21 research outputs found


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    Increased plasma von Willebrand factor antigen levels but normal von Willebrand factor cleaving protease (ADAMTS13) activity in preeclampsia.

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    The activity of ADAMTS13, the von Willebrand factor (VWF) cleaving protease is low in several conditions, including HELLP (haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count) syndrome. As HELLP syndrome develops in most cases on the basis of preeclampsia, our aim was to determine whether plasma ADAMTS13 activity is decreased in preeclampsia. Sixty-seven preeclamptic patients, 70 healthy pregnant women and 59 healthy non-pregnant women were involved in this case-control study. Plasma ADAMTS13 activity was determined with the FRETS-VWF73 assay, while VWF antigen (VWF:Ag) levels with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The multimeric pattern of VWF was analyzed by SDS-agarose gel electrophoresis. There was no significant difference in plasma ADAMTS13 activity between the preeclamptic and the healthy pregnant and non-pregnant groups (median [25-75 percentile]: 98.8 [76.5-112.8] %, 96.3 [85.6-116.2] % and 91.6 [78.5-104.4] %, respectively; p > 0.05). However, plasma VWF:Ag levels were significantly higher in preeclamptic patients than in healthy pregnant and non-pregnant women (187.1 [145.6-243.1] % versus 129.3 [105.1-182.8] % and 70.0 [60.2-87.3] %, respectively; p < 0.001). The multimeric pattern of VWF was normal in each group. Primiparas had lower plasma ADAMTS13 activity than multi-paras (92.6 [75.8-110.6] % versus 104.2 [92.1-120.8] %; p = 0.011). No other relationship was found between clinical characteristics, laboratory parameters and plasma ADAMTS13 activity in either study group. In conclusion, plasma ADAMTS13 activity is normal in preeclampsia despite the increased VWF:Ag levels. However, further studies are needed to determine whether a decrease in plasma ADAMTS13 activity could predispose preeclamptic patients to develop HELLP syndrome

    Levels of von Willebrand factor antigen and von Willebrand factor cleaving protease (ADAMTS13) activity predict clinical events in chronic heart failure.

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    Decreased activity of ADAMTS13, the von Willebrand factor (VWF) cleaving protease, was recently reported in cardiovascular diseases and in hepatic failure. Chronic heart failure (CHF) is characterised by abnormalities of left ventricular function accompanied by the failure of the liver and dysregulation of endothelial activation. Therefore, the aim of our study was to measure ADAMTS13 activity in CHF, and determine the prognostic value of VWF and ADAMTS13 on major clinical events in CHF. ADAMTS13 activity (measured by FRETS-VWF73 substrate) was decreased in CHF (n = 152, left ventricular ejection fraction <45%), and it correlated negatively with B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) NYHA (New York Heart Association) classes, markers of synthetic capacity of the liver and endothelial dysfunction (all p < 0.005). Both, high VWF:Ag levels (hazard ratio [HR] 1.52, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.189-1.943), and low ADAMTS13/VWF:Ag ratios (HR 0.70, 95% CI 0.58-0.84) independently and significantly predicted short-term (1 year follow-up) clinical adverse events in heart failure (HF). Decreased activity of ADAMTS13 with concomitant high VWF:Ag levels is a significant independent predictor of clinical events in CHF. The levels of the two molecules may integrate the impaired synthetic capacity of the liver and the disturbed endothelial regulation and can therefore be a useful tool to predict clinical events in CHF

    Analysis of interactions between inflammatory and vasoregulatory pathways in chronic heart failure: application of logical analysis of data, a novel data-mining tool = Analysis of interactions between inflammatory and vasoregulatory pathways in chronic heart failure: application of logical analysis of data, a novel data-mining tool

