246 research outputs found

    The Wellesley News (02-20-1930)

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    The Wellesley News (01-19-1933)

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    Adaptive Response in Mice Exposed to 900 MHz Radiofrequency Fields: Primary DNA Damage

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    The phenomenon of adaptive response (AR) in animal and human cells exposed to ionizing radiation is well documented in scientific literature. We have examined whether such AR could be induced in mice exposed to non-ionizing radiofrequency fields (RF) used for wireless communications. Mice were pre-exposed to 900 MHz RF at 120 µW/cm2 power density for 4 hours/day for 1, 3, 5, 7 and 14 days and then subjected to an acute dose of 3 Gy γ-radiation. The primary DNA damage in the form of alkali labile base damage and single strand breaks in the DNA of peripheral blood leukocytes was determined using the alkaline comet assay. The results indicated that the extent of damage in mice which were pre-exposed to RF for 1 day and then subjected to γ-radiation was similar and not significantly different from those exposed to γ-radiation alone. However, mice which were pre-exposed to RF for 3, 5, 7 and 14 days showed progressively decreased damage and was significantly different from those exposed to γ-radiation alone. Thus, the data indicated that RF pre-exposure is capable of inducing AR and suggested that the pre-exposure for more than 4 hours for 1 day is necessary to elicit such AR

    Pollutant effects on genotoxic parameters and tumor-associated protein levels in adults: a cross sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This study intended to investigate whether residence in areas polluted by heavy industry, waste incineration, a high density of traffic and housing or intensive use of pesticides, could contribute to the high incidence of cancer observed in Flanders.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Subjects were 1583 residents aged 50–65 from 9 areas with different types of pollution. Cadmium, lead, p,p'-DDE, hexachlorobenzene, PCBs and dioxin-like activity (Calux test) were measured in blood, and cadmium, t,t'-muconic acid and 1-hydroxypyrene in urine. Effect biomarkers were prostate specific antigen, carcinoembryonic antigen and p53 protein serum levels, number of micronuclei per 1000 binucleated peripheral blood cells, DNA damage (comet assay) in peripheral blood cells and 8-hydroxy-deoxyguanosine in urine. Confounding factors were taken into account.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall significant differences between areas were found for carcinoembryonic antigen, micronuclei, 8-hydroxy-deoxyguanosine and DNA damage. Compared to a rural area with mainly fruit production, effect biomarkers were often significantly elevated around waste incinerators, in the cities of Antwerp and Ghent, in industrial areas and also in other rural areas. Within an industrial area DNA strand break levels were almost three times higher close to industrial installations than 5 kilometres upwind of the main industrial installations (p < 0.0001). Positive exposure-effect relationships were found for carcinoembryonic antigen (urinary cadmium, t,t'-muconic acid, 1-hydroxypyrene and blood lead), micronuclei (PCB118), DNA damage (PCB118) and 8-hydroxy-deoxyguanosine (t,t'-muconic acid, 1-hydroxypyrene). Also, we found significant associations between values of PSA above the p90 and higher values of urinary cadmium, between values of p53 above the p90 and higher serum levels of p,p'-DDE, hexachlorobenzene and marker PCBs (PCB 138, 153 and 180) and between serum levels of p,p'-DDE above the p90 and higher serum values of carcinoembryonic antigen. Significant associations were also found between effect biomarkers and occupational or lifestyle parameters.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Levels of internal exposure, and residence near waste incinerators, in cities, or close to important industries, but not in areas with intensive use of pesticides, showed positive correlations with biomarkers associated with carcinogenesis and thus probably contribute to risk of cancer. In some rural areas, the levels of these biomarkers were not lower than in the rest of Flanders.</p

    Antineoplastic Drugs as a Potential Risk Factor in Occupational Settings: Mechanisms of Action at the Cell Level, Genotoxic Effects, and Their Detection Using Different Biomarkers

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    U članku je prikazana osnovna podjela antineoplastičnih lijekova prema mehanizmima djelovanja na razini stanice. Objašnjeni su mehanizmi genotoksičnosti najvažnijih vrsta lijekova koji se primjenjuju u okviru uobičajenih protokola za liječenje zloćudnih novotvorina. Navedena je važeća klasifi kacija antineoplastika prema kancerogenom potencijalu, podaci o mutagenom potencijalu te je prikazana njihova podjela u skladu s anatomsko-terapijsko-kemijskim sustavom klasifi kacije. Sustavno su prikazani najvažniji rezultati svjetskih i hrvatskih istraživanja na populacijama radnika izloženih antineoplasticima, provedenih u razdoblju 1980.-2009. s pomoću četiri najčešće primjenjivane metode: analize izmjena sestrinskih kromatida, analize kromosomskih aberacija, mikronukleus-testa i komet-testa. Objašnjena su osnovna načela navedenih metoda te raspravljene njihove prednosti i nedostaci. Biološki pokazatelji daju važne podatke o individualnoj osjetljivosti profesionalno izloženih ispitanika koji mogu poslužiti unaprjeđenju postojećih uvjeta rada i upravljanju rizicima pri izloženosti genotoksičnim agensima. Na osnovi prednosti i nedostataka citogenetičkih metoda zaključeno je da je mikronukleus-test, koji podjednako uspješno dokazuje klastogene i aneugene učinke, jedna od najboljih metoda dostupnih za otkrivanje štetnih djelovanja antineoplastičnih lijekova koji su u aktivnoj primjeni.This article brings an overview of the mechanisms of action of antineoplastic drugs used in the clinical setting. It also describes the genotoxic potentials of the most important classes of antineoplastic drugs involved in standard chemotherapy protocols. Classifi cation of antineoplastic drugs according to the IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans is accompanied by data on their mutagenicity and the most recent updates in the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classifi cation System. We report the main fi ndings of biomonitoring studies that were conducted in exposed healthcare workers all over the world between 1980 and 2009 using four biomarkers: sister chromatid exchanges, chromosome aberrations, micronuclei. and the comet assay. The methods are briefl y explained and their advantages and disadvantages discussed. Biomarkers provide important information on individual genome sensitivity, which eventually might help to improve current working practices and to manage the risks related with exposure to genotoxic agents. Taking into consideration all known advantages and drawbacks of the existing cytogenetic methods, the micronucleus assay, which is able to detect both clastogenic and aneugenic action, is the most suitable biomarker for assessing harmful effects of antineoplastic drugs currently used in health care

    Champs électromagnétiques et perturbation du rythme circadien: l&#039;hypothèse des cryptochromes

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    Review of RFR-genotoxicity studies

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