14 research outputs found


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    Korporativna društvena odgovornost (CSR) koncept je u kojemu poslovni subjekt voljno i u interakciji s drugim strankama odlučuje pridonijeti boljemu društvu. DOP gradi i povezuje tvrtke, zaposlenike i zajednicu. Jedan od primjera takva poslovanja je uzimanje slučajeva pro bono (latinsko: za opće dobro). Besplatno predstavljanje klijenata na volonterskoj osnovi prihvatljiv je i dobrodošao način rješavanja poslovnih problema, uglavnom iz financijskih razloga. Za tvrtke i organizacije to je metoda izgradnje novih socijalnih i profesionalnih odnosa preko aktivne izgradnje imidža i proširivanja njihova popisa zadovoljnih klijenata.Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a concept in which a business subject willingly and in interaction with other parties decides to contribute to a better society. CSR builds and connects businesses, employees and the community. One example of such business is taking on cases pro bono (Latin: for the public good). Representing clients for free on a volunteering basis is an acceptable and welcome way of solving business problems, mostly for financial reasons. For companies and organizations, it is a method of building new social and professional relationships through the active building of image and expanding their list of satisfied clients

    »Ne srljajte kao guske u maglu!« Kritička analiza diskursa govora političkoga lidera na primjeru govora Stjepana Radića od 24./25. studenoga 1918. godine u Narodnom vijeću

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    Political discourse is a set of all speech acts that are determined and articulated in the form of verbal formations, whereby their content, subject and addressee fall under the purview of politics. Using Van Dijk’s model of critical discourse analysis, the paper demonstrates one of the possibilities of an integrated approach to qualitative research in historiography using Radić’s most famous speech as an example, which has not yet attracted the attention of communication studies and historiography to be adequately analyzed, interdisciplinarily evaluated, and syncretistically interpreted.Politički diskurs je skup svih govornih činova koji su determinirani i artikulirani u obliku verbalnih tvorbi, pri čemu njihov sadržaj, predmet i adresat ulaze u djelokrug politike. Koristeći Van Dijkov model kritičke analize diskursa, rad pokazuje jednu od mogućnosti integriranog pristupa kvalitativnom istraživanju u historiografiji na primjeru najpoznatijeg Radićeva govora koji do sada nije izazvao pažnju komunikologije i historiografije da bi bio validno analiziran, interdisciplinarno vrednovan i sinkretistički interpretiran

    Press Coverage of the Rakovica Uprising in Dalmatia, Istria, and Rijeka

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    Bunu protiv „švabsko-magjarskoga” gospodstva, u okolnostima (političkoga i društvenoga) nezadovoljstva Hrvatsko-ugarskom nagodbom, u listopadu 1871. u malome selu Bročancu nedaleko od Slunja u tadašnjoj Vojnoj krajini organizirao je Eugen Kvaternik. U radu će se na temelju članaka iz dalmatinskoga, istarskoga i riječkoga tiska druge polovine 19. stoljeća integrativno pokušati procijeniti prikaz i percepcija Rakovičke bune te odnos tiska/javnosti prema njezinim sudionicima. Analizirajući razdoblje neposredno nakon bune, cilj je rada pregledom novinske građe utvrditi u kojoj se mjeri ondašnje novinstvo moglo i je li se uopće odredilo prema rakovičkome događaju. Rad će naglasak, uz zadarski tisak (Avvisatore Dalmato, Narodni list, La Dalmazia cattolica), staviti na istarsku Našu slogu te će se tematski obazreti i na tisak ugarskoga primorja.Eugen Kvaternik initiated a rebellion against the “Swabian-Hungarian” control in the small village of Bročanac, located near Slunj in the Military Frontier, in response to the dissatisfaction with the Croatian-Hungarian Settlement, both politically and socially. Based on articles from the Dalmatian, Istrian, and Rijeka newspapers from the second half of the nineteenth century, this paper aims to provide an integrative evaluation of the press coverage and perception of the Rakovica Uprising, as well as the relationship between the press and the public regarding its participants. By analysing the period immediately following the rebellion, the objective is to assess the extent to which the journalism of that time could and did revolve around the events in Rakovica. In addition to examining the Zadar press (Avvisatore Dalmato, Narodni list, La Dalmazia cattolica), the paper will also focus on the Istrian newspaper Naša sloga and explore the thematic coverage of the Rakovica Uprising in the press along the Hungarian coast

