24 research outputs found


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    Latar Belakang : Pendidikan anak usia dini terdiri dari gizi, kesehatan, dan pendidikan. Kecerdasan kognitif adalah komponen penting dalam perkembangan anak karena mencerminkan kematangan berpikir. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi masukan bagi pihak-pihak terkait untuk menekankan kemajuan perkembangan anak usia dini juga dengan fokus pada mengoptimalkan aspek gizi dalam hal makanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran status gizi pada fungsi kognitif pada periode keemasan denganmenganalisis hubungan antara status gizi dan fungsi kognitif .Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan jumlah subjek sebanyak 37 anak. Variabel bebas adalah status gizi dengan z - skor dikelompokkan menjadi 3 sangat pendek ( 80 % ) Analisis data disajikan dalam statistik deskriptif dan bivariat. Analisis status gizi hubungan dengan fungsi kognitif dilakukan dengan menggunakan chi -squarekarena data tidak terdistribusi secara normal .Hasil: Jumlah subjek dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 37 anak yang terdiri dari 51,4 % laki-laki dan 48,6 % perempuan. Sebagian besar responden memiliki status gizi yang baik menurut indeks W / A ( 70,3 % ). Sebagian besar responden memiliki kategori kecerdasan kognitif kurang ( 83,8 % ) seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh rata-rata z -score 45,01 ± 13,2 . Fisher test digunakan untuk sel tabulasi silang yang nilainya < 20 % dengan p = 0,022 .Kata Kunci : status gizi, kecerdasan kogniti


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    Perancangan sistem perlu didokumentasikan oleh analis sistem agar lebih mudah dalam mengkomunikasi, mengkoordinasi segala kebutuhan data dan informasi dengan pengguna sistem sehingga sistem yang dirancang akan dapat diimplemntasikan dengan baik sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna sistem. Dalam makalah ini akan digambarkan DFD dengan Software Easy Case untuk menghasilkan rancangan DFD Sistem Pakar Penentuan Kebutuhan Gizi Bagi Individu Berbasis Web. Dimana pada DFD pada sistem pakar ini digambarkan desain sistem mulai dari Diagram Context, DFD Level 0 yang terdiri dari sub sistem pendataan awal, konsultasi dan hasil konsultasi, DFD Level 1 terdiri dari sub sistem pencataan data ahli gizi, pencatatan data client, pencatatan data kebutuhan gizi dan pencatatan data tingkat aktifitas lengkap dengan Rule Check dan Level Balance untuk tiap level. Hasil dari penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa Sistem Pakar Penentuan Kebutuhan Gizi Bagi Individu Berbasis Web terdiri dari subsistem-subsistem yang saling berhubungan serta adanya data store yang dihasilkan dalam DFD Level 0 berupa Ahli_Gizi, Client, Gizi, Aktifitas, Konsultasi

    Mapping Exclusive Breastfeeding Coverage And Toddler Stunting Prevalence In Indonesia Based On Web Geographic Information System

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    Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem  in most of developing countries for quite a long time, including Indonesia. In 2018, Indonesia had 30.8% of stunting toddlers, 29.6% in 2017 and 27.54% in 2016. The trend over the last 3 years the prevalence of stunting has increased. The purpose of this research is to map the spread of stunting toddlers and exclusive breast milk coverage in Indonesia. This research is a cross sectional study using secondary data sourced from reporting compiled by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in 2018. WebGIS is used to compile mappings of both variables in each province through the official website of BPS. The results of this study show the information presented in WebGis seen most provinces have a prevalence of stunting in black zones (very high) and exclusive breast milk coverage in red zones (very less met than national targets)


