50 research outputs found

    Dynamic impacts of a financial reform of the CAP on regional land use, income and overall growth

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    In this paper we investigate the impacts of abolishing the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the post-2013 European Union (EU) financial perspective and the impacts of re-investing the released funds on research and development (R&D). We apply a linked system of models to analyze the impacts for the EU member states. The linked system consists of five land-use sector models (agriculture, forestry, urban area, tourism and transport infrastructure), which are connected to a macro-econometric model. Additionally, a land cover model is used to disaggregate land use countries to a 1 km² grid. Three scenarios are analysed. In the “baseline” currently decided policies are assumed to be continued until 2025. In the “tax rebate” scenario agricultural support (first pillar) is removed, and the member states’ contributions to EU lowered. In the “R&D investments” scenario agricultural support is also removed, and the released funds are used to increase general R&D efforts in the EU. We find that in both liberalization scenarios, agricultural producer prices drop compared to the baseline. Agricultural production drops too, but less so in the “R&D investment” scenario due to productivity gains resulting from the increased R&D spending. In some countries, the productivity gains totally offset the negative impact of liberalisation on agricultural production. Smaller agricultural production implies less agricultural land use, and the more so in the “R&D Investment” scenario where productivity increases. The fall in agricultural production and prices negatively affects economic activity and households’ purchasing power, but the reduced direct taxation compensates this effect and results in a GDP gain of 0.53% and 0.8 million additional jobs. In “R&D investment” GDP gain reaches 2.57% and yields 2.95 million additional jobs in EU in 2025. The GDP, consumption and employment gains in the “R&D Investment” scenario widely exceed the losses in the agriculture sectors. The analysis indicates that if no external effects of agriculture are considered, then the CAP is an inefficient use of tax money, and that a considerable contribution to reaching the goals of the Lisbon agenda would be achieved if the same amount of money was instead invested in R&D.CAP reform, economical growth, land use, Agricultural and Food Policy, Land Economics/Use,

    Verdeling van de toeslagen van de eerste pijler van het GLB over landbouwbedrijven in de EU

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    In deze studie is een analyse gemaakt van de verdeling van de toeslagen van de eerste pijler van het Gemeenschappelijk landbouwbeleid over landbouwbedrijven in de EU28. Deze verdeling laat een onevenwichtig beeld zien: in 2015 ontving 81% van de EU-boeren 20% van de toeslagen. Landbouwbedrijven die weinig toeslagen ontvangen hebben doorgaans minder hectares dan bedrijven die veel toeslagen ontvangen. De onevenwichtige verdeling van toeslagen ontstaat doordat de groep boeren met weinig hectares in de EU28 veel groter is dan de groep met veel hectares

    Distribution of CAP pillar 1 payments to farmers in the EU

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    During this study, an analysis was conducted of the distribution of direct payments from the first pillar of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to farmers in the EU28. This distribution has been shown to be uneven: in 2015, 81% of EU farmers received 20% of the payments. Farms that receive few payments are usually smaller than those that receive higher payments. The uneven distribution of direct payments is caused by the fact that the group of farmers with small farms in the EU28 is much larger than the group with large farms

    Potentials of a Harmonised Database for Agricultural Market Modelling

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    The study analysed existing databases for agricultural market data on errors and discrepancies and to elaborate the possibilities to harmonise datasets for policy modelling. The study supports DG AGRI in improving quality and timely availability of data for market modelling and ensuring that data from different sources are consistent. This study aims to provide a structure for a consolidated database for policy modelling which does not alter existing databases. Within this report, existing databases are analysed to derive key insights for setting-up a harmonised metabase. As available databases comprise statistical databases as well as scientific model databases, both groups are studied. For the purpose of this study, statistical databases are defined as providers of the information that international institutes receive from their reporters, while the reporters are required to provide harmonised, complete, consistent, and where possible, timely data series for establishing models or other quantitative methods. Nevertheless, a statistical database can also serve as a model database, such as e.g. PS&D. Statistical databases from international institutions (FAO, USDA, Eurostat), as well as model databases (AGLINK/COSIMO, AGMEMOD, CAPRI/CAPSIM, ESIM, FAPRI, GTAP, FARM, IMPACT), were studied to find ways of consolidating data and providing insights that allow for a better comparison of model results. For this reason, various classification schemes used in agricultural statistics were reviewed (country, product, balance item, year, unit), as was the manner in which the different modelling groups have dealt with these classifications in their databases. Besides a common classification, a harmonised database for market modelling purposes will require further efforts to be applied to a consolidation effort for the original data. Such a procedure must be supplemented by methods dealing with completion and balancing.JRC.J.5-Agriculture and Life Sciences in the Econom

    Future land-use change in the Netherlands: an analysis based on a chain of models

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    Analyses of the impact of European policies on agricultural change are most often based on agricultural sector models. Such models have their limitations: they cannot specify the interaction between agriculture and the rest of the economy, and their spatial dimension is usually limited. Land use simulation models, on the other hand, usually depend on other models for assessing the demand for land. The consistency of those models with the assumptions and databases of the land use model is often not examined. This article reports on a research project where the links between a macroeconomic model, an agricultural sector model and a land use model were explicitly explored in order to arrive at a consistent model chain. This integrated framework was put to the test by applying it to two contrasting scenarios, which compare impact on agricultural incomes, land use and land management.land use, CAP, agricultural policy analyses, Netherlands, Agricultural and Food Policy, Land Economics/Use,

    Effects of selling public intervention stocks of skimmed milk powder

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    At the request of the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, this report analyses the potential market impacts and budgetary effects of different strategies of selling EU public intervention stocks of skimmed milk powder (SMP). A gradual phasing out of the EU's SMP stocks over a two-year period is likely to have a negative impact on the EU’s SMP prices. The use of alternative market outlets reduces the negative price impacts on the regular SMP market, but implies that a significant loss in sales value of SMP stocks has to be accepted. When the stocked SMP ages, at a certain moment there may be no other option than the use of alternative channels to destock and an increasing budget expenditure will then be unavoidable

    Vleesconsumptie per hoofd van de bevolking in Nederland, 2005-2018

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    Deze nota geeft een overzicht van de vleesconsumptie per hoofd van de bevolking in Nederland in de jaren 2005-2018. Het totale verbruik van vlees en vleeswaren per hoofd van de bevolking in Nederland ligt in 2018 iets boven de 77 kg (op basis van karkasgewicht). Dit is ruim een halve kilo meer dan in 2017

    Vleesconsumptie per hoofd van de bevolking in Nederland, 2005-2016

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    In deze notitie geven we een overzicht van de vleesconsumptie per hoofd van de bevolking inNederland in de jaren 2005-2016. Het totale verbruik van vlees en vleeswaren per hoofd van debevolking in Nederland bedraagt in 2016 bijna 77 kg (op basis van karkasgewicht). Dat is vrijwel gelijkaan de consumptie in 2015