    The significance of humorous-satirical newspaper Bič in journalism of The Party of rights at the second half of the 19th century

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    Bič, list za šalu i satiru pravaški je humoristično-satirični list koji je od 1. studenog 1883. do 2. lipnja 1885. izlazio u Zagrebu. Njegov vlasnik i izdavač bio je pravaški nakladnik, publicist i agitator Gavro Grünhut. Samo mjesec dana nakon prvog broja lista, hrvatskim banom imenovan je Károly Khuen-Hedérvary čiji će dvadesetogodišnji režim sustavno (u)gušiti svaku hrvatsku oporbu. Svakodnevna cenzura i zapiljena pravaškog humorističko- satiričkog lista Bič svjedoči koliko su pravaška ideologija i politika režimu bile nepodobne. Zagovarajući promjenu postojećeg stanja u skladu s pravaškim idejama, uredništvo je lista raznim izražajnim formama kritiziralo aktualnu političku i društvenu stvarnost te istaknute pojedince. Stoga se, interpretacijom tekstualnih priloga i karikatura u Biču, uz rekonstrukciju zakonodavnog i političkog konteksta, mogu utvrditi ne samo politička i društvena kretanja u Banskoj Hrvatskoj sredinom 1880-ih, već i osnovne karakteristike pravaške politike i propagande. Budući da u pravaškoj publicistici druge polovice 19. stoljeća humorističko-satirički listovi brojnošću, sadržajem i stilom imaju istaknuto mjesto i specifičnu ulogu, ovaj je rad prilog proučavanju pravaškog novinstva i političke propagande.The Bič, newspaper for humor and satir is Croatian Party of Rights' humorist-satirical newspaper that came out in Zagreb from November 1, 1883 to June 2, 1885. His owner and publisher was the Croatian Party of Rights publisher, publicist and agitator Gavro Grünhut. Only one month after the first issue, Károly Khuen-Hedérvary was named the first Ban of Croatia, whose 20-year regime systematically repressed all Croatian opposition. Everyday censorship and obsession with this humorist-satirical newspaper testifies to how much the Right ideology and policy was unsuitable for the regime. By advocating the change of the existing situation in accordance with the ideas of Croatian Right Party, the editorial board has expressed a variety of expressive forms of criticism of the current political and social reality and prominent individuals. Thus, with the interpretation of the textual contributions and the caricature in The Bič, with the reconstruction of the legislative and political context, one can establish not only the political and social movements in Banska Hrvatska in the mid-1880s but also the basic characteristics of the rule of politics and propaganda. Since in the Right's publicity of the second half of the 19th century the humorist-satiric newspapers have a prominent place and a specific role in the number, content and style, this work is a contribution to the study of Rights' journalism and political propaganda

    Portraying of socio-historical events in cartoons of Vjesnik in 1986. and in 1992.

