118 research outputs found

    Competitive Anxiety of Female Judokas at Different Achievement Groups: A Comparative Study

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    Purpose: The purpose of the study was to compare the Competitive Anxiety among Different Achievement Groups of Female Judokas of Different Colleges of Punjab University, Chandigarh. U.T.Method:    Through purposive sample technique from 102 judokas, n=51 female judokas (age 18-25 years) of different colleges of Punjab University, participating in Punjab University Judo Intercollegiate competition were selected as subject of the study. They were further divided into three groups High, Average and Low Achievement groups based on their previous year 2010-11position in the Punjab University Intercollegiate Competition. Three groups are High achievement group TH1 = first, second and third position holder (n=17), Average achievement group TM2 = fourth, fifth and sixth position holders(n=17), Low achievement group TL3 = seventh, eighth and ninth position holders(n=17).The Sports Competition Anxiety Test (SCAT) developed by Rainer Marten was administered for the collection of data. The One Way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) was applied to find out the significance difference among the three achievement female judokas groups. To test the hypothesis, the level of significance was set at 0.05. The result reveled that the three High, Average and Low Achievement groups of female judokas of different colleges of Punjab University were found to have same level of competitive anxiety.Result and Discussion: The result found that there were no significance difference was found between the three groups of i.e. High achievement group TH1, Average achievement group TM2, and Low achievement group TL3 of female judokas of different colleges of Punjab University Chandigarh, U.T.Conclusion: The three High, Average and Low Achievement groups of female judokas of different colleges of Punjab University were found to have same level of competitive anxiety

    Analytical Study of Physical Activity Profile of School Teachers

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    The purpose of the study was to find out the Physical Activity profile of Jabalpur District, (Madhya Pradesh) School Teachers. By using purposive sampling 300 teachers   of high and senior secondary schools of   Jabalpur district, (M.P.) were involved. After follow up through verbal persuasions 200 responses were received in total out of which 46 were of male and 164 were of female teachers. The data/responses collected through questionnaire were analyzed by using descriptive statistics where percentage was worked out for interpretation. The level of significance was set at 0.05. Results of the study showed that majority of the teachers (both male and female) were exercising regularly for 15 – 30 minutes per day. However, female teachers were having low level of physical activity both at work and leisure as compare to male teachers. Further it was found that maximum percentage of male teachers adopted walking as a mode of exercise. It was found yoga was preferred by female teachers in comparison to walking, weight training, stretching, and running etc. Very less percentage of male and female teachers has been sedentary for the last 1 to 2 years or 3 to 4 years. But it is also found that the physical activity was less then 30 minutes per day. Which is seems to be not enough to gain health benefits

    Re: Non-disabled and disabled women sexual health comparison

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    The authors stressed the fact that the provision of sexual and reproductive health services to disabled women poses a special challenge as these women do not seek medical help when in need. We opine that the disabled subset of women deserves a compassionate and unprejudiced attitude from health care professionals towards their sexual well-being.According to WHO, sexual health is defined as - ‘a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity. Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence. For sexual health to be attained and maintained, the sexual rights of all persons must be respected, protected and fulfilled’.2 Free of discrimination and violence is the key here, wherein we suggest that disabled women need to be protected with special legal and social protection which is easily accessible to them

    To study analyze maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein as a biomarker of placental adherence in low lying placenta

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    Background: To study the place of Maternal Serum Alfa Feto Protein (MSAFP) as a biomarker of placental adherence in low lying placenta, and to study maternal outcome in the study group.Methods: This is a prospective observational study analyzing the conditions and the data of 90 cases with low lying placenta in a tertiary care hospital. The analysis was done for the association of MSAFP with MRI, perinatal and maternal outcome.Results: The level of MSAFP was found higher in 14 out of 15 cases (93.3%) of placenta previa with placental adherence. There was significant surgical intervention (80%) and increased maternal morbidity (68.8%) in the study group with placental adherence and raised MSAFP respectively.Conclusions: MSAFP is an important biomarker for prognostication of placental adherence in low lying placenta

    A descriptive study to assess the knowledge of coronavirus among nursing students, Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh

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    Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an emerging infectious disease caused by novel coronavirus and hence this pandemic has a great impact on the education system. Nursing students as part of the health team should know the coronavirus like other communicable diseases. Methods: A quantitative approach and cross-sectional survey research design used to assess the knowledge of Coronavirus among 145 nursing students of district Sirmaur selected through the convenient sampling technique. An online self-structured questionnaire used as a tool for data collection. Descriptive data analysis was done with SPSS (version 23).Results: The result of the study revealed that only 31.7% of students had good knowledge about COVID-19, and 68.3% had average knowledge. Conclusions: There is a need for intervention such as educational programs or pieces of training to educate about the pandemic and its prevention practices to undergraduate students to make our society more secure

    Analysis of Caesarean section rate in a government teaching institute based on Robson’s ten group classification

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    Background: Caesarean section rate is a qualitative health care indicator in India. With increasing rates of caesarean sections and no defined method to audit present institutes it is the need of the hour to use tools like Robson’s classification to understand present system. The aim of this study was to determine the rate and analyse Caesarean sections in a tertiary care institute using Robson’s ten group classification system.Methods: This is a retrospective analytical study in which all Caesarean section done over a period of 3 years (July 2014-June 2017) were included which were performed in single unit (out of 6) of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Sassoon General Hospital. Women were classified in 10 groups according to Robson’s classification, using maternal characteristics and obstetrical history. For each group, authors calculated its relative size and its contribution to the overall caesarean rate.Results: Total deliveries were 4750 out of which 985 were Caesarean section, incidence was calculated as 20.7%. The main contributors to the overall Caesarean rate were primiparous women in spontaneous labour (group 1- {18.3%}) and women with previous caesarean section (group 5- {34.9%}).Conclusions: The Robson’s classification is an easy tool to use and identify the current changing dynamics in any hospital setup. Its implementation as an obstetric audit can help lower the Caesarean rates and improve the standards based on WHO criteria

