183 research outputs found

    Monitoring and recording changes in natural landscapes: A case study from two coastal wetlands in se italy

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    This study analyzed and evaluated the changes that occurred in two coastal wetlands, characterized by complex and fragmented landscape patterns, in Southern Italy, which were moni-tored over a period of seven years from 2007 to 2014. Furthermore, the performances of two Land Cover (LC) and habitat taxonomies, compared for their suitability in mapping the identified changes, were assessed. A post-mapping method was adopted to detect the habitat/LC changes that occurred in the study period. Various changes were identified, both inter-class changes (class conversions) and intra-class changes (class modifications), and quantified by means of transition matrices. Conversions were easily mapped, while the modification mapping depended on the taxonomy adopted: the Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) allowed the detection of morpho-structural changes in woody vegetation, but the European Nature Information System (EUNIS) showed a higher thematic resolution for the salt marsh types. The detected changes were related to specific impacts, pressures and underlying factors. Landscape indices highlighted different trends in landscape richness and complexity in the two sites. Changes are occurring very quickly in the observed coastal sites and the ongoing dynamics are strictly related to their small size and complexity. For effective monitoring and detection of change in these environments, the coupling of EUNIS and LCCS is suggested

    Amplitud de distribución eritrocitaria como factor de riesgo de mortalidad en pacientes en hemodiálisis

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    La amplitud de distribución eritrocitaria (ADE) elevada ha sido relacionada con morbimortalidad de diferentes enfermedades, entre ellas con enfermedad renal crónica. Pocos estudios han explorado la relación de ADE elevada con mortalidad de pacientes en hemodiálisis, inclusive con resultados contradictorios, por lo cual nuestro objetivo fue determinar si la ADE > 14.9% es un factor de riesgo de mortalidad en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) en hemodiálisis. Material y métodos: realizamos un estudio analítico, observacional, retrospectivo, de casos y controles en 177 pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica en hemodiálisis. La muestra estuvo conformada por 59 pacientes fallecidos (casos) y 118 pacientes vivos (controles) seleccionados por muestreo aleatorio simple. El ADE de los pacientes fue dividido en > 14.9% (ADE alto) y ≤ 14.9% (ADE bajo). Resultados: el 72.9% de los casos presentaron ADE alto comparado con el 44.1% de los controles. Los pacientes con ADE alto presentaron un OR: 3.41 (IC 95% 1.73 - 6.73, p < 0.001). En el análisis multivariado de los factores de riesgo relacionados con mortalidad con diferencias significativas en la muestra total encontramos para anemia un OR ajustado: 2.636 (IC 95% 1.211 - 5.736, p < 0.015). Conclusión: La amplitud de distribución eritrocitaria no es factor de riesgo de mortalidad en pacientes con ERC en hemodiálisis.The elevated red blood cell distribution width (RDW) has been related to morbidity and mortality of different diseases, including chronic kidney disease. Few 5 studies have explored the relationship of high RDW with mortality in hemodialysis patients, even with contradictory results, for which our objective was to determine if RDW > 14.9% is a risk factor for mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) on hemodialysis. Material and methods: We conducted an analytical, observational, retrospective, case-control study in 177 patients with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis. The simple consisted of 59 deceased patients (cases) and 118 living patients (controls) selected by simple random sampling. The ADE of the patients was divided into > 14.9% (high ADE) and ≤ 14.9% (low ADE). Results: 72.9% of the cases presented high RDW compared to 44.1% of the controls. Patients with high RDW had an OR: 3.41 (95% CI 1.73 - 6.73, p < 0.001). In the multivariate analysis of the risk factors related to mortality with significant differences in the total sample, we found an adjusted OR for anemia: 2,636 (95% CI 1.211 - 5.736, p < 0.015). Conclusion: The red cell distribution width is not a risk factor for mortality in patients with CKD on hemodialysis.Tesi

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    Clima Organizacional En La División De Energía Eléctrica Del Proyecto Especial Chavimochic – 2018.

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    La presente investigación aludida a determinar el nivel de desarrollo del Clima Organizacional en la división de energía eléctrica del proyecto especial Chavimochic – 2018, esta investigación tuvo un alcance descriptivo no experimental y de acuerdo a la temporalidad Transversal. Se trabajó con una población de 56 colaboradores entre técnicos Administrativos y profesionales, a quienes se les aplico una encuesta teniendo en cuenta la escala de Likert con cinco opciones de respuesta, El procesamiento y análisis de datos se realizó mediante la estadística descriptiva utilizando el SPSS 21. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron concluir donde se determinó que los niveles del desarrollo del clima organizacional en la División de Energía Eléctrica del Proyecto Especial Chavimochic, que se obtuvo que el 5% de los colaboradores percibe que es de nivel bueno, el 71% es de nivel regular y el 23% reconoce que el clima organizacional es de nivel malo, donde se puede decir que el nivel de clima organizacional que desarrolla la empresa es regular. Deliberando los resultados se rechaza la hipótesis porque el clima organizacional que desarrolla la empresa no es bueno

