917 research outputs found

    Atomic Data for Permitted Resonance Lines of Atoms and Ions from H to Si, and S, Ar, Ca and Fe

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    We list vacuum wavelengths, energy levels, statistical weights, transition probabilities and oscillator strengths for permitted resonance spectral lines of all ions of 18 astrophysically important elements (H through Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe). Using a compilation of experimental energy levels, we derived accurate wavelengths for 5599 lines of 1828 ground-term multiplets which have gf-values calculated in the Opacity Project. We recalculated the Opacity Project multiplet gf-values to oscillator strengths and transition probabilities of individual lines. For completeness, we added 372 resonance lines of NeI, ArI, FeI and FeII ions which are not covered by the Opacity Project. Intercombination and forbidden lines are not included in the present compilation.Comment: 6 pages of text, latex, 1 figure, 4 tables; tables in ASCII format available at ftp://asta.pa.uky.edu/dima/lines/ or at http://www.pa.uky.edu/~verner/atom.html Accepted by Atomic Data Nucl. Data Table

    Atomic Data for Astrophysics. II. New Analytic Fits for Photoionization Cross Sections of Atoms and Ions

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    We present a complete set of analytic fits to the non-relativistic photoionization cross sections for the ground states of atoms and ions of elements from H through Si, and S, Ar, Ca, and Fe. Near the ionization thresholds, the fits are based on the Opacity Project theoretical cross sections interpolated and smoothed over resonances. At higher energies, the fits reproduce calculated Hartree-Dirac-Slater photoionization cross sections.Comment: 24 pages including Postscript figures and tables, uses aaspp4.sty, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal. Misprint in Eq.(1) is correcte

    High-Resolution Spectroscopy from 3050 to 10000 A of the HDF-S QSO J2233-606 with UVES at the ESO VLT

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    We report on high-resolution observations (ℜ≃45000\Re \simeq 45000) of the Hubble Deep Field South QSO J2233-606 obtained with the VLT UV-Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES). We present spectral data for the wavelength region 3050<λ<100003050 < \lambda < 10000 \AA. The S/NS/N ratio of the final spectrum is about 50 per resolution element at 4000 \AA, 90 at 5000 \AA, 80 at 6000 \AA, 40 at 8000 \AA. Redshifts, column densities and Doppler widths of the absorption features have been determined with Voigt-profile fitting. A total of 621 lines have been measured. In particular 270 Ly-alpha lines, 41 Ly-beta and 24 systems containing metal lines have been identified. Together with other data in the literature, the present spectrum confirms that the evolution of the number density of Ly-alpha lines with log⁥N(\log N(\huno)>14) > 14 has an upturn at z∌1.4−1.6z \sim 1.4-1.6.Comment: 34 pages Latex, with 3 PostScript figures. Astronomical Journal, in press. A few revised upper limit

    Atomic Data for Astrophysics. I. Radiative Recombination Rates for H-like, He-like, Li-like, and Na-like Ions over a Broad Range of Temperature

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    We present new calculations and analytic fits to the rates of radiative recombination towards H-like, He-like, Li-like and Na-like ions of all elements from H through Zn (Z=30). The fits are valid over a wide range of temperature, from 3 K to 109 K

    High-Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of the Interstellar Medium: Structure at the Oxygen Absorption Edge

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    (Abbrev.) We present high-resolution spectroscopy of the oxygen K-shell interstellar absorption edge in 7 X-ray binaries using the HETGS onboard Chandra. Using the brightest sources as templates, we found a best-fit model of 2 absorption edges and 5 Gaussian absorption lines. All of these features can be explained by the recent predictions of K-shell absorption from neutral and ionized atomic oxygen. We identify the K alpha and K beta absorption lines from neutral oxygen, as well as the S=3/2 absorption edge. The expected S=1/2 edge is not detected in these data due to overlap with instrumental features. We also identify the K alpha absorption lines from singly and doubly ionized oxygen. The OI K alpha absorption line is used as a benchmark with which to adjust the absolute wavelength scale for theoretical predictions of the absorption cross-sections. We find that shifts of 30-50 mA are required, consistent with differences previously noticed from comparisons of the theory with laboratory measurements. Significant oxygen features from dust or molecular components, as suggested in previous studies, are not required by our HETGS spectra. With these spectra, we can begin to measure the large-scale properties of the ISM. We place a limit on the velocity dispersion of the neutral lines of <200 km s^{-1}, consistent with measurements at other wavelengths. We also make the first measurement of the oxygen ionization fractions in the ISM. We constrain the interstellar ratio of OII/OI to ~0.1 and the ratio of OIII/OI to <0.1.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal (Vol. 612, September 1 issue

