241 research outputs found

    Reduction of salt: will iodine intake remain adequate in The Netherlands?

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    Salt is the main vehicle for iodine fortification in The Netherlands. A reduction in salt intake may reduce the supply of iodine. Our aim was to quantify the effect of salt reduction on the habitual iodine intake of the Dutch population and the risk of inadequate iodine intake. We used data of the Dutch National Food Consumption Survey (1997–8) and an update of the food composition database to estimate habitual salt and iodine intake. To take into account uncertainty about the use of iodised salt (industrial and discretionary) and food supplements, a simulation model was used. Habitual iodine and salt intakes were simulated for scenarios of salt reduction and compared with no salt reduction. With 12, 25 and 50 % salt reduction in industrially processed foods, the iodine intake remained adequate for a large part of the Dutch population. For the extreme scenario of a 50 % reduction in both industrially and discretionary added salt, iodine intake might become inadequate for part of the Dutch population (up to 10 %). An increment of the proportion of industrially processed foods using iodised salt or a small increase in iodine salt content will solve this. Nevertheless, 8–35 % of 1- to 3-year-old children might have iodine intakes below the corresponding estimated average requirement (EAR), depending on the salt intake scenario. This points out the need to review the EAR value for this age group or to suggest the addition of iodine to industrially manufactured complementary food

    A distributed-object infrastructure for corporate websites

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    A corporate website is the virtual representation of a cor-poration or organization on the Internet. Corporate web-sites face numerous problems due to their large size and complexity, and the nonscalability of the underlying Web infrastructure. Current solutions to these problems gener-ally rely on traditional scaling techniques such as caching and replication. These are usually too restrictive, however; taking a one-size-fits-all approach and applying the same solution to every document. We propose Globe as a founda-tion upon which to build scalable corporate websites, and introduce GlobeDoc, a website model based on Globe dis-tributed shared objects. This paper describes GlobeDoc, highlighting the design and technical details of the infras-tructure. 1

    A Scalable Implementation for Human-Friendly URIs

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    Abstract. In the Web, Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) are used to name resources. The most common form of URI, the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) has, unfortunately, some scalability problems. In this paper, we proposes the use of Human-Friendly Names (HFNs) to solve these scalability problems. HFNs are high-level names that allow (human) users to easily deal with names. We also describes a scalable HFN-to-URL resolution mechanism. This mechanism is based on the existing Domain Name System (DNS) and the Globe Location Service. To gain experience and validate our ideas, we have implemented our HFN resolution scheme

    Ongerief bij konijnen, kalkoenen, eenden, schapen en geiten; inventarisatie en prioritering = Discomfort among rabbit, turkey, duck, sheep and goat; inventory and priorization

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    Discomfort among rabbit, turkeys, duck, sheep and goat is surveyed and prioritized based on an expert view from animal scientists. Possible solutions for the most serious items of discomfort are mentione

    Beyond HTTP: An Implementation of the Web in Globe

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    The endocarditis team

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    Endocarditis is een ernstig ziektebeeld met een hoge mortaliteit en morbiditeit. In de klinische praktijk proberen we de behandeling van deze patiënten te verbeteren door goede en snelle diagnostiek en door tijdig adequate antibiotische en zo nodig chirurgische therapie te starten. In de nieuwste richtlijnen wordt het begrip ‘endocarditisteam’ geïntroduceerd als cruciaal onderdeel in de verbetering van de zorg voor patiënten met (een verdenking op) endocarditis. Er wordt gesteld dat endocarditis een multidisciplinaire aanpak vraagt omdat het een ziekte is met een grote variatie in presentatie, waarvoor expertise nodig is van verschillende specialisaties, en ook omdat patiënten in een vroege fase dienen te worden besproken in een chirurgisch team. Observationele studies tonen een belangrijke reductie in de mortaliteit van endocarditispatiënten die zijn besproken in een endocarditisteam.Dit artikel bespreekt de ervaringen met het opzetten van een endocarditisteam in twee verschillende regio’s in Nederland (Rotterdam-​Rijnmond en Groningen). Wat is belangrijk als het gaat om de structuur en functie van een endocarditisteam? Het opzetten van een endocarditisteam kan lastig zijn. Daarom geven we enkele praktische tips. Ten slotte wordt de toegevoegde waarde van een operationeel endocarditisteam geïllustreerd aan de hand van een casus.Endocarditis is a life-​threatening disease with high mortality and morbidity. In clinical practice, we try to improve the outcome of patients with endocarditis by implementing a better and faster diagnostic workup, a timely start of antimicrobial therapy and an early surgical intervention if required. In the most recent update of the guidelines for the management of patients with endocarditis, an Endocarditis team is put forward as crucial part in the improvement of care for patients with (suspected) endocarditis. They state that endocarditis requires a multidisciplinary approach since patients present with highly variable signs and symptoms, need a high-​standard of care from several medical specialists, and need to be discussed in a surgical team early in the course of the disease. Observational studies support this implementation by showing a marked decrease in mortality after dicussing endocarditis patients in an Endocarditis team. This article discusses the experience with the implementation of an Endocarditis team in two different regions of the Netherlands (Rotterdam-​Rijnmond and Groningen). Which aspects are important for the structure and function of an Endocarditis team? The setting up of an Endocarditis team can be difficult, therefore we provide some practical advice. Finally, an illustrative case is presented

    Development of a multiplexed bead-based immunoassay for the simultaneous detection of antibodies to 17 pneumococcal proteins

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    Presently, several pneumococcal proteins are being evaluated as potential vaccine candidates. Here, we gather novel insights in the immunogenicity of PLY, PsaA, PspA, PspC, NanA, Hyl, PpmA, SlrA, Eno, IgA1-protease, PdBD, BVH-3, SP1003, SP1633, SP1651, SP0189 and SP0376. We developed a multiplex bead-based immunoassay (xMAP® Technology, Luminex Corporation) to simultaneously quantify antibodies against these 17 pneumococcal proteins in serum. The median fluorescence intensity (MFI) values obtained for human pooled serum with the multiplex assay were between 82% and 111% (median 94%) of those obtained with the singleplex assays. For IgG, the coefficient of variation (CV) in serum ranged from 2% to 9%, for IgA, the CV ranged from 3% to 14% and for IgM, the CV ranged from 11% to 15%. Using this immunoassay, we showed that anti-pneumococcal antibody levels exhibited extensive inter-individual variability in young children suffering from invasive pneumococcal disease. All proteins, including the proteins with, as yet, unknown function, were immunogenic. In conclusion, the multiplex Streptococcus pneumoniae immunoassay based on proteins is reproducible. This assay can be used to monitor anti-S. pneumoniae antibody responses in a material- and time-saving manner

    Kansen voor verbinden en analyseren van datastromen in de schapenhouderij

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    Een grote uitdaging is het professionaliseren van de schapenhouderij en het verbeteren van het economisch perspectief ervan, met behoud van het goede imago. Binnen de Publiek-Private Samenwerking Kleine Herkauwers-Schapen (PVE en EZ) is onderzoek uitgevoerd naar kansen voor van het verbinden van bestaande datastromen in de keten en het analyseren van data ter ondersteuning van de kwaliteitsslag die de sector wil maken
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