476 research outputs found
Direct Numerical Simulations of turbulent flow in a driven cavity
Direct numerical simulations (DNS) of 2 and 3D turbulent flows in a lid-driven cavity have been performed. DNS are numerical solutions of the unsteady (here: incompressible) Navier-Stokes equations that compute the evolution of all dynamically significant scales of motion. In view of the large computing resources needed for DNS cost-effective and accurate numerical methods are to be selected. Here, various-order accurate spatial discretization methods for DNS have been evaluated by applying them to the 2D driven cavity at Re = 22,000. To analyze the results of the DNS of the 2D flow in a driven cavity at Re = 22,000 the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) technique has been applied. POD is an unbiased method to determine coherent structures. The Galerkin projection of the Navier-Stokes equations on the space spanned by the POD-basis-functions yields a relatively low-dimensional set of ordinary differential equations that mimics the dynamics of the Navier-Stokes equations. 3D DNS with no-slip conditions at all walls of the cavity have been performed at both Re = 3,200 and Re = 10,000. The results reproduce the experimentally observed Taylor-Görtler-like vortices.
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Minimum-dissipation model for large-eddy simulation using symmetry-preserving discretization in OpenFOAM
The minimum-dissipation model is applied to channel flow up to , flow past a circular cylinder at , and flow over periodic hills
at . Numerical simulations were performed in OpenFOAM which is based
on the finite volume methods. We used both symmetry-preserving and standard
second-order accurate discretization methods in OpenFOAM on structured meshes.
The results are compared to DNS and experimental data.
The results of channel flow demonstrate a static QR model performs equally
well as the dynamic models while reducing the computational cost. The model
constant of gives the most accurate prediction, and the contribution
of the sub-grid model decreases with the increase of the mesh resolution and
becomes very small (less than 0.2 molecular viscosity) if a fine mesh is used.
Furthermore, the QR model is able to predict the mean and rms velocity
accurately up to without a wall damping function. The
symmetry-preserving discretization outperforms the standard OpenFOAM
discretization at . The results for the flow over a cylinder show
that the mean velocity, drag coefficient, and lift coefficient are in good
agreement with the experimental data and the central difference schemes
conjugated with the QR model predict better results. The various comparisons
carried out for flows over periodic hills demonstrate the need to use central
difference schemes in OpenFOAM in combination with the minimum dissipation
model. The best model constant is again . The single wind turbine
simulation shows that the QR model is capable of predicting accurate results in
complex rotating scenarios.Comment: 6 pages; 12 figures; ETMM14 conference paper. arXiv admin note:
substantial text overlap with arXiv:2309.0441
Moderne huisvesting melkvee
Brochure met praktische adviezen om de melkveehouder op een overzichtelijke en prikkelende manier te informeren over een goede huisvesting van melkvee waarmee het welzijn van de koeien verbeterd kan worden. Er wordt nader ingegaan op regelgeving en subsidies, erfinrichting, de uitvoering van de ligboxenstal, het melken en stalsysteme
Magnetic-field-induced propulsion of jellyfish-inspired soft robotic swimmers
The multifaceted appearance of soft robots in the form of swimmers, catheters, surgical devices, and drug-carrier vehicles in biomedical and microfluidic applications is ubiquitous today. Jellyfish-inspired soft robotic swimmers (jellyfishbots) have been fabricated and experimentally characterized by several researchers that reported their swimming kinematics and multimodal locomotion. However, the underlying physical mechanisms that govern magnetic-field-induced propulsion are not yet fully understood. Here, we use a robust and efficient computational framework to study the jellyfishbot swimming kinematics and the induced flow field dynamics through numerical simulation. We