    Tinjauan Yuridis Pelaksanaan Kontrak Pengadaan Renovasi Gedung pada Kantor Wilayah Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Negara Sumatera Utara (Studi Kontrak Nomor Prj-1/Wkn.02/Pbj/2018)

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    Kontrak Pengadaan memiliki karakter khusus. Salah satu karakter khusus tersebut adalah instrumen hukum yang mengatur kontrak pengadaan dibuat dan ditetapkan oleh pemerintah berdasarkan Standard Dokumen Pengadaan (SDP) yang ditetapkan oleh Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah (LKPP). Penetapan SDP termasuk draft kontrak dengan maksud agar kebebasan berkontrak tidak disalahgunakan. Namun potensi pemenuhan hak dan kewajiban tidak sesuai kontrak tetap dapat terjadi, baik karena cidera janji atau keadaan kahar. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji apakah kontrak Pengadaan renovasi gedung rumah dinas Nomor PRJ-1/WKN.02/PBJ/2018 pada Kantor Wilayah Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Negara Sumatera Utara sudah sesuai dengan pengaturan umum Pengadaan berupa Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) No. 16 Tahun 2018 dan Perpres No. 54 Tahun 2010 beserta perubahannya, bagaimana pelaksanaan kontrak Pengadaan tersebut, dan hambatan pelaksanaan Kontrak Pengadaan dikaitkan dengan teori kepastian hukum dan pertanggungjawaban hukum. Metode penelitian tesis menggunakan tipe deskriptif dan jenis penelitian hukum normatif atau doktriner. Data yang dipergunakan adalah data sekunder. Hasil penelitian: Pertama, Kontrak telah disusun sesuai dengan pengaturan umum Pengadaan sebagaimana di atur dalam Perpres No. 54 Tahun 2010 dan perubahannya dan tidak bertentangan dengan Perpres No. 16 Tahun 2018, serta pengaturan khusus kontrak Pengadaan konstruksi dalam Undang-Undang Nomor (UU No.) 2 Tahun 2017. Selain itu kontrak tersebut juga telah memenuhi seluruh unsur syarat sahnya kontrak meliputi syarat subjektif dan syarat objektif, dengan demikian telah memenuhi asas mengikat sebagai undang-undang (pacta sunt servanda) dalam hukum perdata. Asas konsensualitas, kebebasan berkontrak, dan iktikad baik juga telah terpenuhi dalam kontrak tersebut karena pemilihan klausulklausul baku berdasarkan kesepakatan bersama melalui musyawarah tanpa adanya tekanan dari salah satu pihak. Kontrak tersebut juga telah memenuhi asas proporsionalitas dimana pertanggungjawaban hukum para pihak disepakati sesuai proporsi berdasarkan hak dan kewajibannya; Kedua, Pelaksanaan kontrak tunduk pada aturan Perpres No. 54 Tahun 2010 dan perubahannya karena persiapannya sudah dilaksanakan sebelum tanggal 1 Juli 2018 dan tidak bertentangan dengan Perpres No. 16 Tahun 2018 dan ketentuan pelaksanaannya. Pelaksanaan kontrak tersebut juga tunduk pada pengaturan khusus Pengadaan jasa konstruksi yaitu UU No. 2 Tahun 2017. Dengan demikian pelaksanaan kontrak telah sesuai dengan tata cara dan ketentuan hukum yang berlaku di bidang Pengadaan konstruksi sehingga menjamin kepastian hukum bagi para pihak. Pertanggungjawaban hukum dilaksanakan secara berimbang sesuai hak dan kewajiban para pihak menurut tata cara di atur dalam undang-undang; Ketiga, Hambatan dalam pelaksanaan kontrak adalah hambatan yuridis dan non yuridis. Hambatan yuridis terkait ketentuan hukum yang berlaku di bidang Pengadaan dimana terdapat aturan standar dan prosedur yang belum ditetapkan oleh kementerian teknis di antaranya adalah bentuk dan dokumen pendukung kontrak dan batas waktu penetapan aturan tersebut sudah terlewati, seharusnya sudah ditetapkan paling lambat tanggal 21 Juni 2018 sejak tanggal diundangkannya Perpres No. 16 Tahun 2018. Hal ini menyebabkan kegiatan Pengadaan yang persiapannya dilakukan sejak tanggal 1 Juli 2018 yang mana sudah harus tunduk pada Perpres No. 16 Tahun 2018 akan mengalami kendala dalam penyusunan draft kontraknya. Hambatan non yuridis terkait lingkup pekerjaan, keterbatasan SDM, dan alam yang dapat menjadi kendala penyelesaian pekerjaan. Apabila hambatan tersebut tidak dapat ditemukan penyelesaiannya dapat menyebabkan timbulnya perselisihan/sengketa. Penyelesaian perselisihan pada tahap pertama adalah perdamaian melalui musyawarah antara para pihak. Dalam hal penyelesaian perselisihan melalui perdamaian tidak tercapai maka penyelesaian yang dipilih para pihak melalui pengadilan.Procurement contract has special character. One of the special character is a legal instrument, the contract is made and stipulated by the government based on the Procurement Document Standard (SDP) that is set by the National Public Procurement Agency (LKPP). Determination of SDP is included in a draft contract, made by the Government with the intention that the freedom of contract is not misused. However, the potential for fulfillment of right and non-contractual obligation can still occur, whether due to a breach of contract or force majeure. The research was conducted to assess whether the procurement contract renovation of official house building Nr. PRJ-1/WKN.02/PBJ/2018 at the Regional Office of Directorate General of State Assets Management in North Sumatra according to the general procurement arrangement, namely Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Nr. 16 Year 2018 and Perpres Nr. 54 Year 2010 including its amendment, that is associated with a theory of legal certainty and legal accountability. Thesis research method using descriptive and normative law research or doctrinaire. The data used is secondary data. Results: First, the contract has been prepared in accordance with the general arrangement of procurement as stipulated in Perpres Nr. 54 Year 2010 including its amendment and does not conflict with Perpres Nr. 16 Year 2018 and the special arrangement of construction procurement contract in the Act (UU) Nr. 2 Year 2017. In addition, the contract has also fulfilled all elements of the contract validity requirements including subjective conditions and objective conditions, thus fulfilling the binding principle as a law (pacta sunt servanda) in civil law. The principle of consensuallity, the freedom of contract, and good intention has also been fulfilled in the contract because the selection of standard clauses is based on mutual agreement through deliberation without pressure from one party. The contract also has fulfilled the principle of proportionality whereby the parties agreed to legal liability in proportion, based on rights and obligations; Secondly, the implementation of the contract is subject to Perpres Nr. 54 Year 2010 including its amendment, because the preparation has been carried out before July 1, 2018 and does not conflict with Perpres Nr. 16 Year 2018 and the terms of implementation. Implementation of the contract is also subject to special arrangement procurement of construction services, namely UU Nr. 2 of 2017. Thus the implementation of the contract in accordance with the procedure and legal provision in force in the field of procurement of construction, thus ensuring legal certainty for the parties. Impartial judicial accountability implemented in accordance rights and obligations of the parties according to the procedure set in the legislation; Third, The obstacles to contract implementation are juridical and non-juridical. The Juridical obstacles are related to legal provisions that apply in the Procurement sector where there are standard rules and procedures that have not been established by the technical ministries, among of them are the form and supporting documents of the contract and the time limit for the stipulation of these rules has been passed, it should has been established not later than June 21, 2018 from the date promulgation of Perpres Nr. 16 Year 2018. This causes Procurement activities whose preparation is carried out from July 1, 2018 which has to be subject to Perpres Nr. 16 Year 2018 will experience problems in drafting the contract. Non-juridical obstacle related to the scope of work, limited human resources, and nature which can be a constraint to the completion of work. If these obstacles cannot be found the settlement can lead to disputes. Settlement of disputes in the first stage is peace through deliberation between the parties. In the event that the settlement of disputes through peace is not achieved, the settlement chosen by the parties through the court