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    Pályázatunk keretein belül a következő feladatokat valósítottuk meg: 1, Klinikai vizsgálatokat tervezetünk és kiviteleztünk szívelégtelenségben, tüdőgyulladás eredetű szepszisben, preeclampsiában és colorectalis carcinomában szenvedő betegek bevonásával. Vizsgálataink során többféle biomarker, genetikai polimorfizmus és alap klinikai adat mérésére és rögzítésére került sor. Méréseink eredményeiről szakkcikkekben és doktori disszertációkban számoltink be, valamint egy szabadalom bejelentésére is sor kerül. A klinikai vizsgálatok során felépített adatbázisok képezték további elemzéseink és vizsgálataink alapját. 2, Az ELTE Operációkutatási Tanszék munkatársai által fejlesztett logikai adatanalízis algoritmus továbbfejlesztésére és valós adatokon történő kipróbálására került sor a szívelégtelenség adatbázis elemzésével. A futtatások eredményeit elemezve kiválasztottuk a legkedvezőbb predikciós jellemzőket mutató változó kombinációkat. Jellemző módon azt találtuk, hogy a leghatékonyabb prediktív kombinációk tartalmazzák az ismert klinikai prediktorokat (gyulladás, veseelégtelenség), azonban nem, vagy elvétve tartalamzzák az ezekkel kapcsolatos genetikai változékonyságot jelző polimorfizmusadatokat. 3, In vitro validálsái modellkísérleteket végeztünk az adatanalízissel megállapított prediktor kombinációk valós biológiai hatásainak elemzésére. Megállapítottuk, hogy önállóan, vagy kombinációban alkalmazva a kiváklasztott biomarkerek nem mutatnak kapcsolatot az endothel diszfunkció paramétereivel. | The following tasks were implemented within the framework of this project: 1, Clinical studies enrolling patients with chronic heart failure, pneumonia-associated sepsis, preeclampsia and colorectal cancer were planned and carried out. Several biomarkers, genetic markers and clinical data were measured or registered. Results of the project were published in multiple original artoicles in international peer-reviewed journals and formed the basis of PhD thesis and patent submission. In-depth statistical and mathematical analysis of study databases were also also done. 2, In collaboration with researchers at the ELTE Department of Operation research, amendement and testing of the logical analysis of data algorithm was done with real data. Analysing the results of the different runs variable patterns with good discriminating and predicting power were selected. Typically, the best marker combinations contained the well known clinical predictors in CHF, including markers of renal failure, infalmmation and vasoregulation. However, markers of genetic variability of these biomarkrs occured unlikely in the best patterns. 3, In validation experiments using endothelial cell cultures we aimed to show biological effects of the selected biomarker combinations. It was determined that the selected clinical biomarkers neither alone, nor in combination were able to induce endothelial disfunction

    MASP-1 Increases Endothelial Permeability

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    Pathologically increased vascular permeability is an important dysfunction in the pathomechanism of life-threatening conditions, such as sepsis, ischemia/reperfusion, or hereditary angioedema (HAE), diseases accompanied by uncontrolled activation of the complement system. HAE for example is caused by the deficiency of C1-inhibitor (the main regulator of early complement activation), which leads to edematous attacks threatening with circulatory collapse. We have previously reported that endothelial cells become activated during HAE attacks. A natural target of C1-inhibitor is mannan-binding lectin-associated serine protease-1 (MASP-1), a multifunctional serine protease, which plays a key role in the activation of complement lectin pathway. We have previously shown that MASP-1 induces the pro-inflammatory activation of endothelial cells and in this study we investigated whether MASP-1 can directly affect endothelial permeability. All experiments were performed on human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Real-time micro electric sensing revealed that MASP-1 decreases the impedance of HUVEC monolayers and in a recently developed permeability test (XperT), MASP-1 dose-dependently increased endothelial paracellular transport. We show that protease activated receptor-1 mediated intracellular Ca2+-mobilization, Rho-kinase activation dependent myosin light chain (MLC) phosphorylation, cytoskeletal actin rearrangement, and disruption of interendothelial junctions are underlying this phenomenon. Furthermore, in a whole-transcriptome microarray analysis MASP-1 significantly changed the expression of 25 permeability-related genes in HUVECs—for example it up-regulated bradykinin B2 receptor expression. According to our results, MASP-1 has potent permeability increasing effects. During infections or injuries MASP-1 may help eliminate the microbes and/or tissue debris by enhancing the extravasation of soluble and cellular components of the immune system, however, it may also play a role in the pathomechanism of diseases, where edema formation and complement lectin pathway activation are simultaneously present. Our findings also raise the possibility that MASP-1 may be a promising target of anti-edema drug development

