996 research outputs found

    Intelligent distributed multimedia collection: content aggregation and integration

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    People's multimedia content is spread around their home network and content services on the Internet, such as YouTube, Flickr, Facebook. In this paper we present a system that aggregates all the multimedia content of the end user and integrates it into a unified collection for the user's convenience. The system provides location transparency of multimedia content, content filtering on player compatibility and metadata completion to aid in improved usability. This effectively enables the user to rediscover his multimedia collection without any technical knowledge. A proof-of-concept implementation known as Intelligent Distributed Multimedia Collection (IDMC) has been made that is able to detect and browse UPnP MediaServer devices as well as collect information from YouTube. This implementation also contains a media player and is able to control UPnP MediaRenderer devices remotely. Furthermore, performance has been measured to assess different ways of iterating through a multimedia collection

    DYAMAND: dynamic, adaptive management of networks and devices

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    Consumer devices increasingly are "smart" and hence offer services that can interwork with and/or be controlled by others. However, the full exploitation of the inherent opportunities this offers, is hurdled by a number of potential limitations. First of all, the interface towards the device might be vendor and even device specific, implying that extra effort is needed to support a specific device. Standardization efforts try to avoid this problem, but within a certain standard ecosystem the level of interoperability can vary (i.e. devices carrying the same standard logo are not necessarily interoperable). Secondly, different application domains (e.g. multimedia vs. energy management) today have their own standards, thus limiting trans-sector innovation because of the additional effort required to integrate devices from traditionally different domains into novel applications. In this paper, we discuss the basic components of current so-called service discovery protocols (SDPs) and present our DYAMAND (DYnamic, Adaptive MAnagement of Networks and Devices) framework. We position this framework as a middleware layer between applications and discoverable/controllable devices, and hence aim to provide the necessary tool to overcome the (intra- and inter-domain) interoperability gaps previously sketched. Thus, we believe it can act as a catalyst enabling trans-sector innovation

    Integrating personal media and digital TV with QoS guarantees using virtualized set-top boxes: architecture and performance measurements

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    Nowadays, users consume a lot of functionality in their home coming from a service provider located in the Internet. While the home network is typically shielded off as much as possible from the `outside world', the supplied services could be greatly extended if it was possible to use local information. In this article, an extended service is presented that integrates the user's multimedia content, scattered over multiple devices in the home network, into the Electronic Program Guide (EPG) of the Digital TV. We propose to virtualize the set-top box, by migrating all functionality except user interfacing to the service provider infrastructure. The media in the home network is discovered through standard Universal Plug and Play (UPnP), of which the QoS functionality is exploited to ensure high quality playback over the home network, that basically is out of the control of the service provider. The performance of the subsystems are analysed

    Quentovic, un port du haut Moyen Âge entre Boulonnais et Ponthieu

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    Prolégomènes En 2006 (année probatoire) et de 2008 à 2010, un premier PCR consacré au récolement des données et à la mise sur pied d’un dialogue interdisciplinaire a été consacré au portus et emporium de Quentovic, en basse Canche. Plusieurs réunions scientifiques, notamment publiées en 2010 par le CEGES – Lille-III, et plusieurs opérations d’archéologie préventives alternativement conduites par l’Inrap et Archéopole, autour de Visemarest, mais également le long de la rive droite de la Canche..

    Quality of experience driven control of interactive media stream parameters

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    In recent years, cloud computing has led to many new kinds of services. One of these popular services is cloud gaming, which provides the entire game experience to the users remotely from a server, but also other applications are provided in a similar manner. In this paper we focus on the option to render the application in the cloud, thereby delivering the graphical output of the application to the user as a video stream. In more general terms, an interactive media stream is set up over the network between the user's device and the cloud server. The main issue with this approach is situated at the network, that currently gives little guarantees on the quality of service in terms of parameters such as available bandwidth, latency or packet loss. However, for interactive media stream cases, the user is merely interested in the perceived quality, regardless of the underlaying network situation. In this paper, we present an adaptive control mechanism that optimizes the quality of experience for the use case of a race game, by trading off visual quality against frame rate in function of the available bandwidth. Practical experiments verify that QoE driven adaptation leads to improved user experience compared to systems solely taking network characteristics into account

    The Beach Rehabilitation Project at Ostend, Belgium

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    Steady erosion has occurred on the beaches at Ostend, Belgium, especially on the section between the Casino and the Harbour Entrance. The gravel beach supported by a sandfill core has been proven to be a feasible and cost effective flood protection alternative, the first objective of the long term beach enhancement programme. secondary goals are also met such as: new beach recreational facilities in safe conditions for the public ; the economic incentive for the needed redevelopment of this part of down-town Ostend and the beach front; the conservation of the present sea-view from the promenade

    Avaliação e seleção de porta-enxertos de videira (Vitis spp.) tolerantes ao déficit hídrico através de aprendizagem de máquina.

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    Os programas de melhoramento genético de plantas buscam selecionar genótipos superiores, para atender as necessidades do homem, no aumento da produtividade, na stabilidade e qualidade das espécies de importância econômica, assim como na redução dos impactos ambientais e nos custos de produção. Dessa forma, a videira (Vitis spp.) é considerada uma fruteira perene de grande importância econômica, social e alimentar. Porém face às mudanças climáticas e a limitação de recursos hídricos, tem havido um crescente investimento no desenvolvimento e uso de porta enxertos tolerantes ao déficit hídrico. No entanto, a obtenção de novas cultivares, tolerantes ao déficit hídrico, trata-se de um processo demorado e difícil por ser uma característica poligênica. Por conta disto, o uso de novas ferramentas, tais como o uso algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina podem facilitar identificação e obtenção de novas cultivares tolerantes ao déficit hídrico, devido a capacidade de gerenciar grandes quantidades de dados e identificar padrões relevantes. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi de avaliar a divergência genética de 45 cultivares de porta enxertos de videira, assim como, de predizer classes de tolerância ao déficit hídrico nas três cultivares brasileiras IAC313, IAC572 e IAC766, cuja a informação na literatura é desconhecida, através de algoritmos de aprendizagem de máquina. Como método para análise de divergência genética, foram empregados algoritmos de agrupamento K-means e a Análise de Componentes Principais. A partir dos resultados obtidos na análise de divergência genética para as características avaliadas, foram formados cinco grupos heteróticos e identificados 37 opções de cruzamentos viáveis, indicando existir divergência entre as cultivares. Para a predição de classes de tolerância ao déficit hídrico, foi comparado o desempenho de seis algoritmos distintos, como o Decision Tree, Random Forest, K-Nearest Neighbors, XGBoost, Support Vector Machines e Linear Discriminant Analysis. E em seguida através do algoritmo com melhor desempenho, predizer o grau de tolerância ao déficit hídrico das três cultivares brasileiras. Os resultados indicaram o Random Forest como melhor algoritmo e pode-se predizer que as cultivares IAC 313 e IAC 766 apresentam alta tolerância ao déficit hídrico e o IAC 572 baixa tolerância. Neste sentido, o uso algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina em nosso trabalho, possibilitaram alcançar resultados de fácil entendimento, mostrando-se como mais uma opção de ferramenta acessível e útil ao melhorista, para a identificação de melhores cruzamentos para uma característica específica e predição de classes.Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronomia. Melhoramento Genético de Plantas.) - Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Recife. Orientada por Rosimar dos Santos Musser; co-orientadores: André Câmara Alves do Nascimento. Patrícia Coelho de Souza Leão, Embrapa Semiárido
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