83 research outputs found


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    Non esistendo dati relativi allo stato sanitario di spigole (Dicentrarchus labrax) pescate nel fiume Arno, ed essendo la pesca ed il consumo di tali pesci, una realtà ampliamente praticata localmente, nella Provincia di Pisa, lo scopo di questo lavoro è stato quello di indagare lo stato sanitario di una popolazione di spigola selvatica, pescata nel fiume Arno tramite indagini parassitologiche, citologiche ed istopatologiche. Parallelamente all’indagine sanitaria, ci siamo proposti, tramite indagini istopatologiche, su tessuti branchiali ed epatici, la ricerca di alterazioni suggestive di esposizione cronica ad agenti xenobiotici ed utilizzare i dati raccolti in via preliminare per indagare gli ipotetici rischi sanitari per la tutela della salute del consumatore.Sono state pescate 20 spigole in 3 diverse località del fiume Arno, nei pressi di Pisa. Gli organi sono stati sottoposti ad indagine parassitologica, ed istopatologica per la ricerca dei principali parassiti e di lesioni microscopiche suggestive di malattie infettive o parassitarie. Ulteriormente le branchie ed il fegato sono stati analizzati tramite tecniche istologiche per la ricerca di lesioni suggestive di esposizione cronica ad agenti xenobiotici. GTli unici parasiti isolati sono stati trematodi monogenei identificati come Diplectanum aequans in 4 soggetti. Nessun organo (ad eccetto delle branchie e del fegato) hanno mostrato alterazioni patologiche all'esame istopatologico. Nel testo vengono riportate le alterazioni riportate a livello delle branchie e del fegato. Il presente studio, sebbene basato su tecniche qualitative e con i limiti che queste possono avere, risulta il primo ad indagare localmente una realtà di interesse per il consumatore proprio per il frequente consumo che viene fatto di spigole pescate nel fiume Arno. La tecnica istologica è risultata utile nell’evidenziazione delle lesioni branchiali ed epatiche sebbene aspecifica riguardo alle noxae patogene e quindi di estrema utilità per uno screening iniziale sulla qualità del pescato e per la possibilità di utilizzo dei tessuti branchiali ed epatico quali biomarkers per la qualità sia del pesce sia delle acque. Le presenti indagini dovranno essere confermate tramite tecniche quantitative (analisi tossicologiche, microbiologiche e chimiche sull’acqua) per la ricerca di eventuali xenobiotici presenti in questa specie pescata nel fiume Arno o nell’ ambiente. La spigola infatti , in quanto specie predatrice e quindi biomagnificatore, si presta per monitorare la situazione ambientale nel tempo e parallelamente ad altre specie stanziali nel fiume, che però difficilmente vengono consumate, può fungere da bioindicatore in future ricerche. Senza dubbio lo stato sanitario degli animali inseriti in questo studio è risultato ottimo, come confermato dall’assenza di lesioni macroscopiche e microscopiche. Proprio per questo motivo,considerata l’assenza di lesioni riferibili a malattie infettive e la modesta presenza di parassiti a livello esclusivamente branchiale, negli esemplari prelevati, è probabile che le lesioni degenerative ed infiammatorie rilevate, sebbene di lieve entità, siano con buona probabilità causate da un moderato stress ambientale che merita un approfondimento mirato per la salute del consumatore

    Indagine sulla psudorabbia e sulla circovirosi nelle popolazioni di cinghiale (Sus scrofa) in Toscana

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    E' stata indagata, su un campione di sangue e tessuti di cinghiale prelevati in Toscana, la presenza e la prevalenza di pseudorabbia e di circovirosi. I tessuti campionati sono stati le tonsille palatine ed i linfonodi. Campioni di siero sono stati altresi' prelevati per indagini sierologiche. La prevalenza sierologica della pseudorabbia si è attestata su valori superiori al 50% e l'antigene virale è stato localizzato tramite indagini immunoistochimiche sulle tonsille a testimonianza della produttività dell'infezione nella specie. Per quanto riguarda la circovirosi, le positività rilevate con la tecnica dell'immunofluorescenza sui linfonodi si sono attestate su valori inferiori al 20% e senza lesioni caratteristiche del virus. Si può concludere che il cinghale gioca un ruolo di serbatoio per il suino per quanto riguarda la diffusione di entrambe le virosi