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    Karikatura (tal. caricare – natovariti, pretjerati) je, u užem smislu, crtež ili opis koji, pretjerujući u prikazivanju prirodnih obilježja (preuveličavanje, umanjivanje i iskrivljavanje), pojavu subjekta čini smiješnom ili apsurdnom radi zabave ili kritike, te daje duhoviti (ironički, satirički, metaforički) komentar određene situacije. Smatra se granom umjetnosti i publicistike te se, zbog izražene vizualnosti, percipira kao ikonografski fenomen za konstruiranje političkih zbivanja i medijski konstruirane stvarnosti. Budući da postoji mali broj istraživanja karikature kao vizualnoga sredstva masovne komunikacije ili o njezinoj ulozi na političke promjene u društvu, često je zanemaren historiografski, ali i sociološko-komunikološki izvor važnih političkih zbivanja. Prijelomni događaji u suvremenoj hrvatskoj povijesti su raspad Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije te Domovinski rat. U ovome će se diplomskom radu , stoga, kvantitativnom istraživačkom metodom analize sadržaja karikatura objavljenih u Vjesniku, prema istraživačkoj matrici, analizirati, a potom i identificirati prevladavajuće političke teme i promjene koje su vizualno portretirane kroz karikature. Vjesnik je odabran jer je prema svom izdavačkom programu bio namijenjen čitateljima u Hrvatskoj, političkom vrhu Jugoslavije i diplomaciji. Istraživačka metoda odabrana je kao najpogodnija jer će dati izravan uvid u odgovore na postavljene hipoteze koje zahtijevaju iskustvenu provjerljivost i pružaju mogućnost potvrđivanja ili odbacivanja. Uzorak istraživanja čine karikature objavljene u Vjesniku 1986., jer je tada izdan Memorandum SANU, te karikature objavljenje 1992., s obzirom na međunarodno priznanje Republike Hrvatske te kasniju promjenu imena samih novina. Cilj istraživanja je definirati načine vizualne prezentacije službene politike u širim društvenim slojevima te definirati načine na koje je karikatura kao likovni medij, ali i snažno sredstvo masovne komunikacije, u navedenome razdoblju bila jedno od mogućih sredstava vizualne propagande. U radu će, teorijskim pregledom znanstvene i stručne literature, pokušati utvrditi i povezanost karikature sa stvaranjem ili odražavanjem određenih (političkih) mitova i stereotipa.The cartoon also referred to as caricature (Italian: caricare – to burden or exaggerate) is, in a narrower sense, a drawing or description which, exaggerating in depicting natural features (exaggerating, diminishing and distorting), makes the appearance of the subject ridiculous or absurd for fun or criticism, and gives a witty (ironic, satirical, metaphorical) commentary on a particular situation. It is considered a branch of art and journalism and, due to its pronounced visually, is perceived as an iconographic phenomenon for the construction of political events and media-constructed reality. Since there is little research on caricature as a visual means of mass communication or its role in political changes in society, the historiographical, as well as a socio-communicative source of important political events, is often neglected. The turning points in contemporary Croatian history are the disintegration of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Croatian War of Independence (i.e. the Homeland War). In this thesis, therefore, the content of caricatures published in Vjesnik, according to the research matrix, will be analysed by quantitative research method, and the prevailing political themes and changes that are visually portrayed through caricature will be analysed and then identified. Vjesnik was chosen because, according to its publishing program, it was intended for readers in Croatia, the political leadership of Yugoslavia, and diplomacy. The research method was chosen as the most suitable because it will give direct answers to the set hypotheses that require experiential verifiability and provide the possibility of confirmation or rejection. The research sample consists of caricatures published in Vjesnik in 1986, because the SANU Memorandum was issued then, and caricatures published in 1992, concerning the international recognition of the Republic of Croatia and the subsequent change of the name of the newspaper itself. The research aims to define the ways of visual presentations of official policies in wider social strata and to define how caricature as an art medium, but also a powerful means of mass communication, was one of the possible means of visual propaganda. The paper will, through a theoretical review of scientific and professional literature, try to identify and connect caricatures with the creation or reflection of certain (political) myths and stereotypes

    Portraying of socio-historical events in cartoons of Vjesnik in 1986. and in 1992.

