1,141 research outputs found

    Gravity with Auxiliary Fields

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    Modifications of General Relativity usually include extra dynamical degrees of freedom, which to date remain undetected. Here we explore the possibility of modifying Einstein's theory by adding solely nondynamical fields. With the minimal requirement that the theory satisfies the weak equivalence principle and admits a covariant Lagrangian formulation, we show that the field equations generically have to include higher-order derivatives of the matter fields. This has profound consequences for the viability of these theories. We develop a parametrization based on a derivative expansion and show that - to next to leading order - all theories are described by just two parameters. Our approach can be used to put stringent, theory-independent constraints on such theories, as we demonstrates using the Newtonian limit as an example.Comment: 5 pages, no figures; v2: clarifications and minor improvements, matches published versio

    The density profiles of Dark Matter halos in Spiral Galaxies

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    In spiral galaxies, we explain their non-Keplerian rotation curves (RCs) by means of a non-luminous component embedding their stellar-gaseous disks. Understanding the detailed properties of this component (labelled Dark Matter, DM) is one of the most pressing issues of Cosmology. We investigate the recent relationship (claimed by Walker et al. 2010, hereafter W+10) between rr, the galaxy radial coordinate, and Vh(r)V_h(r), the dark halo contribution to the circular velocity at rr, {\it a}) in the framework of the Universal Rotation Curve (URC) paradigm and directly {\it b}) by means of the kinematics of a large sample of DM dominated spirals. We find a general agreement between the W+10 claim, the distribution of DM emerging from the URC and that inferred in the (low luminosity) objects of our sample. We show that such a phenomenology, linking the spiral's luminosity, radii and circular velocities, implies an evident inconsistency with (naive) predictions in the Λ\Lambda Cold Dark Matter (Λ\LambdaCDM) scenario.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. v2: typos corrected, minor rephrasings, Natural Science published versio

    Chlorophyll a Fluorescence as a Tool in Evaluating the Effects of ABA Content and Ethylene Inhibitors on Quality of Flowering Potted Bougainvillea

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    Flowering potted plants during the postproduction stage are usually stored in inadequate environmental conditions. We evaluated the effect of the most common storage conditions and treatments on two Bougainvillea cultivars after harvest and during recovery. Flowering potted Bougainvillea plants were treated with 100 mL 2 mM amino-oxyacetic acid (AOA) or 500 ppb 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) prior storage in dark at 14°C for simulating transport or storage conditions and, subsequently, transferred to growth chambers at 20°C in the light for one week for evaluating the recovery ability. The plant stress during the experiments was assessed by ethylene, ABA, and chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements. Ethylene production was affected by temperature rather than treatments. ABA concentration declined in leaves and flowers during storage and was not affected by treatments. Fluorescence parameters appear to be very useful for screening Bougainvillea cultivars resistant to prolonged storage periods

    Effects of abscisic acid on ethylene biosynthesis and perception in Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. flower development

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    The effect of the complex relationship between ethylene and abscisic acid (ABA) on flower development and senescence in Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. was investigated. Ethylene biosynthetic (HrsACS and HrsACO) and receptor (HrsETR and HrsERS) genes were isolated and their expression evaluated in three different floral tissues (petals, style\u2013stigma plus stamens, and ovaries) of detached buds and open flowers. This was achieved through treatment with 0.1 mM 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) solution, 500 nl l21 methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), and 0.1 mM ABA solution. Treatment with ACC and 1-MCP confirmed that flower senescence in hibiscus is ethylene dependent, and treatment with exogenous ABA suggested that ABA may play a role in this process. The 1-MCP impeded petal in-rolling and decreased ABA content in detached open flowers after 9 h. This was preceded by an earlier and sequential increase in ABA content in 1-MCP-treated petals and style\u2013stigma plus stamens between 1 h and 6 h. ACC treatment markedly accelerated flower senescence and increased ethylene production after 6 h and 9 h, particularly in style\u2013stigma plus stamens. Ethylene evolution was positively correlated in these floral tissues with the induction of the gene expression of ethylene biosynthetic and receptor genes. Finally, ABA negatively affected the ethylene biosynthetic pathway and tissue sensitivity in all flower tissues. Transcript abundance of HrsACS, HrsACO, HrsETR, and HrsERS was reduced by exogenous ABA treatment. This research underlines the regulatory effect of ABA on the ethylene biosynthetic and perception machinery at a physiological and molecular level when inhibitors or promoters of senescence are exogenously applied

    Mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal Lactuca sativa plants exhibit contrasting responses to exogenous ABA during drought stress and recovery

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    The arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis enhances plant tolerance to water deficit through the alteration of plant physiology and the expression of plant genes. These changes have been postulated to be caused (among others) by different contents of abscisic acid (ABA) between AM and non-AM plants. However, there are no studies dealing with the effects of exogenous ABA on the expression of stress-related genes and on the physiology of AM plants. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of AM symbiosis and exogenous ABA application on plant development, physiology, and expression of several stress-related genes after both drought and a recovery period. Results show that the application of exogenous ABA had contrasting effects on AM and non-AM plants. Only AM plants fed with exogenous ABA maintained shoot biomass production unaltered by drought stress. The addition of exogenous ABA enhanced considerably the ABA content in shoots of non-AM plants, concomitantly with the expression of the stress marker genes Lsp5cs and Lslea and the gene Lsnced. By contrast, the addition of exogenous ABA decreased the content of ABA in shoots of AM plants and did not produce any further enhancement of the expression of these three genes. AM plants always exhibited higher values of root hydraulic conductivity and reduced transpiration rate under drought stress. From plants subjected to drought, only the AM plants recovered their root hydraulic conductivity completely after the 3 d recovery period. As a whole, the results indicate that AM plants regulate their ABA levels better and faster than non-AM plants, allowing a more adequate balance between leaf transpiration and root water movement during drought and recovery

    Spatial and temporal distribution of mineral nutrients and sugars throughout the lifespan of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. flower

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    AbstractAlthough the physiological and molecular mechanisms of flower development and senescence have been extensively investigated, a whole-flower partitioning study of mineral concentrations has not been carried out. In this work, the distribution of sucrose, total reducing sugars, dry and fresh weight and macro and micronutrients were analysed in Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. petals, stylestigma including stamens and ovary at different developmental stages (bud, open and senescent flowers). Total reducing sugars showed the highest value in petals of bud flowers, then fell during the later stages of flower development whereas sucrose showed the highest value in petals of senescent flowers. In petals, nitrogen and phosphorus content increased during flower opening, then nitrogen level decreased in senescent flowers. The calcium, phosphorus and boron concentrations were highest in ovary tissues whatever the developmental stage. Overall, the data presented suggests that the high level of total reducing sugars prior the onset of flower opening contributes to support petal cells expansion, while the high amount of sucrose at the time of petal wilting may be viewed as a result of senescence. Furthermore, this study discusses how the accumulation of particular mineral nutrients can be considered in a tissue specific manner for the activation of processes directly connected with reproduction

    Involvement of Abscisic Acid in Regulating Water Status in Phaseolus vulgaris

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    I biostimolanti : uno strumento per migliorare la qualità delle produzioni

