205 research outputs found

    Geometry and the onset of rigidity in a disordered network

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    Disordered spring networks that are undercoordinated may abruptly rigidify when sufficient strain is applied. Since the deformation in response to applied strain does not change the generic quantifiers of network architecture - the number of nodes and the number of bonds between them - this rigidity transition must have a geometric origin. Naive, degree-of-freedom based mechanical analyses such as the Maxwell-Calladine count or the pebble game algorithm overlook such geometric rigidity transitions and offer no means of predicting or characterizing them. We apply tools that were developed for the topological analysis of zero modes and states of self-stress on regular lattices to two-dimensional random spring networks, and demonstrate that the onset of rigidity, at a finite simple shear strain γ⋆\gamma^\star, coincides with the appearance of a single state of self stress, accompanied by a single floppy mode. The process conserves the topologically invariant difference between the number of zero modes and the number of states of self stress, but imparts a finite shear modulus to the spring network. Beyond the critical shear, we confirm previously reported critical scaling of the modulus. In the sub-critical regime, a singular value decomposition of the network's compatibility matrix foreshadows the onset of rigidity by way of a continuously vanishing singular value corresponding to nascent state of self stress.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figue

    A major QTL affects temperature sensitive adult lethality and inbreeding depression in life span in Drosophila melanogaster

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The study of inbreeding depression has major relevance for many disciplines, including conservation genetics and evolutionary biology. Still, the molecular genetic basis of this phenomenon remains poorly characterised, as knowledge on the mechanistic causes of inbreeding depression and the molecular properties of genes that give rise to or modulate its deleterious effects is lacking. These questions warrant the detailed study of genetic loci giving rise to inbreeding depression. However, the complex and polygenic nature of general inbreeding depression makes this a daunting task. Study of inbreeding effects in specific traits, such as age-specific mortality and life span, provide a good starting point, as a limited set of genes is expected to be involved.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we report on a QTL mapping study on inbreeding related and temperature sensitive lethality in male <it>Drosophila melanogaster</it>. The inbreeding effect was expressed at moderately high temperature, and manifested itself as severe premature mortality in males, but not in females. We used a North Carolina crossing design 3 to estimate average dominance ratio and heritability. We found the genetic basis of the lethal effect to be relatively simple, being due mainly to a single recessive QTL on the left arm of chromosome 2. This locus colocalised with a QTL that conditioned variation in female life span, acting as an overdominant locus for this trait. Male life span was additionally affected by variation at the X-chromosome.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This demonstrates that analysis of large conditional lethal effects is a viable strategy for delineating genes which are sensitive to inbreeding depression.</p

    Verhoging van laerskoolleerlinge se vlak van bewustheid van die distributiewe eienskap in rekenkunde