    Continuum Pumping of [Fe II] in the Orion Nebula

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    This paper presents detailed comparisons between numerical simulations of Fe II emission spectra and recent high-resolution and signal-to-noise spectra of the Orion Nebula. We have identified 40 [Fe II] lines in the spectrum, allowing extensive comparisons between theory and observations. The identifications are based on predictions of a realistic model of the Fe II atom, which includes the lowest 371 levels (all levels up to 11.6 eV). We investigate the dependence of the spectrum on electron density and on pumping by the stellar continuum. Orion is important because it provides a relatively simple environment in which to test complex simulations. We have identified the pumping routes that are responsible for the observed emission. Our theoretical model of Fe II emission is in good agreement with the observational data

    Scattering by Interstellar Dust Grains. II. X-Rays

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    Scattering and absorption of X-rays by interstellar dust is calculated for a model consisting of carbonaceous grains and amorphous silicate grains. The calculations employ realistic dielectric functions with structure near X-ray absorption edges, with resulting features in absorption, scattering, and extinction. Differential scattering cross sections are calculated for energies between 0.3 and 10 keV. The median scattering angle is given as a function of energy, and simple but accurate approximations are found for the X-ray scattering properties of the dust mixture, as well as for the angular distribution of the scattered X-ray halo for dust with simple spatial distributions. Observational estimates of the X-ray scattering optical depth are compared to model predictions. Observations of X-ray halos to test interstellar dust grain models are best carried out using extragalactic point sources.Comment: ApJ, accepted. 27 pages, 12 figures. Much of this material was previously presented in astro-ph/0304060v1,v2,v3 but has been separated into the present article following recommendation by the refere

    The Observability of Metal Lines Associated with the Lyman-alpha Forest

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    We develop a prescription for characterizing the strengths of metal lines associated with Lyman-alpha forest absorbers (LYFAs) of a given neutral hydrogen column density N_HI and metallicity [Fe/H]. This Line Observability Index (LOX) is line-specific and translates, for weak lines, into a measure of the equivalent width. It can be evaluated quickly for thousands of transitions within the framework of a given model of the Lyman-alpha forest, providing a ranking of the lines in terms of their strengths and enabling model builders to select the lines that should be detectable in observed spectra of a given resolution and signal-to-noise ratio. We compute the LOX for a large number of elements and transitions in two cosmological models of the Lyman-alpha forest at z=3 derived from a hydrodynamic simulation of structure formation, and we discuss how the LOX depends on redshift and on model parameters such as the mean baryonic density and radiation field. We find that the OVI (1032,1038) doublet is the best probe of the metallicity in low column density LYFAs N_{HI} \approx 10^{14.5} cm^{-2}). Metallicities down to [O/H] \sim -3 ([Fe/H] \sim -3.5 with the assumed [O/Fe] ratio) yield OVI absorption features that should be detectable in current high-quality spectra, provided that the expected position of the OVI feature is not contaminated by HI absorption. The strongest transitions in lower ionisation states of oxygen are OV(630), OIV(788), and OIII(833), and are likely to be detected with next generation UV instruments. Of the lines with rest wavelengths \lambda_r > 1216, which can potentially be observed redwards of the \lya forest, the CIV(1548,1551) doublet is expected to dominate in all LYFAs, regardless of the value of N_HI.Comment: Substantially revised version: larger line database, additional cosmological model analyzed. Accepted for Ap
