15 research outputs found

    Constraints on HIV-1 evolution and immunodominance revealed in monozygotic adult twins infected with the same virus

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    The predictability of virus–host interactions and disease progression in rapidly evolving human viral infections has been difficult to assess because of host and genetic viral diversity. Here we examined adaptive HIV-specific cellular and humoral immune responses and viral evolution in adult monozygotic twins simultaneously infected with the same virus. CD4 T cell counts and viral loads followed similar trajectories over three years of follow up. The initial CD8 T cell response targeted 17 epitopes, 15 of which were identical in each twin, including two immunodominant responses. By 36 months after infection, 14 of 15 initial responses were still detectable in both, whereas all new responses were subdominant and remained so. Of four responses that declined in both twins, three demonstrated mutations at the same residue. In addition, the evolving antibody responses cross-neutralized the other twin's virus, with similar changes in the pattern of evolution in the envelope gene. These results reveal considerable concordance of adaptive cellular and humoral immune responses and HIV evolution in the same genetic environment, suggesting constraints on mutational pathways to HIV immune escape

    Impact of intrapeptide epitope location on CD8 T cell recognition: implications for design of overlapping peptide panels.

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    BACKGROUND: Antigen-specific CD8 T cells following infection or immunization are typically assessed by measuring interferon-gamma production after stimulation with overlapping peptides spanning the region of interest. The effect of epitope location within such peptides is not known but may influence recognition. OBJECTIVE: To examine if peptides containing the appropriate C-terminal anchor amino acid residue would provide more sensitive detection of T cell responses. The impact was examined of epitope location within overlapping peptides on recognition of epitope-specific CD8 T cell responses. METHODS: C-terminal amino acid residues were analyzed in well-defined optimal epitopes for HIV, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus and influenza and in peptide-binding motifs. Recognition of known epitopes within longer synthesized peptides by peripheral blood mononuclear cells or CD8 T cell lines was tested using interferon-gamma Elispot at various peptide concentrations. RESULTS: Only 9 of 20 amino acids served as the C-terminal anchor position in 96% of described optimal epitopes and in 95% of peptide-binding motifs. A CD8 T cell response to an epitope within a longer peptide is best detected when the epitope is situated at the C-terminal end of the longer peptide, both when using peptides designed to include the optimal epitope at every possible position and when comparing responses towards optimal epitopes and corresponding overlapping peptides in a larger group of subjects. CONCLUSION: When using overlapping peptides to screen for CD8 T cell responses, more sensitive detection will be achieved using known C-terminal anchor amino acid residues at the C-terminus

    Fully differentiated HIV-1 specific CD8+ T effector cells are more frequently detectable in controlled than in progressive HIV-1 infection.

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    CD8+ T cells impact control of viral infections by direct elimination of infected cells and secretion of a number of soluble factors. In HIV-1 infection, persistent HIV-1 specific IFN-gamma+ CD8+ T cell responses are detected in the setting of disease progression, consistent with functional impairment in vivo. Recent data suggest that impaired maturation, as defined by the lineage markers CD45RA and CCR7, may contribute to a lack of immune control by these responses.We investigated the maturation phenotype of epitope-specific CD8+ T cell responses directed against HIV-1 in 42 chronically infected, untreated individuals, 22 of whom were "Controllers" (median 1140 RNA copies/ml plasma, range<50 to 2520), and 20 "progressors" of whom had advanced disease and high viral loads (median 135,500 RNA copies/ml plasma, range 12100 to >750000). Evaluation of a mean of 5 epitopes per person revealed that terminally differentiated CD8+ T cells directed against HIV-1 are more often seen in HIV-1 Controllers (16/22; 73%) compared to HIV-1 progressors (7/20; 35%)(p = 0.015), but the maturation state of epitope-specific responses within a given individual was quite variable. Maturation phenotype was independent of the HLA restriction or the specificity of a given CD8+ T cell response and individual epitopes associated with slow disease progression were not more likely to be terminally differentiated.These data indicate that although full maturation of epitope-specific CD8+ T cell responses is associated with viral control, the maturation status of HIV-1 specific CD8+ T cell responses within a given individual are quite heterogeneous, suggesting epitope-specific influences on CD8+ T cell function

    Maturation phenotype of HIV-1 specific CD8+ T cells by HLA type and epitope specificity.

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    <p>Panel A shows the percentage of CD45RA+/CCR7− CD8+ T cells of 46 HLA-A2, -A3, -B14, -B27 and -B57-restricted epitopes tested in the study cohort. Panel B depicts the percentage of CD45RA+/CCR7− CD8+ T cells specific for six specific HIV-1 epitopes tested (restricting HLA allele and peptide sequence are shown). Data reflective of a total of 21 study subjects, who had responses to the specific HLA-matched optimal epitopes tested (14 Controllers and 5 Progressors).</p