1,526 research outputs found

    Area law violations in a supersymmetric model

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    We study the structure of entanglement in a supersymmetric lattice model of fermions on certain types of decorated graphs with quenched disorder. In particular, we construct models with controllable ground state degeneracy protected by supersymmetry and the choice of Hilbert space. We show that in certain special limits these degenerate ground states are associated with local impurities and that there exists a basis of the ground state manifold in which every basis element satisfies a boundary law for entanglement entropy. On the other hand, by considering incoherent mixtures or coherent superpositions of these localized ground states, we can find regions that violate the boundary law for entanglement entropy over a wide range of length scales. More generally, we discuss various desiderata for constructing violations of the boundary law for entanglement entropy and discuss possible relations of our work to recent holographic studies.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, 1 appendi

    Functionality in single-molecule devices: Model calculations and applications of the inelastic electron tunneling signal in molecular junctions

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    We analyze how functionality could be obtained within single-molecule devices by using a combination of non-equilibrium Green's functions and ab-initio calculations to study the inelastic transport properties of single-molecule junctions. First we apply a full non-equilibrium Green's function technique to a model system with electron-vibration coupling. We show that the features in the inelastic electron tunneling spectra (IETS) of the molecular junctions are virtually independent of the nature of the molecule-lead contacts. Since the contacts are not easily reproducible from one device to another, this is a very useful property. The IETS signal is much more robust versus modifications at the contacts and hence can be used to build functional nanodevices. Second, we consider a realistic model of a organic conjugated molecule. We use ab-initio calculations to study how the vibronic properties of the molecule can be controlled by an external electric field which acts as a gate voltage. The control, through the gate voltage, of the vibron frequencies and (more importantly) of the electron-vibron coupling enables the construction of functionality: non-linear amplification and/or switching is obtained from the IETS signal within a single-molecule device.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Chemical Physic

    Faster Methods for Contracting Infinite 2D Tensor Networks

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    We revisit the corner transfer matrix renormalization group (CTMRG) method of Nishino and Okunishi for contracting two-dimensional (2D) tensor networks and demonstrate that its performance can be substantially improved by determining the tensors using an eigenvalue solver as opposed to the power method used in CTMRG. We also generalize the variational uniform matrix product state (VUMPS) ansatz for diagonalizing 1D quantum Hamiltonians to the case of 2D transfer matrices and discuss similarities with the corner methods. These two new algorithms will be crucial to improving the performance of variational infinite projected entangled pair state (PEPS) methods.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, V. Zauner-Stauber previously also published under the name V. Zaune

    Topological nature of spinons and holons: Elementary excitations from matrix product states with conserved symmetries

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    We develop variational matrix product state (MPS) methods with symmetries to determine dispersion relations of one dimensional quantum lattices as a function of momentum and preset quantum number. We test our methods on the XXZ spin chain, the Hubbard model and a non-integrable extended Hubbard model, and determine the excitation spectra with a precision similar to the one of the ground state. The formulation in terms of quantum numbers makes the topological nature of spinons and holons very explicit. In addition, the method also enables an easy and efficient direct calculation of the necessary magnetic field or chemical potential required for a certain ground state magnetization or particle density.Comment: 13 pages, 4 pages appendix, 8 figure

    The Algebraic Bethe Ansatz and Tensor Networks

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    We describe the Algebraic Bethe Ansatz for the spin-1/2 XXX and XXZ Heisenberg chains with open and periodic boundary conditions in terms of tensor networks. These Bethe eigenstates have the structure of Matrix Product States with a conserved number of down-spins. The tensor network formulation suggestes possible extensions of the Algebraic Bethe Ansatz to two dimensions

    Thermal States as Convex Combinations of Matrix Product States

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    We study thermal states of strongly interacting quantum spin chains and prove that those can be represented in terms of convex combinations of matrix product states. Apart from revealing new features of the entanglement structure of Gibbs states our results provide a theoretical justification for the use of White's algorithm of minimally entangled typical thermal states. Furthermore, we shed new light on time dependent matrix product state algorithms which yield hydrodynamical descriptions of the underlying dynamics.Comment: v3: 10 pages, 2 figures, final published versio

    Binegativity and geometry of entangled states in two qubits

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    We prove that the binegativity is always positive for any two-qubit state. As a result, as suggested by the previous works, the asymptotic relative entropy of entanglement in two qubits does not exceed the Rains bound, and the PPT-entanglement cost for any two-qubit state is determined to be the logarithmic negativity of the state. Further, the proof reveals some geometrical characteristics of the entangled states, and shows that the partial transposition can give another separable approximation of the entangled state in two qubits.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. I made the proof more transparen

    Renormalization algorithm with graph enhancement

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    We introduce a class of variational states to describe quantum many-body systems. This class generalizes matrix product states which underly the density-matrix renormalization group approach by combining them with weighted graph states. States within this class may (i) possess arbitrarily long-ranged two-point correlations, (ii) exhibit an arbitrary degree of block entanglement entropy up to a volume law, (iii) may be taken translationally invariant, while at the same time (iv) local properties and two-point correlations can be computed efficiently. This new variational class of states can be thought of as being prepared from matrix product states, followed by commuting unitaries on arbitrary constituents, hence truly generalizing both matrix product and weighted graph states. We use this class of states to formulate a renormalization algorithm with graph enhancement (RAGE) and present numerical examples demonstrating that improvements over density-matrix renormalization group simulations can be achieved in the simulation of ground states and quantum algorithms. Further generalizations, e.g., to higher spatial dimensions, are outlined.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Edge theories in Projected Entangled Pair State models

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    We study the edge physics of gapped quantum systems in the framework of Projected Entangled Pair State (PEPS) models. We show that the effective low-energy model for any region acts on the entanglement degrees of freedom at the boundary, corresponding to physical excitations located at the edge. This allows us to determine the edge Hamiltonian in the vicinity of PEPS models, and we demonstrate that by choosing the appropriate bulk perturbation, the edge Hamiltonian can exhibit a rich phase diagram and phase transitions. While for models in the trivial phase any Hamiltonian can be realized at the edge, we show that for topological models, the edge Hamiltonian is constrained by the topological order in the bulk which can e.g. protect a ferromagnetic Ising chain at the edge against spontaneous symmetry breaking.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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