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    Giardia and Cryptosporidium are common protozoan parasites affecting several animal species and humans. The aim of this survey was to investigate, for the first time, their prevalence in red fox (Vulpes vulpes) faecal samples in central Italy. Seventy-one red foxes of different ages and sexes were examined for antigenic detection of Giardia and Cryptosporidium in fecal samples by means of a commercial rapid immunochromatographic test. The sample was randomly selected from foxes culled during a population control program. They were divided into groups based on sex and age ( 641-year-old and >1-year-old). Five (7%) and one (1.4%) out of 71 fecal samples were positive for the Giardia or Cryptosporidium antigens by immunochromatographic assay, respectively, and no coinfections were observed. The present prevalence rates of Giardia and Cryptosporidium antigens in faeces from V. vulpes suggest that this host species is likely to play only a limited role in the spread of the two protozoa in the study area. A concise review of the literature related to Giardia and Cryptosporidium in V. vulpes is presented

    Survey on the role of brown hares (Lepus europaeus, Pallas 1778) as carriers of zoonotic dermatophytes

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    The occurrence of dermatophytes and keratinophilic fungi was investigated by hair-brush technique on the coat of 986 apparently healthy brown hares (Lepus europaeus, Pallas 1778) caught in 9 restocking and capture zones in Central Italy. Overall, 7.5% hair samples gave positive results. Trichophyton terrestre (2.1%), Chrysosporium sp, Chrysosporium keratinophilum, Microsporum gypseum, Trichophyton gloriae and Trichophyton mentagrophytes (0.6% each), Trichophyton erinacei and Scopulariopsis brevicaulis (0.4% each), Chrysosporium asperatum (0.3%), Arthroderma sp and Microsporum canis (0.1% each) were identified in cultures with single isolates, whereas Chrysosporium sp/T. mentagrophytes (0.3%), Chrysosporium sp/T. terrestre and M. gypseum/T. terrestre (0.2% each), Chrysosporium tropicum/T. terrestre, M. canis/T. terrestre and T. ajelloi/T. terrestre (0.1% each) were identified in cultures with mixed isolates. T. erinacei and M. canis have not previously been isolated from hares. M. canis, T. erinacei and T. mentagrophytes were the most clinically important dermatophytes found. Altogether, they were isolated only from 1.5% hair samples. Thus, it is concluded that brown hares may play a limited epidemiological role as carriers of zoonotic dermatophytes. Nevertheless, this should be taken into consideration as many people may be exposed to zoonotic agents from brown hares during hunting and trapping activities

    Morphological and Immunohistochemical Description of a Splenic Haemangioma in a Captive European Wolf (<i>Canis lupus lupus</i>) and a Review of the Current Literature

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    Neoplastic diseases are rarely described in wild carnivores; only a few reports have been published on this topic. Here, we describe the histological and immunohistochemical features of a haemangioma in the spleen of a grey wolf (Canis lupus lupus) and we compare the results with the dog (Canis lupus familiaris). Additionally, we list the different publications found in the literature with neoplastic lesions in wolves. Our results show similar immunohistochemical features to dogs, in which neoplastic cells express Vimentin, von Willebrand factor, alpha smooth muscle actin antibody, vascular endothelial growth factor C and low vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3. Toluidine blue special stain shows moderated increased numbers of mast cells infiltrating the tumor, a feature observed in benign vascular tumors in domestic dogs, but not in the malignant counterparts. To our knowledge, this is the first article describing the gross, histological and immunohistochemical features of a splenic haemangioma in a wolf

    Spontaneous neoplasia in captive syngnathid species: A retrospective case series (2003-2014) and literature review

