98 research outputs found

    Le dĂ©cret loi du 10 septembre 1926. La mort administrative de l’arrondissement de Puget-ThĂ©niers

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    Toute rĂ©forme administrative peut ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©e comme un Ă©vĂ©nement, c’est-Ă -dire un ensemble de faits significatifs ou notables, pour les contemporains mais aussi pour les analystes qui en ont bĂąti la discipline de l’histoire de l’Administration. Les rĂ©formes de l’administration territoriale ont un impact naturel sur les populations concernĂ©es et la discipline relativement rĂ©cente de la gĂ©ographie administrative tente d’apprĂ©hender ces Ă©vĂ©nements. Ils sont souvent de portĂ©e locale : que ce ..

    Probing symmetries of quantum many-body systems through gap ratio statistics

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    The statistics of gap ratios between consecutive energy levels is a widely used tool, in particular in the context of many-body physics, to distinguish between chaotic and integrable systems, described respectively by Gaussian ensembles of random matrices and Poisson statistics. In this work we extend the study of the gap ratio distribution P(r)P(r) to the case where discrete symmetries are present. This is important, since in certain situations it may be very impractical, or impossible, to split the model into symmetry sectors, let alone in cases where the symmetry is not known in the first place. Starting from the known expressions for surmises in the Gaussian ensembles, we derive analytical surmises for random matrices comprised of several independent blocks. We check our formulae against simulations from large random matrices, showing excellent agreement. We then present a large set of applications in many-body physics, ranging from quantum clock models and anyonic chains to periodically-driven spin systems. In all these models the existence of a (sometimes hidden) symmetry can be diagnosed through the study of the spectral gap ratios, and our approach furnishes an efficient way to characterize the number and size of independent symmetry subspaces. We finally discuss the relevance of our analysis for existing results in the literature, as well as point out possible future applications and extensions.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, Mathematica notebook as electronic supplementary file (enclosed in source file

    A first comparison of Cosmo-Skymed and TerraSAR-X data over Chamonix Mont-Blanc test-site

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    International audienceThis paper presents the first results obtained with satellite im- age time series (SITS) acquired by Cosmo-SkyMed (CSK) over the Chamonix Mont-Blanc test-site. A CSK SITS made of 39 images is merged with a TerraSAR-X SITS made of 26 images by using the orbital information and co-registration tools developed in the EFIDIR project. The results are illus- trated by the computation of speckle-free images by temporal averaging, by the generation and comparison of topographic interferograms and by the measure of glacier displacement fields by amplitude correlation

    Androgen-dependent stimulation of brain dopaminergic systems in the female European eel (Anguilla anguilla).

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    Dopamine (DA), a neurotransmitter present in all vertebrates, is involved in processes such as motor function, learning and behavior, sensory activities, and neuroendocrine control of pituitary hormone release. In the female eel, we analyzed how gonadal steroids regulate brain expression of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting enzyme in the biosynthesis of DA. TH mRNA levels were assayed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. TH-positive nuclei were also localized by in situ hybridization (ISH) and immunohistochemistry, and the location of TH nuclei that project to the pituitary was determined using 1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindicarbocyanine perchlorate retrograde tracing. Chronic in vivo treatment with testosterone increased TH mRNA specifically in the periglomerular area of the olfactory bulbs and in the nucleus preopticus anteroventralis (NPOav). NPOav was labeled with 1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindicarbocyanine perchlorate, showing that this nucleus is hypophysiotropic in the eel. The nonaromatizable 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone gave identical results in both areas, whereas 17beta-estradiol had no stimulatory effect, showing that the observed stimulatory effects of testosterone were androgen dependent. In teleosts, DA neurons originating from the NPOav directly inhibit gonadotropic function, and our results indicate an androgen-dependent, positive feedback on this neuroendocrine control in the eel. In mammals, DA interneurons in the olfactory bulbs are involved in the enhancement of olfactory sensitivity and discrimination. Our results in the European eel suggest an androgen-dependent stimulation of olfactory processing, a sensory function believed to be important in eel navigation during its reproductive migration toward the oceanic spawning grounds. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence from any vertebrate of an androgen-dependent effect on DAergic activity in the olfactory bulbs, providing a new basis for understanding the regulation by gonadal steroids of central DAergic systems in vertebrates

