were not included in these institutions. Parents were surveyed using a questionnaire called the Language Use Inventory (Oā€™Nell, 2009). Our results showed that the multiple linear regression models have an acceptable fit to the data and have a statistically significant proportion of the variance (RĀ² = 0.83, p < 0.001). It was found that, of all the assumed variables, the length of involvement in PU, the number of gestures, words and sentences used by the child are good predictors that significantly explain childrenā€™s communication abilities

    Phonological Awareness as the Foundation of Reading Acquisition in Students Reading in Transparent Orthography

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    Phonological skills have been found to be strongly related to early reading and writing development. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to examine the extent to which the development of phonological awareness facilitates reading acquisition in students learning to read a transparent orthography. Our research included 689 primary school students in first through third grade (Mean age 101.59 months, SD = 12,690). The assessment tools used to conduct this research include the Phonological Awareness Test and the Gray Oral Reading Test. According to the results from the present study, 13.7% of students have reading difficulties. Students with reading difficulties obtained low scores in phonological awareness within each subscale compared to students who do not have reading difficulties (p &lt; 0.01). Components of phonological awareness which did not singled out as strongly related to early reading success include Phoneme Segmentation, Initial Phoneme Identification, and Syllable Merging. Thus, understanding the nature of the relationship between phonological awareness and reading should help effective program design that will be aimed at eliminating delayed development in childrenā€™s phonological awareness while they are still in preschool

    Using assistive technologies In persons with disabilities

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    Kao rezultat sve većih očekivanja i zahteva korisnika asistivnih tehnologija u cilju povećanja njihovih sposobnosti i postizanja većeg ste- pena samostalnosti i nezavisnosti u funkcionisanju, dolazi do sve inten- zivnijer razvoja i primene asistivnih tehnologija. Na obaveznost i neop- hodnost primene i ovog vida podrÅ”ke i pomoći osobama sa različitim vi- dovima invaliditeta posebno su ukazala različita zakonska akta i kla- sifikacije. Ukazano je i na neka pitanja koja se u radu diskutuju kao Å”to su: faktori koji utiču na izbor pomoćnih tehnologija, korisnost primene i barijere za njihovu primenu. Na rezultate koriŔćenja uticaće kako sre- dinski, tako i lični faktori, odlike samog proizvoda i pravilna procenu potreba korisnika. Koristi primene ovih tehnologija su brojne, ali je neo- phodan i stručan, profesionalan pristup prilikom njihovog odabira i rada sa korisnicima i njihovim porodicamaDue to growing expectations and demands from users of assistive technologies, and with the aim of improving their abilities and ensuring a higher degree of independance and self-reliance in their functioning, there have been major advances in the development and application of assistive technologies. The requirement and need for providing this type of support and help to people with different types of disabilities have been highlighted in a series of legislative acts and classifications. They raise some questions addressed in this paper such as: factors that influence assistive technology selection, benefits from and obstacles to their application. The outcomes of using these technologies will be influenced by environmental as well as personal factors, features of the product itself, and proper assessment of user needs. There are numerous benefits of applying these technologies; however, a professional approach during the entire selection process and while working with users and their families is required

    Persons with intellectual disability: Sexual behaviour, knowledge and assertiveness

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    Persons with ID most often have incomplete, contradictory and imprecise knowledge of sexuality and sexual intercourse itself. They are not provided with sufficient information on their own body and sexuality, and are often discouraged from and sanctioned for trying to sexually express themselves. Sexual abuse due to low sexual assertiveness is also common