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    Karikatura (tal. caricare – natovariti, pretjerati) je, u užem smislu, crtež ili opis koji, pretjerujući u prikazivanju prirodnih obilježja (preuveličavanje, umanjivanje i iskrivljavanje), pojavu subjekta čini smiješnom ili apsurdnom radi zabave ili kritike, te daje duhoviti (ironički, satirički, metaforički) komentar određene situacije. Smatra se granom umjetnosti i publicistike te se, zbog izražene vizualnosti, percipira kao ikonografski fenomen za konstruiranje političkih zbivanja i medijski konstruirane stvarnosti. Budući da postoji mali broj istraživanja karikature kao vizualnoga sredstva masovne komunikacije ili o njezinoj ulozi na političke promjene u društvu, često je zanemaren historiografski, ali i sociološko-komunikološki izvor važnih političkih zbivanja. Prijelomni događaji u suvremenoj hrvatskoj povijesti su raspad Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije te Domovinski rat. U ovome će se diplomskom radu , stoga, kvantitativnom istraživačkom metodom analize sadržaja karikatura objavljenih u Vjesniku, prema istraživačkoj matrici, analizirati, a potom i identificirati prevladavajuće političke teme i promjene koje su vizualno portretirane kroz karikature. Vjesnik je odabran jer je prema svom izdavačkom programu bio namijenjen čitateljima u Hrvatskoj, političkom vrhu Jugoslavije i diplomaciji. Istraživačka metoda odabrana je kao najpogodnija jer će dati izravan uvid u odgovore na postavljene hipoteze koje zahtijevaju iskustvenu provjerljivost i pružaju mogućnost potvrđivanja ili odbacivanja. Uzorak istraživanja čine karikature objavljene u Vjesniku 1986., jer je tada izdan Memorandum SANU, te karikature objavljenje 1992., s obzirom na međunarodno priznanje Republike Hrvatske te kasniju promjenu imena samih novina. Cilj istraživanja je definirati načine vizualne prezentacije službene politike u širim društvenim slojevima te definirati načine na koje je karikatura kao likovni medij, ali i snažno sredstvo masovne komunikacije, u navedenome razdoblju bila jedno od mogućih sredstava vizualne propagande. U radu će, teorijskim pregledom znanstvene i stručne literature, pokušati utvrditi i povezanost karikature sa stvaranjem ili odražavanjem određenih (političkih) mitova i stereotipa.The cartoon also referred to as caricature (Italian: caricare – to burden or exaggerate) is, in a narrower sense, a drawing or description which, exaggerating in depicting natural features (exaggerating, diminishing and distorting), makes the appearance of the subject ridiculous or absurd for fun or criticism, and gives a witty (ironic, satirical, metaphorical) commentary on a particular situation. It is considered a branch of art and journalism and, due to its pronounced visually, is perceived as an iconographic phenomenon for the construction of political events and media-constructed reality. Since there is little research on caricature as a visual means of mass communication or its role in political changes in society, the historiographical, as well as a socio-communicative source of important political events, is often neglected. The turning points in contemporary Croatian history are the disintegration of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Croatian War of Independence (i.e. the Homeland War). In this thesis, therefore, the content of caricatures published in Vjesnik, according to the research matrix, will be analysed by quantitative research method, and the prevailing political themes and changes that are visually portrayed through caricature will be analysed and then identified. Vjesnik was chosen because, according to its publishing program, it was intended for readers in Croatia, the political leadership of Yugoslavia, and diplomacy. The research method was chosen as the most suitable because it will give direct answers to the set hypotheses that require experiential verifiability and provide the possibility of confirmation or rejection. The research sample consists of caricatures published in Vjesnik in 1986, because the SANU Memorandum was issued then, and caricatures published in 1992, concerning the international recognition of the Republic of Croatia and the subsequent change of the name of the newspaper itself. The research aims to define the ways of visual presentations of official policies in wider social strata and to define how caricature as an art medium, but also a powerful means of mass communication, was one of the possible means of visual propaganda. The paper will, through a theoretical review of scientific and professional literature, try to identify and connect caricatures with the creation or reflection of certain (political) myths and stereotypes