9 research outputs found

    Poder, masculinidade e participação em facções criminosas a partir de relatos adolescentes privados de liberdade pela prática de atos infracionais

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    O artigo investiga as relações de poder e a masculinidade num cenário de prática de atos infracionais e de participação em facções criminosas. Trata-se de um trabalho de cunho teórico e empírico que, além da revisão bibliográfica, explora dados produzidos pelo Projeto de Extensão Direitos Humanos na Prática, da Universidade Federal Rural do Semiárido (UFERSA), no primeiro semestre de 2018. A partir de 3 (três) instrumentos de coletas com informações sobre “poder” e “masculinidade” dos adolescentes, são analisados os relatos de adolescentes internados no Centro de Atendimento Socioeducativo Mossoró/RN (CASE). Podemos concluir que a vontade de poder e a necessidade de afirmação da masculinidade dos adolescentes atuam de modo a contribuir para a prática de atos infracionais e a participação em facções criminosas

    Epidemiological aspects of visceral leishmaniasis in Jaciara, Mato Grosso, Brazil, 2003 to 2012

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    Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is caused by Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi in the Americas. In Brazil, it is transmitted by sandflies of the species Lutzomyia longipalpis and L. cruzi, and dogs are the main domestic reservoirs. The aim of this study was to analyze data relating to VL transmission in Jaciara, state of Mato Grosso, and discuss vector distribution, domestic reservoirs, and human cases that occurred between 2003 and 2012. The data for analysis were obtained from the Notifiable Diseases Information System (human), the State Health Department's Environmental Monitoring Agency (canine data) and the State Health Department's Entomology Laboratory (sandfly data). Over this period, Jaciara had 19 autochthonous human cases (12 males and seven females), with one death 2,273. Out of the 7,545 dogs tested by enzyme immunoassay and indirect immunofluorescence were positive. The sandflies collected comprised 5,015 individuals belonging to 24 species, with a predominance of L. whitmani followed by L. cruzi. The results showed that the parasite has frequent circulation and that the vector L. cruzi is widely distributed over all months, thus suggesting that transmission may occur at any time of the year

    Phlebotomine fauna, natural infection rate and feeding habits of Lutzomyia cruzi in Jaciara, state of Mato Grosso, Brazil

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    Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in Brazil is transmitted by the phlebotomine Lutzomyia longipalpis and in some midwestern regions by Lutzomyia cruzi. Studies of the phlebotomine fauna, feeding habits and natural infection rate by Leishmania contribute to increased understanding of the epidemiological chain of leishmaniases and their vectorial capacity. Collections were performed in Jaciara, state of Mato Grosso from 2010-2013, during which time 2,011 phlebotomines (23 species) were captured (68.70% Lu. cruzi and 20.52% Lutzomyia whitmani). Lu. cruzi females were identified by observing the shapes of the cibarium (a portion of the mouthpart) and spermatheca, from which samples were obtained for polymerase chain reaction to determine the rates of natural infection. Engorged phlebotomines were assessed to identify the blood-meal host by ELISA. A moderate correlation was discovered between the number of Lu. cruzi and the temperature and the minimum rate of infection was 6.10%. Twenty-two females were reactive to the antisera of bird (28%), dog (3.30%) and skunk (1.60%). We conclude that Lu. cruzi and Lu. whitmani have adapted to the urban environment in this region and that Lu. cruzi is the most likely vector of VL in Jaciara. Moreover, maintenance of Leishmania in the environment is likely aided by the presence of birds and domestic and synanthropic animals

    Leishmania chagasi in dogs from the city of Jaciara, Mato Grosso, Brazil

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    ABSTRACT:The aim of this study was to identify the Leishmania species in Jaciara dogs; visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is endemic in the county of Jaciara. A comparison among the PCR results for the spleen, bone marrow, skin and blood of 101 dogs with VL-reactive serum were evaluated. Spleen tissue showed the highest detection percentage, followed by bone marrow. In 97 (96.04%) dogs, the Leishmania DNA detected was confirmed as L. chagasi, emphasizing the importance of aetiological identifications in sympatric areas with other trypanosomatids

    Diretriz da SBC sobre Diagnóstico e Tratamento de Pacientes com Cardiomiopatia da Doença de Chagas – 2023

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    Note: These guidelines are for information purposes and should not replace the clinical judgment of a physician, who must ultimately determine the appropriate treatment for each patient