    Patterns of C1-Inhibitor/Plasma Serine Protease Complexes in Healthy Humans and in Hereditary Angioedema Patients

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    C1-inhibitor (C1-INH) is an important regulator of the complement, coagulation, fibrinolytic and contact systems. The quantity of protease/C1-INH complexes in the blood is proportional to the level of the in vivo activation of these four cascade-like plasma enzyme systems. Parallel determination of C1-INH-containing activation complexes could be important to understand the regulatory role of C1-INH in diseases such as hereditary angioedema (HAE) due to C1-INH deficiency (C1-INH-HAE). We developed in-house ELISAs to measure the concentration of complexes of C1-INH formed with active proteases: C1r, C1s, MASP-1, MASP-2, plasma kallikrein, factor XIIa, factor XIa, and thrombin, as well as to determine total and functionally active C1-INH. We measured the concentration of the complexes in EDTA plasma from 6 healthy controls, from 5 with type I and 5 with type II C1-INH-HAE patients during symptom-free periods and from five patients during HAE attacks. We also assessed the concentration of these complexes in blood samples taken from one C1-INH-HAE patient during the kinetic follow-up of a HAE attack. The overall pattern of complexed C1-INH was similar in controls and C1-INH-HAE patients. C1-INH formed the highest concentration complexes with C1r and C1s. We observed higher plasma kallikrein/C1-INH complex concentration in both type I and type II C1-INH-HAE, and higher concentration of MASP-1/C1-INH, and MASP-2/C1-INH complexes in type II C1-INH-HAE patients compared to healthy controls and type I patients. Interestingly, none of the C1-INH complex concentrations changed significantly during HAE attacks. During the kinetic follow-up of an HAE attack, the concentration of plasma kallikrein/C1-INH complex was elevated at the onset of the attack. In parallel, C1r, FXIIa and FXIa complexes of C1-INH also tended to be elevated, and the changes in the concentrations of the complexes followed rather rapid kinetics. Our results suggest that the complement classical pathway plays a critical role in the metabolism of C1-INH, however, in C1-INH-HAE, contact system activation is the most significant in this respect. Due to the fast changes in the concentration of complexes, high resolution kinetic follow-up studies are needed to clarify the precise molecular background of C1-INH-HAE pathogenesis

    MASP-1 Induces a Unique Cytokine Pattern in Endothelial Cells: A Novel Link between Complement System and Neutrophil Granulocytes

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    Microbial infection urges prompt intervention by the immune system. The complement cascade and neutrophil granulocytes are the predominant contributors to this immediate anti-microbial action. We have previously shown that mannan-binding lectin-associated serine protease-1 (MASP-1), the most abundant enzyme of the complement lectin pathway, can induce p38-MAPK activation, NFkappaB signaling, and Ca(2+)-mobilization in endothelial cells. Since neutrophil chemotaxis and transmigration depends on endothelial cell activation, we aimed to explore whether recombinant MASP-1 (rMASP-1) is able to induce cytokine production and subsequent neutrophil chemotaxis in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). We found that HUVECs activated by rMASP-1 secreted IL-6 and IL-8, but not IL-1alpha, IL-1ra, TNFalpha and MCP-1. rMASP-1 induced dose-dependent IL-6 and IL-8 production with different kinetics. rMASP-1 triggered IL-6 and IL-8 production was regulated predominantly by the p38-MAPK pathway. Moreover, the supernatant of rMASP-1-stimulated HUVECs activated the chemotaxis of neutrophil granulocytes as an integrated effect of cytokine production. Our results implicate that besides initializing the complement lectin pathway, MASP-1 may activate neutrophils indirectly, via the endothelial cells, which link these effective antimicrobial host defense mechanisms

    Csecsemő- és kisgyermekkori evésproblémák - dokumentumelemzés a budapesti korai fejlesztő központban

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    Szakdolgozatomban a Budapesti Korai Fejlesztő Központban az elmúlt években evésvizsgálaton részt vett gyermekek adatait dolgoztam fel. Kutatásom kiterjedt a gyermekek evéssel kapcsolatos problémáinak feltérképezésére, fejlődésük több oldalról való megközelítésére és a családjuk evéssel kapcsolatba hozható paramétereinek vizsgálatára is