421 research outputs found

    Computers in Some Branches of Applied Physiology .

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    This paper reviews the applications of computers in the evaluation of different types of problems occuring in some branches of applied physiology. The recent applications of computers to perform advanced multivariate regression analysis for developing regression models in applied physiology are also highlighted. The regression models are practical significance for screening personnel in defence services, mines, industrial works, sports and the like

    Regression Models for Estimation of Human Endurance Time .

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    The regression models proposed by different workers for predicting human endurance time have been reviewed critically in respect of their applications for indirect measure of human endurance fitness in strenuous exercise

    Regression Models for Estimation of Maximal Aerobic Power in Man

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    Regression models have been proposed by various workers for predicting physical work capacity of man. This paper reviews critically the applications of these models for indirect estimation of maximal aerobic power in man, which is the best single physiological index for the assessment of work performance capacity of man

    On the Stiffness and Damping Coefficients of Constant Flow Valve Compensated Conical Hydrostatic Journal Bearing with Micropolar Lubricant

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    AbstractA theoretical analysis for performance characteristics of a conical multirecess hydrostatic journal bearing compensated with constant flow valve has been carried out considering micropolar lubricant. The numerical solution of the modified Reynolds equation for the conical bearing has been done using finite element method with necessary boundary conditions. The performance characteristics have been presented for various values of the restrictor design parameter, load, micropolar parameters, semi-cone angle and aspect ratio (L/D ratio) of the bearing at zero speed. It has been observed that the bearing develops large stiffness and damping coefficients with increase in restrictor design parameter, micropolar effect and semi-cone angle

    Evaluating the toxic effects of Ficus infectoria Roxb. and Emblica officinalis Gaertn. leaf extracts on cell division and chromosomal morphology of Cicer arietinum L.

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    In the present study, the aqueous extracts of Ficus infectoria and Emblica officinalis leaves were evaluated for their toxic effect on cell division and chromosomal morphology of Cicer arietinum root apical meristem. The extracts were prepared by dissolving 15 gm, 30 gm and 45 gm of dry leaf powder in 1000 ml of double distilled water. The experiment was conducted in sterilized petri dishes. The results revealed that the different concentrations of aqueous extract of F. infectoria and E. officinalis caused cytotoxic and mitodepressive effects on chromosome of Cicer arietinum. The dose–dependent and statistically significant (

    Improvement of Strength and Radiation Protection Properties of Biodegradable Jute Fiber Reinforced Material

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    Over past few years, polymer composites with natural fiber reinforcement, called eco-composites, have achieved a worldwide compliance due to their strong potentiality to save the environment from pollution as a result of their ultimate disposability, as compared to glass-filled composites. Since natural fibers combine a low cost and low density with high toughness, biodegradability, renewability, reduced tool wear, and higher energy recovery. They are carbon dioxide neutral when burned and are present in abundance, which make composites made from them also sustainable and economical. We report a facile method for the improvement of strength and radiation protection properties of biodegradable jute fiber reinforced material by ceramic treatment of red mud. The developed powder was further blended with polyester resin to form thick, viscous radiation protection organic gel-based material. The developed protection gel material was then cured for making advanced non-toxic, biodegradable radiation protection panels using jute as natural fiber reinforcement. The developed radiation protection panels were analyzed by X-ray method with different energies of X-ray photons found to possess highly competent properties. Their various mechanical properties, like tensile, flexural, and impact strength values and morphological features were evaluated. The developed non-toxic, biodegradable, jute fiber reinforced, X-ray radiation protection panels combine good shielding and mechanical properties, which ensures their broad application spectrum ranging from diagnostic X-ray and CT scanner room installations to nuclear power plant and other strategic radiation shielding tasks.В настоящее время широкое применение получили композиты, армированные натуральными волокнами (экокомпозиты). В отличие от стеклопластиков, они подвержены биодеградации и безвредны для окружающей среды, имеют низкую стоимость и плотность, не выделяют вредных веществ при горении и расщепляются микроорганизмами. Предложена новая технология производства из краснозема биодеградируемого джутоволоконного материала с высокими прочностными и радиационно-защитными свойствами. Оценены проницаемость его рентгеновскими лучами, статическая прочность при разрыве и изгибе, а также ударная прочность. Проведены микроструктурные исследования. Полученные результаты подтверждают перспективность предложенной технологии производства из данного материала защитных панелей для рентгеновских кабинетов и другого оборудования радиационной защиты..На сьогодні широке застосування отримали композити, армовані натуральними волокнами (екокомпозити). На відміну від склопластиків, вони схильні до біодеградації і нешкідливі для навколишнього середовища, мають низьку вартість і щільність, не виділяють шкідливих речовин при горінні і розщеплюються мікроорганізмами. Запропоновано нову технологію виробництва з червонозему здатного до біодеградації джутоволоконного матеріалу з високими міцнісними та радіаційно-захисними властивостями. Оцінено проникність його рентгенівськими променями, статичну міцність при розриві і згині, а також ударну міцність. Проведено мікроструктурні дослідження. Отримані результати підтверджують перспективність запропонованої технології виробництва з цього матеріалу захисних панелей для рентгенівських кабінетів та іншого обладнання радіаційного захисту

