186 research outputs found

    Development and Investigation of the Mechanical Behaviour of Circular External Fixators during the Gait Cycle

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    In a study based on a tibia bone fractured in the diaphyseal region, a Circular External Fixator (CEF) was implanted in this region and its effects were investigated during gait. The CEF mounted on the adult human tibial fracture line is constructed from four standard rings. The six most effective states were selected in terms of force and moment values on the tibia during the human gait cycle. According to the results, it was determined that the stresses are at a maximum in the Kirschner wires in the lower segment. Hence, it was ascertained that the wire and bone junction regions are important and that the geometric and mechanical properties of the wires close to the fracture line should be improved

    A comparative approach to computer aided design model of a dog femur

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    Computer assisted technologies offer new opportunities in medical imaging and rapid prototyping in biomechanical engineering. Three dimensional (3D) modelling of soft tissues and bones are becoming more important. The accuracy of the analysis in modelling processes depends on the outline of the tissues derived from medical images. The aim of this study is the evaluation of the accuracy of 3D models of a dog femur derived from computed tomography data by using point cloud method and boundary line method on several modelling software. Solidworks, Rapidform and 3DSMax software were used to create 3D models and outcomes were evaluated statistically. The most accurate 3D prototype of the dog femur was created with stereolithography method using rapid prototype device. Furthermore, the linearity of the volumes of models was investigated between software and the constructed models. The difference between the software and real models manifests the sensitivity of the software and the devices used in this manner

    Kütahya Çeşmeleri

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Kütahya şehir merkezinde, Türk-İslam döneminde inşa edilmiş çeşmelerin tanıtıldığı bu çalışmanın amacı, çeşmelerin tarihlendirme sorunlarına değinmek, mimari ve süsleme özellikleri belgelemektir. Kütahya şehir merkezi, bu çalışmanın coğrafi sınırlarını oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışma kapsamında, kentte Beylikler ve Osmanlı döneminde inşa edilmiş çeşmeler, arazi çalışmaları ile tespit edilecek ve sanat tarihi açısından incelenecektir. Kütahya'da, Germiyanoğlu Beyliği ve Osmanlı İmparatorluğu dönemlerinde çok sayıda çeşme inşa edilmiş, ancak bunlardan sadece 28 tanesi günümüze ulaşmıştır. Bu çeşmelerin de bazıları orijinal özelliklerini kaybetmiş ve bazıları da kısmen harap olmuştur. Günümüzde, Hürriyet Çeşmesi, Çinili Çeşme ve Kütahya Ulu Camii Sakahane Çeşmesi gibi çok az sayıdaki örnek orijinalliklerini korumaktadır. Kütahya çeşmelerinden sadece bir tanesi Germiyanoğlu Beyliği döneminde inşa edilmiştir, geriye kalan tüm çeşmeler Osmanlı İmparatorluğu dönemine tarihlendirilmektedir. Kütahya çeşmeleri içinde kitabeli olanlar olduğu gibi kitabesiz olan çeşmeler de vardır. Ayrıca, kentteki çeşme kitabelerinin tahrip edildiği ve bazı çeşme kitabelerinin ise yapım tarihi içermediği tespit edilmiştir. İnşa tarihi bilinmeyen çeşmeler, yakın ve uzak coğrafyalardaki benzer mimari ve süsleme özelliklere sahip çeşmeler temel alınarak tarihlendirilmiştir. Kütahya çeşmeleri, kendine has mimari ve süsleme özellikleri ile Osmanlı mimarlığı ve çeşme mimarisi içinde önemli bir yere sahiptir. Detaylı bir kaynak araştırması ve arazi çalışması yapıldıktan sonra, çeşmelerin ölçüleri alınarak çizimleri yapılmış ve fotoğrafları çekilerek belgelenmiştir. Daha sonra çevredeki iller ve Osmanlı sınırlarındaki diğer bölgelerde bulunan benzer çeşmelerle karşılaştırılarak değerlendirilmiştir.The aim of this study is to touch on the chronical problems of the fountains built during Turkish – İslamic period located in Kütahya city centre and to document the architectural and ornamentation features. The city centre of Kütahya constitutes the geographical boundaries of this study. Within the scope of this study, the fountains built in Beyliks and Ottoman period in the city will be determined by field studies and examined in terms of art history. A great number of fountains were built in Kütahya during the period of Beylik of Germiyanids and Ottoman Empire however, only 28 of them have managed to reach our present day. Some of these fountains have lost their original characteristics and some have been partially ruined. Today, only fex examples such as "Hürriyet Fountain", "Çinili Fountain" and "Sakahane Fountain of Kütahya Great Mosque" are preserving their originality. Only one of the fountains of Kütahya was built during the period of Beylik of Germiyanids. All the remaining fountains are dated to the period of the Ottoman Empire. There are fountains without inscription in Kütahya fountains as well as with inscription. Furthermore, it has been determined that the fountain inscriptions have been destroyed and some of the fountain inscriptions were found to have no construction date. The fountains with unknown date of construction are dated on the basis of fountains with similar architectural and ornamental features in the near and distant geographies. Kütahya fountains have an important place in Ottoman architecture and fountain architecture with their unique architectural and ornamental features. After concluding a detailed literature research and field studies, the illustrations were drawn by measuring fountains and documented by photographs. Afterwards, it was interpreted by comparing these fountains with similar ones in the surrounding provinces and other areas in the Ottoman borders