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    Thesis (DEd)--Stellenbosch University, 1995.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The rationale for this study essentially is the perceived and reported misconceptions in algebra that exist within pupils in the Junior Secondary phase. These misconceptions are the direct result of the incomplete mastery of algebra. The purpose of this research is to attempt to contribute towards pupils' complete mastery of algebra and the ensuing elimination of certain pupil misconceptions, by trying to increase primary school pupils' level of awareness of the general number properties. Primary school pupils who learn arithmetic in a problem based environment intuitively use the general number properties to execute arithmetical calculations, while pupils in the traditional teaching approach are taught standard algorithms which they must apply, often without comprehension. In the latter, the existence of the number properties is concealed. When these pupils officially encounter the general number properties for the first time in standard 4 or 5, they are probably not capable of integrating these new concepts into their existing knowledge structure. This may lead to incomplete mastery and ensuing misconceptions, which can become worse when pupils must apply exactly the same number properties in algebra to execute algebraic manipulations. The fact that primary school pupils in the problem based approach intuitively apply the number properties, earlier led to the hypothesis that these pupils possess a higher level of awareness of the number properties. However, research has indicated that these pupils possess only a moderately higher level of awareness. This has led to this study during which a specific attempt is made to take pupils' intuitive knowledge of the number properties, which they spontaneously apply, as a point of departure, and to develop it to such an extent that they become explicitly aware of the existence and nature of these fundamental concepts in mathematics. The technique how to link up with pupils' intuitive knowledge and to increase their level of awareness of the number properties inside a problem based environment, was developed during the first two years of this study. At the end of this period, a suitable teaching strategy was formulated. This strategy is essentially based on the following parameters: Group discussion, the use of calculators, and creating a cognitive disequilibrium. During the third year of this study this strategy was implemented at a number of schools. During this phase research concentrated on the distributive property only. Judging by the results, it appears as if a considerable increase in level of awareness has taken place within these pupils. During this study a hierarchical model of levels of awareness was also formulated. This model was used as a guide in the attempt to increase pupils' level of awareness of the number properties.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die rasionaal vir hierdie studie is hoofsaaklik gelee in die waargenome en gerapporteerde wanbegrippe in algebra wat by leerlinge in die Junior Sekondere fase bestaan. Hierdie wanbegrippe is die direkte gevolg van die onvolledige beheersing van algebra. Die doel van hierdie navorsing is om 'n hydrae te probeer lewer tot leerlinge se volledige beheersing van algebra, en die gepaardgaande uitskakeling van bepaalde leerlingwanbegrippe, deurdat gepoog word om laerskoolleerlinge se vlak van bewustheid van die algemene bewerkingseienskappe te verhoog. Laerskoolleerlinge wat probleemgebaseerde rekenkunde-onderrig ontvang, benut intu'itief die algemene bewerkingseienskappe ten einde rekenkundige berekeninge uit te voer, terwyl aan laerskoolleerlinge in die tradisionele onderrigbenadering standaardalgoritmes onderrig word wat hulle dikwels sonder begrip moet toepas. In laasgenoemde geval word die bestaan van die bewerkingseienskappe erg versluier. Wanneer hierdie leerlinge in standerd 4 of 5 vir die eerste keer amptelik met die algemene bewerkingseienskappe in aanraking kom, is hulle waarskynlik nie in staat om hierdie nuwe begrippe met hul bestaande kennisstruktuur te integreer nie. Dit kan tot onvolledige beheersing en gevolglike wanbegrippe lei, wat kan vererger wanneer leerlinge presies dieselfde eienskappe in algebra moet benut ten einde algebra!ese manipulasies uit te voer. Die feit dat laerskoolleerlinge in die probleemgebaseerde benadering intu'itief die bewerkingseienskappe toepas, het tevore reeds tot die hipotese dat hierdie leerlinge oor 'n hoer vlak van bewustheid van die bewerkingseienskappe beskik, aanleiding gegee. Navorsing het egter aangetoon dat daar slegs 'n matige hoer vlak van bewustheid by hulle bestaan. Dit het tot hierdie studie aanleiding gegee waartydens spesifiek gepoog word om leerlinge se intuitiewe kennis van die bewerkingseienskappe wat hulle spontaan aanwend ten einde rekenkundige bewerkings uit te voer, as vertrekpunt te neem, en te ontwikkel sodat hulle eksplisiet bewus sal raak van die bestaan en wese van hierdie grondliggende waarhede in wiskunde. Die tegniek hoe om by laerskoolleerlinge se intui'tiewe kennis aan te sluit en hul vlak van bewustheid van die bewerkingseienskappe binne 'n probleemgebaseerde omgewing te verhoog, is gedurende die eerste twee jaar van hierdie studie ontwikkel. Aan die einde van hierdie periode is 'n toepaslike onderrigstrategie geformuleer. Hierdie strategie steun sterk op die volgende parameters: Groepsbespreking , die benutting van sakrekenaars, en die skep van 'n kognitiewe disekwilibrium. Gedurende die derde jaar van hierdie studie is hierdie onderrigstrategie in verskeie skole toegepas. Daar is gedurende hierdie fase slegs op die distributiewe eienskap gekonsentreer. Volgens die resultate wil dit voorkom asof daar 'n aansienlike verhoging in die betrokke leerlinge se vlak van bewustheid van die distributiewe eienskap plaasgevind het. Gedurende hierdie studie is ook 'n hierargiese model van vlakke van bewustheid geformuleer aan die hand waarvan die poging aangewend is om leerlinge se vlak van bewustheid van bewerkingseienskappe te verhoog

