66 research outputs found

    Using Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) to Inquire Into Pre-service Teachers’ Science Lesson Planning Considerations

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    This paper shares my experiences with the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) framework in my university science methods course. Incorporating SoTL not only enabled me to inquire into my own teaching as a scholarly activity but also engaged my students in critical reflections. I used the principles and characteristics of SoTL to design this inquiry by; a) creating a new instructional framework for lesson planning; b) facilitating students’ reflections on their experiences with the new framework; and c) documenting and presenting this inquiry as a scholarly activity. Forty-eight pre service teachers (N = 48), 43 women and 5 men participated in this inquiry. Qualitative data was collected and analyzed simultaneously over a period of three semesters to critically inform the inquiry. Data comprised of pre-service teachers’ reflective pieces, personal interviews, and lesson plans. Results indicated that pre-service teachers’ experiences with the new instructional framework was challenging and rewarding at the same time. Data also indicated that some participants identified a disconnect between lesson plan writing and teaching processes. My engagement with the SoTL indicated that the new instructional framework helped pre-service teachers to engage critically with Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) and increased their comfort level in science teaching


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    The present paper aims to study the complete lift of golden structure on tangent bundles. Integrability conditions for complete lift and third-order tangent bundle are established


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    The present paper aims to investigate `the horizontal lift' of JJ satisfying J2JI=0J^2-J-I=0 and demonstrate its status as a type of golden structure. The Nijenhuis tensor NN^\ast of the horizontal lift JHJ^H on the tangent bundle is determined. Also, a tensor field J~\tilde{J} of type (1,1) is studied and shown to be golden structure on the tangent bundle. Furthermore, several conclusions regarding the Nijenhuis tensor and the Lie derivative of the golden structure J~\tilde{J} on the tangent bundle are deduced. Moreovber, a study is done on the golden structure J~\tilde{J} on the tangent bundle that is equipped with projection operators l~\tilde{l} and m~\tilde{m}. Finally, we construct an example of it

    Correlation and path analysis between yield and different morphological characters in Kinnow Mandarin (C. Noballis × C. Deliciosa)

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    A study of interrelationship and cause-effect analysis of yield of Kinnow Mandarin (C. Noballis × C. deliciosa) and its component traits for 104 and 96 trees from Indora (Location L-1) and Indpur (Location L-2) blocks of Kangra district respectively had been done in 2014-15. F-test suggested that there was significant (1.47) variation among yield characteristics between these two locations except for fruit weight (gm) and LD ratio. Results obtained from path coefficient analysis, showed that for location L-1, number of fruits per branch (0.229), plant height (0.215) and tree girth (0.212) had highest and direct effect on yield per tree whereas for location L-2, fruit weight (0.38), number of flowers per branch (0.176) and plant girth (0.161) had highest direct effect on yield per plant. Thus, number of fruits per branch, number of flowers per branch and tree girth were the most important yield components of kinnow crop which should be exploited through a breeding programme for improving its yield potential

    Examining the Mediation of Power in a Collaborative Community: Engaging in Informal Science as Authentic Practice

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    Focusing on the interplay of context and language, this study examined a group of high school students and their mentors’ use of language during a robotics competition. This informal setting allowed us to gain insights into the mediation and manifestation of power within the group. Using critical discourse analysis of competition transcripts and interviews we found that both students and mentors felt a sense of ownership and community leading to symmetry in power amongst them. The shift in power led to greater student ownership and agency and created a space for authentic and meaningful science learning. The context of the robotics competition mediated discourse practices that were different from students’ classroom experiences in that they were descriptive, relational, explanatory, and had an authentic evaluative dimension. This engaged the participants to co-construct and critique each other’s knowledge claims thereby engaging in scientific practices that approximated the practices of scientists. Our study presents an argument that language and context reflexively influenced one another and reduced the imbalance of power amongst the participants thereby adding a new dimension to what has already been established about the conditions under which authentic science learning is likely to occur

    Huriez syndrome: a rare palmoplantar keratoderma

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    The Huriez syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant transgradient palmoplantar keratoderma which is characterized by scleroatrophy of the fingers, nail changes and squamous cell carcinomas in affected skin. Herein, we present a non-familial case of very rare plamoplantar keratoderma with scleroatrophy - the Huriez syndrome in a 45 year old female patient

    Diabetes mellitus treatment using herbal drugs

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    Diabetes mellitus is becoming a common metabolic disorder which has serious threat to public health in the world. There are chemicals and biochemical agent that helps in controlling diabetes but there is no permanent remedy available which helps to get recovered completely from this disorder. By conducting large number of research work, numerous traditional medicines have been found for diabetes. Substances and extracts isolated from different natural resources especially plants have always been a rich arsenal for controlling and treating diabetes problem and complication arising due to it. So this review helps the reader to understand the importance of various types of herbal and polyherbal formulations present traditionally which can be used to treat diabetes mellitus.

    Anaemia in acute coronary syndrome patients: a study from rural tertiary care centre of India

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    Background: Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) are an imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply and demand, and the presence of anaemia further potentiates this imbalance. The burden of anaemia in patients presenting with acute coronary syndromes (ACS) is significant. Anaemia has the potential to worsen myocardial ischemic insult by decreasing the oxygen content of the blood supplied to the jeopardized myocardium.Methods: A total of 148 patients with ACS were recruited in the study from October 2016 to December 2017 in Medicine and Cardiology Department of UPUMS Saifai, India. All patients were subjected to a detailed history and thorough clinical examination and investigations after obtaining informed consent. Patient having any other diseases known to cause anaemia were excluded.Results: Mean age of patients was 58.5 years. 72.97% were vegetarian and 27.03% were non-vegetarian. Most common morphological type of anaemia was dimorphic anaemia followed by macrocytic and microcytic hypochromic respectively. Iron deficiency anaemia was most common type of anaemia followed by vitamin B12 deficiency and mixed (Iron and vitamin B12 deficiency). 45.28% anaemic patients had no symptoms of blood loss. Most common symptom of blood loss was bleeding per rectum followed by malena. Severity of acute coronary syndrome was more in subjects having anaemia which was evident by higher incidence of anaemia in subjects having ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). The incidence of anaemia was low in case of Non ST elevation Myocardial Infarction (NSTEMI) and Unstable angina (UA). The results of the present study have been compared to those from India.Conclusions: Higher incidence of anaemia was reported in subjects having acute coronary syndrome. Incidence of anaemia in STEMI patients was greater than NSTEMI and unstable angina patients. Severe form of acute coronary syndrome i.e. STEMI was associated with higher incidence of anaemia.