consider a two-dimensional model jellyfishbot that has flexible lappets, which are symmetric about the jellyfishbot center. These lappets exhibit flexural deformation when subjected to external magnetic fields to displace the surrounding fluid, thereby generating the thrust required for propulsion. We perform a parametric sweep to explore the jellyfishbot kinematic performance for different system parameters—structural, fluidic, and magnetic. In jellyfishbots, the soft magnetic composite elastomeric lappets exhibit temporal and spatial asymmetries when subjected to unsteady external magnetic fields. The average speed is observed to be dependent on both these asymmetries, quantified by the glide magnitude and the net area swept by the lappet tips per swimming cycle, respectively. We observe that a judicious choice of the applied magnetic field and remnant magnetization profile in the jellyfishbot lappets enhances both these asymmetries. Furthermore, the dependence of the jellyfishbot swimming speed upon the net area swept (spatial asymmetry) is twice as high as the dependence of speed on the glide ratio (temporal asymmetry). Finally, functional relationships between the swimming speed and different kinematic parameters and nondimensional numbers are developed. Our results provide guidelines for the design of improved jellyfish-inspired magnetic soft robotic swimmers
HERschel Observations of Edge-on Spirals (HEROES). II: Tilted-ring modelling of the atomic gas disks
Context. Edge-on galaxies can offer important insights in galaxy evolution as
they are the only systems where the distribution of the different components
can be studied both radially and vertically. The HEROES project was designed to
investigate the interplay between the gas, dust, stars and dark matter (DM) in
a sample of 7 massive edge-on spiral galaxies.
Aims. In this second HEROES paper we present an analysis of the atomic gas
content of 6 out of 7 galaxies in our sample. The remaining galaxy was recently
analysed according to the same strategy. The primary aim of this work is to
constrain the surface density distribution, the rotation curve and the geometry
of the gas disks in a homogeneous way. In addition we identify peculiar
features and signs of recent interactions.
Methods. We construct detailed tilted-ring models of the atomic gas disks
based on new GMRT 21-cm observations of NGC 973 and UGC 4277 and re-reduced
archival HI data of NGC 5907, NGC 5529, IC 2531 and NGC 4217. Potential
degeneracies between different models are resolved by requiring a good
agreement with the data in various representations of the data cubes.
Results. From our modelling we find that all but one galaxy are warped along
the major axis. In addition, we identify warps along the line of sight in three
galaxies. A flaring gas layer is required to reproduce the data only for one
galaxy, but (moderate) flares cannot be ruled for the other galaxies either. A
coplanar ring-like structure is detected outside the main disk of NGC 4217,
which we suggest could be the remnant of a recent minor merger event. We also
find evidence for a radial inflow of 15 +- 5 km/s in the disk of NGC 5529,
which might be related to the ongoing interaction with two nearby companions.
(Abridged)Comment: 39 pages, 38 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy &
Mixed modeling for large-eddy simulation: The single-layer and two-layer minimum-dissipation-Bardina models
Predicting the behavior of turbulent flows using large-eddy simulation
requires modeling of the subgrid-scale stress tensor. This tensor can be
approximated using mixed models, which combine the dissipative nature of
functional models with the capability of structural models to approximate
out-of-equilibrium effects. We propose a mathematical basis to mix (functional)
eddy-viscosity models with the (structural) Bardina model. By taking an
anisotropic minimum-dissipation (AMD) model for the eddy viscosity, we obtain
the (single-layer) AMD-Bardina model. In order to also obtain a
physics-conforming model for wall-bounded flows, we further develop this mixed
model into a two-layer approach: the near-wall region is parameterized with the
AMD-Bardina model, whereas the outer region is computed with the Bardina model.
