5 research outputs found

    Sustainable Public Procurement : Development and analysis of tools for construction works

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    Embedded in the economic competition, public procurement has amajor role to play in being a driving force for the promotion of a globallypositive competition that prides the best sustainable products and services,rather than only the more economically efficient ones. Responsible for ahuge part of the human pressure on natural resources, and having a largeshare in the public funding, the built environment sector provides animportant venue for the use of sustainable public procurement as a tool toenhance the sustainability of societies.Selecting the best sustainable offer is a challenging task requiringenvironmental and social assessments that can only be based on complexlife cycle thinking analysis. Through the development of the “ExhaustiveSustainable public procurement clauses Manual”, this paper analyses publicprocurement issues and their potential solutions, with a focus on theenvironmental performance in buildings procurement

    Sustainable Public Procurement : Development and analysis of tools for construction works

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    Embedded in the economic competition, public procurement has amajor role to play in being a driving force for the promotion of a globallypositive competition that prides the best sustainable products and services,rather than only the more economically efficient ones. Responsible for ahuge part of the human pressure on natural resources, and having a largeshare in the public funding, the built environment sector provides animportant venue for the use of sustainable public procurement as a tool toenhance the sustainability of societies.Selecting the best sustainable offer is a challenging task requiringenvironmental and social assessments that can only be based on complexlife cycle thinking analysis. Through the development of the “ExhaustiveSustainable public procurement clauses Manual”, this paper analyses publicprocurement issues and their potential solutions, with a focus on theenvironmental performance in buildings procurement

    Accompagner des Ă©tudiants: Quels rĂ´les pour l'enseignant ? Quels dispositifs ? Quelles mises en oeuvre ?

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    Transmettre des connaissances suffit-il pour former des étudiants autonomes et compétents ? Les professeurs doivent-ils se transformer en accompagnateurs ? Avec le développement des stages, de l’apprentissage par projet et par problème, des études de cas, des portfolios, du suivi des projets professionnels, etc., l’enseignant du supérieur n’échappe plus à cette tendance. Il quitte sa chaire pour prendre place à côté des étudiants afin de les accompagner dans leur apprentissage et les aider à construire leur identité professionnelle. Face à ce nouveau rôle, l’enseignant à l’université a parfois du mal à trouver ses marques : Comment encadrer des étudiants en stage ? Quel contrat passer entre l’étudiant et l’enseignant ? Comment évaluer les compétences dans un apprentissage par problème ? Comment se former au tutorat ? Développer l’autonomie, oui, mais comment ? Cet ouvrage est construit autour d’une centaine de situations de terrain vécues par des enseignants du supérieur dans leur pratique d’accompagnement des étudiants, au sein d’une grande diversité d’institutions en France, en Belgique et au Québec dans des disciplines variées : sciences de l’ingénieur, gestion, droit, médecine, travail social et sciences de l’éducation. Chaque chapitre exploite ces situations pour traiter un aspect particulier comme la motivation et l’engagement des étudiants, la stratégie de formation des tuteurs, la gestion des conflits, l’évaluation des acquis des étudiants, l’utilisation du portfolio, le changement des relations entre l’institution et les enseignants... Les enseignants du supérieur trouveront dans cet ouvrage des pistes de réflexion, des exemples et des outils qui les aideront à mettre en place ou à améliorer leur pratique et leur propre dispositif d’accompagnement

    Coaching tutors to observe and regulate leadership in PBL student teams or you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink…

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate how PBL student teams develop specific leadership configurations when implementing interdisciplinary projects and whether or not tutors help in dealing with the group interactions that are subsequently generated. The data set was drawn from 2 cohorts of first-year students engaged in PBL activities in an engineering school in Belgium in 2011 and 2012. Following qualitative content analysis of tutor and student feedback and the use of sociometric testing, findings for 2011 showed that students developed 4 specific leadership configurations, each of them being positively correlated to specific perceived work outcomes. Findings for 2012 were based on using the sociogram as a pedagogical tool to enable tutors to describe and regulate group dynamics. We found that tutors positively perceive their role in facilitating production outcomes but are more uncomfortable when it comes to regulating the interpersonal problems that arise in student self-managed teams