    Molecular mechanism of aven in taxane induced apoptosis in ER± breast cancer cell lines: MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells

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    In this study, the molecular mechanism of Aven in taxane induced apoptosis were studied in ER(+) MCF-7 and ER(-) MDA-MB-231 cell lines. Taxanes, paclitaxel and docetaxel, are cytotoxic agents which act by promoting deformation of stable microtubules, inhibiting the normal dynamic reorganization of microtubule networks required for mitosis. First the dose kinetics of apoptotic response towards the above mentioned drugs with these two cell lines were established. Cytotoxicity was determined with MTT assay after cells were treated with the drugs for 24 hours. 50nM Paclitaxel treatment for 24h inhibited growth of MCF-7 by 58 percent and MDA-MB-231 by 44 percent. Whereas 50nM Docetaxel caused growth inhibiton by 55 percent and 70 percent for 24h in MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cell lines respectively. Then Aven protein levels in response to these drugs were studied by western blot analysis. The western blot results showed that Aven protein levels were not changing in response to taxanes in these cell lines. After that the effect of the drugs on protein-protein interaction was investigated with CoIP experiments. Endogeneous Bcl-xL protein was immunoprecipitated with specific Bcl-xL antibody and then immunoblotting was done with anti-Aven antibody. The interaction of Aven with Bcl-xL was not abolished with taxane treatment. The phosphorylation of Bcl-xL with taxane treatment was also shown by western blot analaysis. The overexpression of Aven by transfection of both cell lines with pSG-HA-Aven plasmid was performed and then Aven overexpression was checked by western blot analysis. As a control, immunoprecipitation of total protein extract with anti-HA antibody was made. But results showed non-specific binding of endogeneous Aven to HA antibody. As a second strategy, gene silencing was used. Aven expression was downregulated by Hs_Aven_3HP siRNA and protein level. The mRNA level of Aven was determined first with one step RT PCR and then with quantitative real time RT PCR. The downregulation of Aven was 2.3 fold in MCF-7 cells and 1.7 fold MDA-MB-231 cells. After that, taxane induced apoptotic cell death was investigated by M30 Apoptosense ELISA Kit. The overexpression study showed that taxane induced apoptosis in MCF-7 cells increased by 2 fold. Whereas downregulation of Aven protects MCF-7 cells from apoptosis induced by taxanes. For cisplatin, Aven overexpression resulted in less apoptotic cell death in MCF-7 cells. In MDA-MB-231 cells, overexpression of Aven sensitizes cells for apoptotic cell death. When Aven was downregulated, drugs induced less apoptotic cell death

    Studies with radiation-based imaging techniques: Where to stop?

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    HRCT findings of pulmonary sarcoidosis; relation to pulmonary function tests

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    BACKGROUND: Chest-X-ray has several limitations in detecting the extent of pulmonary disease in sarcoidosis. It might not reflect the degree of pulmonary involvement in patients with sarcoidosis when compared to computed tomography of the thorax. We aimed to investigate the HRCT findings of pulmonary sarcoidosis and to find out the existence of possible relations between HRCT findings and PFTs. In addition, we aimed to investigate the accordance between HRCT findings and conventional chest-X-ray staging of pulmonary sarcoidosis. METHOD: 45 patients with sarcoidosis with a mean age 29.7+/− 8.4 years were evaluated. Six of them were female and 39 were male. The type, distribution and extent of the parameters on HRCT/CTs were evaluated and scored. Chest-X-rays were evaluated for the stage of pulmonary sarcoidosis. Correlations were investigated between HRCT/CT parameter scores, Chest X-Ray stages and pulmonary function parameters. RESULTS: Nodule, micronodule, ground glass opacity and consolidation were the most common HRCT findings. There were significant correlations between pulmonary function parameters, HRCT pattern scores, and chest-X-ray stages. A significant correlation between chest-x-ray score and total HRCT score was found. CONCLUSIONS: Pulmonary sarcoidosis patients might have various pulmonary parenchymal changes on HRCT. Thorax HRCT was superior to chest-X-ray in detecting pulmonary parenchymal abnormalities. The degree of pulmonary involvement might be closely related to the loss of pulmonary function measured by PFTs. Chest-X-ray is considered to have a role in the evaluation of pulmonary sarcoidosis