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    I biostimolanti sono mezzi tecnici che possono incrementare la produzione delle colture agrarie in termini qualiquantitativi, migliorando lâ efficienza dâ uso degli elementi nutritivi e, in taluni casi, aumentando la resistenza agli stress di natura biotica e abiotica. Questi prodotti possono quindi rappresentare un valido strumento per ridurre lâ impatto ambientale delle colture ortofloricole coltivate in ambiente protetto. Il meccanismo di azione di questi composti è basato sullâ aumento dellâ attività metabolica delle piante e il risultato della loro applicazione è spesso un aumento della produzione e della qualità del prodotto. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è stato quello di verificare lâ effetto del biostimolante Actiwave (Valagro S.p.A.) sulla crescita di tre specie floricole da bordura: Coleus blumei, Impatiens wallerana e Salvia splendens. Le piante sono state mantenute per tutta la durata della prova in una serra in ferro e vetro, con una temperatura di 25°/18°C giorno/notte. Sono stati effettuati i seguenti trattamenti: concimazione al momento del ripicchettamento, aggiungendo al substrato: (g m-3) Nitrato-NO3 70, Ammonio-NH4 50, Fosforo-P2O5 208, Potassio-K2O 240, MgO 24, microelementi 50, (Controllo); trattamento a cadenza settimanale con una soluzione nutritiva contenente le stesse concentrazioni di macro e microelementi presenti nel biostimolante, senza la concimazione iniziale; trattamento a cadenza settimanale con biostimolante, senza la concimazione iniziale; trattamento a cadenza settimanale con biostimolante, con concimante iniziale come per le piante di controllo. Il biostimolante è stato distribuito per aspersione alla concentrazione di 2,5 mL L-1, a partire dalla settimana dopo il ripicchettamento fino alla fioritura delle piante (8 settimane). I risultati ottenuti hanno mostrato una crescita decisamente più veloce delle piante trattate, che si è tradotta in un aumento dellâ area fogliare, del peso fresco e secco. Lâ accumulo di biomassa nella parte epigea è risultato quasi doppio rispetto ai controlli. Dal punto di vista qualitativo, le piante trattate con il biostimolante hanno presentato una fioritura più precoce e più abbondante rispetto al testimone. I dati vengono discussi cercando di discriminare lâ effetto biologico (biostimolante) del prodotto da quello nutrizionale

    Seedling Establishment of Tall Fescue Exposed to Long-Term Starvation Stress

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    In germinating seeds under unfavorable environmental conditions, the mobilization of stores in the cotyledons is delayed, which may result in a different modulation of carbohydrates balance and a decrease in seedling vigor. Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) caryopses grown at 4˚C in the dark for an extended period in complete absence of nutrients, showed an unexpected ability to survive. Seedlings grown at 4˚C for 210 days were morphologically identical to seedlings grown at 23˚C for 21 days. After 400 days, seedlings grown at 4˚C were able to differentiate plastids to chloroplast in just few days once transferred to the light and 23˚C. Tall fescue exposed to prolonged period at 4˚C showed marked anatomical changes: cell wall thickening, undifferentiated plastids, more root hairs and less xylem lignification. Physiological modifications were also observed, in particular related to sugar content, GA and ABA levels and amylolytic enzymes pattern. The phytohormones profiles exhibited at 4 and 23˚C were comparable when normalized to the respective physiological states. Both the onset and the completion of germination were linked to GA and ABA levels, as well as to the ratio between these two hormones. All plants showed a sharp decline in carbohydrate content, with a consequent onset of gradual sugar starvation. This explained the slowed then full arrest in growth under both treatment regimes. The analysis of amylolytic activity showed that Ca2+ played a central role in the stabilization of several isoforms. Overall, convergence of starvation and hormone signals meet in crosstalk to regulate germination, growth and development in tall fescue

    Ceruloplasmin/Transferrin Ratio Changes in Alzheimer's Disease

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    The link between iron and Alzheimer's disease (AD) has been mainly investigated with a focus on the local accumulation of this metal in specific areas of the brain that are critical for AD. In the present study, we have instead looked at systemic variations of markers of iron metabolism. We measured serum levels of iron, ceruloplasmin, and transferrin and calculated the transferrin saturation and the ceruloplasmin to transferrin ratio (Cp/Tf). Cp/Tf and transferrin saturation increased in AD patients. Cp/Tf ratios also correlated positively with peroxide levels and negatively with serum iron concentrations. Elevated values of ceruloplasmin, peroxides, and Cp/Tf inversely correlated with MMSE scores. Isolated medial temporal lobe atrophy positively correlated with Cp/Tf and negatively with serum iron. All these findings indicate that the local iron accumulation found in brain areas critical for AD should be viewed in the frame of iron systemic alterations