    Magnetism in reduced dimensions

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    We propose a short overview of a few selected issues of magnetism in reduced dimensions, which are the most relevant to set the background for more specialized contributions to the present Special Issue. Magnetic anisotropy in reduced dimensions is discussed, on a theoretical basis, then with experimental reports and views from surface to single-atom anisotropy. Then conventional magnetization states are reviewed, including macrospins, single domains, multidomains, and domain walls in stripes. Dipolar coupling is examined for lateral interactions in arrays, and for interlayer interactions in films and dots. Finally thermally-assisted magnetization reversal and superparamagnetism are presented. For each topic we sought a balance between well established knowledge and recent developments.Comment: 13 pages. Part of a Special Issue of the C. R. Physique devoted to spinelectronics (2005

    Des aspirations identitaires sous l’Etat français : les projets de dĂ©coupage provincial du Sud-Est (1940-1944)

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    Vernier Olivier. Des aspirations identitaires sous l’Etat français : les projets de dĂ©coupage provincial du Sud-Est (1940-1944). In: Le Midi dans la nation française. Actes du 126e CongrĂšs national des sociĂ©tĂ©s historiques et scientifiques, « Terres et hommes du Sud », Toulouse, 2001. Paris : Editions du CTHS, 2002. pp. 225-236. (Actes du CongrĂšs national des sociĂ©tĂ©s savantes, 126

    Roger Aubenas (1903-1989), un provençal au service de l’histoire du droit mĂ©ridional

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    Discipline relativement rĂ©cente puisque crĂ©Ă©e en 1896, l’histoire du droit s’est construite avec ses avancĂ©es et ses vicissitudes, « naturellement », Ă  la FacultĂ© de droit de Paris avec les premiers maĂźtres de Paul Viollet (1840-1914) Ă  Pierre Petot (1887-1966) en passant par Emile ChĂ©non (1857-1927) sur lesquels des recherches historiographiques mĂ©riteraient d’ĂȘtre menĂ©es Ă  l’instar de leurs pairs de la facultĂ© des Lettres. La gĂ©nĂ©alogie de la discipline dans les facultĂ©s de province est Ă©ga..

    Le régionalisme niçois à Paris au XXe siÚcle.

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    Vernier Olivier. Le régionalisme niçois à Paris au XXe siÚcle.. In: Cahiers de la Méditerranée, n°43, 1, 1991. L'identité niçoise [Actes du colloque de Nice, juin 1991] pp. 251-265

    Célébrer les mérites civils aux débuts des Trente Glorieuses : les ordres ministériels sous la IVe République (1948-1958)

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    Poursuivant une volontĂ© de distinguer les citoyens initiĂ©e sous la IIIe RĂ©publique, Ă  l’issue de la guerre et pendant les dĂ©buts des Trente Glorieuses, la IVe RĂ©publique dĂ©veloppe une politique de crĂ©ation d’ordres ministĂ©riels – exception quasi unique en Europe –, se surajoutant aux mĂ©dailles d’honneur. Instruments d’accession Ă  la notoriĂ©tĂ©, voire de reconnaissance de l’excellence professionnelle, la communication basĂ©e sur des sources archivistiques (Archives nationales, chancellerie de la LĂ©gion d’honneur, archives dĂ©partementales), sur des sources imprimĂ©es (Bulletin officiel des dĂ©corations et mĂ©dailles) et sur la littĂ©rature phalĂ©ristique, se veut une Ă©vocation de la crĂ©ation et de la montĂ©e en puissance de ces ordres dĂ©cernĂ©s aux vivants et une Ă©tape dans le processus de notabilisation sociale avec un double primat : soutenir l’Ɠuvre de reconstruction et lĂ©gitimer le rĂŽle de l’administration par des distinctions qui vont du MĂ©rite artisanal (1948) au MĂ©rite saharien (1958).Vernier Olivier. CĂ©lĂ©brer les mĂ©rites civils aux dĂ©buts des Trente Glorieuses : les ordres ministĂ©riels sous la IVe RĂ©publique (1948-1958). In: Les oubliĂ©s de l’histoire. Actes du 134e CongrĂšs national des sociĂ©tĂ©s historiques et scientifiques, « CĂ©lĂšbres ou obscurs : hommes et femmes dans leurs territoires et leur histoire », Bordeaux, 2009. Paris : Editions du CTHS, 2012. pp. 173-182. (Actes des congrĂšs nationaux des sociĂ©tĂ©s historiques et scientifiques, 134-8