    Mosaics of Bema and Apse in Northwest Necropolis Church from Hadrianoupolis

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    Paphlagonia sınırlarındaki Hadrianoupolis Antik Kentinde, 2003-2020 yılları arasında, Geç Antik Çağ’a tarihlenen altı yapıda kazı çalışması yapılmış ve bu çalışmalarda dönemin süsleme karakterini yansıtan zemin mozaiklerine rastlanılmıştır. Kazısı hâlen devam eden, yayınlarda daha çok Kuzeybatı Nekropol Kilisesi olarak tanıtılan, kentteki konumu itibariyle Kuzeybatı Nekropol Kilisesi şeklinde adlandırılabilecek yapının, apsis ve bema zemininde de kaliteli işçilikte zemin mozaikleri tespit edilmiştir. İki farklı inşa evresine sahip kilisenin zemini her iki dönemde farklı teknik ve üsluptaki mozaikle bezenmiştir. Bir kısmı geçmiş dönemde gerçekleşen kaçak kazılar ve yol yapım çalışmaları esnasında tahrip olan, 2017-2018 yılındaki kazılarda tamamen ortaya çıkarılan mozaikler, İS 4.-6. yüzyıl Bizans mozaik sanatı karakterini yansıtmaktadır. Dönemin hemen her zemin mozaiğinde görülen geometrik, bitkisel ve figüratif desenleriyle donatılmış mozaiklerde, bani bilgisi içeren bir de yazıt bulunmuştur. Restoratör ve konservatörler eşliğinde sağlamlaştırma çalışması yapılan mozaikler, uygun teknikler doğrultusunda koruma altına alınmıştır. Bu çalışmada, kilisenin apsis ve bema zeminlerini süsleyen mozaikler, bölge ve farklı coğrafyalardaki benzer örneklerle kıyaslanmış ve değerlendirilmesi yapılarak ayrıntılı şekilde açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır.Excavations were carried out between 2003-2020 in the Hadrianoupolis from the Paphlagonia Region six buildings dated to the Late Antiquity and floor mosaics were found that reflect the period’s decoration characteristics. High quality workmanship floor mosaics were found on the apse and bema floors of the building, in which excavation is still ongoing, and which can be named as the Northwest Necropolis Church due to its location in the city, which is mostly referred to as Northwest Necropolis Church in publications. The floor of the church, which has two different construction phases, was decorated with mosaics in different techniques and styles in both periods. The mosaics, some of which were destroyed during illegal excavations and road construction works in the past, and completely unearthed in 2017-2018 excavations, reflect the 4-6th AD century Byzantine mosaic art style. In the mosaics decorated with geometric, floral and figurative patterns seen on almost every floor mosaic of the period, an inscription containing information about the constructor was found. The mosaics, which were strengthened under the supervision of restorators and conservators, were preserved in accordance with appropriate techniques. In this study, the mosaics adorning the apse and bema floors of the church were compared and evaluated with similar examples in the region and different geographies and explained in detail

    Glass Particles in the Nasal Cavity for 30 Years and Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Is There a Relationship?

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    Nasal cavity tumors constitute a very small part of head and neck malignancies. Although paranasal sinus tumors due to the presence of backward foreign bodies, neoplasms of nasal cavity associated with a foreign body are extremely rare. In this article, we presented a rare case of carcinoma in the right nasal cavity which includes glass particles inside it, and the role of glass particles in carcinogenesis was discussed. The patient was a 55-year-old male with history of a car accident 30 years ago. During right medial maxillectomy via a right lateral rhinotomy approach, three pieces of glass beads, approximately 0.5 cm in size, were removed from the inside of the mass. The patient had also under gone postoperative radiotherapy. No complication emerged during the postoperative recovery period. The patient had been followed up with no finding of local recurrence for 12 months

    Is Hearing Loss in Infants Associated With Risk Factors? Evaluation of the Frequency of Risk Factors

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    ObjectivesTo evaluate the frequency of risk factors and their influence on the evoked otoacoustic emission (OAE) of infants.MethodsAll newborns between November 2009 and June 2012 in Haydarpaşa Numune Education and Research Hospital were tested on distortion evoked OAE screening test. Total of 2,284 infants were examined. Sex, maternal infectious disease, birth type (vaginal birth or caesarean sectio), birth weight, familial hearing loss, intermarriage of parents, hyperbilirubinemia, intensive care were analyzed as risk factors.ResultsTotal of 2,284 neonates were screened (1,220 males and 1,064 females) for the presence of OAE in both ears. Vaginal delivery, maternal infections during pregnancy, intermarriage of parents relative, low birth weight(<1,500 g) are related risk factors to failure of screening with OAE in our study. There was no statistically significant difference in sex ratios, birth weight, familial hearing loss, hyperbilirubinemia, and intensive care stay.ConclusionRisk factors are only as useful as their predictive power. Not enough is known about which risk factors are relevant, which babies have the risk factors, or which babies will fail to attend follow-up, the effectiveness of targeted hearing loss testing is questionable at this point in time. A system needs to be developed to clarify which risk factors are discoverable, predictive and useful