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    Background : Severe malnutrition was threatening children under five years growth. Protein deficiency in long time caused severe malnutrition. Children with severe malnutrition hadmicronutrients deficiency, like iron and zinc. Iron and zinc deficiency caused nutritional status decreasing.Objective : This research conduct to analyze the association dietary protein, iron, and zinc intake with nutritional status in severe malnutrition children under five years of age.Method : Study cross sectional in 21 severe malnutrition children under five years of age at work region Semarang City Health Department.The data nutritional status were searchedusing indicator of weight by height (W/H). The data dietary protein, iron, zinc, and fiber intake were searched by semi quantitative food frequency questionnaire (SQFFQ). The data analyzed by SPSS 12.0 for windows. Bivariate analysis used pearson product moment and multivariate analysis used multiple regression linier.Result : Nutritional status subjects which using W/H indicator were -5.72 until -3.02. At 13 until 36 month of age, subjects had 6.8 gr/d until 31.5 gr/d dietary protein intake, 1.3 mg/duntil 6 mg/d dietary iron intake, and 1 mg/d until 3.3 mg/d dietary zinc intake. At 37 until 59 month of age, subjects had 11.3 gr/d until 48.5 gr/d dietary protein intake, 2.6 mg/d until 10.2 mg/d dietary iron intake, and 1.5 mg/d until 5.6 mg/d dietary zinc intake. Most of dietary protein (61.9%), iron (90.5%), and zinc (100%) intake were deficit category according to Recommended Dietary Allowances. But, most of dietary protein (61.9%) and zinc (57.1%) were good category, and all of dietary iron was deficit category according to each dietaryrequirements. There were no association between dietary protein (r=0.143;p=0.27), iron (r=0.089;p=0.35), and zinc intake (r=0.122;p=0.3) with nutritional status in severe malnutrition children under five years of age.Conclusion : There were not evidenced of association between dietary protein, iron, and zinc intake with nutritional status in severe malnutrition children under five years of age.Keywords : Nutritional status, severe malnutrition children under five years of age, protein intake, iron intake, and zinc intak


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    Background: Obesity and dyslipidemia risk factors associated with increased blood pressure and hypertension. Obesity indicators which are associated with hypertension are percent body fat and waist circumference Lipid profile which are associated with hypertension are total blood cholesterol and triglycerides. There are limited studies concerning the association of percent body fat, waist circumference, total blood cholesterol, and triglycerides with systolic and diastolic blood pressure, mainly in Indonesian state employer.Methods: The subject of this cross sectional study consisted of 38 state employer of SMAN 8 Semarang who taken with simple random sampling. Data were collected including percent body fat, waist circumference, total blood cholesterol, triglycerides, systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Pearson Product moment and rank Spearman have been used for analysis association between variables with á = 0,05. Multivariate analysis uses multiple regression.Result: There were no association between percent body fat, waist circumference, total blood cholesterol with systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure (p > 0,05). But, there was association between triglycerides with systolic blood pressure (p = 0,017 ; r = 0,385) anddiastolic blood pressure (p = 0,027; r= 0,359). Just blood triglycerides which can be tested by multiple regression. Systolic blood pressure = 104,215 + 5,047.10-2 triglycerides. Diastolic blood pressure = 70,2 + 2,992.10-2 triglycerides.Key Words: Hypertension, percent body fat, waist circumference, total blood cholesterol, triglycerides

    Faktor Yang Berhubungn Dengan Kejadian Dismenore Primer Pada Mahasiswi Universitas Dian Nuswantoro Semarang

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    Dysmenorrheal or menstrual disorders are problems experienced by women and may interfere their activities. The study that was done on students of Faculty of Nursery Science of Padjajaran University class of 2011 shows that 94 of 104 students encounter primary dysmenorrheal which the age range of the student about 19-21 years old which are continuing study in university. Dian Nuswantoro University has female population more than male, so dysmenorrheal can be happened on them. The purpose of this study was to analyze factors associated with the incidence of primary dysmenorrheal on students of Dian Nuswantoro University.This was observational analytic study with a quantitative method and cross sectional approach. The chi square test and prevalence ratio was used for data analysisThe results showed that there was no relationship between smoking behavior with the incidence of primary dysmenorrheal (p-value = 0.798). There was no relationship between the behavior of consuming alcohol with the incidence of primary dysmenorrheal (p-value = 0.448). There was no relationship between consumption of junk food with the incidence of primary dysmenorrheal (p-value = 0.334).Students could minimaze primary dysmenorrheal when they have menstruation by decreasing the habitual activity that is causing primary dysmenorrhea such as smoking behavior, onsuming alcohol, and junk food.Keyword: primary dysmenorrheal, smoking habit, alcohol consumption, junk foo