    Post-chemotherapy changes in breast with evaluation of residual carcinoma burden

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    Background: Neoadjuvant therapy (NAT) is an important tool for the treatment of patients with breast cancer. The aim of NAT is to make it operable for patients with locally advanced breast cancer, to shrink early-stage tumors – thus allowing for breast conservation. Pathological complete response achieved by post-chemotherapy is an independent factor in the long-term survival of patients. Thus, the histopathological components of post-chemotherapy changes such as cellularity and lymph node (LN) tumor deposits, when combined, help to assess residual carcinoma burden. Aims and Objectives: This study aims to analyze various histopathological changes in the breast after neoadjuvant chemotherapy with the objective of evaluating post-chemotherapy response and residual cancer burden. Materials and Methods: A total of 34 cases of post-chemotherapy modified radical mastectomy specimens were analyzed for pathological response (pCR) and residual cancer burden were evaluated. Tumor cellularity, stromal changes, lymphovascular invasion, and LN involvement were noted. Results: The age group of presentation of 34 cases ranged from 30 to 75 years of age with the mean age being 43.5 years. The most common histomorphological finding was fibrosis/elastosis and vacuolation with 26 (76.5%) and 24 (70.6%) cases, respectively. The number of cases that showed partial pCR was 30 (88.2%) and 1 (2.9%) case showed a pathological complete response which belonged to Stage 0, pathological no response was shown by 3 (8.8%) cases which belonged to Stage II and Stage IV. Conclusion: Post-chemotherapy response of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast carcinoma is important for prognosis and predictive information for disease relapse

    A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models for Banking News Extraction by Multiclass Classification With Imbalanced Datasets of Financial News: Challenges and Solutions

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    Online portals provide an enormous amount of news articles every day. Over the years, numerous studies have concluded that news events have a significant impact on forecasting and interpreting the movement of stock prices. The creation of a framework for storing news-articles and collecting information for specific domains is an important and untested problem for the Indian stock market. When online news portals produce financial news articles about many subjects simultaneously, finding news articles that are important to the specific domain is nontrivial. A critical component of the aforementioned system should, therefore, include one module for extracting and storing news articles, and another module for classifying these text documents into a specific domain(s). In the current study, we have performed extensive experiments to classify the financial news articles into the predefined four classes Banking, Non-Banking, Governmental, and Global. The idea of multi-class classification was to extract the Banking news and its most correlated news articles from the pool of financial news articles scraped from various web news portals. The news articles divided into the mentioned classes were imbalanced. Imbalance data is a big difficulty with most classifier learning algorithms. However, as recent works suggest, class imbalances are not in themselves a problem, and degradation in performance is often correlated with certain variables relevant to data distribution, such as the existence in noisy and ambiguous instances in the adjacent class boundaries. A variety of solutions to addressing data imbalances have been proposed recently, over-sampling, down-sampling, and ensemble approach. We have presented the various challenges that occur with data imbalances in multiclass classification and solutions in dealing with these challenges. The paper has also shown a comparison of the performances of various machine learning models with imbalanced data and data balances using sampling and ensemble techniques. From the result, it’s clear that the performance of Random Forest classifier with data balances using the over-sampling technique SMOTE is best in terms of precision, recall, F-1, and accuracy. From the ensemble classifiers, the Balanced Bagging classifier has shown similar results as of the Random Forest classifier with SMOTE. Random forest classifier's accuracy, however, was 100% and it was 99% with the Balanced Bagging classifier

    Development by Using the Test Driven Approach

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    Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a software development technique consisting of short iterations where new test cases covering the desired improvement or new functionality are written first, then the production code necessary to pass the tests is implemented, and finally the software is refactored to accommodate changes. Test-Driven Development is related to the test-first programming concepts of Extreme Programming, begun in the late 20th century, but more recently is creating more general interest in its own right. In this paper, I am describing the test driven development cycle, development style ,benefits, limitations and how to do testing in different languages

    Biological Role of <em>Withania somnifera</em> against Promiscuity of Zinc Oxide Nano Particles and Its Interaction with Macrophages

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    In agriculture and food industry, nanotechnology can be utilized to improve crop yield, food quality, shelf life, safety, cost and nutritional benefits. Zinc is a trace element and its deficiency causes health problems in human beings and animals. The use of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) is growing exponentially in food industry, biomedicine and nanofertilizer segment. A remarkable presence of nanomaterials in ecosystem and consumer products can cause adverse effects. Hence, it is an important challenge for the use of nanoparticles in agriculture as fertilizer to enhance plant yield on one hand and their interaction with the cells of the innate immune system in animals on the other hand. So, public concern about their potential toxicity is increasing. ZnO NPs interact with cells and produce harmful effects in a dose dependent manner. The reactive oxygen species generation might be a reason for the toxicity of ZnO NPs. The toxicity is caused due to dissolved Zn++ ions by absorption which causes adverse effect on phagocytosis and oxidative stress by free radical while Withania somnifera induced the phagocytosis activity by antioxidant mechanism thus having protective effects. It is emphasized that further research is needed on the use of nanoparticles in agriculture, animal husbandry, and human health sector so that their safer levels for use could be ascertained
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