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    Syngnathidae (seahorses, pipefish and seadragons) are charismatic species commonly kept in commercial aquaria, but published literature on syngnathid diseases is limited and immunohistochemical techniques not routinely employed. A retrospective review of 2,541 syngnathid submissions received between March 2003 and October 2016 identified 18 neoplasms including germ cell tumours, exocrine pancreatic and intestinal carcinomas, chromatophoromas, and single cases of lymphoma, thyroid and renal carcinoma, swim bladder and pituitary adenoma. Big-bellied seahorses accounted for 19% of submissions, but 50% of neoplasms were diagnosed in this species. This study includes the first reported cases of germ cell tumours, chromatophoroma, thyroid carcinoma and pituitary adenoma in Syngnathidae and the first reports of neoplasia in pipefish species. Out of nine commercial antibodies trialled for immunohistochemical characterization of neoplastic tissue, only pan-cytokeratin proved cross-reactive. Electron microscopy was performed in four cases. Tumours should be considered as differential diagnosis in cases with buoyancy issues, debilitated or emaciated animals, and may predispose to secondary infections. This study highlights the value of histopathological disease surveillance for commercial aquarium settings

    MRI findings of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis in a cat.

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    Case summaryA 2-year-old male domestic shorthair cat presented to the University of Liverpool Small Animal Teaching Hospital with a 2 week history of altered mentation, blindness and focal epileptic seizures. MRI examination revealed generalised cerebral and cerebellar atrophy, diffuse T2-weighted hyperintensity of the white matter and meningeal thickening. Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis was confirmed on post-mortem examination.Relevance and novel informationThis is the first report of the MRI findings of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis in a cat

    Immunohistochemical Markers of Apoptotic and Hypoxic Damage Facilitate Evidence-Based Assessment in Pups with Neurological Disorders

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    Seizures in puppies often present a diagnostic challenge in terms of identifying and treating the underlying cause. Dog breeds with mutations of the MDR1-gene are known to show adverse reactions to certain drugs, yet metabolic imbalance exacerbated by physiologically immature organs and other contributing pathologies require consideration before arriving at a diagnosis. This study analysed the brains of two male, 5-week-old Australian Shepherd siblings that died after displaying severe neurological symptoms upon administration of MilproVet(®) to treat severe intestinal helminth infection. Despite the initial symptoms being similar, their case histories varied in terms of the symptom duration, access to supportive therapy and post-mortem interval. Histopathology and immunohistochemistry were used to obtain more information about the phase of the pathological processes in the brain, employing protein markers associated with acute hypoxic damage (β-amyloid precursor protein/APP) and apoptosis (diacylglycerolkinase-ζ/DGK-ζ, apoptotic protease activating factor 1/Apaf1, and B-cell lymphoma related protein 2/Bcl-2). The results seem to reflect the course of the animals’ clinical deterioration, implicating that the hypoxic damage to the brains was incompatible with life, and suggesting the usefulness of the mentioned immunohistochemical markers in clarifying the cause of death in animals with acute neurological deficits

    Multicentric Molecular and Pathologic Study On Canine Adenovirus Type 1 in Red Foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Three European Countries

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    Canine adenovirus type 1 (CAdV-1) is the agent of infectious canine hepatitis, a severe frequently fatal disease affecting primarily dogs (Canis lupus familiaris). The virus has been detected in many wild carnivore species. Our aim was to evaluate the prevalence and genetic and histopathologic features of CAdV-1 in wild red foxes (Vulpes vulpes). Kidney and liver samples were obtained from 86 subjects, coming from the UK (n\ubc21), Italy (n\ubc36), and Germany (n\ubc29). We used PCR, targeting the viral E3 gene and flanked regions, to detect the presence of the virus; viral E3, fiber, and E4 genes were sequenced and their sequences were compared with published sequences. Kidneys and liver from foxes in Italy and Great Britain (n\ubc57) were prepared for histologic and immunohistochemical examination for CAdV-1. Viral DNA was detected in 22% (19 of 86) kidney samples, with E3 and E4 genes showing reported and unreported single nucleotide changes. No pathologic changes or viral immunopositive signals were detected in the examined tissues. Our study suggests that red foxes could be considered potential shedders of CAdV-1, as they showed a relatively high prevalence without related pathologic changes in the organs examined
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