    Promoting gender equity as a strategy to reduce HIV risk and gender-based violence among young men in India

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    The Horizons Program, CORO for Literacy, MAMTA, and Instituto Promundo developed, piloted, and scaled-up a behavior-change intervention in India to examine the effectiveness of interventions to improve young men’s attitudes toward gender roles and sexual relationships, and to reduce HIV risk behaviors and partner violence. The results of this study suggest that young men became less supportive of inequitable gender norms after participating in the interventions. Similarly, there were significant improvements among intervention participants in key outcome indicators, including condom use, partner communication, partner violence, and attitudes toward PLHIV. To maximize the chances of long-term sustainability of these positive changes, there is a need to regularly reinforce the messages related to alternative forms of masculinity and to further facilitate a supportive environment for these changes. While findings suggest that the interventions were successful in a variety of ways, the study showed that change in attitudes and behaviors is a complex process. Promoting gender equity takes ongoing effort, but led to some important changes that resulted in reduced HIV risk for the young men and their partners

    Brain neurotransmitter transporter/receptor genomics and efavirenz central nervous system adverse events

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    Objective We characterized associations between central nervous system (CNS) adverse events and brain neurotransmitter transporter/receptor genomics among participants randomized to efavirenz-containing regimens in AIDS Clinical Trials Group studies in the USA. Participants and methods Four clinical trials randomly assigned treatment-naive participants to efavirenzcontaining regimens. Genome-wide genotype and PrediXcan were used to infer gene expression levels in tissues including 10 brain regions. Multivariable regression models stratified by race/ethnicity were adjusted for CYP2B6/CYP2A6 genotypes that predict plasma efavirenz exposure, age, and sex. Combined analyses also adjusted for genetic ancestry. Results Analyses included 167 cases with grade 2 or greater efavirenz-consistent CNS adverse events within 48 weeks of study entry, and 653 efavirenz-tolerant controls. CYP2B6/CYP2A6 genotype level was independently associated with CNS adverse events (odds ratio: 1.07; P=0.044). Predicted expression of six genes postulated to mediate efavirenz CNS side effects (SLC6A2, SLC6A3, PGR, HTR2A, HTR2B, HTR6) were not associated with CNS adverse events after correcting for multiple testing, the lowest P value being for PGR in hippocampus (P=0.012), nor were polymorphisms in these genes or AR and HTR2C, the lowest P value being for rs12393326 in HTR2C (P=6.7 × 10-4). As a positive control, baseline plasma bilirubin concentration was associated with predicted liver UGT1A1 expression level (P=1.9 × 10-27). Conclusion Efavirenz-related CNS adverse events were not associated with predicted neurotransmitter transporter/receptor gene expression levels in brain or with polymorphisms in these genes. Variable susceptibility to efavirenz-related CNS adverse events may not be explained by brain neurotransmitter transporter/receptor genomics

    Processes and coastal dynamics in the Ensenada de Marbella: recent morphosedimentary evolution

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    La Ensenada de Marbella ha experimentado en las últimas décadas cambios físicos y socio-económicos sustanciales debidos fundamentalmente a una transformación en el modelo económico y un desarrollo acusado del turismo residencial y todos los impactos en los usos del suelo relacionado con ello. Sin embargo, las causas de la alteración de la dinámica litoral también hay que buscarlas en cambios en la morfología del nearshore y en la dinámica sedimentaria. Para analizar la morfodinámica de la ensenada en varios escenarios temporales, simulaciones de oleaje sobre batimetrías del 1888 y actuales revelan cambios importantes en los patrones dispersión de la energía y el funcionamiento de la bahía a través de complejas células litorales de transporte. El análisis de los procesos dinámicos en la zona del nearshore y el estudio volumétrico a través de modelos de batimetrías secuenciales muestran como dichos cambios morfológicos de los fondos costeros pueden o no estar relacionados con cambios a largo plazo en la línea de costa, y por tanto ser co-responsables de los procesos de erosión y acreción acelerados evidentes a lo largo de la Ensenada

    Longitudinal Association Between Physical Activity and Frailty Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults

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    OBJECTIVES: To examine the longitudinal association between frequency of moderate physical activity (PA) and overall, physical, psychological, and social frailty among community-dwelling older adults older than 70 years. Second, we assessed the association between a 12-month change in frequency of moderate PA and frailty. DESIGN: Longitudinal cohort study. SETTING: Community settings in Spain, Greece, Croatia, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 1735 participants (61.1% female; mean age = 79.6 years; SD = 5.5 years). MEASUREMENTS: The frequency of self-reported moderate PA was measured and classified into two categories: “regular frequency” and “low frequency.” The 12-month change in frequency of moderate PA between baseline and follow-up was classified into four categories: “continued regular frequency,” “decreased frequency,” “continued low frequency,” and “increased frequency.” The 15-item Tilburg Frailty Indicato