The single-layer and two-layer AMD-Bardina models are tested in turbulent
channel flows at various Reynolds numbers, and improved predictions are
obtained when the mixed models are applied in comparison to the computations
with the AMD and Bardina models alone. The results obtained with the two-layer
AMD-Bardina model are particularly remarkable: both first- and second-order
statistics are extremely well predicted and even the inflection of the mean
velocity in the channel center is captured. Hence, a very promising model is
obtained for large-eddy simulations of wall-bounded turbulent flows at moderate
and high Reynolds numbers.Comment: 29 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables; revised, accepted manuscrip
A minimum-relaxation model for large eddy simulation
This paper is about a relaxation model for large-eddy simulation of turbulent flow that truncates the small scales of motion for which numerical resolution is not available by making sure that they do not get energy from the larger, resolved, eddies. The resolved scales are defined with the help of a box filter. The relaxation parameter is determined in such a way that the production of too small, box-fitting, scales is counteracted by the modeled dissipation. This dissipation-production balance is worked out with the help of Poincaré’s inequality, which results in a relaxation model that depends on the invariants of the velocity gradient. This model is discretized and equipped with a Schumann filter. It is successfully tested for isotropic turbulence as well as for turbulent channel flow
Low-Dissipation Simulation Methods and Models for Turbulent Subsonic Flow
The simulation of turbulent flows by means of computational fluid dynamics is highly challenging. The costs of an accurate direct numerical simulation (DNS) are usually too high, and engineers typically resort to cheaper coarse-grained models of the flow, such as large-eddy simulation (LES). To be suitable for the computation of turbulence, methods should not numerically dissipate the turbulent flow structures. Therefore, energy-conserving discretizations are investigated, which do not dissipate energy and are inherently stable because the discrete convective terms cannot spuriously generate kinetic energy. They have been known for incompressible flow, but the development of such methods for compressible flow is more recent. This paper will focus on the latter: LES and DNS for turbulent subsonic flow. A new theoretical framework for the analysis of energy conservation in compressible flow is proposed, in a mathematical notation of square-root variables, inner products, and differential operator symmetries. As a result, the discrete equations exactly conserve not only the primary variables (mass, momentum and energy), but also the convective terms preserve (secondary) discrete kinetic and internal energy. Numerical experiments confirm that simulations are stable without the addition of artificial dissipation. Next, minimum-dissipation eddy-viscosity models are reviewed, which try to minimize the dissipation needed for preventing sub-grid scales from polluting the numerical solution. A new model suitable for anisotropic grids is proposed: the anisotropic minimum-dissipation model. This model appropriately switches off for laminar and transitional flow, and is consistent with the exact sub-filter tensor on anisotropic grids. The methods and models are first assessed on several academic test cases: channel flow, homogeneous decaying turbulence and the temporal mixing layer. As a practical application, accurate simulations of the transitional flow over a delta wing have been performed
HERschel Observations of Edge-on Spirals (HEROES). I: Far-infrared morphology and dust mass determination
Context. Edge-on spiral galaxies with prominent dust lanes provide us with an
excellent opportunity to study the distribution and properties of the dust
within them. The HEROES project was set up to observe a sample of seven large
edge-on galaxies across various wavelengths for this investigation.
Aims. Within this first paper, we present the Herschel observations and
perform a qualitative and quantitative analysis on them, and we derive some
global properties of the far infrared and submillimetre emission.
Methods. We determine horizontal and vertical profiles from the Herschel
observations of the galaxies in the sample and describe the morphology.
Modified black-body fits to the global fluxes, measured using aperture
photometry, result in dust temperatures and dust masses. The latter values are
compared to those that are derived from radiative transfer models taken from
the literature.
Results. On the whole, our Herschel flux measurements agree well with
archival values. We find that the exponential horizontal dust distribution
model often used in the literature generally provides a good description of the
observed horizontal profiles. Three out of the seven galaxies show signatures
of extended vertical emission at 100 and 160 {\mu}m at the 5{\sigma} level, but
in two of these it is probably due to deviations from an exactly edge-on
orientation. Only for NGC 4013, a galaxy in which vertically extended dust has
already been detected in optical images, we can detect vertically extended
dust, and the derived scaleheight agrees with the value estimated through
radiative transfer modelling. Our analysis hints at a correlation between the
dust scaleheight and its degree of clumpiness, which we infer from the
difference between the dust masses as calculated from modelling of optical data
and from fitting the spectral energy distribution of Herschel datapoints.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy &
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