    Self-stresses control stiffness and stability in overconstrained disordered networks

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    We investigate the interplay between prestress and mechanical properties in random elastic networks. To do this in a controlled fashion, we introduce an algorithm for creating random free-standing frames that support exactly one state of self-stress. By multiplying all the bond tensions in this state of self-stress by the same number-which with the appropriate normalization corresponds to the physical prestress inside the frame-we systematically evaluate the linear mechanical response of the frame as a function of prestress. After proving that the mechanical moduli of affinely deforming frames are rigorously independent of prestress, we turn to nonaffinely deforming frames. In such frames, prestress has a profound effect on linear response: not only can it change the values of the linear modulus-an effect we demonstrate to be related to a suppressive effect of prestress on nonaffinity-but prestresses also generically trigger a bistable mechanical response. Thus, prestress can be leveraged to both augment the mechanical response of network architectures on the fly, and to actuate finite deformations. These control modalities may be of use in the design of both novel responsive materials and soft actuators.</p

    Self-stresses control stiffness and stability in overconstrained disordered networks

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    We investigate the interplay between pre-stress and mechanical properties in random elastic networks. To do this in a controlled fashion, we introduce an algorithm for creating random freestanding frames that support exactly one state of self stress. By multiplying all the bond tensions in this state of self stress by the same number---which with the appropriate normalization corresponds to the physical pre-stress inside the frame---we systematically evaluate the linear mechanical response of the frame as a function of pre-stress. After proving that the mechanical moduli of affinely deforming frames are rigourously independent of pre-stress, we turn to non-affinely deforming frames. In such frames, pre-stress has a profound effect on linear response: not only can it change the values of the linear modulus---an effect we demonstrate to be related to a suppressive effect of pre-stress on non-affinity---but pre-stresses also generically trigger bistable mechanical response. Thus, pre-stress can be leveraged to both augment the mechanical response of network architectures on the fly, and to actuate finite deformations. These control modalities may be of use in the design of both novel responsive materials and soft actuators.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    AGER expression and alternative splicing in bronchial biopsies of smokers and never smokers

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    Abstract Cigarette smoking is one of the major risk factors for the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Evidence is accumulating that Receptor for Advanced Glycation-End products (RAGE)-signaling is a key pathway in the pathophysiology of COPD. To date, it is unknown how smoking affects RAGE expression. In the current study, we investigated the effect of smoking on AGER, the gene encoding RAGE, expression and on alternative splicing of AGER. To this end, we conducted RNA-Seq on bronchial biopsies for asymptomatic smokers (n = 36) and never smokers (n = 40). Total AGER gene expression was accessed using DESeq2, while alternative splicing was investigated by measuring the number of specific split reads spanning exon-exon junctions and the total split reads. One of the major isoforms of RAGE is endogenous soluble (es) RAGE, an anti-inflammatory decoy receptor, making up for approximately 10% of the total amount of soluble (s)RAGE. We found that smokers show decreased total gene expression of AGER in bronchial biopsies, while the relative abundance of the esRAGE isoform is increased. Furthermore, no difference in the serum levels of total sRAGE were observed between smokers and non-smokers. Our data indicates that smoking initiates a protective anti-inflammatory mechanism with decreased expression of the pro-inflammatory gene AGER and increased relative abundance of the anti-inflammatory isoform esRAGE
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