    Validation of colorimetric assays for hydrogen peroxide, nitrate and nitrite ions in complex plasma-treated water solutions

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    AbstractLiquids treated with cold plasma emerged as 'redox drugs' in biomedicine, as sources of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species targeting cellular functions, including wound healing and cancer progression. The use of cell culture media as starting liquid, however, challenges the identification of plasma‐generated chemistry, limited by the presence of many reactive species and organic compounds. Available detection methods need, therefore, to be confirmed in these liquids to avoid inaccurate results. In this research, robustness, linearity, accuracy and specificity of three colorimetric assays are investigated to detect H2O2, NO2− and NO3−, predominant plasma‐induced products. The results clearly highlight the presence of some factors affecting the detection in cell culture media like high concentrations of chlorides found interfering with the detection of NO3− in the medium


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    In the last seven years, the federal governments published Agricultural and Livestock Plans with the proposal of building and working as mechanisms of improvement Brazil agricultural and livestock activities. In order of agribusiness expression and importance for the country, considerations about the influence of these plans into Brazilian productivity have become increasable relevant. The present paper has as a proposal (1) a comparative analyses of each PAP’ characteristics, in the period of 2000/2001 to 2005/2006, studying the official documents published by the Agricultural, Livestock and Food Supply Ministry; (2) a prospective investigation of productivity datas offered by IBGE/Embrapa and; (3) provide, from simple statistical approach and inference, the real performance of livestock in the last six years, and (4) offer bases that help in formulating hypotheses about the programs effectiveness. Recalculated the productivity index, considering the progress in the disposal of matrices since 2001, concluding by the presence of bias in the indicator. The productivity examination, result in positive performance, but lower than recognized. The figures obtained do not have strong enough to unequivocally independent of environmental variables. It is not possible admit that the PAP’s effectiveness fueling the result of the bovine productive chain.agribusiness, agricultural and livestock plan, productivity and investment in agribusiness., Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance, Industrial Organization,