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    Kelelahan kerja yang dialami tiap orang berbeda tapi semuanya akan dapat menurunankapasitas kerja. Resiko dari kelelahan kerja tersebut diantaranya adalah terjadi stress akibatkerja, penyakit akibat kerja dan terjadi kecelakaan akibat kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmenganalisis hubungan antara asupan gizi dan status gizi dengan kelelahan kerja padakaryawan perusahaan Tahu Baxo Bu Pudji di Ungaran tahun 2014. Dari wawancara yangdilakukan di bagian pengisian tahu baxo dari 10 orang yang telah diwawancarai ada beberaparesponden mengeluh tentang kelelahan kerja sebanyak 5 orang.Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak24karyawan di bagian pengisian Tahu Baxo Bu Pudji di Kota Ungaran. Metode pengumpulandata dilakukandengan wawancara dan observasi langsung menggunakan instrumen berupakuesioner dan lembar observasi, lembar recall, lembar aktifitas harian 24 jam, pengukurankalori dan kelelahan. Hasil penelitian sebagian besar responden memiliki tingkat kelelahan kerja berat. Dari hasiluji spearman menunjukkan faktor – faktor yang berhubungan kelelahan kerja antara lain masakerja dan status gizi. Sedangkan umur, pendidikan asupan energi, asupan protein, asupanlemak, dan asupan karbohidrat tidak ada hubungan dengan kelelahan kerja di bagian pengisiantahu baxo. Status gizi karyawan dibagian pengisian tahu baxo bu Pudji antara lain normal62,5%, obesitas 16,7%, gemuk 12,5% dan underweight 4,2%. Gambaran kelelahan yangdialami tenaga kerja pengisihan tahu baxo yang paling banyak adalah kelelahan kerja berat.Saran penambahan tenaga kerja dan menambah asupan makanan serta mengkonsumsimakanan yang bergizi.Kata kunci: Kelelahan, Asupan Gizi, Status Giz


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    Severe Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) are four major problems in the nutrition world. Such as iodine deficiency disorders, and lack of vitamin A. It also often called malnutrition caused by shortages associated poor dietary intake in terms of quality and quantity. Based on data from Semarang Health Office in 2013, the scope of severe PEM in children under five with BGM (Down Red Lines) of 1,502 (1.7%) and children with severe malnutrition by 32 (0.04%). The number of infants with BGM (Down Red Lines) in Semarang in 2013 was 1,502 or 1.7%. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) is one of the information technology that was designed to use spatial and non spatial data. The system could report information and summarize the malnutrition data thus help to process analysis of the causes of malnutrition in the region. Geographic information systems development method used waterfall method with Unified Modeling tools laguage (UML). System testing was done by white box method for testing complexity groove siklomatis on system design and black box to test the input and output


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    The Covid-19 pandemic in recent years has been a global crisis and a non-natural disaster which has had a profound impact on all sectors of life, not only threatening people's physical health, but can also have an impact on mental and social health. Very significant changes like this can cause some negative responses such as fatigue, discomfort and anxiety.Adolescence is a period said to be a period of adolescent transition from childhood to adulthood. Many individuals who are in their teenage years will usually experience significant changes both physically, socially and psychologically in adolescence. Conditions like this are very disturbing mentally for adolescents, where adolescents feel uncomfortable, easily get emotional with their environment if it doesn't suit their wishes, the influence of geekjet also plays an important role in the emotional condition of adolescents. According to WHO lately the number of depression in adolescents shows that 80-90% of adolescents experience depression to the point of suicide, one of the causes of teenage depression is due to bullying, and emotions due to social media.This research focuses on early planning related to mental health in adolescents through initial screening using the SDQ as a movement effort to reduce the number of mental health disorders. Mental health is very important in supporting the productivity and quality of physical health in adolescents because where adolescence is a golden period in its development, it is expected that adolescents can manage stress and anxiety in themselves.Keywords: Mental, Health and Adolescen

    Implementasi Algoritma Linear Congruent Method Pada Pengacakan Soal Kuis dalam Aplikasi Mobile Learning Anemia Berbasis Android (MobiliA)

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    Anemia is a lack of blood condition with reduction in hemoglobin as one of indicator. According to data from the Basic Health Research in 2013, the prevalence of anemia sufferers in Indonesia was high at 37.1%. The figure was almost close to severe public health problems with an anemia prevalence limit of more than 40%. However, this was not accompanied by low public knowledge about anemia.Therefore, researcher created an anemia mobile learning application based on android to increase people knowledge about anemia in everytime.There were quizzes randomly issued using the Linear Congruent Method algorithm. Linear Congruent Method algorithm, which was an algorithm that produced random permutations from a finite set. Testing Linear Congruent Method (LCM) algorithm was able to produce an effective randomization problem, where there was no repetition of the same value if the value of the declared variable meets the determination parameters of the existing LCM Algorithm i.e. the increment value and modulus must be relatively prime.